Chapter Forty Three:

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I can't breathe. 

Amanda tosses the tests in the trash and washes her hands. I lean against the bathroom wall. I can't really comprehend what is happening. My mind is spinning and I feel sick again. "Amanda, there's no way," I find myself whispering. 

"Come on," Amanda puts her hand on my shoulder. "It will work out, I promise. For right now, we're going to focus on school work. We're going to go to tutoring, and finish out the rest of the school day, and then I'll take you to a clinic. For all we know it could just be another false positive." 

I stare at her pointedly. "It was two tests, Amanda."

"That doesn't mean anything," Amanda squeezes my shoulder. "Maybe you just have something in your system right now that's making it positive."

"Yeah, like a baby."

"Alice, I'm going to smack you into next week if you don't listen to me." Amanda warns. I squeeze my eyes shut and nod for her to continue. "The doctors will know for sure, alright? And if it really is positive, then we'll go from there." 

I open my eyes. I feel like crying. My throat has constricted around a painful lump. Amanda flashes me a reassuring smile. "There's nothing to freak out about just yet." I suck in a sharp breath, and nod. She's right; I shouldn't have a melt down just yet. At least not until I get home, and am free from the impending embarrassment that ugly-crying in a school bathroom could bring. 

Amanda's smile widens. "Good. Now go to Ms. Henry's classroom, and tell her I'll be along in a moment. I have to go to the bathroom." 

I nod. As I exit the bathroom, I notice Miley walking down the hallway, toward me. I suck in a sharp breath and move away from the bathroom, watching with wide eyes as she draws closer. Her eyes snap up to meet mine and then narrow. I exhale; she hadn't heard anything that had happened in the bathroom. "I know I'm gorgeous," Miley's voice is almost painfully nasal, "But please. It's rude to stare." 

I roll my eyes. 

She disappears into the bathroom, and I start toward Ms. Henry's classroom. The busy woman just gives me a look when I enter, and I duck my head. Amanda appears a few moments later as I am pulling out my worksheets. She wears a sour look on her face. I open my mouth to ask her about it, but she shakes her head, and Ms. Henry starts the tutoring session. 

Tutoring is over fairly quickly, and as we walk out of the building, Amanda freezes. I pause, my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion, and glance around for the source of her immobility. Miley stands a few feet away, surrounded by Bimbo 2 and Red-Roots. Her lips are curled with a sneer. 

"Oh boy," I sigh. What little spirit I had left vanished in a whoosh of cold air. Miley glances at me, and my worst fears are confirmed. She knew. 

"Well," Miley's gaze flickers back to Amanda as she speaks, "If it isn't the next Virgin Mary." 

Amanda lets out a huff. "Just let it alone, Miley." 

I swallow thickly and watch Miley as she stalks closer. I feel faint. 

Miley stops in front of us, and her features twist with a smirk. My gaze narrows when I realize that her attention seems to be more focused on Amanda. "Tell me," the dark haired girl muses, "How does a lesbian get pregnant?" 

My gaze snaps toward Amanda. I stare at her, bewildered, and Miley flips her hair over her shoulder as she waits for Amanda to respond. Amanda glares at her and folds her arms across her chest. 

"But she's not," I start to say, but Amanda grabs my arm. Her lips twitch back into a smile and she shakes her head. 

Miley's gaze flickers to me, and her eyes narrow. I return her gaze with a heated glare. "You've turned into a real bitch, you know that? Leave her alone. She hasn't done anything to you." I can understand why Miley wanted to be a bitch to me, but not to Amanda. Amanda is nice to everybody, for the most part. 

"Whatever," Miley sighs dramatically, and then rolls her eyes. Her gaze darts back to Amanda. "I feel really bad for that baby. Hopefully it won't be as ugly as its mother." 

My hands curl into tight fists, and I'm about to swing when a somewhat familiar voice cuts through. "Hey. Why don't you get a life and leave them alone?" 

Amanda's eyes widen. I follow her gaze and am surprised to see Bimbo standing a few feet away, near the door to the building, in all her sweatpants-glory. She looks like a stylish bum, with her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail and her hands stuffed into the pockets of her bright pink jacket. She glares at Miley, who returns her look venomously. 

"Bimbo?" I hear myself ask incredulously. 

Her gaze shifts toward me, and she ducks her head. I hear Miley scoff, and then the late bell rings. "Come on losers," she addresses her posse, "Let's get to class." She shoots Amanda and I one last glare, and then walks away. 

Amanda and I share a surprised look, and then glance toward Bimbo. We watch as she pulls open the door to the building and then walks inside. I fold my arms across my chest and press my lips into a firm line. 

"That was interesting," Amanda comments idly, her gaze focused on the door. 

I shoot her a sideways glance. "Definitely." 

Then I punch her playfully in the arm. "That's for not letting me tell Miley the truth." 

Amanda rubs at her arm. She pouts. "I figured that you have enough to deal with right now. You don't need the teasing that goes along with it just yet." 

"You're the best, you know that?" I loop my arm through hers and we start walking toward our next period. 

She grins. "I know." 

I want to apologize for this chapter. I don't like it at all. But I've spent the last couple of days trying to write this and make it better. It just didn't happen. Oh well. I hope you at least somewhat enjoy it. Hopefully the next chapter will be ready (and better) soon!

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