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a/n; OKAY IVE DEDICATED THIS TO MY FAVORITE AUTHOR-- There are so amazing guys! I literally get so lost in fantasy land when I read their books! I suggest you go check them out! Their amazing as fuck! They are the whole reason I got to finish this chapter! Lots of love ♡♡♡

//btw i use them/they pronouns incase of any miscalculation of your gender identity.//

this chapter is dedicated to samxanonymous


"Francis, I'm hungry." Kira groaned as she laid her head on the table.

"Hi hungry, I'm Francis." He replied boringly, not looking away from his phone "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"Ugh," Francis put his phone away "What do you want me to do? Feed you?"

"Precisely." She grinned "Cook me something good, let me see what you're made of."

"Are you tempting me?" Francis raised a brow "Maybe.."

"Fine." Francis said as he stood up "Yes!" Kira cheered.

Kira waited until he left before she grabbed his phone and hid in on her pocket.

"Let me break down the fourth wall for a second." Kira said before mumbling again "Pfft, Why did I even ask permission? I've broken it so many times already.."

"I know this scene doesn't make sense, but I wanted yall' to make you feel happy cause' this scene might be the last happy one until 'that' chapter." Kira smiled "So, anyways- please don't kill me- I love you."

"Who the fuck are you talking to?"

"Shit, he's onto me."


"You should atleast try and talk to him.." Theodosia said as she soothingly rubbed the frenchman's back "He's leaving in a hour, don't you want to say goodbye? This might be the last time you'll ever talk to Hercules.."

"What's the use.." Lafayette mumbled as he continued filing up papers "He hates me, I see no reason on why I should go to him now.."

"Well, honestly you kinda deserved that." Theodosia said "You're not helping.."

"But what do you want him to do? Approach you first?" Theodosia raised a brow "You should be the one to make the first move, you did break his heart more than it already was when you admitted you had a wife."

"Fiance, Were not married, Remember..?" Lafayette reminded her before sighing heavily "I just don't know how to approach him.."

"It's easy, just walk towards him and talk." Theodosia answered.

Lafayette gave her a smug look "You know what I mean.."

Theodosia let out a sigh "That's your problem, I have more stuff to take care of-- I still need to call Hermione about the tickets.." She said before standing up to leave.

Theodosia then stopped, hesitantly turning around to face him "By the way, there's a package for you on your room, you should probably check it out."

"I'll see to it later, I need to prepare the limo for them... It's a long way to the airport." Lafayette replied.

"Um, maybe you should look at it now? It may be important.." Theodosia laughed hesitantly.

"It can wait." Lafayette replied coldly.

Theodosia frowned before walking away with a disappointed expression on her face.

Better get back to work.


"I don't know whether to feel pity or shame for you, Jefferson." Burr said as he looked at the pathetic man infront of him "Just be grateful you closed your eyes in time."

"Be grateful?" Jefferson snapped as he turned around "Look at this Burr! This huge scar around my eye! What will they think? What will James think?"

Burr facepalmed "Are you fucking kidding me right now, you're worried about the thoughts of a teen who gave you the same scar you are worried about?"

"You used 'worried' too much in one sentence." Jefferson commented, but Burr pretended not to hear.

"You know he is leaving tomorrow right?" Burr hesitantly asked, his words carefully making it's way to Jefferson's head

Jefferson looked to his phone, trying to avoid eye contact as he calmly replied to him "Yeah.."

Burr was surprised and confused at his reaction "You seem calm about this, You're actually taking this pretty well than I thou-- JEFFERSON YOU BROKE THE FUCKING PHONE!"


Eliza dreaded every second the clock ticks.

She felt as if she was trapped inside a box. A box that gets smaller and smaller as time passes, making it hard for her to breathe. Everytime she was reminded of that dreaded wedding, she felt so suffocated.

She laid down on her bed, all alone. She didn't want to see anyone right now, or have the willpower to prepare for her wedding.

She could go and say her farewells to Maria, but that would only break her more, She couldn't take another heartbreak.

She then thought, maybe this was all her fault.

John's suffering, Maria's sorrow, and everyone else's pain, And it all started when she came back months ago.

If she hadn't come back, no one would suffer, and John and Alexander would be together, Maria and Peggy might have a chance as well.

It was always her fault, she was always to blame.

She was always the enemy, the third wheel, the wall between relationships.

She should've stayed in Paris and faced her Step mother's wrath every single day of her life. Her painful words, her venemous slaps and her murderous gaze.

After all, she didn't deserve love.

She was to blame, she was always to blame.

She was always the one being hated for getting in the way.

It would be better if she just disappeared.

She couldn't stop blaming herself.

She needed to see Maria.

One last time.

She suddenly felt a surge of energy flow in her body. She quickly stood up and stormed out of her room in a hurry, eager to see the Love of her life, her Venus, her everything.

Her Maria.


Charles haven't heard or seen Samuel eversince that incident happened.

So seeing the said man infront of him right now was certainly a big surprise.

"Charles, it's been a while hasn't it?" He chuckled dully, his eyes looking down on him "Haven't seen you since--"

"King exploded?" Charles immediently regretted what he said "I'm so sorry--"

To his surprise, Samuel started laughing "Good one kid."

"Uh, thanks?" Charles was definantly confused, he was acting so differently "Anyways, I guess this is a good time to say goodbye."

Charles felt his heart sink "It was an honor being your friend," Samuel smiled "Good grief I sound like one of those people in those movies.."

"Anyways, uh- bye." Samuel was about to walk off when Charles grabbed the hem of his shirt "Wait."

Samuel looked back at him with a confused look.

Charles felt his legs go weak, this was the last time he could tell him how he feels "S-sam.."


"I-I.." Charles felt a knot on his throat "I-I like--" He was really going to do this "I l-like y-y-you!"

No words were exchanged after that.

Charles looked down, not removing his hand from the older man's shirt. Samuel, however had a unreadable expression on his face, it was hard to tell how he felt.

The wind sounded like ringing in Charles' ears, he couldn't comprehend what was happening. He could feel his heart beating out of his chest, sweat poured down his body like waterfalls.

He was ready to cry when he was recieving no response. But to his surprise, Samuel wrapped his hands around Charles' waist.

It was as if time stopped for the both of them. Charles could feel his breath on his neck, he could smell the faint perfume on his shirt, the warmthness of the older man, who was engulfing him in a hug.

He was addicted to him, his aroma, his warmth, he was addicted to everything about him. He couldn't think properly, all that could comprehend on his mind was the man infront of him, the one making him feel this way. After all, this was the first time they've gotten this close. But what does this mean?

"I know." Samuel whispered onto his ear softly, sending goosebumps all over the smitten boy.

"But I can't love you." He whispered before pulling away from him.

"I'm sorry."

And then, before Charles could even beg him to stay, he was gone.


Eliza was so lost. Mentally and Literally.

She felt like she was going in circles, her brain couldn't grasp on the situation at hand. Her brain was filled with so much clouds, she couldn't think, she couldn't speak.

She felt as if she was engulfed in flames, silent screams escaping her burning throat, so many whispers fluttering in her mind, as if there were many souls trapped in her head, wanting to break free from all the chaos within her.

Nevertheless, she continued walking the seemingly endless hallway. Pretending as if though nothing was troubling her, trying to contain herself from breaking, trying to hide her pain behind the old mask she had used for so many years, hoping to make herself look strong for the sake of everyone around her.

But the whispers did not fade, voices filled her mind every single moment of her life. Insecurites and anxiety haunted her whole being, afraid of what everyone will think, what they will do, afraid of all the abuse she might experience again.

She was a puppet. A puppet used by her step-mom whenever she wanted a model, or a punching bag of sorts. Her feelings did not matter, well- until she met Alexander all those years ago, but that was in the past.

But she felt like someone in Maria's eyes. The first time they met felt like a bliss, and she fell inlove with her mezmerizing beauty, but as time pass- she had fallen completely with her whole being, her soul, her everything.

She fell inlove with Maria Lewis.

She felt her heart flutter whenever she thinks of her, whenever she crosses her mind the whispers and voices seem to volume down, and all she could see was her.

To her, Maria was the key to the cage she's been trapped for so long, and whenever she's gone. She was in the cage all over again, so she made every moment with her count.

But now she's leaving, maybe permanently, or for God knows how long. And she didn't know if she could live with the fact of her leaving for good--


She stopped walking for the voice of her one and only angel rang in her ears. The sweet voice that kept her from being captive in her own thoughts eversince forever ago. The voice of the person she has worshipped silently in her head, her savior, her--

"Maria." The way Eliza had said her name sent sparks all over Maria's body, it sounded so sweet, so passionate, so gentle- like a mother's lullaby to her sweet child.

"H-hey..." Maria said casually, but she felt like melting on the spot "Been a while.."

"Yeah.." Eliza chuckled, nervousness filled her tone "So.." Her eyes landed on the trolley bag she was dragging "You're leaving now?"

"Ah, y-yeah.." Maria said sadly, she had hoped to depart without Eliza seeing her to avoid complete and utter heartbreak, but fate had other plans "I guess this is goodbye."

It doesn't have to be. Eliza wanted to say, but that would be selfish of her "I-I guess."

A silence occured between them, but it wasn't a awkward one, they just simply indulged in each other's presence, knowing that this was the last time they get to do so, so they wanted to make the most of it.

"Do you really want to go?" Eliza had suddenly asked, throwing off Maria for a second there, that is the question wasn't it. Did she really wanted to go?

"I..." Maria fell silent, so she nodded in response instead. She didn't dare to look into her eyes, afraid of what she might see. She kept her head low.

Maria then felt a pair of arms wrap around her "Eliza--"

"I love you."

Maria felt so confused, and hurt. What does that mean? Was that her attempt on stopping her from going.

She felt the warmth disappear, and when she looked up, Eliza was already walking away behind her.

She felt tears brim the corner of her eyes, Was that it? No 'Please stay' or 'Don't go'--- Just an 'I love you?' What does that even mean.

She walked away, fighting the tears that threatened to fall, part of her hoped for Eliza to beg her to stay, but that wasn't the case. Fate was just so cruel to her.

So, with a heavy heart. They both walked away, backs turned from each other. Both walking towards a different path.


Lafayette was gonna step inside the limo when Hercules came out with his luggage.

His heart stopped at the sight. He almost cried at the look of him, he wanted to jump into his arms and shower him with apologies and kisses, or just simply beg for him to stay, just so he could see his face every day, they didn't have to talk, or become friends.

Seeing him everyday would be enough.

"Hey, where should I put these?" Lafayette's thoughts were interuppted the younger man, who was holding his bags.

Lafayette looked sideways, just to see if there was someone else before pointing at himself "A-are you talking to me..?"

"Who else?" Hercules chuckled, He chuckled. Lafayette thought hopefully, but he erased all that false hope "R-right, M-my apologies."

"H-here.." Lafayette helped him put the luggage in, and when he was about reach in for the last bag, he saw that Hercules was gonna get it too. But it was too late to revert his back, and now he felt a familiar warmth cover his hand.

The sensation sent sparks all over Lafayette's body, for a split second- he felt alive. But then he realized his mistake, he quickly pulled his hand away, unknown tears fell down his eyes "I-I'm so sorry!"

Lafayette tried to wipe his tears away, but they kept coming. The touch had brought back so many emotions that it was too much, even for him so he started crying. The familiar sensation had made Lafayette's body so alive that when it disappeared he missed it already, and it hurt so bad.

"G-god, I look s-so pathetic.." Lafayette tried to avoid his gaze, so he turned around and started walking "I-I'll be out of y-your way--"

He was cut short when Hercules pulled him back, he tried not to look at him, but Hercules' other man held his chin, gently making him look upward "H-herc--"

Hercules suddenly placed his lips in the corner of his eye, kissing the tears away. Lafayette felt so conflicted, he felt so hurt, yet so happy, he felt hate for himself but love for the other man, he missed this, he missed all the excitement, he missed all the love.

He missed Hercules.

"I forgive you."

The soft whisper made Lafayette snap out of it, tears poured his eyes like waterfalls, and before he could even get an answer from Hercules--

He had already disappeared.


James was still horrified by the events that recently just happened in his life.

First, he had accidentally slashed a cutter on a man who was just trying to help him, then he found out his parents has been looking for him, then the fight he and his friends had.

He had lost everyone.

He never knew he could lose that much in the spam of a week. It hurts, so much it felt numb. Like a blank sky, he felt empty.

He felt like a deadman walking, dragging his bags towards the door, which was on the next floor below.

The guilt was chained onto him, making it harder for him to walk, he couldn't seem to carry himself. He had already felt tired, he felt as if he was walking for ages, but it has only been three minutes.

His thoughts landed to a certain poofy haired man. Who had tried so hard with him eversince they met. It's not that he didn't want it, deep inside he did. But he couldn't afford to accept him in his life after everything he has been through.

See, that was his problem. He had only though about himself for so long, eversince he left home. He hadn't been kicked out, but he made himself feel like he got kicked out. Why? Because his parents tried so hard with him, they tried so hard to make him happy that he felt like he was burdening them, so he pushed them away by running away.

Now, Jefferson came to his life, and a different emotion sprung inside of him. He couldn't accept the emotion, so he pushed him away as well, because he was so afraid of the new feeling, he knew deep inside that he was falling for that man.

Now here he was, running away, again.

All I ever do was run. He thought bitterly, trying so hard to make himself cry, but he couldn't.

Everyone told him crying makes everything better, but whenever he cried, he felt worse. But he held on to that statement, whether it was true or not.

See, he hated this. When he feels so sad, so lonely, so devastated that he wants to cry so hard, but no tears come out, just the pain.

He hated that.

"You look tired."

The all too familiar voice made him sprung backwards, as if an unknown force had pushed him, making him fall into the ground.

"Careful now.." The voice whispered softly, holding out a hand for him. But James didn't dare to look up, he couldn't look at him knowing he had scarred the face of the man he unknowingly holds dearly.

"James.." James felt tears on the corner of his eyes, he had missed the way he said his name, he had missed the sweetness that dripped from the voice of his savior, he missed him so much, even though he was annoying as hell.

"Don't cry, Please.." Jefferson said in pain, wiping the tears falling from his face "T-Thomas.."

The said man looked at him in shock, but smiled "You actually said my name."

James blinked away the tears, unable to respond "C'mon, I'll help you carry your bags- Let's go now.."

James did as he was told and stood up without looking at his face. He watched as Jefferson grabbed his bags with one hand and use the other to hold his, and together they walked towards the stairs.

It was a slow and silent walk. No one dared to exchange words, but they both new in the bottom of their hearts that they've longed for each others presence.

No words where exchanged as they made their way towards the door. But James froze before Jefferson could even open it "I'll take it from here now, Thank you.."

Jefferson did not speak, instead he nodded, walking away from him, purposely brushing his shoulders onto his.

"Thomas.." James' weak voice made Jefferson freeze on his tracks "I-I'm sorry."

James didn't know what came over him, but he just needed to let that out of his chest before he leaves, he felt so much pain.

Why has he only realized his love for him now that he's leaving?

James then was forcefully spun around, he faced the older man, finally having a clear view of his face.

The scar left quite a mark on his face. And in James' eyes, it was the only flaw in him, and knowing that he was the one who caused it made him feek even more devastated.

He had unconsciously traced the scar gently with his thumb, guilty tears falling down his eyes "I-I'm so sorry.."

Jefferson held the hand that was caressing his scar "Don't be." He whispers "Atleast, this way- You had really left a mark on me before you leave..." He said smiling sadly.

James hicupped "I'm so sorry.."

Jefferson stared as James look away from him, he removed the hand on his cheek and gently placed a kiss on his knuckles.

"It's okay."

Then, as James fell down on his knees. The last sight he saw of Jefferson was his back walking away from him.


The ride to the airport was silent. No one had said a word to one another, knowing the consequences that might happen afterwards.

John was on the front seat, for Hercules had refused to sit there. He had his earphones plugged on, but no music playing.

He wanted to think, and what better time to think than during an one hour ride to the airport.

He hadn't said a word to Alexander eversince their fight. He avoided him, and by the looks of it, the said man had been avoiding him too.

It hurts, he admits- But maybe this was for the best. This way, he could start a new life, a new chapter of his book.

But was he really ready to let go?

His thoughts were interuppted by the sound of pitter-patters of the rain to his window.

Thinking about it, Mother nature tends to strike her tears of sorrow in times of devastation. Her timing is just undeniably perfect, she was always there, watching- ready to play with our every thought, cursing us with negativity with the tears she poured down on our sweet and bitter sorrow.

The rain reminded him of Alexander for some reason. Cold, but there when needed, John appreciates how he tries sometimes, but overall his personailty is no better than Mrs. Evil.

But after all the pain Alexander had brought upon him, all the insults and embarrasments, all the rejection, the hate, the confusion.

He still loves him.

Alexander is so many things to him, he was his everything, he was like an ocean. Cold, mysterious, wide, and so interesting, yet- no matter how much he explores it, it is yet unknown.

It is so mezmerizing, yet so confusing, so enticing, so exciting, so dangerous. And he just never knows what might happen, there are so many possibilities, so many sudden changes, to him- The ocean was a definition of bipolarity.

But in it, he sees something beautiful, something worth knowing, a place that gives you peace and serenity, but a place that can also bring fear, something extraordinary. He was like the ocean.

Alexander was his ocean

"We're here." Lafayette's soft voice interuppted his thoughts, and for a moment- he was surprised at how fast they got there.

Time really flies when you're thinking about something you love.


As soon as Lafayette made it back, he immediently went to his room and crashed down onto his bed, exhausted- both physically and mentally.

But he couldn't sleep. Instead, he laid lifelessly onto his bed, looking at the ceiling.

As he was looking around, he saw a neatly brown package on his desk, along with a neatly folded letter.

His heart almost stopped, he didn't know what it was but he had a feeling on what it could be.

He carefully grabbed the letter, as if it would burn onto his touch. He breathed heavily, then he opened the letter.

'Dear Lafayette,

Well, this is certainly a first. I've never really written any letters before, excluding the ones I wrote in school for projects and stuff. But, I guess even though I don't have any talents for writing I thought I could just say the things I couldn't tell personally.

Lafayette laughed bitterly at the first few phrases, and even though he hadn't read the name of the writer of this letter, he knew it was the one and only Hercules.

First of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you feel like you're obliged to return your love for me.

Lafayette felt his heart break at what he read "Y-you didn't make me feel obliged Hercules.. I-It was my own decision to l-love you.."

Well, atleast I thought you were obliged to. I don't really know, I don't know you well enough to know your thoughts, maybe I do, but I dunno.

Lafayette saw a tear drop from his face and into the piece of paper, but nevertheless, he kept reading.

It's just, You are the first person I truly fell inlove with, and for that reason I didn't want to let you go, and that was a selfish act of me, I'm sorry.

"D-don't be sorry... I should be s-sorry.." Lafayette cried silently.

I still did not understand why you hid the fact you were married. But I guess it was dumb of me to assume a gorgeous man like you is single.

Lafayette laughed bitterly at this "I-I can't believe y-you had e-enough willpower t-to write a flirtatious r-remark here.."

But, to be honest... Instead of hating you, I hated myself.

Lafayette felt as if his whole world came crashing down.

I don't blame you for not telling me you were married, in fact- I can't bring myself to hate you, All the hate I should have felt for you was transferred onto me.

Lafayette struggled to read the next lines.

I remember the first time I saw you, Just another playful crush from a daily customer who comes every 8am in the morning.

Lafayette laughed.

But I was wrong, the moment you became a part of my life I knew I'd follow you anywhere.

He felt a mixture of happiness and pain spark in his heart.

And honestly, even after all the shit we've been through, If I could do it all over again, I would, and I wouldn't change a thing.


And my hope for you is when you're looking back years from now, when you watch your little babies grow into someone like you, or your wife--you'd be able to say the same thing.

Lafayette broke down into tears, hiccups and sobs escaped his mouth and into the suffocating room, he struggled to read the next.

I'm glad to have been part of your life, even if I won't be in the future. Thank you for bringing me these new emotions I could treasure for the rest of my life, Now, I won't be a hindrance in the path of your future. Your future is in your hands Laf, and I know you will find a way to make things right, You always have.

"T-that's not true.." Lafayette sobbed "T-that's not true at all.."

Take care of the orphans for me, and Theo too. Thank you for making me feel loved for a few moments, now I think I'm ready to let you go. You deserve to be happy, I forgive you.

Lafayette then grabbed the package and opened it before reading the rest, and when he saw what was in it, he couldn't surpress his emotions.

He screamed as he hugged the beautifully knitted scarf into his chest, letting out the pain of losing Hercules, his everything.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your life, I love you.

Goodbye Mon chéri.


"The flight is delayed?" The five teenagers look at the British man in disbelief as he awkwardly scratches his back "I'm afraid so, there was a teeny problem that needs to be fixed, but don't you worry! It'll only last for an hour or two."

"Until then, try to enjoy yourselves." Ron smiled.

"At an airport?"

"Pretend I did not say that."

The five sighed before glancing at one another for a split second before going on to their seperate ways.

But they couldn't deny the longing they felt for their broken friendship.



The inexplicable urge to push people away. Even close friends who you really like.

Though it wasn't really a word added in the dictionary, it helped Alexander find out the feeling he has inside of him for as long as he could remember.

He looked out his window, staring at the rain, reminding him of the times he had ran after John under such heavy downpour.

John was gone, he accepted that.

Well, he thought he had accepted it.

He then remembered the first time he met John. He smiled bitterly at the thought, he would never forget his face when he first looked at him with pure hatred, which changed into love as time passed.

He remembered John's love-filled eyes when he woke up next to him during those days, and the time they first slept together when he was sick.

The time where they went on that date, or those pathetic wars they started on each other. The pranks, the laughs, the joy, the cries...

But what he couldn't get out of his head was his broken expression whenever he had hurted him, It's funny, the things you seem to remember the most were the sorrowful ones.

He looked out the rain again, reminiscing the time he ran after John two times in a row.

"Mr. Hamilton, it seems as if their flight has been delayed."

....Third times a charm, right?


"The problem has been fixed!" Hermione cheered as she approached them "Check-in's are starting, so you better prepare yourselves."

The five nodded at her before the grabbed their luggages "I'm going to the bathroom for a while, be back later." John said as he dropped his bags onto his chair "Look after these will ya' Ron?"

Ron nodded in response.


Alexander finally made it to the airport.

He pulled so many strings to get here so fast, after all- He was hella' rich.

But wait, what was he even doing here? What was his sole purpose coming here? He just came here because of instinct.

"John?!" Alexander screamed as he ran inside the airport, attracting the attention of some bystanders "John! Where are you!?"

Should he go back? It's too late for that. But what will he do, make a fool of himself?

"Isn't that the Billionaire?" Someone gasped "What is he doing here?" Another voice said "Perhaps he's looking for this--"

"John! Answer me!" Alexander screamed yet again, running around in hopes of finding him.

Why does he even bother, What will he even say? He'll just embarass himself.

"John! Where are you---" His eyes landed on the back of a certain teen with brown curly hair, and he had no doubt that it was--


The said teen turned around in shock, surprised to see Alexander in such distress. He watched as he ran towards him, but not too close. He was five steps infront of him.

"J-John..." Alexander said breathlessly, staring at him with eyes filled with hope and purpose.

What now?

"Alexander.." John paused, turning around fully to look at him- then continued softer, if possible "What are you doing here?"

What are you doing here? That was also Alexander's question "I--"

"Is that John?" A woman whispered.

"Who is he? A special someone, perhaps?"

"Don't be silly! He's so young! And he's a boy!"

Alexander suddenly felt trapped, suffocated around the people who had his eyes on him.

His next action will determine the future of his reputation, after all- History has it's eyes on him.

"J-John.." He said "I..." Alexander walked towards him, looking into his eyes "Alexander..?"

They both stared at each other's eyes, drowning in them, cherishing each other's presence, hoping for time to stop at this moment.

But, that isn't a possibilty.

"John! C'mon! Hurry up!" Hermione yelled after him, making the both of them wake up into reality.

"I-I have to go..." John said, as he grabbed his bags from the ground, looking at him with hopeful and loving eyes for one last time.

Alexander was silent, but then- He smiled, A sincere smile, A smile that screamed a thousand words. He walked back from him. Not even touching him for one last time.

As John turned around, tears in his eyes, walking away from the man he loves, leaving his heart with him in the process, he heard him utter one single word.



okay, first of all- im sorry.

also, i experimented on this chapter a bit and practiced writing more complex paragraphs so i took long sorry.

also, i would announce the winner of the theory contest at the end of each chapter so yall' wouldnt get spoiled.

no one got the precise answer, but this one came close!

Shout out to @Short_Story_Teller!

The thing that is wrong here is when Alex will catch up and say he loves him, that is wromg because Alexander does not love John yet or just doesnt accepting it.

But you almost got it! Like srsly just that one!

A lot of you said it was gonna be a fluffy chappie like those scene in romantic movies when the other is gonna leave well-


Also i did not count the comments bcz the rules strictly said you must reply in the message on the message board, since its more easy for me to access.

So yeah, congrats, the next question will be posted soon! Its 1am now hahahaahnsjakauwokam.

//tip;; if you have gone far in this book, you know i dont do that much cliche stuff, i prefer my own way, so when theorizing try avoiding cliche things that happens in romance movies bcz itll never happen here [maybe i might, but not frequently].//

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