[ 013 ] Down The Well

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The rest of our group had come to the farm. Hershel and his family were kind enough to let us stay for a while longer, so long as we helped around and followed his rules. One of them being 'no guns' except for a watchman.

Sophia has been missing for three days now, and no sign of her. A lot of us were beginning to lose hope, but Rick, Daryl, and Shane wanted to keep looking.

Rick and some others were planning something over by a car. Glenn, Lori and I were setting up our tents. Rick wanted to set camp towards the barn, but Hershel insisted that we stay close to the house.

Glenn and I were setting up one of the tents when Maggie came over, she had her hands on her hips and turned her attention towards Glenn.

"I hear you're fast on your feet and know how to get in and out. Got a pharmacy run, you in?" She asked, her southern accent prominent.

"Uh..." He looked at her awkwardly.

"Miss, what's the water situation here?" Dale suddenly walked over.

"Got five wells on our land. House draws directly from number one. Number-two well's right over there." She pointed to a well behind Dale.

"We use it for the cattle but it's just as pure. Take what you need. There's a cart and containers in the generator shed behind the house."

She turned back to Glenn. "I'll go saddle your horse then."

Glenn turned over to me. "Horse?"

"Never seen a horse before?" I joked.


T-dog, Dale and I were walking over to one of the wells with a cart full of empty jugs. We planned to fill all of them and use the water for our group.

"I'm not weak. And I'm not a coward. " T-dog suddenly spoke, out of breath.

"I never said you were." Dale brushed him off.

"No, what I said on the highway-- I don't know what that was, that wasn't me."

T-dog began to pump the well as I brought over two empty jugs ready to be filled. "If it's okay, I'd rather you never told anybody about that stuff I said. Both of you."

"What stuff?" Dale questioned. "I couldn't get a word out of you all day."

"I think your memory's messed up, T-dog." I said and he only flashed a toothy grin.

"Say, you think there's a snowball's chance we'll actually find that little girl?" T-dog asked, still pumping the well.

"For the first time in my life, I'm betting on the snowball." Dale responded.

"Yea, me too." I said, still holding the two empty jugs.

"Me three. Do whatever we have to. I don't care if I have to comb the woods like Rambo. Or fetch a pail of water. Everyone kicks in, does their part. Am I right?"

Dale walked over to the actual well. It wasn't like I imagined, it was just a hole in the ground with some wooden planks surrounding it. Dale knelt down and looked inside.

"Do your part, don't complain." T-dog continued. "That's what I always--" He was about to drink a spoonful of the water he had worked so hard to pump, when Dale suddenly ran over and knocked the spoon out of his hands.

I backed away from the splashing water. "What the hell?"

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you." Dale looked at T-dog before turning around. 

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I think you'll want to see for yourselves." Dale walked over to the well, motioning for us to look inside.

I bent down, tossing my long ponytail over my shoulder. I looked in the well and saw a figure moving around in the darkness. I looked closer and finally realized what it was.

"Oh, gross." I stood up and backed away from the well. "It's all like-- moist and slimy." 

Turns out the reason Dale had stopped T-dog from drinking the water was because it was most likely contaminated. There was a big fat walker stuck at the bottom of the well.

"Nasty." T-dog also backed up from the well.

"We should go tell the others." I said.


We had brought over more of our group, including Maggie. We told them what was in the well and they all approached it cautiously, taking a look inside.

The walker began to groan hungrily and the sight of all of us looking down at it. I backed away, not wanting to see it any longer.

"Looks like we've got us a swimmer." Dale said.

"How long do you think it's been down there?" Glenn asked, he was doubled over and still looked down inside the well.

"Long enough to grow gills." I responded.

"We can't leave it in there. God knows what it's doing to the water."

"We got to get it out." Shane said.

"Even if we do get it out, I don't think that water's gonna be safe to drink." I explained.

"Put a bullet in it's head." T-dog suggested. "I'll get a rope."

"Whoa whoa, guys. No." Maggie spoke up.

"Why not? It's a good plan." Glenn reasoned.

"It's a stupid plan." Andrea spat. "If that thing hasn't contaminated the water yet, blowing it's brains out will finish the job."

"She's right." I said, wiping a few drops of sweat from my forehead.

"We can't risk it." Shane spoke.

"So it has to come out alive?" T-dog questioned, looking down the well.

"So to speak."

"How do we do that?" Glenn looked up.

"This is stupid." I said as Shane lowered a rope with a canned ham attached to it.

"He's not going for it." Dale observed.

"Maybe cause a canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it." T-dog deadpanned.

"He's right. There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards." Lori said.

"We need live bait." Andrea looked up at Glenn. Glenn bit the inside of his cheek, realizing what she meant.

"This is even more stupid." I paced around as Shane tied the rope around Glenn.

"Did I mention that I really like your new haircut? You have a nice shaped head." Glenn complimented Shane on his new haircut. He'd decided the other night to go for the bald look.

"Don't worry about it, bud. We're gonna get you out of here in one piece." Shane attempted to ease Glenn.

"Living piece. That living part is important." Shane walked over to the water pipe, securing the rope around it.

"Nice and slow, please."

"We got you." Andrea said. T-dog, Andrea, Lori, Maggie and I held onto the rope.

"You people are crazy." Maggie spoke from a few feet away.

"You want to get it out of your well or not?" Shane retorted.

"Give us an eye there, Maggie." Dale suggested.

She walked over to the well and watched as Glenn lowered himself into it. I held tight onto the rope, making sure that Glenn wouldn't fall.

"Doing okay?" Maggie asked.

"Yup, doing great." Glenn's voice echoed from inside the well.

Suddenly, the water pipe came out of the ground, making Glenn fall deeper into the well.

"Get it! Grab it!

"Get it!"

There were screams as we held as tight as we could onto the rope. The force from the rope previously being fastened around the pipe made it fling across the grass.

"Get me out of here!" I could hear Glenn's panicked voice from inside the well.

I could feel my fingers and palms burn as Glenn's weight pulled the rope farther. Nobody dared to let go though.

We all inched closer to the well, not being able to hold the rope any longer. T-dog fell to the ground-- holding onto the rope like it was his life force that was about to slip away.

We all held onto T-dog. Everyone was panicking-- Glenn was panicking. He was probably just inches away from that walkers mouth. I could hear the loud snarling of the creature over Glenn's cries for help.

"Get it off! Get it off!"

We pulled and pulled until all of our strength finally became enough to start pulling Glenn out of the well.

"Pull! Pull!"

"Oh my God, oh my God!"

"Guys, get me out!"

We finally got far away enough from the well and all grabbed onto the rope, pulling it even harder.

"Pull! Pull!"

"Let's go, pull!"


"Pull him up!"

"Get me out of here!" Glenn's head was finally seen as he quickly pulled himself out of the well, falling onto the ground.

"You okay?"

"Are you okay?"

I could hear Glenn's heavy breaths as he got on all fours, traumatized from his experience. Lori rubbed his back.

"Back to the drawing board." Dale said.

"Says you." Glenn breathed out as he got up, he handed the rope to Dale.

There was no way that throughout that whole scene, he actually managed to get the rope around the walker's neck.

We all ran back to the well, looking down it as Dale began to pull the rope again.

The rope felt heavy again as we started to pull the walker out of the well. It snarled loudly and flailed around, making it even harder to pull up.

"Come on guys, pull!" 

"Come on, pull guys!"

"Almost there!"

Lori and Maggie had to tie the rope onto the horse to help pull the walker's weight. That thing was fucking heavy.


"Come on y'all, together!" Shane encouraged.

"Keep it coming."

"Nice and easy, just a little more."

With the help of the horse, we finally got the walkers top half out of the well. It was even nastier up close. Its skin was all grey and veiny, it had blood coming out of its mouth that trailed down its neck.

We pulled harder, trying to get its legs out of the well. It swung its arms at T-dog as he approached it.

"Come on, almost there!"

"We've got to pull it, man."

"It's stuck!"

I looked over Andrea's shoulder and saw its intestines beginning to become visible through its transparent skin. They bulged out and the legs didn't budge. Blood was spewing out of its neck as we pulled harder--

The guts splattering onto the grass and the body getting ripped apart made an awful, gut-wrenching noise. I watched as its intestines stretched apart and the bottom half fall back into the well. Splashing once they hit the water.

The top half was still moving, it reached its arms towards us hungrily, still groaning. T-dog bit his lip in disappointment and looked away.

"You're fucking lying." I breathed out from exhaustion. I covered my mouth to stop myself from hurling.

"We should seal off this well." Dale suggested.

"Yeah, might be a good idea." Shane said.

"So what do we do about--"

Andrea was interrupted by T-dog bashing the walkers head in, the hungry moans finally ceased.

"Good thing we didn't do anything stupid like shoot it." T-dog said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

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