Payback's a bitch

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a/n: writing and doing my projects at the same time.

-3rd person POV

John's dream was interrupted when he felt his foot sunk into cold water.


The freckled boy found himself in the middle of the pool, floating in a nothing but a inflatable turtle air mattress. And for a split second, John felt thankful about it being a turtle.

John heard laughing from afar, he turned his head to see Alexander laughing his ass off at the poolside, two men behind him "What're you two standing there for? Laugh!" Alexander exclaimed, well- more like ordered.

The two men happily obliged to his wishes and started laughing, John glared at them "I swear Hamilton if you don't get me out of here right now-your gonna wake up in a fucking coffin."

Alexander smirked at him "I'd like to see you try."


"Are you that dumb? You probably should've realized by now that I don't give a shit about your lives." He snickered, crossing his arms "And your not going to school today." He added.

John was too busy balancing himself before he could reply, he struggled to grip onto the floating mattress, he held his breath, trying to steady the air filled-float, when the mattress finally stopped moving, he glared at Hamilton "I am not skipping school because of your selfish demands! You ain't the boss of me!"

"Oh? is that so? then I hope you know how to swim, the water's six feet deep by the way." Alexander said bluntly, turning around to walk away "W-WAIT!"


"Y-YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! MY RECORD OF PERFECT ATTENDANCES WILL BE RUINED!" John exclaimed in fear, resulting the floatie to shake a bit "HAMILTON PLEASE! I-I'M BEGGING YOU!"

"I like you begging."

"MOTHERFU--AHH!" John squeaked when the mattress almost turned to the side, splashing water onto his face, he managed to maintain his balance, panting as the inflatable turtle swayed left and right, he looked at Alexander fearfully "H-hamilton....P-please..."

"I'll help you get out." John sighed in relief

"If...." John held his breath, of course.

"You skip school today for an interview."

damn it.


John was beyond furious, he skipped school for a petty interview- His record ruined by no other than Alexander Hamilton "Why does it have to be me?" He asked, trying to contain his anger "Because your the oldest."

"Uh, Herc is 17 too."


"So why not him?"

"Because I wanted it to be you."

"Why me?!"

"Because I wanted to annoy you."

John stopped walking, Alexander looked back at him, his brow raised "Why'd you stop?"

"I am not doing this." John crossed his arms, glaring at him "Stop acting like a child, besides- You've already skipped school, it's too late to back out now."

John was mad, he was very mad- But he knew better than to throw a tantrum to a man who won't even listen "Go clean yourself up then you can go and have breakfast with the other brats." He said as he left, leaving a fuming John.


"Yes, mon ami- the press will be here soon so I advice you to sit patiently and wait." Lafayette smiled, Sally looked astonished "So were gonna be like, in TV?"


"I'm in."

John clicked his tongue as he played with his food "I'm not surprised, that bitch only used us for publicity." He scoffed, glaring at his food.


"Don't mind him, Lafayette." Hercules cutted him off "He's just pissed because his 'Perfect Record' was broken." Hercules sighed, glancing at the fuming boy, who was too busy glaring at his meal "Perfect record...?" Lafayette muttered, loud enough for Hercules to hear "This is his first time being absent at school." Theodosia answered her friend.

"Wow, i'm impressed." Lafayette said, amazed "He's just a nerd." Hercules mumbled under his breath, a tint of jealousy in his voice as he took a bite of his mashed potato.

"I don't wanna go to that stupid interview." He groaned and finally took a bite of his food "Why not? You'll be on TV!" Dolly exclaimed excitedly "Aren't you excited?" Acleous grinned, trying to pry his sister away from him when she was only trying to wipe the gravy off his face.

"Stop playing hard-to-get Jack," Charles rolled his eyes "Says the guy who practically throws himself to Samuel."


"Just stop being so fucking difficult." Nathaniel said innocently.

"Nathaniel will you stop it with the F word?!"


John gave up "I'm not going to that interview and that's final."

"I'm not so sure about that," A familiar voice declared, John gripped his spoon tightly, knowing who that arrogant voice belonged to.

"You can't stop me Hamilton." John hissed, Alexander smirked and went nearer to the boy, he leaned towards John's face staring at his eyes intently, John felt uneasy, he could feel the older man's hot breath on his skin- But he stared back at him, furrowing his eyesbrows.

"Tell me," Alexander breathed out, John held back from shuddering from the exciting thrill that flowed all over his body, he inhaled sharply, continuing to glare at the man infront of him "Are you not satisfied with the meal you are having? Is living under my roof not enough for you?"

"Are you threatening me again?" John said, glaring at him.

"Why, Yes I am." He smirked "So, do you have anything else to say?"

John hesitated for a moment, but nodded slowly, Defeated once again "Good." Hamilton smirked and pulled back, turning around to leave.

John glanced at his food, and looked back at Alexander with a smirk "Wait sir," Alexander turned around in confusion, wondering what came over the boy when he called him sir.

"I just wanted to thank you for all the nice things you've done for us," John said, smiling "And don't get me wrong- I am very satisfied with my meal, It's all so very delicious! You really have to try some !" John scooped a spoon full of mashed potatoes.

"Oh I don't want to eat a load of gar--" Alexander was forcefully cutted off when John shoved the spoon in his mouth, The older man immediently spatted it all out, coughing uncontrollably "ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?!"

John let out a fake gasp "Hamilton! Shame on you! Cursing infront of these children!"

Hamilton glared at him and grabbed the nearest cup of water and drank it all in one gulp before stomping out of the room, not before stopping to say "Watch out brat, don't cross that line again."

John laughed "What an asshole!" John glanced at the empty cup on the table and frowned fakingly "And it was my water he drank too."

"When will you rest John? When you get us all kicked out?" Theodosia said, frowning.

"Calm down Theo, I was just having a bit of fun." John answered, sitting back on his chair.

"Mr. Hamilton is getting too 'friendly' with you," Sally started "Just remember I called dibs on him first!" Sally exclaimed, raising her fork up to the sky.

"You do NOT call dibs on a human being." John rolled his eyes "And also- Yuck, Hamilton is a bastard, arrogant, short-tempered old man, like--HELL NAH! Not my type, not now-not ever." He shivered, disgusted at the thought.

"Huh?" Hercules' eyes glimmered mischeviously "John, doesn't the fact that Mr. Hamilton is also a male bother you?" He smirked.

"Oh, that too..." John blushed "I must've missed that part.."

"Oh my," Lafayette faked a gasp "John, mon ami- have you found forbidden love on my boss?"

"EW NO WAY!" John screamed, flustered "THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!"

"OH! Woe is me," Theodosia exclaimed dramatically "To think my rival is a 17 year old kid- Wait, scratch that- A 17 year old male kid!"

Lafayette looked at his friend weirdly "Theo, you have a thing for my boss?"

Theodosia winked playfully "Who wouldn't?"

"THEO WHAT THE HELL?!" John screamed, mortified "Chill out, it's just a playful little crush." She grinned, giggling.

"You're all pathetic," Sally said, standing on top of the table "Me and Mr. Hamilton are obviously getting married in the future."

"I don't think Mr. Hamilton would go for someone with such small tities," Charles smirked.

Sally blushed and covered her breasts "You perv," She said "Sex isn't the only thing that matters in a relationship."

"Yeah! And besides! Sally's breasts will probably grow to the right size when she grows up! It'll probably be the size of watermelons!" Dolly grinned and suddenly groped Sally's small breasts "D-dolly!"

"Um, is this really appropriate?"

"I dunno."

"I think Dolly's been watching too much anime."

"Alright can we stop talking about what size breasts Hamilton would prefer?" John said, interrupting the chaos.

"Yeah, we all know Hamilton prefers dicks more than breasts!"

"G-GEORGE?!" John screamed as he turned around to see George, casually eating mashed potatoes "What?"

"You do NOT just say things like that so b-boldly!" He scolded, flustered.

George raised his brow "What? it's the truth, and specifically- He prefers your di--"


"Guys, please- Not infront of the children..." Hercules mumbled, but no one listened to him.

"Can we just all agree that Mr. Hamilton will be mine?" Theodosia said, rolling her eyes, John raised a brow "Don't tell me you actually like the guy, c'mon Theo you deserve better." John scoffed

"Your just saying that so when she stops chasing him, you'll swing right in and steal him while you've got the chance." Sally said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What? No I won't, i'm not even gay." John said, flustered.

"Your reaction when Mr. Hamilton leaned towards you says otherwise." Hercules smirked, raising a brow.

"That man has no respect for personal boundaries, I will never fall for a man like him, Heck, I will never fall for a man at all." He gritted his teeth.

A giggle was heard at the door "Mrs. Washington?"

"I've told you, i'm Martha when outside of work okay?" She smiled warmly and glanced at all of them "I see your all talking about my precious son, he is quite popular with the ladies." Martha averted her gaze to John "And the men too."

John blushed and looked away, muttering things under his breath "Anyways, the press are here, best to start preparing yourselves for the camera!"


The room was instantly filled with men in black suits and camera's, Sally peeked from behind the curtain the workers put on "Wow, so many people..."

"Don't be nervous, you all look so great!" Martha smiled, proud at how she dressed each one of them, he glanced at John, who was sulking in the corner "Especially you, John."

John mumbled a thanks and continued looking at the floor, that is until, Alexamder came in "Huh, you all actually look pretty decent for once." He commented and looked at John "Especially you, for a brat."

"Okay, so I'll obviously do all the talking, the rest of you will just sit on those comfy chairs there, and after that the brat here will say a few words but we all know he's an idiot so we've already prepared the things you will say, you just have to read them in that screen." Alexander said, looking at John "You do know how to read?"

"Very funny."

"Alright then," Alexander smirked and pulled open the curtains, camera's flashing, lights all around them "It's Showtime."


John tried so hard not to vomit while Alexander did his speech.

Lies. He thought, silently cursing him. Alexander talked about how he was lile a father to them, how he was so glad he took us in, how he treated them so kindly. He freaking treated us like how any normal person would treat a dead rat, especially me!

"Thank you." Finally, hell was over. John thought "Now, a few words from one of the orphans, John?" The freckled boy's heart skipped a beat at how he said his name, it sounded so caring, so--

Stop, John- he's only doing this for publicity. He walked to the mic, not before whispering to Alexander "I thought it was brat?"

"Whatever, Just don't screw this up." He hissed "No promises."

John walked to the center, looking at the screen "H-hi, i'm John Laurens, i've been an orphan since I was 10 years old and..Um.." John hesistated to speak, the words listed on the screen made him sound desperate.

John hated lying, and that's what Alexander was trying to make him do, the lies written on the screen made Alexander sound so kind, generous, gentle...When he is the total opposite "I just wanted to say how blessed we are to have Mr. Hamilton here as a part of our lives."

He looked at the crowd, Burr stared at him pitifully, George Washington wasn't even listening, Jefferson was half asleep at this point, Angelica and King were having a conversation while George was watching him with anticipation. Martha just had this unreadable expression on her face.

He glanced at Hamilton, who was looking at him with a victorious smirk on his face. not so fast ashole..

"I mean- Not every Billionare would promise to take us to the amusement park every now and then!"

The crowd erupted to a gasp, Jefferson was wide awake, Burr looked mortified while Angelica had this look of satisfaction.

"He also promised us he would take us to the movies whenever we wanted!"

King looked at him mischeviously, George Washington was all ears now and George Eacker look of anticipation was replaced with happiness.

"Not only that, he said he would pay for ALL OUR SCHOOL FEES! He even promised that he would buy me a Turtle!"

"What are you doing you brat?!" Alexander whispered, glancing at the astonished crowd.

"Alexander Hamilton is the KINDEST! most GENEROUS and CARING man of all! We know he will keep ALL his promises! I know he'll NEVER EVER let is down! We love him SO much!" John screamed, the crowd erupted to cheers, all chanting one name.

"Alexander! Alexander! Alexander!"

Martha looked at the freckled boy infront of the camera and smiled "Thank you, John..."

John grinned, a victorious look on his face, he looked at Alexander, who had a forced smile on his face, his eyes were filled with fear, the boy smiled in satisfaction, only one thought in mind.

Payback's a bitch, huh Hamilton?

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