Avengers: Infinity War

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Do not read this if you don't wanna be spoiled, but if you want to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the Avengers: Infinity War movie then go ahead, but do not blame me if you say you got spoiled, because I warned you.

Avengers: Infinity War spoilers, summary, thoughts, theories, reactions up ahead, do not read if you don't want any spoilers.


It was April 26 when I watched the movie during its second day in the theatre, so it took me two days of mourning and thinking to finally get the willpower to write this.

I got so depressed by the end of the movie.

Like seriously, I think I was the only one in the cinema who cried during all of it.

Out of my 14 million theories, only one was true //pun intended ahem//

and that theory was the worst theory that i got right.

Loki died folks, thank you so much Marvel for giving us fans such a fucktastic blessing.

Five minutes //i think(i lost track of time due to the despair)// in the movie and Loki had already died, but Heimdall was first //which was totally depressing, his death was so quick.// He was killed by Corvus after he sent the Hulk back //after his quick defeat against Thanos// on the Bifrost.

Okay, you know what- I'm gonna start at the beginning, because I have so many things I want to write about this because the 'Infinity War' is the most brutal and depressing movie on the MCU so far.

Um, I know this might be a shock to you because I have never really mentioned publicly that I was a Marvels fan, probably because I wanted to stay out of the fandom.

Honestly, the only fandoms ive been to were the anime fandoms //which lasts a week or 3 days every anime// and the musical fandom //which is the longest fandom ive been with so far//

I was never really a fandom person, I prefer to stay out of the fandom //fandoms like Marvel and Attack on titan and Steven Universe//  Because honestly, Fandoms ruin mostly my perspective of things.

Its because Fandoms is the reason on why I should think or study about a certain topic all day, and it obliges me to learb more and ship things that arent in my liking because if you become 'that' person, you will immediently become a threat or someone hated.

So far, the Musical fandom has been the most accepting- But honestly speaking guys- I'm getting tired of it.

So if you haven't noticed, I haven't been active or just updated or simply talking about musicals with you guys because im afraid if I go deeper into this fandom I will lose interest pretty quickly.

That is also one of the reasons this book has had slow updates, is because in getting tired of Musicals--Hamilton, specifically- I still like DEH though.

So ive been staying out of the fandom and the community recently so I wont get tired of it, I dont want to leave this book unfinished just because ive lost interest on Hamilton.

Anyways, going back to the Avengers.

the Infinity War for me, is the best movie with the worst ending and deaths of the MCU.

Countless people have died and... Disappeared, and i'll be talking about the whole movie and my theories in this chapter.

I also have a list of people who have died which I will show in the end, but let me talk about stuff at first.

Okay, diving into the movie- The first scene that was showed was the deceased bodies of the surviving Asgardians inside the ship, the only living people inside were Thor //whose head was in Thanos' hand// Loki, Heimdall //who was on the floor, defeated// Thanos, The children of Thanos:::
Proxima, Black Dwarf //Which I was surprised that his name was changed in the movie and is called Cull Obsidian// and Ebony //Supergiant is also one of his children, but wasnt included since her main role was to attack the X-men, which was an easy cut//

So, Thanos was threatening Loki in terms of killing Thor, the Thunder God's head was in Thanos' huge hands, Thanos wanted the Tesseract since one of the Infinity stones were in it, and he knew that Loki had it.

Thor //or Loki???// had said that the Tesseract was destroyed along Asgard, but Thanos didnt believe it.

In Ragnarok, There was a scene where Loki passed by the Tesseract, and he stared at it before the scene changed, so obviously- He stole it before Asgard was utterly destroyed.

At first, Loki refused to give it, and was resulted by the sight of Thanos slowly killing Thor infront of him, To us- it will be no surprise if he had let it happen since he didnt have a good relationship with Thor, but he was redeemed in Ragnarok, though he wasnt completely redeemed, it was obvious that his relationship with Thor improved, and he was turning a new leaf.

So, instead of doing his usual thing and letting Thor be tortued for a bit //or let him be tortued completely// and betray both Thor and the enemy by doing different kinds of mischief, he gave in because he probably couldnt bare the sight of Thor being killed infront of him //anymore, atleast//

So, Loki gave the Tesseract to save Thor, then Thanos broke the cube and there revealed the Space stone.

So when Thanos put it in the Gauntlet, it was revealed that he had already got the Power stone, so he had two stones in total.

Then Hulk came barging in and tried to defeat Thanos, but obviously failed and was defeated, and before he was completely killled, Heimdall used the rest of his power and teleported Hulk back to earth on the Bifrost, and then was killed by Corvus.

Loki then, being the God of Mischief, tried to convince Thanos to become one of his children, but he had a dagger on his hand, so when he got close, he tried to stab the Titan, but Thanos being the evil mastermind he is, knew what was coming and stopped the blade before it even hit him.

So Thanos grabbed his neck and choked him to death, then walked infront of Thor //Who was imprisonef by metal// then dropped Loki's dead body infront of him.

I honestly was disappointed at Loki at that point, He was the God of Mischief! Surely he couldve thought another plan, I wished he couldve just joined Thanos for a bit longer before he betrayed him, but I guess, in his defense- He did change, he couldnt betray Thor again because he wouldnt be able to bare the look he will give him, and maybe he was blinded by fear, and the desperation to survive.

So I cried during the first scene of the movie, great. Loki is by far, my favorite villain and character, and it was a shame that he died right after he was turning into someone good, and that left me depressed.

RIP Loki, You will be remembered.

But what crossed my mind during this was: Where was Valkyrie?

Judging from the dead bodies of almost all the Asgardian people, she could also be dead- But in her defense, she was a bit of a loner- so there was a chance she slipped away, but honestly, she may most likely be dead.

So, Thanos- using his powers, destroyed the Asgardian ship before leaving with his children, exploding the ship with Thor being there, alive.

Then Hulk, came crashing down the roof of Doctor Strange as Banner, and said: Thanos is coming.



What a great start! Moving on!

Doctor strange then made a portal to Stark, who was having a lovely jog with Pepper talking about Stark's dream about being a dad and wanting kids //which was absolutely sweet//

Then he went to Stephen's place, then just joked around and introduced themselves before the ship came and everything else just escalated quickly

Spiderman came in, helped a bit- But Banner-- He couldnt use transform to Hulk, and was having fights with himself, literally.

So, since Stephen has the Time stone, Ebony, along with another children of Thanos- tried stealing the stone, but when Ebony tried to get the stone, Stephen had already casted a spell on the necklace so it was impossible to get the stone without the cooperation of Stephen, so Ebony kidnapped him.

Then as the ship flew back to space, Spidey was trapped in the hole sucking part of the ship and might die, but Iron man called the Iron Spiderman suit and saved him just in time before he tried to parachute him back to earth, keyword: Tried.

Then Pepper called Stark, and their conversation was absolutely heartbreaking. Pepper was begging but also ordering his husband to come back, and when the signal was almost lost, Pepper was about to tell him something, but the call was cut off when they were in space.

And that gave me the theory that Pepper might be pregnant, since at the scene- when they were talking- they were conversing about children, then the call happened- Was Marvel trying to tell us something? Did Tony leave a Pregnant Pepper behind?

Okay, moving on- Spiderman managed to grab hold of the ship, and went inside before the door closed, then Iron Man was also inside, The cape of Strange was in there as well, since he was seperated from Strange during the fight, so basically- Iron man, Spiderman, Magic Cape and Doctor Strange were in the ship, with Strange being held captive by Ebony

Also Cull, the other child of Thanos who was with Ebony  Was teleported into another place filled with snow, and his hand was cut off by the portal closing lol rip.

Okaaay- So Iron Man crossed paths with the cape, and then Spiderman appeared as well, and Iron man was furious with him since he disobeyed his order to stay on earth, but Spiderman came up with a plan, and the plan he had was a rip off from an alien movie he watched as well lol.

btw Ebony was torturing Strange in order to make him get the infinity stone from the necklace.

So Iron man distracted Ebony then blew a hole on the ship causing Ebony to fly away and freeze to death out on space, and Spidey webbed Strange so he couldnt fly out as well, then Iron man covered the hole and this is where a disagreement started.

Strange was enraged by Tony's recklessness bcz they didnt have a plan to go back to Earth, but Tony said that they should go to where the fuck the ship was going and try and fight Thanos there, Strange agreed but said that he was willing to sacrifice Tony and Peter's life for the stone with pure coldness.

Also heartwarming scene where Tony casually says to Peter that he is now an official Avenger and Peter just having his moment.

I cant really write everything that will happen so ill skip over parts or just summarize them the best i can.

Wanda and Vision ran away from Captain America and lived together, they were inlove and stuff but they were ambushed Proxima and Corvus, wherein Corvus stabbed Vision and made him so weak.

Now this is a bit off, Vision as we know from The Age of Ultron, is very powerful- so the stab by Corvus should have made him weaken for only a bit, but the stab made him so weak, that he was so weak the whole movie.

Honestly, I also think that Wanda and Vision's relationship made them both emotionally weak, causing them to be weak physically as well, they were so helpless during the whole movie it was so sad.

Then they were saved by Captain America and Black Widow //since Banner called Captain America after the Corvus and Cull vs Tony and Strange and etc scene i forgot to mention it sorry//


They were headed to where the Asgradian ship was exploded, since they recieved a distress signal from their, and when they arrived they saw countless of floating dead bodies, then Thor hit their windshield and they pulled him in, Gamora- Drax and the rest of the gang //Except Quill// admiring his well built body, making Quill jealous.

Then Thor woke up, making Quill more jealous so he tried tk be like him by making his voice deeper and stuff and just funny scenes then finally, Thor praising Rocket for being the most sensible one and calling him Captain, so Rocket filled with Pride, accompanied Thor to Nidavellir with Groot using the pod, so they teamed up.

Also, The rest of the Guardians decided to go to Knowhere, where the Reality stone is- Since The Collector was there.

So they went to Knowhere aka Titan, Gamora seeing his father threatening the Collector, Drax being filled with vengeance and Mantis just being Mantis.

Since no one was listening to Quill, chaos happened. Mantis made Drax asleep in order to avoid battle, but Thanos heard commotion and trapped The Collector, then Quill ordered Gamora to go right, but she refused and immediently attacked Thanos.

Resulting Thanos being killed.

But before that, she had a flashback when she first met Thanos, during the destruction of her home- Also before this, while they were journeying to Knowhere-- Gamora said that she knows something that Thanos will need, and made a promise to Quill to kill her when Thanos finds out about her knowledge, which was very depressing.

So Gamora killed Thanos, then the Collector started clapping and laughing maniacally, then it turned out- All of it was an illusion created by Thanos using the Reality stone, meaning that he has 3 stones now.

Thanos found out about her knowledge, meaning he needs her now, but Quill came out and pointed a gun towards Thanos, and in an heartbreaking voice he told Gamora "I told you to go left."

Also Drax woke up and tried to attack Thanos, but the Titan broke him to pieces, and he turned Mantis into some kind of spring, but that was an illusion- still they couldnt move.

Gamora then said 'Not him'-- meaning that Quill should kill her, not Thanos, then she said 'Remember our promise' and it was just so sad..

Thanos then held Gamora infront of Quill's gun, saying that he should kill her already, and it was just so sad- Then Quill said I love you then pulled the trigger.

But it turned out the gun was one of Thanos' illusions, then Thanos and Gamora teleported away, leaving Quill, Mantis and Drax.

So Thanos and Gamora, it turned out the knowledge that she had was that she knew where the Soul stone was, and Thanos got it out of her mouth bu torturing Nebula infront of her, and it turned out that The Soul stone was in Vormir.

So they went on Vormir, and they met the guardian of the stone, and it turned out that the Gurdian was someone we know.

And this is wheren the MCU brings back a character we thought we would never see again, and it was revealed that the guardian of the stone was none other than the Red Skull.

We last saw him during the Captain America: The First Avenger, when he
got the Tesseract, he touched it with his bare hands and he just simply vanished, and many presumed that he was dead.

Red Skull tells Thanos and Gamora he's been on Vormir for over 70 years-- "A lifetime ago, I too sought the stones, It banished me here." Was what he said. Now, his job is to guide others to the location of the soul stone, which he is not allowed to possess.


Now, at the first 10 seconds I was like YES KARMA BITCH! Since Thanos doesnt love anyone, but then I had a theory, what if he loves Gamora?

Then, Gamora started saying he failed, for he doesnt have a loved one, and she was just laughing at him, but I had a different feeling, and when Thanos turned around, I knew my theory was right.

Thanos turned around in tears, and Gamora was still laughing at him because she thought he was crying for himself.

Then Red Skull said "They're not for him."

Thats when Gamora realized that the tears were for her, and started backing away, begging for her life, which was honestly, the second most saddest scene in the movie.

Then Thanos, tears in his eyes- Threw Gamora off the cliff, then he got the soul stone, meaning he now has four stones.

Before I continue on, Captain America along with the rest, and was recently joined with War Machine and Banner, went to Wakanda //WAKANDA FOREVER!!!!//- Where Black Panther was, and also Bucky.

Then Iron Man, Strange and Spiderman arrived in Titan, where they were ambushed by Drax, Mantis and Quill //Since their ship was destroyed and they were stuck there//

They were fighting, then Quill threatened to kill Spiderman, but Iron man threatened to kill Drax, then Quill ask where Gamora was, and thats when they realized they were on the same side because Spiderman said they were the Avengers, and Thor had mentioned that he was an Avenger to them.

So they tried coming up with a plan, but it was chaos- With Iron man and Quill trying to play leader, and the inconsistency and lack of unity of the groups.

Then Strange overlooked the future, and saw 14 million possibilities, and out of 14 million futures, only one showed their victory.

Thanos then came back to Titan, where he saw Strange casually sitting there, and then he was ambushed and they had an epic battle, then they finally had Thanos trapped in their arms, and Iron man and Spiderman struggled to take the Gauntlet off.

Mantis was having a hard time using her powers on him, saying that he feels so much grief and mourning, then this is where all their efforts come to waste.

Quill asked //more like threatened// Thanos on the whereabouts of  Gamora, then Nebula came //since she escaped// and she found out that Thanos had killed Gamora, which made Quill out of control.

Quill started punching him, resulting Mantis to lose balance and control, and Thanos getting out of their grasp just when the Gauntlet was almost removed, so they all battled again and this time- They lost.

Iron Man was left standing and tried to fight Thanos.

But he got stabbed.

So when Thanos was about to kill him, Doctor Strange butted in and told him that he will give him the Time stone in exchange of Tony's life.

// which was very ironic and unexpected since Doctor Strange literally told them face fo face that he will sacrifice their lives just to protect the stone. //

So Strange gave the stone, resulting 5 stones in his gauntlet, then Thanos went back to Earth to get the Mind stone.

Okay, during those times- T'challa's sister aka Shuri was in the process of removing the stone from Vision's head in order to destroy the stone but leave Vision unharmed, in other words- Destroying the stone without killing Vision, and once the stone is removed, Wanda will destroy it bcz she is the only one capable of doing it.

But Proxima then came into Wakanda, outside the barrier of course and started attacking with countless of outriders, but when the outriders started surrounding the barrier they were left with no choice but to open a part of that barrier.

Okay, I almost forgot about Thor.

Thor arrived to Nidavellir, only to find it shut down, Eitri was the only dwarf left since the place was completely useless and empty //aside from Eitri// because of the one and only Thanos of course!

So Thor found a way to start the forge //almost killing himself in the process// Then finally Eitri forged the new Axe called Jarnbjorn, but Groot sacrificed an arm for the handle.

Okay so Thor came back to Earth using his Axe and fought the outriders along with Captain America and the rest, Rocket and Groot with him of course.

So while Vision was in the process of getting the Mind stone removed by Shuri, Wanda left him to fight.

But when Wanda left the building, Shuri was ambushed and ended up not finishing the stone removal process, and Vision ended up fighting.

Then Vision begged Wanda to destroy the stone, but Wanda couldnt because that would mean killing him since the stone was still in his head, and the scene was just utterly heartbreaking as fuck.

Then Thanos arrived, and the heroes tried and fight him-- and during this Wanda was in the process of destroying the stone aka killing the love of her life.

Then the stone was destroyed, and Thanos was behind Wanda, saying he understands her, but Wanda refuses that statement, and then guess what?




So Thanos has all 6 stones now, meaning he has the power to destroy the universe in just a snap of his fingers //literally guys, im not being metaphorical//

Wanda was unconcious at this point cuz Thanos rekt her, then finally Thor came and threw Jarnbjorn towards him which Thanos tried to avoid using his powers but surprisingly failed, and was stabbed in the chest.

I expected this to be the victory for the heroes, but was wrong.

Thanos then says "You should have gone for the head" then what?


Then the scene changed into a place where child Gamora was asking "Did you did it?" and "Was it worth it?" //THAT ISNT PRECISELY WHAT SHE SAID BUT IT WAS LIKE THAT//

Then it changed back to the scene where Thanos was stabbed by Thor, but the gauntlet was destroyed, but the stones were okay, then Thor said "What have you done?" then Thanos teleported away.

Thor was left, then the other heroes were conscious, but..

Bucky was walking towards Captain America-who was talking to Thor-weakly, then suddenly faded to ash.

Falcon turned to ash as well just when War Machine was looking for him.

Black Panther disappeared to ash just when Okoye was about to go to his aid.

Then Groot was turning to ash on the floor with Rocket watching, begging for him to dont go.

Wanda turned to ash with Vision's body on her arms.

Then lets go to Titan.

Drax and Mantis disappeared to ash with the rest watching.

Quill disappeared as well, not long after Drax and Mantis.

Then Strange turned to ash, looking at Tony straight in the eye saying "It was the only way."

Then finally, the most heartbreaking scene for me.

Peter Parker weakly walking towards Tony saying "I don't feel so good" and "I dont wanna go"

Then Peter hugging him so passionately and tightly, fear and desperation lingered in his voice as he repeatedlys says to Tony "Mr. Stark, I dont want to go."

Tony kind of hug him back, then just soothed him before Peter turned to ash as well, which made me cry harder than I already was.

I made a crappy lineart of it in Sai, but since I just recently gotten a new drawing pad this month im not good at it yet, so dont judge- This is my first lineart on Sai, and the brushes were new to me.

ahh that looks so weird and ugly, anyways-

So after the selected people disappeared, only Tony, Nebula were left on Titan, and Rocket and the original Avengers left on Earth, which to me- was kind of like similar to the Rapture.

So it ended with Thanos, looking to the sunsets and smiling.


Honestly, I thought that this movie will redeem the Avengers from Civil wrong, but boy was I wrong.

It was Civil War all over again a hundred times worst.

And the cliffhanger was like how Rick left us hanging on Mark of Athena but a million times worst.

Sadly, Antman and Hawkeye werent in the movie.

Here's a list I found on facebook of the characters who died and who survived.

Now, before i go on to the post credit scene, let me write my thoughts and theories.

First and foremost, FUCK.

I have mixed emotions for this huge loss for the heroes of the MCU, but I also have my insights of why they lost in the first place.

Here they are, first of all- They lacked Teamwork.

Throughout the whole movie, everyone was just so unconnected and so obnoxious, they didn't have unity, aside from Captain America and the people of Wakanda.

But The Guardians of the Galaxy? Tony and Peter and Strange? They were all so cautious of each other, they lacked trust and teamwork! They were all arguinh about whos leader or whose plan should prevail- They all werent a team, everyone had their own plans, and that act led Gamora to her death.

If she had listened to Quill and went right, there was a slight chance that everything would have changed, and if Drax didnt let emotions get the best of him, they would have standed a chance.

I know it was all illusion but wouldnt it make a big change?

And if Tony kept connection with Captain, or came back to Earth and came up with a decent and proper plan, they couldve won, but they led Strange right to Thanos' hands.

They all were so lost, so selfish, and that was one of the reasons why they lost the war.

Next, They didn't have any proper plans.

Because of their lack of teamwork, it led to rushed plans, or no plans at all, if they had a decent plan, they could have stand a chance.

They all acted on their own accord, doing what they do best causing an disarrangement in their balance.

Basically, their plans were shit.

Also, the most big factor that caused their big defeat: Emotions.

They lacked control of emotions, anybody in the right mind can confirm that.

Tony was too obnoxious, and he did not accept anything the other person has to say, he was too out of it. And I guess thats reasonable since the Avengers just recently disbanded and the shock of Bucky being the cause of his parents death, but still- on the heat of battle, he should focus.

Quill, he was most emotional, if he hadnt reacted that way when he found out Gamora died, they couldve removed the damn Gauntlet, but he just had to do a beating on him.

And Wanda and Vision, their relationship was cute and all but honestly it just dragged them both down, it made them vulnerable in a way, not that i dont like them together, it just wasnt the right time.

Now Vision is dead, and Wanda is gone.

Loki was also held back, his newfound love for Thor had held him back from his true potential from being the God of Mischief.

Look guys, im not trying to bring hate- this is just my opinion, and everyone us entitled to their own opinion.

I have more reasons honestly, but i still have more to talk about and we've already reached 4638+ words.

Okay, now for theories.

If you watched the movie, you will notice that the 'certain characters disappearing to ashes part' is very similar to the Rapture.

So of course, there might be a reason on why certain characters were chosen to fade to ashes.

I have many theories for this, maybe they chose to get the more newer characters so the original Avengers  could reconcile, but one factor that debunks that theory is Rocket and Nebula.

Or maybe they didnt choose the characters who have grudges on their hearts, but if that's the case then Drax and Quill should have stayed.

And its possible that they chosen the characters with goodness in their hearts, like in the bible- but then a lot of factors debunks the idea.

Or what if they chose the characters who have accepted defeat? The ones who accepted Thanos as the victor? I know its dumb but Marvel is filled with surprises right?

I could write a whole new book about my theories and thoughts about this and it still wouldnt enough.

Anyways, on to the next theory.

We all know our heroes lost, but what if this huge loss is the start of their victory?

Before Strange died, we knew he overlooked 14 million possibilities, and that they only prevailed in one.

So it was very peculiar and unsettling how his last words were 'This is the only way.'

Now dont tell me that statement wasn't a huge part of the movie. Strange saw the future, so maybe this was part of his plan?

If it was then he should have told the other heroes right? But he didnt. But I have a reason for this.

He didnt tell them because it will cause a rift in time, it will change the future he was trying to walk to, so maybe Thanos' victory is the start of his plan to win?

This is just the start of the MCU guys, the ending of the first chapter of the Marvel universe.

Also the sequel will be in two years so FUCKING THANKS FOR THW CLIFFHANGER MARVEL!

Okay, before I talk about the new movies that will come out while we wait for the sequel, lets talk about the post credit scene.

So it showed Fury and Maria driving the streets, then they stopped because a car crashed infront of them, and when they were gonna ask the driver if they were okay it was revealed that the driver was gone.

Then Maria disappeared to ashes, then Fury had called someone but he was disappearing to ashes as well, his last words being 'Motherfucker'

Then the phone fell, and the insignia that was revealed gave me new hope for the next Avengers.

I swear I screamed at the cinema, the hero logo was just the whole changing point of the Avengers, the redemption of the MCU.

I got so excited and immediently researched if they were gonna make a movie about it and they are! On 2019 rip.

I swear guys the powers of this hero will be useful in stopping Thanos, im so excited!

Oh and also, this new hero might be unfamiliar with you if you dont read the comics or just dont do research, and quoting an article ive read from Insider "Only diehard fans know this superhero"--- You may not know this hero.

The hero is Captain Marvel.

Annnnd before yall get the wrong idea and think that this character is a guy, Captain Marvel is a girl.


So! She has countless of good benefits that will be a factor against Thanos, like her seventh sense, superhuman strength, energy projection and some more!

I think they made a video about it since I saw one online, I didnt really watch it but maybe itll be useful for you.


I still have tons to talk about Captain Marvel but its already 12:30 am here so ill just say a few things then rap it up.

So! Next movies that the Marvel Universe will bless us with--

The Ant-man and the Wasp, but we all know that already.

There will also be Deadpool 2, then finally the Captain Marvel movie that will appear this 2019, and itll be Brie Larson who'll play the role

Then we've got solo movies of Black Widow and Hawkeye /FINALLY/  Also the movie Venom, then the horror version of X-men called the New Mutants and Laura's solo movie.

//I remembered Logan's death and im still devastated by it until now, he is my favorite X-men.//

Then the Ghambit movie, and some countless others, I forgot the others but ill try to remember them.

Whew! Honestly, I rushed all this! All the things i said here wasnt all I had in mind, I still have so many theories and thoughts, I should write a new book about this geez.

Sorry for writing this instead of a new chapter, I just really needed to let this all out and I kind of decided to share it with yall for the first time.

Seriously though, this wasnt enough, I still have so many bottled up in my mind, I might make a big book of theories for this and put the thoughts I have there.

I remember my last note on Civil War, it took approximately 15,937 words on my iphone, so if I didnt rush this I probably have written more.

Sorry for this guys, really- I'm just really inlove with the MCU, and has been a fan for almost 7 years wow, ive borrowed comics from my uncle and bingewatched on movies, come to think of it, its been two years since ive last glanced on a comic, so im a bit rusty.

Ah, honestly, if theres anything I love more than anything, its Marvel.

If you have read this far, then thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot that someone took the time to read something I passionately wrote, Marvel is just everything to me.

Anyways, thanks guys for reading this- I'll see you on the next chapter!

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