[ 020 ] Persistent

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It was morning now. Rick and Glenn still hadn't returned. No Hershel either. There was a lot of tension around the farm, everyone was getting more worried each second they didn't return.

A few of us were outside now, including me. I was sitting on a chair when I heard a car in the distance. I looked up to see the car that Rick and Glenn had left in, quickly approaching the farm. They were finally back.

I stood up from my chair, everyone else walked towards the house as the red car pulled up. Everyone that was inside the house came outside. Including Lori and Carl, the boy ran up to his father, hugging him tightly. Lori approached her husband, wrapping an arm around him.

Hershel and Glenn exited the car next. Maggie ran past Hershel, straight to Glenn and embracing him.

"Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery." Hershel suddenly spoke, walking towards the house.

Surgery? Who needed surgery?

"Who the hell is that?" T-dog questioned, pointing his finger at the car. Everyone's heads turned.

"That's Randall." Glenn explained as we all looked at a new face inside the car. He had a red blindfold covering his eyes and seemed to be asleep.


"We couldn't leave him there." Rick explained as we all were sitting and standing around the dining table. "He would've bled out, if he lived that long"

"It's gotten bad in town." Glenn added.

"What do we do with him?" Andrea spoke up from beside Shane.

"I repaired his calf muscle as best I can." Hershel stated as he walked into the dining room. "But he'll probably have nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for at least a week." He explained.

"When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road, send him on his way." Rick announced.

"Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?" Andrea questioned. Daryl then walked into the room.

"He'll have a fighting chance." Rick countered.

"Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are." Shane said.

"He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat."

"Not a threat." Shane mocked. "How many of them were there? You killed three of their men, you took one of them hostage. But they just ain't gonna come looking?"

"They left him for dead. No one is looking." Rick persisted.

"We should still post a guard." T-dog suggested.

"He's out cold right now, will be for hours." Hershel spoke.

"You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy." Shane said, sarcasm lacing his voice. "Look at this, folks-- we back in Fantasyland." He made his exit. Hershel followed him.

"You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet." He pointed a finger. "Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all-- this is my farm. Now I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it." Hershel was now right in front of Shane.

"So do us both a favor-- keep your mouth shut." He finished. Shane backed up, sighing as he left the house.

"Look, we're not gonna do anything about it today. Let's just cool off." Rick said. With that everyone began to go their separate ways.


I walked out of the house. Making my way towards the forest with my knife in the waistband of my pants. This time, I'm not gonna chicken out. I'm gonna get my first kill.

If Daryl wants to be a dick, so be it. I'll do this with or without his help.

I walked further out until the trees became closer. I walked towards Daryl's isolated set up. The first night at the farm, he had already set up almost completely away from us. I think it's stupid. If walkers snuck up on him or something, he'd likely be screwed.

I walked past his camp, walking into the start of the large forest. A squirrel ran across the grass and into a tree.

"The hell you goin'?" I suddenly heard a southern voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Daryl walking towards me, crossbow slung over his back. I hadn't even noticed he was here.

"Into the forest. What does it look like?" I snapped in response.

"To do what?" He asked.

"To kill walkers. Duh." I said, already getting agitated. I turned around and started for the forest again. I could hear the leaves crunching under his boots as he followed me.

"You got a death wish or somethin'?" I heard him ask. I ignored him and kept walking, my grip tightening on my knife.

I walked deeper into the forest, listening for the low snarl of walkers. Daryl still followed behind me. Why is he even here? He's the one who said I was already dead anyways.

"Why are you even following me?" I abruptly turned around and asked. He stopped in his tracks, looking at me.

"'Cause you're gonna get yourself killed out here." He answered bluntly.

"I can handle myself." I scoffed, turning back around.

I walked around some more, listening closely for any nearby walkers. It was a warmer day than usual. The hot breeze made me uncomfortable. This is why I liked winter better, I'd rather be cold than hot.

It might be different here in Georgia though, I heard it snows a bit during the winter. It's never snowed in Los Angeles. At least not in Encino.

Daryl clearing his throat all of a sudden startled me. His footsteps were so quiet, I'd almost forgotten he was there.

I heard some leaves rustling and I stopped walking. I looked to where the sound was coming from and I saw a walker stumbling around.

"There's my target." I said, striding towards the walking corpse.

Daryl stood back and watched. I was really starting to get uncomfortable with his presence, but whatever.

I approached the walker, and when I got closer, it noticed me and began to slowly trudge towards me. Baring its teeth and reaching its arms out.

My heart rate already started to pick up as I reached for my knife. The walker's pace fastened as it scrambled towards me.

Pulling my knife out from my waistband, I stood my ground and waited for the thing to come at me. Its rotting and yellowish-skin made it hard to look at.

A few seconds felt like centuries, and suddenly the walkers frail arms took hold of me. I stumbled back a little, struggling against its grip.

I kept distance with one arm and raised my knife with the other. The walker's strength against my one arm made me fall back even more-- almost knocking me over.

I fought against the walkers hold, trying to flip my knife around so the blade pointed towards the corpses head.

I tried to keep it away but it kept getting closer-- going for my shoulder. Nothing I did would've stopped it from biting me--


I pushed the motionless corpse off of me and looked at the arrow through its head. Looking back at Daryl, I sighed.

"I had it." I spat. He only scoffed in response.

I turned around, starting to walk deeper into the forest. "I can kill one myself."

I continued walking through the forest, Daryl still following behind me. I'm genuinely starting to wonder if he's like-- bipolar or something. I wouldn't be surprised if he was.

I listened for the low growl of walkers throughout the forest. The crunching of leaves and sticks under my boots made it hard though. Nonetheless, I kept walking.

It wasn't until I found a skinny looking walker that I stopped walking. I looked at the thing, taking a step forward. I'll kill this one for sure this time.

It looked to be around my weight, even less now regarding its new condition. Turning around, I could see it had thinning, blonde hair. Skin that was once pale had now turned to a graying color. She wore a baby pink nightgown with white lace accents.

I could almost see her as a person.

"Don't help me this time." I told Daryl. Walking towards my target, taking a deep breath.

Despite what I told Daryl, I could already hear him reloading his crossbow with another arrow. He thinks I can't do it.

The walker noticed me immediately, walking over to me with sluggish steps. That low growl I've been looking for sounding from the thing. 

I took the knife from the waistband of my jeans and took it out of the holster. I gripped onto the knife tightly, taking another breath before approaching the walker.

I outstretched my arm across the walkers body, keeping distance before it had a chance to grab onto me. Its arms flailed around as the growls became louder-- hungrier

I quickly swallowed my fear, gripping even tighter on the knife now. I still kept distance between me and the walker. I was about to drive the knife into its skull when I caught its gaze.

Lifeless, empty eyes stared back at me. Eyes that once were full of life. Eyes that showed fear, happiness, sadness, disgust. Everything that person felt was expressed through their eyes-- when they were alive.

I reminded myself what I had come out here for. What I was trying to achieve, and set all my morals aside. For now.

I averted my eyes and positioned the knife above the walkers head as it still aggressively threw its arms around wildly.

I looked away. And with all my strength, I finally pushed the knife into the walkers skull.

It's body went limp and fell down onto the floor with a thud, my knife still in its head.

I looked at the dead corpse. So many emotions going through my head at once. I didn't know what to think. Especially of myself.

"I did it."

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