Happy Birthday Alexander!

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a/n: tons of fanservice in this chapter, a bit of angst at the end. i know i posted this late but i rlly wanted to do this, ily all!

dedicated to Alexander Hamilton 🇱🇷

"Happy Birthday Alexander!"

Alexander stood on his door, dumbfounded at the sight that greeted him so early in the morning.

The minute he woke up, his door opened to appear different people greeting him, including his parents.

"What the fuck is this?" Alexander glared, not looking pleased about the situation.

"Language boy." Evil hissed "Anyways, better prepare yourself-The press will be here soon."

"Press?" Martha looked confused "I wasn't informed about any press coming today."

"You didn't have to know, but today were going to make their engangemeny viral!" Evil cackled.

"Excuse me?" Martha looked angry "This is our son, so any situation involving him must have my consent."

"Technically, he proposed to my daughter- So that also makes him my son." She hissed.

"Proposed to your daughter!? Lies!" Martha growled "It was you who forced them to get enganged!"

"I didn't force them." Evil crossed her arms "I only offered, and your son accepted it."

"You tempted him." Martha hissed "That's why he accepted."

"Did Eliza even want this?" Martha added "Did she get a sa--"

"She doesn't get to say anything." Evil glared "They are a couple right? So this is no problem, besides- This might be the only useful thing that brat will do to our family name."

"How dare you--"

"Martha, dear that's enough..." George frowned.


"How dare you call me that!?" Evil gasped "This is una--"

"Martha." Alexander looked at Martha with dull eyes "Enough."

"Son, can't you see?" Martha hicupped "W-why.... I just don't understand.."

Alexander looked unfazed by Martha's crying, but George felt pity for his wife.

"It's your birthday today, shouldn't you take a break?" George asked him, taking the attention away from his wife.

"This is more important." Alexander said "Now if you excuse me.."

Alexander slipped passed them "I have so much work to do."


John walked dreadfully along the halls, his eyes glued to the ground, his hands fixing his backpack from behind.

He sighed as he brushed his fingers through his ponytail, untangling the locks.

His friends already went ahead of him, since he was having a hard time carrying himself to school. But he realized that it wasn't worth crying over spilled milk.

His thoughts were interuppted when a hand blinded his vision.


Alexander navigated through the quiet halls. That is, until he heard a scream.

A scream so familiar that made him run faster than the speed of Daveed rapping.

He made a hard turn towards the hall and saw John with a ribbon tied on his head, getting pulled away by the one and only---


"Alex." Kira widened her eyes in relief "Thank God I found you, hurry up and let's go!"

Alexander looked confused as Kira started pulling him as well "What the fuck is going on? What did you did to John?"

"Oh, right." Kira stopped and pulled John towards Alexander.

"Happy Birthday Alexander." Kira smiled as she handed John over to him "Here's my gift."

Alexander looked dumbfounded "The fuck?"

"I never agreed to this!" Johh squeaked, blushing furiously.

"That's not all, i'm getting the both of you to a date." Kira grinned as she pulled them towards the doors "What!? Why!?"

"Well duh, It's your birthday!" Kira exclaimed.

"I can't, I have school! And besides, Hamilton is enganged!" John said, a hint of disappointment on his voice.

"The press will be here soon, I need to be here when they arrive.." Alexander said anxiously.

"And I have a mob of angry readers demanding for fluff and might come kill me sooner or later so you better come with me if you don't want me to cut your dicks off." Kira smiled.

"Yes Ma'am!" They both squeaked.


When they reached outside, a car was waiting for them "Get in." .

The two obliged and sat on the backseat, moving as far as possible from each other. Kira sat down on the drivers seat, starting the engine before droving off.

"Is this even legal? A 13 year old driving an SUV?" Alexander asked.

"My story, my rules." She replied, not taking her eyes off the road " Now let's go."

"Go where?" John sighed.



"Here are your tickets, now go in and enjoy yourselves!" Kira grinned as she handed then tickets "Wait, you're not coming with us?"

"Duh, it's your date! And besides, The arcade is calling me. I'll be back after the movie!" Kira grinned "We don't even know what the movie is about."

"It's about a forbidden historical love between two soldiers, who are men." Kira grinned and winked.

"This is absurd." Alexander clicked his tongue "If you guys don't watch that fucking movie I swear I'll throw you both to Jumanji." Kira threatened.

"Jesus Christ," John said breathlessly "Let's just go Hamilton." He said as he grabbed his hand, pulling him in.

"Don't forget to use a condom guys!" Kira yelled.


"This is.... Boring" Alexander sighed as he leaned back to his chair, staring blankly at the screen infront of him.

They were already halfway through the movie and John was already bawling his eyes out "T-his is beautiful!"

"It's black and white, what year is this? The 1930's?" Alexander said sleepily, crossing his arms.

"So what?" John mumbled "What matters is the story, and the story is very beautiful and realistic. The forbidden love between male soldiers of the 1770's! I never knew Lin-Manuel Miranda and Anthony Ramos were that intimate in their letters! I-- Hamilton?"

John stopped talking when he felt something on his shoulder, he turned his head to see Alexander fast asleep there. He smiled softly and leaned his head on top of his, not even paying attention to the movie anymore.

John spent the rest of the hour staring at Alexander lovingly.


"Hey guys! How was the movie? Was it good? Did you kiss? Did you guys have sex?" Kira grinned, throwing a piece of candy on her mouth.

John went flustered "You dirty child, none of that happened." Alexander growled..

"The movie was great," John mumbled bashfully as he played with his hair.

Alexander looked at John for a splut second before eyeing Kira's huge bag of candies "Where the fuck did you get all those candy?"

"CANDY STORE!!!" Kira sang before giggling "Just kidding, I won it at the arcade."

"How did you won that many candy at an arcade?" John asked, amazed "You didn't steal it did you?" Alexander gasped.

"What? NO!" Kira yelled "Some dude challenged me to play Tekken and offered a bargain." She continued.

"What kind of bargain?" Alexander raised a brow.

"If he wins, I'd kiss him, and if I win he'd give me his buttload of tickets." Kira smiled.

"And judging from all thst candy you beat the crap out of him at Tekken didn't you?" John asked, unsurprised.

"Bingo!" Kira grinned (This was a true story btw)

Alexander sighed "You shouldn't eat that much candy, it's bad for your health."

"And it'll cause Cavities too, not to mention a massive sugar crash." John intervened.

"I don't give a shit, I can eat all the candy I want. This is my life, this is who I am," Kira hissed "I am me. Learn to love it, or live with it."

"Jesus fucking Christ."


"The beach?"

Alexander and John stared dumbfounded at the Kira, who was looking at them happily "Yep!"

Kira removed her bun and let her hair drape behind her back before grabbing a paperbag from the car "I don't like the ocean."

"Too bad Alex, were already here." Kira said before throwing a piece of clothing at him "Wear this."

Alexander sighed before walking away.

"Okay, now that he's gone..." Kira eyed John mischeviously "I'm gonna turn you to the most beautiful man he's ever gonna see."

John blushed "W-what!? W-WAIT!"

Kira ignored his cries and pulled him to the nearest bathroom "Strip."

"YOU FOOL! GET OUT FIRST!" John blushed as he pushed Kira out of the stall "Call me when your done!"

John sighed before looking at the shorts she gave him "It's green."

He stripped out of his clothes and wore the fabric before looking at himself in the mirror. He blushed "I-It's too tight..."

"YOU DONE!?" Kira barged in the stall, making John squeak in surprise "DO YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK!?"

"Ohhh~ You lool pretty sexy John!" Kira cooed "It's so fucking tight."

"That's what made it even more sexier." Kira winked "Alex is gonna love this, it might even make his shorts tighter than it already is."

John was confused but then blushed in realization "You perverted child."

Kira ignored his comment and wrapped a towel around his waist "Now let me just tie this-- There!" Kira took a steo back and smiled "You look beautiful!"

John glanced at the mirror "I look like a fucking girl."

"That's the point, now let's go!"


Alexander was waiting impatiently by the car, waiting for the both of them to return "Why are they taking so damn lo--"

"Alex! Hey!"

Alexander gritted his teeth in annoyance before turning around "You sure took your damn ti---"

Alexander was cut off when his eyes landed on John.

"O-Oh shit..." Alexander stared at John hungrily, a blush on his face. He looked so beautiful, how can a man be so damn gorgeous?

He felt his shorts get tighter than before "F-fuck..."

Alexander continued eyeing on John before Kira blocked his vision "That's enough eye raping Alex."

John blushed "I-I... John.." Alexander held John's hand, making John look at him "Y-You look beautiful."

John was blushing 50 shades of red before looking away "T-thanks... You look h-hot.."

Alexander blushed even more, but John- realizinh what he just said, blushed harder "I'M GONNA GO SWIM! B-BYE!"

John pulled his hand away before running towards the water, leaving Alexander with his... Situation.

"Hey Alex." Alexander's amorous thoughts were interrupted by Kira "You should take care of that."

Kira's finger was pointed at his boner.



John panted as he rested his hands on his knees, feeling the cold water on his feet.

He felt so embarrased, how could he say that? To him? Didn't they had a fight? Did they just really forgot about that?

And Alexander had a fiance, he shouldn't be flirting with him like that so boldly.

He shooked his head, enough thinking for now. He thought, walking through the water slowly.

He lifted the towel on his waist before looking at his reflection on the water.

He did kinda.. Look pretty cute.

He smiled before going deeper to the water, relaxing as the cold liquid touch his skin.

He couldn't stop thinking about Alexander.

Did he forgot that John loved him? Doesn't he realize how much his words affect him this much? How could he give him false hope?

And he just had to go through with this date, he could've just easily escaped it or declined but he chosed to go through it because...

This might be the last time he gets to hang out with Alexander.

His thoughts were interrupted when a huge wave swallowed him up.



John only saw darkness.

Was he dead? What happened?

"John! John!"

He could hear someone calling his name. He suddenly felt something warm on his hair, then he felt someone nearing him.

He opened his eyes.


"G-GAH!" They both jolted away from each other, there faces red "I-I WASN'T GONNA K-KISS YOU! I-I WAS JUST G-GONNA PERFORM CPR!"

"G-ga---I-It--A-A--" John's brain wasn't functioning any words.

"J-JOHN!? ARE YOU OKAY?!" Alexander crawled towards John and started to shake him "J-JOHN!?"

"I..." John was braindead.

Alexander glared at Kira, who had a disappointed look on her face because they didn't kiss "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"Bitch how was this my fault?!"



Kira dropped John and Alex infront of the mansion.

John was standing besides Alexander, awkwardly looking at the ground, fiddling with his fingers.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked, trying to break the awkward tension.

"Y-yeah..." John replied, looling away as he tried to warm his hands by clasping it together.

Alexander noticed this and faced him, grabbing both of his hands and intertwined it with his.

"Still cold..?" He whispered huskily, inching closer to him.

"Not anymore..." John whispered back, leaning closer as well.

They both closed their eyes, preparing themselves for the warmth of each others lips, it is as if time stopped for the both of them and only they were moving.

Setting sky, silent surroundings- It was the perfect venue for a first kiss.

But it wasn't the right time yet.

John bit his lip before gently pushing him away, looking down on the ground as he pulled his hands away from him and into his chest "P-please stop..."

"John...." He leaned his head towards Alexander's broad chest as strained sobs started to come out of his throat "P-please.."

"Please s-stop making me f-fall inlove with you m-more..."

Alexander watched silently at the crying boy on his chest "S-stop giving me false hope..."

John continued sobbing on his chest, mumbling broken words every now and then.

They stayed like that for five minutes.

John pulled away, looking at him with red eyes "I remember asking you.."

Alexander looked away "I asked you if you still loved Ms. Eliza..." He chuckled bitterly "You didn't answer back then.."

"But I think I know now..." Alexander looked at him with a surprised expression "You still love her."

Alexander was silent "But I got in the way..." He continued "Because of me, your conflicted by your own emotions.."

"You don't have to consider my feelings." John smiled "You don't have to pretend that I stand a chance."

"I don't care who you choose." John whispered "As long as your happy, I'm happy."


"Shh... I know.." John whispered "Forget about me, I know you love Eliza--"

"But that doesn't mean I should forget you that easily!" Alexander cut him off "You have become someone special to me and there'd no taking that back!"

Alexander held both of his shoulders "Stop being so selfless! Stop letting me take everything from you! Stop being such... Such..."

"...An angel..." Alexander didn't realize the tears falling down from his face, he glanced at John- Who had a sad smile on his face.

John held his cheek, leaning towards him as he whispered "Happy Birthday.."

  "Goodbye Alexander."

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