The End.

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To those who have been wanting to know the ending, it was supposed to end like this.

I don't remember some of the impt parts so I will miss out on a few:

Alexander finally confessed on John's 18th birthday, cuddled him to sleep. No kisses yet.

Angelica then sent an photo Thomas Paine who was shocked to have found out Alexander was dating an 18 year old teen.

Timeskip for a few happy days, John was walking home when he bumped into an half dead teen his age, he called Alexander and took him to the hospital.

They then later found out his identity, Daniel Xavier Schmidt (OC by StashOfWeed won the OC contest) who was a runaway orphan whose parents died because of stray bullets during a robbery.

John deeply connected with him after a while, and Alexander felt pity for him as well, so he took him in. Everyone quickly warmed up to him because of his lively demeanor except for John André who seemed to have grown a small hatred for him in which Daniel responded with sass.

Fast forward a bit and Thomas Paine barged in uninvited to Alexander's home and started dissing him about not being a proper gentleman, abusing his power, being a pedophile, an idiot for choosing a 'A fag instead of Eliza' and other stuff, //Alexander, Daniel and George fought back with logic, sass and roasts// He then proceeded to leave with the words 'I'll make sure you pay for your indecency!"

They didn't think of his threat much and tried to brush it off but three days later someone set fire to John's room and was left with the note "This is just the beginning."

Alexander tried to report Thomas to the police but they couldn't conduct an arrest due to lack of evidence //and also because both sides had an increasingly insane amount of money so bribery wasn't an option// ((also Alexander made John sleep in his room even tho he had like 10 or more guest rooms as fanservice, also because he was worried another incident like that happens again))

//Also an incident happened in which Thomas Paine exposed John and Alexander's relationship to the public and it was just a whole scandal, but it all got sorted out in the end//
Fast forward a lot of sht happens to John and Alexander made him stop going to school since it was too risky, and that kind of caused their relationship to go in different directions.

Whenever they try to plan a counterattack, it always goes wrong because Thomas seemed to be always ready for them and that led them to thinking there was a traitor.

Everyone started suspecting everybody, from Philip to John Andre, but mostly John Andre since he works for him, so basically the mansion was a complete mess and was torn and divided.

Daniel was ironically the only one who stood with André, along with Philip. Si they kind of became the 'Friends who fight and argue a lot with a lot of sexual tension with a child pointing out the romantic tension between them' //Imagine Joyce as Daniel, Jim as André and a mix of Alexei and Murray as Philip ((Strangers things 3 fans will get it))//

Fast forward Thomas invites John to talk, and John agrees cause he was mad at Alex and he wants to tries and resolve the problem.

Thomas drugs John, strips him naked and sent a picture to Alexander.

Alexander was furious, storms into Thomas' location to find John tied up to the bed dressed in absolutely nothing with a gag and a blindfold.

Instead of consoling him, he screamed and got mad at him for being such an idiot and going to Thomas ((Which I kind of agree but he was being too much of a bitch abt it)) John was completely stressed out about the situtation and fought back and cried a lot. They kind of got into a resolve and Alexander hugged him and went home but there was a tension.

Also Samuel and Charles went home to the mess, was shocked at everything and instead of choosing sides they invited everyone to a roof party and chill looking at stars //Which was the a calm before the storm again part of this act, its rlly heart warming and breaking at the same time. Really wanted to write this scene but unfortunately I cannot anymore.//

Their relationship was tearing apart, fast forward a bit and Thomas invited Alexander for 'Tea'

Alexander brought his whole attack force and Thomas, Lafayette, ((I forgot the rest)) //police, etc.// and George W. went with him too even after Martha begged him no. So everyone who was strong enough to attack came, and John and the others was left at home with only John André as defense.

Alexander talked with Thomas but it eventually led to disaster and everyone was fighting. George W. was shot.

Unknowingly to the them, a hired assassin got into the mansion. They tried hiding but was eventually found.

The assasin kind of introduced himself, and Samuel immediently came to a conclusion with the help from a story from a woman he met.

The assassin was JD.

Which leads to this scene I drafted and showed to you guys as a spoiler.

"N-no way.." Samuel said in a voice very audible "Y-you were dead, Veronica said you were dead--"

"Yet, here I am-" JD grinned, his voice filled with so much malice "So you're friends with Veronica, eh? Interesting.."

"Wait, you know this guy?" Daniel asked, his voice filled with shock "Kind of..."

"This is not the time, everyone." Martha deadpanned, glaring at JD with pure hatred as the said man still had his gun pointed at John "Jason, sweetie- how about we settle this thing like adults?"

JD chuckled at her "Is this your way to stall time?" He smirked "I know your friend there called the police."

André froze in horror "You already lost, Jason." Burr said "You're outnumbered, and the police are already on their way." Charles continued.

"What will you gain from this, boy?" Martha glared "Surely, Thomas Paine won't be able to give your money behind bars."

"That is, indeed true." JD chuckled slowly, then suddenly turned into a full blown cackle "But it won't be fun if I don't kill someone before I go, won't it?"

Burr quickly cocked the gun that was pointed at him "You're making a huge mistake, Jason Dean"

"Maybe I am." He giggled as the police sirens get nearer and nearer "Oh my, looks like the guests are almost here."

Martha felt a sweat drop on the side of her head, she prepared her footing just incase he shoots, but then- at the corner of her eye, she saw something move from the door, or rather- someone.

"It's game over, Jason." John said, trying to sound brave "Is it? Really?"

"What more can you do? The police will arrive soon- and you're all alone." John laughed "And if you tried to shoot me, Burr will do it first."

JD smirked deviously "Who said I was alone?"

That question brought confusion to everyone "Didn't you ever wonder, how I got in the first place?"

"How I knew where my target would be." He smirked "How I knew that billionaire and his 'soldiers' were gone for today?"

John widened in his in both horror and realization "So there was a spy after all."

JD snapped his fingers "Yes! Very good! You got that right!" He mocked "And that spy is here in the same room as us! How delightful!" He laughed maniacally.

The seven: John, Martha, Burr, André, Daniel, Samuel and Charles all eye each other suspiciously, all the trust they had for each other started to die out.

"André," Martha said, still looking at JD "Is it really you? Have we been right this whole time?"

"What? No!" André yelled in his defense "Oh really? Then what were you doing at 9pm sneaking out?" Samuel said.

"W-what!? H-how did you know--"

"Have you been by their side this whole time...?" John said in a heartbreaking tone "I-I trusted you, I stood by you in your defense.."

"I s-swear John! It's not me!" André said, almost tearfully.

"We trusted you." Burr mumbled "I-I trusted you, I-I looked up to you."

"I had so much faith in you, André..." Charles whispered "Was all you said fake? Did you not feel anything during the time in the mansion?"


"André..." Daniel whispered, looking at him with unreadable eyes "Xa-Xavier! Believe m-me--"

"NOW DANIEL!" JD Screamed as the said man kicked Burr's gun away.

"NO!" Martha yelled as she ran towards John.

"IT'S GAME OVER FOR ALL OF YOU!" () screamed as he aimed his pistol towards John-


Daniel was the traitor, but he deeply regretted his actions since he was being forced to do this since he grew feelings for all of them especially to André, but he was left with no choice since he is basically a slave to Thomas.

So, who got shot?

The long awaited answer, after so many of your theories-

It was Kira.

After she was shot, Chaos reigned and the only one by her side as she died was John, she kind of breaks the fourth wall and left with her final words: I could even learn how to love like you.

JD escaped, Martha was rushed to the hospital for an unknown reason then was shocked to see George dying. //Remember Stay Alive Reprise? Imagine that but with Alexander as Alexander, George as Philip and Martha as Eliza//

George W. Last words were "Teach them how to say goodbye..."

The people of mansion was devastated, and the mansion was also destroyed. They moved to a house uptown and it was peaceful for a while.

Alexander and John did not speak with each other since they all mourned for George W. Death, and when they did, this happened:

Alexander was walking along the garden silently, he was thinking about how he will end it all until someone interuppted his thinking.

"Alex.." A soft voice cried out, making Alexander turn around to a tearful angel, his angel, right infront of him "You're here." He called again and ran over to hug him "Let's talk, please... I miss you-"

"John," He called "I have something to discuss with you first."

"Wait," John interuppted "First, I wanted to apologize for being such an asshole to you these past few months, I know you're only doing it to protect me, and I am so sorry about George-" John hicupped, tears finally falling down his eyes "I-I was so selfish I couldn't-"

"Shh, shh.." Alexander pushed him away "It's alright, John. You had every right to act that way-"

"No, I didn't." John cried "You were being a loving and a protective boyfriend and all I did was get mad at you, please forgive me Alex... I was such a brat." He smiled painfully "I love you so much, Alex..." John leaned over to hug him but Alexander stopped him midway.

"I love you too, John." Alexander said in such a painful way it broke John's heart "I love you more than anyone in this entire world, you are my everything. I want you to be the happiest person alive and it just pains me to see you suffer like this.. You don't deserve it, you don't deserve me."

"Don't say that, Alex.." John chuckled, bring up his hand to his face, but stopped midway "Don't worry," He whispered, talking his hands and intertwining it with his own "We'll get through this, together."

"I told you I'll find a way for us to get through this," Alexander said "Which is why.." He ended his sentence breathlessly, reaching out to touch his face but chose not to "I'm sorry, John... But I can't... We can't..."

John immediently had tears in his eyes, but laughed painfully "Alex.. What.. What're you.. What're you saying..?" his lips started to tremble, his hands shaking in fear as his thoughts swirled into anxious chaos "Are you... A-are you..."

"I'm sorry, John." Alexander said.

John could hear his heart shattering into a million of tiny pieces "Alex.. Y-you're joking right? Y-you're not serious right?"

"John I'm s-"


"Yes you can, John. You're young, you'll find someone else out there." He said.

"NO I WON'T!" John hugged him "D-Don't say that you moron.. I-it can only be you, it's always been you, right from the very beginning.. I-I can't go through this, p-please don't give up on this.. On us.."

"He'll finally stop, John." Alexander tried to reason "He'll stop, w-we just.. Have to n-not be t-together.. This.. All of this.. I-it's not worth the lives of our family... Our friends."


"I'm sorry, John." Alexander said as he slowly walked away "I wish there was another way."

And in an instant, he was gone, and with him was the remains of his broken heart.

John fell onto his knees, tears falling down his eyes as memories with him and Alexander flooded his mind, from when he met him, fell inlove with him and upto this very moment.

He cried.

He screamed.


Alexander and John breaks up. Devastation was the only thing thag remained in the mansion. Daniel was also taken by JD after the whole fiasco I forgot to mention.

Thomas contacted John after a few says and offers him a deal, he will give Daniel back as long as he accepts a job overseas in an island called Nevis.

Surprisingly, Thomas was negotiable, even said he would take himself in after this "One last gift" he also explained that he was inlove with Angelica and was aware she were too, but due to his unforgivable actions the onlh thing he could do was turn himself in.

//Forgot to say Angelica was with Alexander when they went for 'Tea' amd after Thomas shot George W. He smacked some sense to him.//

So after John was sent to Nevis, he met his boss which was a surprisingly nice person and was deadass rich as well, but he was humble about it and didn't even tell his real identity to the public, and thats why he was only known as a James, the man who raised Nevis from the slums and to one of the richest islands worldwide.

So Daniel was sent to the mansion and explained how John went to Nevis. Alexander was so shocked and immediently flew to Nevis, and where he found John's boss, who he recognized at first sight.

His brother.

He was mad at first, for not contacting him for such a long time, even after he got rich, but they eventually sort if out. James told Alexander to toughen up and get his head out of his ass and get his man back //John told him everything, he was also surprised to have found out his boss was his ex's supposedly dead brother//

So Alexander finally apologized, just a simple and heartwarming on the roof watching the rising sun, where they finally shared their first kiss.

They went home, everyone is happy, ships are canon and Angelica has moved on and continue to be a strong woman. Martha is still hurt, but she is happy. Daniel and André moved out, Samuel amd Charles went back to France, Herc and Laf move in together, Eliza and Maria are also good, Jefferson helped James sort out things with his family, everyone is good. George ended up with Philip as well.

Alexander proposes to John and asked him to move to Nevis to live close with his brother, of course Martha was hurt to have been left by the two men she loved all his life but she accepted it like any great mother.

John was hesitant at first but accepted.

At the epilogue, Alexander is living the domestic life with John at Nevis along with their son Philip, who has a long distant relationship with George.

Alexander and John are finally at peace, living together in the comfort of each other's arm, no more worrying, no more suffering, just pure love.

A happy ending.

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