Brats, brats everywhere

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Have you ever done something stupid because of love?. Because I did, I made a dangerous move by taking in 8 children and a babysitter in my estate. I sighed and leaned back on my chair, pinching the bridge of my nose. The door suddenly opened revealing my french secretary "Lafayette." I glanced at the clock and saw that it was exactly 9am, just in time.

"Good morning, mon ami." He smiled and handed me my expresso "You seem to be in a good mood today, what happened?" Laf grinned "I'm just proud of you for doing such a nice thing to those orphans."

"Tsk, i'm not doing it for them- i'm doing it for Martha." I said coldly, Laf only smiled.

"How sweet of you, Lex." I froze at the voice, I looked at the window and saw the familiar bratty kid that I, sadly knew "George Eacker,  back so soon?..."

"School's boring, I don't wanna go to a place that teaches me stuff I already knew." The 13 year old got down from the window and sat on my desk "Get your ass of my desk, asshat."

"Huh?! you kiss your Mother with that mouth?!" George pretended to be shocked, not moving an inch "Leave or i'll call Angelica."

"Please don't." He frowned, Angelica took him in when she found him in the streets reading books, then after that Angelica raised him to be an intelligent, independent, bastard, powerful, lying brat that annoys me almost every single day.

"George, mon ami- please don't disturb Alexander during working," Lafayette said in a gentle voice, George rolled his eyes "I don't care." He said "Annoying Lexi is my purpose in this place."

"Purpose my ass, get out." I commented coldly "No."

"Do you want my guards to drag you out of here?" I threatened, he only raised his brow "Do you want to be reported for child abuse?" He shot back, I glared at him, not bothering to respond and continued my writing.

"Why do you write so much?" George asked bluntly "Because this is my job."

"Your job is boring." He commented "My job is the reason for what I became now."

"A bastard, short tempered, arrogant boring Dude who has anger issues?"



"Sally, please let go of my foot, i'm late for class..." I tried to pry the little girl off me "Noooo! stay here pwease?" She begged, looking at me with those irresistable puppy eyes, I almost gave in to the 6 year old "N-no." I replied, she pouted "Pretty please?"

"Sal...I can't, maybe next time M'kay?" I smiled, she frowned "Aww, okay..."

I smile at her for one last time.

"JOHN!" I frowned

"W-when is Samuel gonna come over again?" Charles Lee, a 14 year old, asked me "Remind me again on why you like him?"

"He is the most beautiful man i've ever seen my whole life! and besides- He's 16, so that means we can still be together!" He said dreamily "Maybe later, i'll try to invite hi--"

"THANK YOU I OWE YOU ONE!" He said before running outside to his school, I sighed "John?" I hear two voices say, I turned around to see the 13 year old twins: Achilles and Acleous, Acleous being older by 7 minutes

"Where are you going?" Achilles said "School, babygirl." I smile at her, she didn't have any reaction though, typical Achilles "I see..."

"We were kinda hoping that you can take us to the amusement park kids at our school talk about!" Acleous grinned enthusiastically, These twins are polar opposites, Acleous being the Energetic, happy one while Achilles being the serious, emotionless one..

"Well, I-" I suddenly came up with a realization "Aren't you both going to school?"

"Oh." Acleous said, then widened his eyes "OH WE HAVE SCHOOL?!" He screamed "Yes, we do have brother." Achilles responded "IT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION! AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHEN YOU KNEW?!?" He said, completely frustrated, Achilles shrugged in response, Acleous ran towards his room, Achilles following behind him.

"Welp, let's go Johnny." Herc pulled me put of the orphanage not wanting anymore distractions.

"OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO LUCKY!" Samuel screamed, we just told them about how we are moving in with Mr. Hamilton and they couldn't stop bragging about how lucky we are (to be alive right now).

"I'm happy for you guys." James mumbled, smiling lightly "But I still can't believe you both actually got a job." Maria commented, astonished.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

They all laughed.

It was the end of school, and luckily it was a Friday. Martha told us to take the day off so we were just gonna head back to the orphanage when I remembered Charles favor.

"Hey guys, wanna go hang at the orphanage? The others have been dying for you guys ti visit again." And by others I mean't Charles.

Samuel lightened up "Sure! I finally get to see Charles again!" He grinned happily, I smirked and raised a brow at him "Someone's got a crush," I teased.

He looked surprised "N-no! That's not what I mean't!" I rolled my eyes "Yeah, yeah."

When we made it to the orphanage, Samuel immediently went to Charles, who was looking at me with a look of gratitude in his face, mouthing 'Thank you' repeatedly at me.

I saw Dolly and Sally came to Maria, complimenting on how beautiful she was. James was with Nathaniel playing Legos on the floor, Herc was with the twins, arm wrestling with them, though he couldn't seem to beat them.

I smiled at the sight, Theo came up to me and held my hand "Isn't this fun?" I grinned back at her before looking at them again "Yeah, Big fun."


"GEORGE EACKER WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL MY PENS?!" I screamd at the boy, who was lounging on the couch, watching TV with popcorn on his hands "I dunno, why you blamin' me?!" He said in a voice that sounded like a cowboys from Texas.

"Because your the only brat who's capable on doing this sort of stuff." I said as he smirked "I threw it all in the toilet and let's just say you'll have a very hard time cleaning your bathroom."



"John! please tell us a story!" Nathaniel begged, and so did the other kids, I sighed "We have an early day tomorrow, right Herc? Herc?" I looked around and saw Herc on the bed, looking at me eagerly as the other kids cuddled with him, I let out a strained chuckle "Fine, just one story!"


Let's just say these brats had me up until 1 am.

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