Our love is God

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a/n: i wish i studied at the school where you guys go to, im all alone here.

This chapter is dedicated to @TaffyChu (tysm for the fanarttt)


Samuel was walking home from school after parting ways from James and Maria, who were going home to Alexander's mansion.

Samuel thought about moving out of his crappy apartment and come live with them too, but he didn't want to burden Alexander.

He walked silently on the sidewalk, trying his best not to get noticed. He wouldn't want to attract attention.

"Yo Seabury!"

Samuel widened his eyes, walking a bit fast.

"Oi! My buddy Kurt just called you!"

Samuel walked faster.

"Come back here fag!"

Samuel then sprinted off, but he could here the two jocks chasing him, He made a turn on an alleyway in hopes of losing them.

But he made a mistake.

"Sammy~" A voice cooed his name, Samuel backed away to the wall, looking at them with the hardest glare he could muster.

"C'mon Sammy, We just want to talk to you." Ram smirked "Or should I say..."


Samuel widened his eyes, a mixture of shock and fear evident on his face "H-how did you k-know..?"

"A couple of birds told me," Kurt said proudly, pointing at himself "Who would've thought, the Genius and Hearthrob Samuel Seabury.. Was actually a girl!"

Samuel gritted his teeth "If you dare tell anyo--"

"You'll what?" Ram snickered "Murder us? I'd like to see you try!"

Samuel felt powerless, he couldn't do anything "P-please..."

"Don't worry, we won't tell nobody." Kurt smirked "Under one condition."

Samuel gulped "Your body is ours for the taking."

Samuel widened his eyes in horror "NO WAY! I-I--"

"Would you rather we spill your little secret?" Ram threatened "C'mon Sabelle! You make our balls so blue~" Kurt cooed.

"Just say yes, it's easy!" Ram exclaimed "And besides, consider yourself lucky- You get to fuck the two hottest jocks of school!'

"I'D RATHER DIE!" Samuel screamed, glaring at them.

Ram was silent for a moment "12:00 am midnight at the cemetary, One last chance or else your secret is spilled."

Ram nudged Kurt's sides and turned around "It's your body to us or your secret to the whole world." Was his last words before they left Samuel in the alleyway.

Samuel was frozen in his spot.

"FUCK!" Samuel screamed in frustration, pulling his hair "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!"

Samuel fell down to his knees "DAMN IT!" Tears sprung down from his eyes as he pounded his fist onto the ground in anger "D-damn it..."

His voice broke "D-damn it..." He leaned his back onto the wall, burying his face onto his hands.

"Samuel...." A familiar voice echoed in his ears.

Samuel looked up only to see--"King..? H-how...?"

"I saw everything." He said, looming over his figure. Samuel stared at him for a solid minute before looking away in shame "Now you know."

"Y-you must be disappointed.." Samuel hicupped, burying his face onto his knees "J-just leave me alone--"

Samuel was suddenly enveloped into a hug "K-king..?"

"I love you."

Samuel widened his eyes, but weakly hugged back, tears falling down his eyes.

The King removed his jacket and wrapped it around the trembling boy before sitting down next to him, pulling him to his shoulder.

"They made you cry..." He whispered softly, looking up at the setting sky "But that will end tonight..."

He averted his gaze to the cryiny boy besides him "You are the only thing that's right about this broken world."

Samuel looked up at him before burying his face to his chest, sobbing uncontrollably "Go on and cry."

"But when the midnight comes..." King hummed, caressing Samuel's hair "We'll burn it down and then..."

"We'll build the world again..."

The King pulled him closer and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Our love is God."

Samuel looked at him worriedly as tears started falling down the older man's eyes "You okay...?"

"I was alone.." He hicupped, running a hand through his hair "I was a frozen lake."

The King pushed him away gently "But then you melted me awake, see now i'm crying too...?" He whispered nervously.

"Your not alone." King smiled, Samuel returning the gesture "Your not alone.."

"And when the midnight comes." He grinned "When the midnight comes..." Samuel grinned back.

"We'll burn it down and then... We'll build the world again..."

They both shared a sloppy kiss.

"Our love is God."

-(they didnt break into a song okay? Also i was writing this song from memory so sorry for wrong lyrics)

"So, what's the plan?" Samuel asked as they walk deeper into the foggy night and towards the cemetary.

The King didn't reply, instead he kissed him.

Samuel giggled into the kiss, making King smile as he pulled away "We can start and finish wars." King said as he suddenly sprinted off.

"Were what killed the dinosaurs!" Samuel grinned, running along with King towards the cemetary "Were the asteroid that's overdue!"

Samuel and King intertwined their hands "The dinosaurs choked onto dust,"


"The new world needed room for me and you..." They said, looking into each others eyes.

"I worship you." King said nervously, falling onto his knees "I'd trade my life for yours." He whispered, hugging Samuel's knees.

"They all will disappear..." He said in an unusual tone "We'll plant our garden here..."

"Plant our garden here.." Samuel whispered, going down on his knees to kiss him.

"Our love is God..." King whispered, kissing him for one last time.

"Our love us God....." He whispered back as they pull away, the King winking at him before disappearing into the wind.

A series of giggles could be heard, Samuel turned around to see the two jocks rushing towards him, stopping to cough.

"Hi, Sabelle~" Kurt cooed "So do we like, just whip it out or what?"

"Huh.." Samuel smirked seductively "Take it slow Ram..." He said, strutting towards them "Strip for me."

The both started giggling as they strip down to their boxers "O-okay."


The both chuckled and looked at Samuel "How about you?"

Samuel gulped silently "Well, I was hoping you could rip my clothes off me sport."

The both became flustered "Yeah, we could do that."

"On three..." Samuel said nervously. King never told me the plan!..


What should I do..?


Oh God...




Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

Samuel stared in horror as Ram's body fell onto the ground. Kurt frozen in his spot.

The King pointed a gun at where Ram used to stand when he was still alive, a satisfied smirk on his face.

A silence occured as they watched Ram's limped body bleeding on the ground.

Kurt looked mortified, looking at his best friend with a look of horror and fear before snapping out of it.

Tears fell down his eyes as he averted his gaze at King, gritting his teeth "O-oh my G-God!"

Kurt started running away in different directions, making King grit his teeth "Stay here i'll get him."

"YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!" Kurt cried, looking back only to see King chasing after him.

"Ram.." Samuel whispered, falling down onto his knees, a nervous smile on his face "Y-your just unconscious right Ram..?" He whispered, only to realize the horrible truth and hold onto Ram's half naked- bleeding body "R-RAM!?

"Kurt? KURT!?" King screamed in frustration, trying to find the hiding teen.

"WHY ARE YOU CHASING ME!?" Kurt screamed back in horror, making King notice him "WE WAS JUST KIDDING ABOUT SPILLING SAMUEL'S TRANGENDER THING!"

"Come back 'ere!"


Kurt fell down onto a grave, his back hitting the hard stone. He looked up only to see a gun pointed directly at his head, making him widen his eyes more- Fear travelling all across his body.

"We can start and finish wars..." King mumbled, widening his eyes "Were what killed the dinosaurs.." He continued, smiling maniacally.

"Were the asteroid that's overdue..." He gritted his teeth.

Kury glared at him in both fear and courage "STOP BEING A DICK!"

"The dinosaurs choked onto dust." He cocked his gun, looming over the jock, overwhelming Kurt with more fear, his brave facade disappearing "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?"

"They died because God said they must."



King walked back to Samuel's crying figure, a dull expression on his face as Samuel stood up.

Samuel glared at him, tears falling down his eyes "What the FUCK have you done..?" He yelled in both fear and sadness.

King stared at him for a solid minute before saying "I worship you."

He then chuckled nervously "I'd trade my life for yours.."

He then smirked like the sociopath he is "They all will diSAPPEAR!"


"Our love is God." King took a step forward, making Samuel step back.

"Our love is God." The King looked confused and stepped forward, only to see Samuel step back.

"Our love is God." King gritted his teeth in frustration and stepped forward, Samuel again stepping back in fear, only to feel his back up against the tree.

"Our love is God!" King yelled angrily, pointing the gun onto Samuel's head.

"O-our love is G-go--d!" Samuel yelled back, tears falling down his eyes as he placed his hands onto his chest, closing his eyes in fear.

"Our love is God!" King screamed, pressing the gun onto the smaller man's forehead.

"Our love is Go--d!" Samuel screamed back in fear.


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