Chapter 10: Meeting Penny/Rise of the True Evil Queen

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(Y/N and his teammates are seen helping the android girl up.)

Y/N: Are you... okay?

Penny: I'm wonderful! Thank you for asking. My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Y/N: Hi, Penny. My name is Y/N L/N, but everyone calls me "Earthworm Jim".

Ruby: I'm Ruby.

Weiss: I'm Weiss.

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Are you sure you didn't hit your head? (Blake hits her side) Oh, I'm Yang.

Tiny: I'm Tiny Kong.

Dixie: I'm Dixie Kong.

Shantae: I'm Shantae.

Nega-Shantae: Nega-Shantae!

Risky: Risky Boots is my name!

Nora: And I'm Nora Valkyrie!

Penny: It's a pleasure to meet you!

Weiss: You already said that.

Penny: (pauses again) So I did!

Y/N: Sorry for running into you.

Ruby: (waving her arm) Take care, friend!

Yang: (when they get far enough away from a startled Penny) She was... weird...

Weiss: (looking to her right) Now, where did that Faunus riff-raff run off to?

Penny: (suddenly in front of a surprised Weiss) What did you call me?

Yang: (as Weiss looks back and forth in shock and Yang looks apologetic) Oh, I'm really sorry, I definitely didn't think you heard me!

Penny: No, not you. (walks through the group and leans her head down to Ruby) You!

Ruby: (startled) Me? I-I don't know. I, what I, um, uh...

Penny: You called me 'friend'! Am I really your friend?

Ruby: Uuuum... (turns to Y/N, who nods) Y-Yeah, sure! Why not?

Penny: (laughs overjoyed) Sen-sational! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys like... (turns to Y/N) Y/N!

Ruby: (groaning to Weiss as she brushes herself off) Oh, is this what it was like when you met me?

Weiss: No - she seems far more coordinated.

Yang: So... what are you doing in Vale?

Penny: I'm here to fight in the tournament.

Weiss: Wait, you're fighting in the tournament?

Penny: (saluting) I'm combat ready!

Weiss: Forgive me, but you hardly look the part.

Blake: Says the girl wearing a dress.

Weiss: (with her arms crossed) It's a combat skirt!

Y/N: Looks good on you, Weiss.

Weiss: (blushes) Oh... thanks, Y/N. (realizes) Wait a minute. (walks over to Penny and grabs her by the shoulders) If you're here for the tournament, does that mean you know that monkey-tailed... rapscallion?

Penny: The who...?

Y/N: Sorry, she's referring to the monkey boy who jumped off a boat! I was chasing after him when I suddenly ran into you. No offense!

Penny: None taken!

Tiny: I guess she didn't see him.

Y/N: (sighs) Well... (hears his scroll beeping as he reads a message.) Ozpin needs us back to Beacon.

Penny: What is Beacon?

Y/N: Beacon Academy, a school where a future generation of huntsmen is trained to protect the world from several threats, including Grimms, criminals, and even... this White Fang.

Weiss: Um... can we just get back to Beacon? Ozpin needs us, doesn't he?

(They head back to Beacon Academy, unaware that Roman was watching Y/N with a stern look.)

Roman: Earthworm Jim... you're going to pay for putting me into that disgusting prison!

(Roman then returns to his current plan.)


(Some minutes later, Team Smash is seen along with Teams JNPR and CFVY at Beacon Academy's main room as Y/N stares at Salem.)

Y/N: (in mind) So this is Ozpin's ex-wife...

Ozpin: I know it's weird to have my ex-wife and our formerly sworn archenemy here, but I believe she has some good explanation to this.

Weiss: I hope so.

Salem: (sighs) One day, I was minding my own business in my former castle, when she suddenly came...

Ozpin: Who?

Salem: (looks down) Queen Slug-for-a-Butt!

(Y/N's lower jaw drops as his eyes widen.)

Y/N: Did you say...  Queen Slug-for-a-Butt?

Ruby: You know her, dear?

Y/N: She's one of my original archenemies... not, my main archenemy. She initially planned to destroy me so she could reclaim the suit I'm currently wearing. She will stop at nothing to get if, even if she needs to-

Ozpin: Destroy Beacon, just like Salem originally planned to...

Y/N: (to Salem) What happened next?

(Salem closes her eyes and sighs as a flashback is shown.)

(Salem is seen being easily beaten by Queen Slug-for-a-Butt.)

Slug-for-a-Butt: You are... (blasts Salem) unworthy of rhis world! (grabs Salem and slams her) Unworthy of your TITLE! YOU ARE UNWORTHY... of your so-called loved ones... you have betrayed.

(She smirks deviously as Salem gets scared for the first time in her life ever since she became immortal.)

Slug-for-a-Butt: I now take from you... (smirks) YOUR POWER!

(She takes all of Salem's powers, except for her immortality.)

Slug-for-a-Butt: From now on, Remnant will be mine, starting for your servants!

(Suddenly Mercury, Hazel, Watts and Emerald come in to shield the former queen.)

Slug-for-a-Butt: Ow, so you pests think you can stand up to me?

????: They couldn't be more pathetic than that...

(Cinder is seen bringing Summer Rose to Queen Slug-for-a-Butt.)

Cinder: By bringing the Summer Maiden alive... (kneels to Slug-for-a-Butt) I pledge my loyalty to you.

Slug-for-a-Butt: (smirks) You are one more step to prove your loyalty. Come to me, my child.

(Cinder goes to Slug-for-a-Butt while dragging Summer. The new Grimm Queen then unbirths both of them, before birthing them again, but now both Cinder and Summer are Half-Human, Half-Slug. Salem gets scared as Mercury is about to charge at Cinder, but suddenly gets stabbed by a scorpion's tail as Tyrian is seen smirking deviously before approaching Slug-for-a-Butt. Mercury weakly turns to Emerald and gives his last breath.)

Mercury: (weakly) Run... Em... Run...

(Emerald gets scared as Salem gestures her to run along with her.)

Watts: Go, Hazel and I will cover you.

(Emerald nods as she carries Salem on her shoulder and starts running away while Watts and Hazel fight Tyrian, only to share Mercury's fate as the scorpion faunus bows to Slug-for-a-Butt.)

Tyrian: I pledge my loyalty to you, my queen.

Slug-for-a-Butt: (smirks) You have already proven your loyalty.

(Then Slug-for-a-Butt starts laughing maniacally.)

Slug-for-a-Butt: Now I only need to destroy Beacon and get the suit. Better, once I get the suit, I'll have Y/N as my husband, and only then... I WILL RULE THIS WORLD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Flashback Ends.)

Salem: And that's what happened.

(Everyone gets shocked as Emerald comes in.)

Emerald: Salem became semi-mortal now, and... (turns to Ruby) your mother became Slug-for-a-Butt's daughter along with my former boss Cinder, and also, she became her second-in command.

(Ruby gets completely shocked about what happened to her mother.)

Emerald: There's a way to save her, but she will still remain as Half-Human, Half-Slug...

(Ruby starts crying as both Y/N and Yang hug her.)

Yang: When I put my hands on that Slug-for-a-Butt... (her eyes become red) I'LL BRING HER DOWN WITH A GOOD "YANG"!

(Everyone gets both shocked and dumbfounded. Shocked because they never saw Yang getting angry, and dumbfounded because of her pun.)

(Back to Roman, he is leading the White Fang Soldiers to the docks as he shows the picture of Y/N.)

Roman: See this worm? (the White Fang Soldiers growl in anger) He's the responsible for putting me and some of your compatriots in jail. (The White Fang Soldiers crack their knuckles) AFTER HIM!

W. F. Soldiers: HAI!

(The White Fang Soldiers scatter as they go after Y/N.)

Roman: I will soon have my VENGEANCE! MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

(To be continued)

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