Chapter 26 ❀ Thoughts Of Him | NSFW

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"I'm home." Piers announced not too loudly, but not too silently either as he slipped out of his shoes at the entrance. He considered taking off his jacket to be muscle memory, but now that he was wearing the cozy hoodie of his boyfriend, he couldn't bring himself to slip out of it. It's not like he wanted to, either.

His cheeks were still tinted pink, not only because of the way Raihan had seen him off but also due to the cold that he left outside. The spiky-head wasn't expecting to be greeted at this hour — it was quite late after all, even if his little sister was a Noctowl. He was a tad surprised when he saw a source of light just around the entrance's corner, but not too much when he noticed Marnie slouching on the couch.

"Welcome back." The girl grumbled, her words almost inaudible due to the way she was burying her chin in her upper torso. She lazily held her Rotom Phone in front of herself while texting away, probably, her emerald eyes never darting away from the screen — the only source of light in the room. That and the telly which had probably only been turned on for background sounds.

"How come you're not sleepin' yet?" Came Piers hoarse voice, his throat still in process of accustoming itself with the contrastingly warm surroundings. Marnie finally shifted her attention to her older brother who reminded her more of a nagging parent, though she knew he only had her best interests in mind.

"I'm textin' with a friend. You know, Gloria. I told you 'bout her." The ravenette answered, waving her electronic device slightly as if to prove her point. As soon as her elder sibling returned her a nod, she concentrated on answering the new message that had just popped on her screen. It was only then that she noticed that Piers seemed to look somewhat physically different than the usual.

While the other was making his way towards his room, Marnie snuck in another quick peek and could finally put a finger on her suspicions. Her lips curled into a small, smirk-like smile at the sight of the oversized jacket that prevented any trace of cold from making its way to her big brother's sensitive skin.

"Is that your boyfriend's?" She blurted out, without thinking and meaning exactly what she was implying. The blunt comment threw the spiky-head off guard a tad, something that was exposed by his cyan orbs flying wide for a mere second, followed by a red color painting his cheeks. As if his face wasn't enough to give him away, Piers scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, avoiding his sister's gaze. "Y-Yeah..."

He and Raihan weren't the most official with their relationship, though they never hid it or made up excuses when they were asked by others directly. In Piers' case, Marnie was the first person he had told this to out of his own volition, the Team Yell grunts following after. They were all endearingly understanding about it and the fact that he was dating someone of the same gender — and he truly appreciated it to a point that was indescribable.

"A-Anyway, I'll head to sleep now. Don't stay up too late." Piers couldn't remember ever having stuttered in his little sibling's presence, so this was a first. Then again, the talk was about Raihan, and Raihan owned a lot of his firsts, so adding another to the list wasn't that surprising in the end.

Marnie on the other hand had always thought of her older brother as someone cool and reliable, so it was also an unusual occurrence when the words "so cute" filled her thoughts as the latter left to his room with bright red ears.

With his door now closed — and locked, for uncertain reasons — Piers slowly strolled towards the bed that he had failed to make this morning, plopping onto it whilst sinking his entire weight into the mattress. As soft as they were and as much comfort as his sheets usually provided him with, the spiky-head seemed to be aware of Raihan's hoodie, and Raihan's hoodie only.

Even though the slightest of low temperatures always caused Piers to shiver and cover himself in countless layers of thick clothes, he felt extremely hot when only wearing his lover's jacket. And despite that, he showed no signs of wanting to take it off.

As he lay there, thoughtlessly looking at the ceiling, Piers remembered Raihan's words — so well in fact, that it felt like the person in question was hoarsely whispering them into his ear. "Keep it for tonight and think about me before going to bed." Piers simply couldn't wipe the image of Raihan's playful smirk away from his mind.

As the memories intensified, the spiky-head sensed a wave of heat spreading throughout his body, and his face wasn't the only place it went to. Not even trying to distract himself from his obscene thoughts, he poured oil into the fire that had lit inside of him by burying his nose into his boyfriend's hoodie.

Raihan's entrancing smell still lingered on the cloth, releasing a horde of Butterfree every time Piers decided to inhale some more of it. He wasn't even aware that he was stifling a series of hums by pressing his lips together tightly, even less that he had begun rubbing his thighs against each other.

The sudden friction snapped him out of his trance and back to reality, the reality in which he had a tent slowly growing in his pants. The slight frustration he could no longer ignore drove the male's mind to filling itself with thoughts like "Why couldn't he just have spent the night here?" or "Would we have really done it?"

"What I'm saying, is that my love is a bit deeper than that of other people. Especially in bed." What Raihan had said to him before parting ways still resonated in his head as if it had happened only seconds ago. The dragon tamer's voice sounded so much more seductive in Piers' memories, and that only fueled the ever so swelling lust.

Having been reminded of those words, the young man couldn't stop himself from picturing that specific picture in his mind, imagining just how deep Raihan's feelings ran and what he was like in the bedroom. Piers wasn't exactly someone who gave in to his desires easily, but in this case his curiosity outweighed his rationality.

Before his already clouded mind could even catch up with his own actions, Piers' hand already hovered above his nether regions. He had to still the throbbing sensation between his legs at this point, and there was only one effective way of doing so — wether he liked admitting it or not.

He dove his hand into not only his pants, but his underwear as well, his cold fingers snaking around his contrastingly warm shaft. Even though the one gripping it was himself, he couldn't prevent a tiny gasp from escaping his throat at the sensation. The spiky-head couldn't remember the last time he had touched himself, and with Raihan being the only thing occupying his thoughts right now, he didn't know if he was ever going to get enough satisfaction on his own.

Not once had he let another person touch him where he was most sensitive, at least not after that one time six years ago at Hotel Ionia. As much as he wished to, Piers couldn't recall the way Raihan let his hands travel all over his body, so he had to leave that part up to his wild imagination.

How would Raihan act now? He would probably be the teasing type — when thinking that, Piers slid his palm upwards in a motion so slow that it was almost painful. He reversed his gesture and repeated it identically, shivers racing up his spine as he squinted his eyes.

Raihan's fingers were longer than his own, and his hand was way more calloused in comparison. Even though the facts were as clear as day, it still felt immensely good to imagine that the hand pumping his erection belonged to his caramel-skinned lover.

Piers halted his movements momentarily when his palm reached the top for the nth time again, sneakily pressing his slightly trembling thumb against his tip. He felt his cheeks flush even more when he was faced with the embarrassment of being excited to the point that something sticky was already dripping down his member. That wasn't enough to stop him though.

He pictured Raihan lying next to him, whispering his name and sweet nothings ever so erotically to his ear as he kept rubbing his thumb against Piers' tip persistently. That gesture was causing the transparent liquid to smear all over his hands and lower body. "Raihan..."

"R-Raihan...!" Thinking it was no longer enough, a fact proven by the way his name so smoothly rolled off the spiky-head's lips. Piers buried his face deeper into his boyfriend's jacket, smelling it as tears pricked his eyes, the pace of his hand exceeding almost desperate levels.

The scenario of Piers hiding himself in Raihan's hoodie and mewling in pleasure continued to unfold deep into the night, the male that usually went to sleep early due to fatigue not feeling the slightest hint of tiredness as he carried on. His initial fears had come through, and in order to reach his climax, the spiky-head had to resort to using his backside as well.

A muffled groan was the final sign of Piers terminating his session, and he couldn't help but frown when he did. He lifted up his hand and extended it to the ceiling, his palm still facing his way though. There were a couple of transparent strings that hung between his fingers, and a sticky stain that covered the center of his hand.

Although he felt and had been feeling great pleasure up until now, a small sense of guilt sneaked its way into Piers' stomach at the realization of what he had just done.

"Raihan went out of his way to give me his jacket an' what do I do with it?"


My note to you:
This was so sinful holy crap xD It was also my first ever time writing a solo bedroom activity, so please go easy on me! >w<

Thank You for Reading!

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