Prologue: New World, New Purpose

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(At Y/N's apartment)

(Y/N, a 19-year-old college student, is sitting on his couch, watching TV. He is holding a remote control and a bag of chips. He is bored and restless.)

Y/N: (voice over) My name is Y/N, and this is my boring life. I'm a college student, but I don't have any passion or direction. I just go to classes, do homework, and watch TV. I don't have any friends, or hobbies, or dreams. I don't have anything that makes me happy or excited. I'm just... existing.

(He flips through the channels, stopping at a news report.)

Reporter: ...and in other news, a truck driver lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a busy intersection, causing a massive pile-up and several injuries. The police are still investigating the cause of the accident...

Y/N: (voice over) Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in a different world. A world where anything is possible. A world where I could be someone else. Someone who has a purpose, a power, a destiny. Someone who can make a difference.

(He changes the channel again, stopping at a cartoon show.)

Announcer: And now, back to One Piece, the epic adventure of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of pirates, who sail the seas in search of the legendary treasure, the One Piece!

Y/N: (voice over) One Piece. That's my favorite show. I've watched every episode, read every manga, played every game. I love the characters, the story, the humor, the action. I love the world of One Piece. A world where pirates, marines, and other factions compete for the One Piece. A world where people can eat Devil Fruits and gain supernatural abilities. A world where there are islands, oceans, and creatures beyond imagination.

(He smiles and leans forward, watching the show with interest.)

Y/N: (voice over) If I could choose one world to live in, it would be the world of One Piece. I would love to be a pirate, and join Luffy's crew. I would love to have a Devil Fruit power, and fight against the enemies. I would love to have an adventure, and find the One Piece.

(He sighs and leans back, shaking his head.

Y/N: (voice over) But that's just a fantasy. A silly, childish fantasy. I know it's not real. I know it's not possible. I know I'm stuck in this world. This boring, dull, hopeless world.

(He turns off the TV and throws the remote control on the floor. He gets up and grabs his backpack.)

Y/N: (voice over) Maybe I should go out for a walk. Maybe I'll find something interesting to do. Maybe I'll meet someone who can change my life. Maybe I'll find a way to escape this reality.

(He puts on his jacket and opens the door.)


(In the streets, Y/N is seen walking along the sidewalk, looking around. He sees people, cars, buildings, shops, signs, but nothing catches his eye. He feels empty and lonely.)

Y/N: (voice over) This is the world I live in. A world where nothing matters. A world where nothing happens. A world where nothing changes.

(He crosses the street, waiting for the green light. He sees a truck coming from the opposite direction, speeding and swerving. He hears a horn and a scream.)

(He turns his head and sees a KID, a 10-year-old boy, running across the street, chasing a ball. He is unaware of the truck.)

Y/N: (gasps) The kid is in danger.

(He drops his backpack and runs towards the kid, pushing him out of the way. He takes the hit from the truck, flying in the air and landing on the ground. He is bleeding and unconscious.)

(The truck stops and the DRIVER gets out, panicking. The kid gets up and runs to Leo, crying. The people around them gather and call for help.)

Kid: Mister! Mister! Are you okay? Please wake up! Please!

Driver: Oh my God! Oh my God! What have I done? I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!

Citizen 1: Call an ambulance!

Citizen 2: Call the police!

Citizen 3: Is he alive?

Citizen 4: Is he dead?

Y/N: (over voice) Goodbye, real world. What I didn't know was that wasn't the end for me.

(In the world of One Piece, Y/N is seen waking up as he finds himself in a familiar town.)

Y/N: Am I in... One Piece? How is that possible?

(Suddenly he sees something on his chest.)

Y/N: I don't remember having this... what does it do?

(He clicks the device, and becomes Optimus Prime, but with a different color scheme.)

Y/N: I'm Optimus Prime? But why am I purple instead of red?

(Y/N then remembers he read some comics named "Transformers: Shattered Glass", where the Autobots are evil, and the Decepticons are good.)

Y/N: Am I destined to... no! I'm not a villain! I will make my own destiny! I will be a hero!

(Y/N then decides to start his new life in the world of his dreams.)

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