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Story inspired by the red ranger isekai manga and JackDroid 's newest isekai story

Backstory made with the help of Venom5225

Name: Lucas D Marvelous

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 83 kg


Alias: Kamen Rider Marvelous

Other Aliases: Big Bro, Otouto, Darling, Honey, Baby, Master, Babe, Honeybun, Dear, My Husband, among others.

Background: Lucas D Marvelous was a somewhat normal autistic boy, to be fair, normal was kind of a stretch but not even himself knew he was truly special. One day, Lucas found what looked like a destroyed pirate ship, inside the ship Lucas found a dying alien technorganic parrot called Navi, who told him about how this ship used to belong to the Red Pirates, who were now dead and the ship fell on Earth. While they talked, Lucas and Navi were attacked by kaijins who detected the signature of the treasure kept in the ship, so Navi gifted the treasure, the Marvelous Driver and Ranger Keys, so Lucas could fight against the kaijins, transforming into Kamen Rider Marvelous. During the next couple months, Lucas started protecting his city against the monsters who wanted the power of the keys. During one of those fights, Lucas gave his life to destroy the ship of the monsters, wanting to at least die as the hero he dreamed of becoming when he was a kid. But if life is full of surprises, so his death, as Lucas was met by the goddess Elo and her girlfriend, the she-devil Luci, who saw the teen’s noble sacrifice and decided to gift him with a new chance of living in another world, keeping his powers and gear, and that is where his journey truly starts!


Isekai Mc Physiology: The user is an "isekai'd" character, a character that finds themselves in another world which operates on different rules than the one they hail from. Oftentimes, Isekai characters are summoned to the world to fulfill a certain purpose and have unique abilities to help them succeed. On other occasions, the transfer is not physical, but instead spiritual, with a person gaining memories of a person from another world or a person from another world being reincarnated into the new body.

Light Novel Protagonist Physiology: The user is or has the power of a protagonist in a Light-Novel setting. In many ways, the protagonist is the opposite of their Shonen counterparts and share similarities with those of the Seinen genre. While a protagonist of shonen series is usually energetic, dimwitted, and sometimes starts off at the lower end of the Power Level chart, a Light Novel Hero is typically intelligent, stoic, and insightful with power, skill, ability, or simple morality. Another difference is that a Light Novel protagonist is a chick magnet. This can typically lad to gaining a harem, wanted or otherwise not, without fail.  Appearance-wise, while shonen characters typically have outlandish costumes or outfits, bright and/or spiky hair, and rough facial features. A protagonist of Light Novel is more often than not, an ordinary High-School Student of particular Asian features, a NEET, or some other kind of average person with dark and/or neat hair and soft facial features. Even in a fantasy setting, they'll probably be an attendee of the local Extranormal Institute or just your average blue-collar joe taking jobs at the Adventure Guild. Costume-wise, the protagonist wears either an ordinary high school uniform, some other simple outfit often equipped with a long coat or cape, and a simplistic uniform.

Henshin Hero Physiology: The user is a transforming hero, a character whose normal identity and superhero identity are strictly separate, powers and all. They have distinct normal and superpowered forms, and need to actively switch between the two.  In some cases, while the user is capable of using their powers to a limited extent in their normal form, they still need to transform to use them to their full potential.

Combat Mastery: Users, either innately or through training, possess mastery in combat greater than peak members of their species. Against other humans, they are extremely skilled, being able to outclass most opponents with or without the use of weapons, being able to take on multiple aggressors at once. Users usually possess knowledge that improves their overall fighting skills, specifically through training. They usually have vast knowledge on targeting vulnerable areas on another's body and how to execute it while in battle. In terms of defense, experts can easily counter most attacks with the bare hands, either by deflecting or parrying.  The user's combat skill is at the zenith of natural human potential. The user is able to take down multiple human grand-masters at once with this ability. They are far beyond that of the finest human martial artists and able to learn new martial arts in a very short period of time. Users may also take down individuals who are superhuman with this ability.  Users also have an intuitive mastery of the associated combat skills, techniques, body language and choice of words subtly sending all the signals to others, granting them major leverage in any combat situation. Users can perfectly and without a single flaw or mistake use any and every type of combat skill and technique there is, was and will ever be, whenever they want with zero effort by themselves in a short amount of time.  User can engage in combat so flawlessly that it instantly hooks everyone that’s sees it, and every person that sees it instantly thinks it’s the very peak of combat. Each combat skill the user utilizes will be objectively and unanimously perfect in every facet aspect and detail. Each combat skill the user utilizes will be an immediate unmatched success in every way.  This is the ultimate combat mechanism, making it virtually impossible to defeat the user, since the user will automatically fight with perfect efficiency, skill, technique and timing. The users full and complete mastery in combat and anything related to makes them as the ultimate combatant.  This also allows the user to dominate any and every combat-based competition on any and every competition level at any time in all aspects easily.

Summoning Arts: The user can utilize the Summoning Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around summoning power. Practitioners engage in unique training methods revolving around the ability to call forth certain entities (spirits, demons, angels, gods, animals, objects, etc.). This often involves forming a supernatural contract that binds summoners and summoned being together. Along with invoking said entities, the user learns how to control them and use the relationship to manifest desirable abilities such as enhanced combat skill, healing, energy/matter manipulation and others based on the nature of the materialized being.

Transformation Arts: The user can utilize the Transformation Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around transformative/shapeshifting abilities. Users can transform into states of higher power or even mimic the physiological powers of other entities.

Power Suit: The user possesses and utilizes a special suit, costume, or article of clothing that grants them a variety of powers or other attributes. This suit can either be a technological or mystical suit of armor, symbiotic creature or simple street clothing.

Object Empowerment: User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when near and/or using objects, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from objects or even slow or stop aging. Users of this power do not require an empowering object as they are able to draw empowerment from regular, unspecial versions of the correct object types.

. Belt Empowerment: The user becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc., when they come into contact with belts, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the belts or even slow or stop aging.

. Armor Empowerment: User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when near or using armor, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from armor or even slow or stop aging.

. Key Empowerment: The user can use various powers based on the usage of keys which surrounds to the concept of locking and unlocking things, such as opening/closing doorways to specific location/objects or gaining access to specific things, all of which can cause phenomenon to take effect from the keys all fundamentally depending on the design and intention the keys were meant for like freezing people in place, being seen but not noticed, or accessing bodies and souls.



. Post isekai changes:

. Has a built in RPG system

. Has infinite battery

. Has an infinite connection to the internet of any world that Lucas has traveled to

. Can extend the system to other people

. Has Elo and Luci’s numbers saved

. Works through technomagic

. Has an adaptable GPS that adapts to any world Lucas is

Marvelous Driver:

Ranger Keys:

Primary Form: Kamen Rider Marvelous, Pirate Force

Primary Weapons: Gokai Saber and Gokai Gun

He has access to a set of mechs/megazords which he can summon at will, both the complete formations and the individual zords. Here’s a sneak peak:

Bulk Skull Megazord

Mega Turtlezord

Forever Red Megazord

Soul of the Dragon Megazord


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