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"This is unprecedented." Martha muttered "He couldn't have done it, this is a farce!"

"Honey, plea-"

"NO! My Alexander couldn't have done it! He isn't that much of a monster to have the strength to murder someone!" She screamed.

"We know, Martha." Eliza replied, rubbing her back "Please, calm down.."

"Calm down!? How do you expect me to calm down when my son is on the brink of getting sentenced to prison!?" She wheezed, panting "I-I-I--"

"Honey, sit down." Washington said calmly as he pushed down her shoulders as an attempt to make her sit "At this rate you'll get a heart attck before our son goes to jail."

"DON'T SAY THAT!" Martha screamed, panic filled her voice "We'll win this case, I-I know my son is innocent."

"Why do you sound so unsure, Martha?" Jefferson butted in, his hands clasped "W-What do you mean?"

"I mean that you yourself are unsure if Alexander did commit this felony-"

"Are you accusing my son as some sort of murderer!?" Martha snapped, making Jefferson flinch.

"I'm saying that it is a possibilty," Jefferson said "I mean, we all know Alexander, he can be... Extreme, sometimes."

"Although that is true, he wouldn't do such a thing.. He-He wouldn't stoop as low as to murder an innocent man." Martha muttered.

"He wasn't exactly... Innocent.." John butted in after staying silent for so long "He.. Abused the two of them,"

"So you're implying that Alexander killed him for justice?" Washington snapped, looking at John with a stare that was scarier than death.

"N-No.. I-I didn't say that.." John was speechless "I-I was just trying to prove a point."

"And your point is?" George pressed, raising a brow.

Before John could even reply, Angelica bursted in "We got a story out of Alexander."

All the people inside the room immediently stood up "What is it?"

"Before that, I would like to point out that Alexander will be staying in prison in question before the trial." Angelica started, making Martha exhale shakily.

"And when is the trial?" Jefferson asked, crossing his arms.

Angelica was silent "In three days."

"THREE DAYS!?" They yelled "How are we supposed to find a lawyer in three days!?"

"Shh! Shush!" Angelica yelled "I-I think I've got that covered." She said "Anyways, Alexander told me what supposedly happened," She continued

"So, listen up."


"That little brat," Alexander muttered "What is he up to this time?" He said as he walked towards where the tracker was supposedly be.

Right after John left him hanging during the call, he immediently raced towards where the tracker was. And when he finally arrived, there was nothing.

"What is this?" Alexander was frozen "Where... Where could he possibly be...?"

Alexander immediently looked at the small house not so far away. He walked towards the door, and he heard faint cries from the inside.

He opened the door, and the sight left him frozen in fear.

There he saw a dead man, a knife in his chest. Then he saw a little boy, crying in the corner, muttering the words 'I didn't mean it' and 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

Alexander couldn't function properly, but all he could do was walk towards the body and hold the end of the knife, hesitation filled his mind whether he should pull it or not.

Then the door bursts open, an officer stood there- Shock and fear evident in his face. He told Alexander to get the knife out before grabbing a towel from one of the drawers and pressing it at the wound.

Then after a few minutes, John and the others came.


"And that was the scenario that supposedly happened." Angelica finished.

"And you believe that?" Burr asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

Angelica was silent for a moment "Honestly, I don't know what to believe." She said "It is as accurate as the scenario that was first described.. But I'm still unsure." She finished, looking at him "How about you, Burr? What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter." Burr said before looking away to pass the subject onto someone else "Jefferson?"

"I don't buy it." Jefferson said "No offense, Mrs. Washington, but the first scenario is more accurate to me."

"So you're all just gonna say that Alexander is a murderer!? How could you say that!? Aren't you his friends!?" John yelled, anger filling his voice.

They're all responded with silence at John's sudden outburst, but Angelica was first to say something "We are,"

"Then why--"

"Because the 'facts' don't add up, John." Angelica snapped, emphasizing the word 'Facts' "Sure, we are his friends- But unless we figure out what were supposed to defend then we have nothing."

"We can't do anything without proper evidence," Angelica said "And we can't defend what isn't right." She continued "If he did commit the felony we speak of.."

John was speechless "S-so were just letting him get arrested?"

"We will, if he did murder him." Angelica said "Whatever happens, the law is still the law, and it still must be followed, even Alexander himself knows that,"

"Well if he knew that then should he have taken himself in if he murdered Philip's father?" John asked.

The statement made Angelica grin "If, he did murder the father."

John was confused "If Alexander is defending himself then that must mean he's innocent," Angelica said "He may be stubborn sometimes but he would never dare and break the law, if he did- He would have allowed himself to get arrested rather than taking this to court, he would have admitted to his crime firsthand."

"That is.. True," Jefferson said, a tiny bit of hope filling his voice "Yeah, if there's anything Alexander's afraid of instead of Martha it's tha law." Burr butted in.

"Huh, I never imagined I'll be hearing 'afraid' and 'Alexander' in one sentence together." Francis walked in with Kira, a smile on his face.

"Well, unless it's 'I'm afraid of Alexander' then I would understand." Kira giggled.

John smiled, silently thanking the two of them for lighting the mood up a bit "But we still have one problem," He said "How can we find a lawyer in such a short amount of time?"

Angelica grinned "I told you before, I've already got that covered." She said.

"How?" Eliza asked curiously.

"Well, remember Thomas Paine?" Angelica mumbled, flustered.

"Ooh~ This is getting spicy!" Peggy smirked "Yeah, what about him?"

"Well, we've been communicating for a while-

"You haven't sent nudes have you?"

"Wha- N-no! Shut up Peggy!" Angelica flushed "W-well, anyways- We've been talking for a while and he has mentioned a supposedly great lawyer who he has been hiring for almost every case he has been to."

"And this lawyer is?" Burr raised an unimpressed brow.


A new voice caught the attention of all the people in the room. They immediently looked back at the source, and what they saw was a lean man who stood at the door.

His eyes were pure black, and his hair was as well. He was the definition of mystery, and a cryptic smirk was etched upon his face.

"I came as soon as I heard," He chuckled deeply, sending shivers all across their spines "Thomas sent me, the case was interesting so I gladly accepted it."

"Be thankful, I rarely accept cases that aren't Thomas'- So consider yourselves lucky." He said as he walked towards them with a smile.

"The name's John André," He simpered "A pleasure."

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