Chapter Twenty Three:

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High Alice = Fun Alice.

I seriously enjoyed this chapter. She reminds me of...well...myself in the mornings. I get real mean. Well, not now obviously, since I didn't make y'all wait for this chapter ;)

That's partially because I feel guilty about not being able to update during this week, but still. Remember to vote!

And if you like this story, check out some of my others too :) Like Supers (I would seriously appreciate some feedback on this story! Like it is my baby and I think you'll really like it!), or Like A Witch! 


I wake up groggy, and seriously freaking irritated. My head is a clouded ball of mush, and I glare at the fuzzy things arranged in front of me. Several people are talking; actually, I take that back people aren't just talking, someone is literally screaming at the top of her lungs. It's annoying. 

"She's awake," I am barely able to make sense of the garbled mumble. 

The screaming stops, and one of the blurs whirls around. Something cold and clammy touches my face and jerks it this way and that. Mutters swirl around my head. "Don't touch me," I snarl, though it sounds more like an alcoholic's slurred grumble, and I point at the hands in a threatening manner. 

"She's okay," the once screaming voice sighs in relief, and I recognize it as belonging to my mother. 

"Get your hands off of me," I repeat, and swat at her hands. I feel like shit, and now my head hurts from all the chaos. "I don't want to be touched. Bubble." I show her the boundaries of my bubble and then the world blurs. 

"Whoa, there," another familiar voice murmurs, and my head is twisted away from my mother. Bright baby blues fill my vision and my eyes narrow with confusion. One of his hands cradles my head, and the other rests on the bed beside me. The free hand, the one not holding my head up, is covered with bright blue gauze. 

I point at him, "You can touch me." 

He laughs. I blink several times and lean away from him, feeling dizzy. Something isn't right; my senses are all whacked up, and I feel ditsy. Something soft squishes beneath my head --a feather-filled pillow the color of bleached white. I look around me again, and realize that I'm sprawled out atop a hard bed, and a thin layer of blue shields my body from the rest of the world. 

"Where am I?" I turn my head toward my mother, and it goes in an awkwardly fast pace. I lose control until Blue-Eyes helps me straighten again. "Whoa," I gasp, eyes swirling around dizzily. 

"You're a little high right now," my mother explains, a hard expression on her face. She sits beside me in one of the small brown cushioned chairs that look like molded poop. "The nurse said that you might wake up soon, but that you'd be under heavy anesthetics." 

I squint at her as I wait for the words to make sense inside my head. A shadow moves forward, freeing itself from the corner of the room, and I stare as someone vaguely familiar appears at the foot of my bed. "Alice, I am so sorry." 

"Who the hell are you?" I can't figure out who he is. 

Shock bristles across his features. A hand curls around the back of his neck, and his elbow just kind of dangles there, like the long end of a noose. His spirits are obviously crushed. 

"Go away, Devon," Blue-Eyes growls from beside me, "You've already done enough damage." 

"Do not talk to my son that way," a squirrel-y woman glides forward, and jabs a finger in Blue-Eye's direction. "If you two hadn't been dawdling in the middle of the street, none of this would have happened." 

Blue-Eyes jumps to his feet, glaring. But my mother beats him to it. I cringe against the mattress as she unleashes hell upon the brown haired woman. "If your son actually knew how to fucking drive, then we wouldn't be in this mess," she started with, and some how ended her ten minute long rant with, "And go get your freaking eyebrows done, you old hag. You look like you have a uni-brow!" 

"You all are insane," I mutter and try to roll onto my side --away from the madness and toward the sexy human being who has sat back down beside me. But something snags, and I realize there is a thick needle protruding from my elbow. 

I glare at it, "What the hell is this?" I demand angrily, and point to the needle with my free hand. My gaze lands on Blue-Eyes, who sports a slightly shocked expression, and I scowl at him. "I did not approve of this. Did you do this?" 

"No," he cracks a thin smile at me, "The nurses did it when you first arrived." 

"You know they could be trying to shoot me up with heroin, right?" I start plucking at the tape that secures the needle to my arm and grumble, "Need to get this shit out before I get infected." 

Blue-Eyes snags my free hand, "No, don't touch that." 

"Hey," I scowl at him, "When I said you could touch me, I meant somewhere else. I am using that arm, thank you very much." I pull away from him, but he keeps his grip iron tight. I insist, "Come back later." 

He shakes his head and pulls my hand to his face, leaning his cheek against my open palm. His blue eyes smolder me for a second, and then I give his cheek a good squeeze. He grimaces in pain and I nod, eyes narrowed. "That's right. Let go of my hand." 

"Alice," I hear my mother sigh in exasperation, "Stop being mean. The boy saved your life." 

"And now he is trying to kill me with heroin," I snap at her, and it's a struggle to twist my head toward her. Colors swirl around my vision and it takes a few blinks for everything to straighten out. I notice that Devon and his family is no where to be seen. 

My mother strokes my hair, "Just go to sleep, Alice. You're even weirding your boyfriend out." 

I make a strangled fish noise and look around the room excitedly. "I have a boyfriend?" I try to sit up, and completely ignore Blue-Eyes as he tries to keep me from catapulting from the bed. "Where?" I look around and squint, "Is he hot? He has to be hot." 

"I'm your boyfriend," Blue-Eyes grabs my face and focuses my attention on him. 

I blink at him, glance him over, and then my jaw completely unhinges as I gawk at him. "You are?" The pure wonder and surprise in my tone makes the beautiful boy laugh, and the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkles. He nods, "Yeah. I would like to be anyways." 

Swallowing thickly, I pucker my eyebrows and think it over. I sneak a small look back at his face, "Are you sure?" I ask, unsure myself. He's way too hot to be my boyfriend. I mean, I'm pretty, but I'm not that pretty. I think...

My brain hurts. 

Something soft brushes my forehead, and I look up, watching Blue-Eyes as he leans back. "Go to sleep, Alice," he murmurs, and a soft thumb caresses my cheekbone. "We'll talk more about this when you really wake up." 

I glare at him. "Oh no. I am not being the bitch in the relationship." 

He chuckles, "I didn't mean it like that." 

I jab a finger at him and growl, "I am the one who wears the panties. And if you ever want to get into them, then you better be good." 

"Alice," I hear my mother growl in warning.

I ignore her. "You can't tell me when to sleep. I tell me when to sleep. You can fuck off." I whip my head dramatically to the side, facing away from him, and close my eyes, "Now I will sleep." 

The last thing I hear is my mother's exasperated sigh, and Blue-Eye's deeply amused chuckle. And then my mother whispering, "Thank you for saving her," to someone in the room. 

Naturally, I don't remember anything the next morning. 

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