The End Begins Here.

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a/n: eyy double update, welcome to the epiloguee!


"Guys.." John stared at his 'friends'- Who were looking at each other with eyes of yearning and forgiveness, they wanted everything to be okay again, be friends again and forget about all that's happened, but none of them are making the first move.

Alexander seemed to have taken notice of this, and he noticed his friends have noticed it as well "We'll give you time to catch up, we need to talk to Mr. Schuyler anyways."

John and the others widened their eyes in shock "NO!" They all screamed simultaneously, but they were already gone,
leaving the awkward children all on their own.

Hercules gulped, looking away in shame. The rest did so as well, but they wanted more than nothing than to jump into their arms and form a group hug.

And apparantly, Maria couldn't contain herself any longer and let her pride go away first before the men did so.

"I'M SORRY!" She threw her arms around John first, who was infront of her. Tears were falling down her eyes as she cried onto John's chest, who was also in the brink of crying "I-I didn't mean e-everything- I-I just got so emotional t-that I a-accidentally let it o-out on you guys, I-I didn't mean every w-word I-I said, God k-knows how sorry I-I am."

John couldn't hold his tears anymore and hugged her as well "M-me too, I-I'm sorry too.. I-I just want a-all of us to be friends again, I-I don't know i-if I-I'll be able to last a-another day w-without yall' again.."

James was next, he sobbed so loud then quietly wobbled towards them and joined the hug, muttering apologies over and over again.

Then Samuel went with the hug as well, silent tears falling down his eyes.

Then finally, Hercules threw his arms around everyone else and shouted 'I'm sorry' as he continued squeezing them all into a bearhug.

It took them half an hour to talk it all out.


"I can't believe this." Francis muttered as he carried five bags all on his own and through the other helicopters "Why aren't you helping?"

"Because I'm a girl?" Kira said, hoping he'd fall for that excuse.

Francis raised a brow at that horrible excuse, but decided to let it go for her sake "What about him?"

"Because I'm young?" George said stoicly, and that's what stopped Francis from prying any longer.

"Well Burr isn't a girl! And he's old!" Francis yelled at him, but he was too busy with Theodosia.

Francis frowned and looked at Aisis, who looked at him as well with the scariest glare she could muster.

Francis looked away in shame.


"Wait, what about the scholarship?" John said worriedly, his eyes showed fear and hesitation "I'll talk them out of it." Alexander replied, smiling "Don't worry about it."

"B-but how?" John was still unconvinced, but it all disappeared when a cocky smirk appeared on Alexander's face.

"Money always solves everything." Alexander chuckled as he placed an arm on his shoulder.

"No it doesn't." John muttered, looking away, embarrased at his casual BUT VERY PLATONIC FRIENDLY action.

"Eyyy!" Kira grinned as she made an entrance, a tired looking Francis behind her "So I know yall' worked it out so I took the custody to take your bags, you're very welcome."

"Excuse me? I helped as well." Francis said, annoyed.

"I took custody." Kira smiled, ignoring Francis' comment.

"Well, now that it's all taken care of, let's go home." Burr smiled "It was nice to go see Paris but I'm already tired."

"Yeah, I'm craving for some Pizza." Hercules snorted, making everyone laugh.

John grabbed his bags, and the rest did the same. They all headed for the helicopter with a smile, all except for one.

"Samuel?" Charles called out, making everyone look at him "Aren't you coming?"

Samuel looked at him sadly, then looked at the ground "I-I'm gonna stay here."

"What!?" They all said in unison, shock and confusion written all over there faces.

"I wanna finish the scholarship," He said "It'll be a shame to just leave it, and besides- Where am I supposed to go ti college when I go back? I'm broke."

"I'll handle all of that." Alexander cutted in, trying to convince him "I'll pay for all your tuition fees in a great school in New York."

Samuel smiled, but shooked his head "It's a good offer, Mr. Hamilton- And I appreciate it, but I'm afraid I've already made my decision."

His friends looked heartbroken, but Charles looked the most broken out of all of them "B-but.."

Samuel looked at him apologetically "Y-you said y-you'll give me a chance..."

Samuel looked away "I'm sorry."

Charles thought for a moment before looking at him with a determined look "Then I'm staying with you."

"WHAT!?" They all exclaimed, shock filled their voices, even Samuel.

"Y-you can't!" Samuel squeaked out "W-what about your studies!? I'm not even i-in the legal age to let you stay with me!"

"But.." Charles looked more heartbroken, making Samuel guilty for a moment "Charles.. It's not that I don't want you to stay, it's because I can't.. But trust me, If I could let you stay here, I would."

"That won't be a problem then." Philip butted in "Both of you can stay in my estate, atleast that way Samuel won't have to stay in those loud dorms."

Samuel and Charles looked hopeful "A-are you sure?" They both asked.

"Of course." Philip smiled "I'm about to go there right now, so how about you get your stuff and come with me?"

Samuel looked relieved, then his expression changed into a sad one, he turned to his friends- Who were looking at him with a sad smile.

He guiltily walked towards them "Guys-"

Maria was the first to hug him, tears falling down her eyes "We'll miss you."

John was next "Skype us, M'kay?" He smiled, trying to look brave- But he already had tearful eyes.

Hercules gave him a huge bearhug "Promise you'll visit?" He whispered as Samuel nodded, tears falling down his own eyes as well.

James was last, he smiled as he wrapped his arms around him "I'll miss you."

Samuel hicupped "I-I'll miss you too." He whispered "I-I'll miss all of you."

Charles hugged them all, tears falling down his eyes "We'll visit soon."

As they said their goodbyes, they had all finally parted ways.

Atleast it wasn't forever.


The helicopter ride passed by like a bliss, they were all so happy and cheerful, tellings stories and explaining how Eliza stepped up to her step-mom and how she had talked Alexander to reality (excluding the 'I love John' part)

When they have arrived to New York, they instantly took a limo to the Mansion, but before they could even arrive, John recieved a call.

"Yes? John speaking!" He said cheerfully, but all his enthusiam instantly disappeared when he heard the strangled voice on the other line.

"J-john.." The voice cried out.

"Frances...?" John whispered in shock and fear, frozen in his seat.

"Yes?" Francis replied, confused.

John ignored him "Frances, w-what's wrong?"

Frances was hicupping on the other line "I-It's mom.. S-she.. She's.."

Hercules could hear them talking and listened intently "Frances, what's wrong!?" John yelled nervously, surprising everyone in the limo.

"S-she's dying.." Frances whispered.

Everything around John and Hercules seemed to fade away, they couldn't move, nor speak. They were just frozen.

"Stop the car." Hercules said as John dropped the phone.

"What?" Lafayette looked surprise.

"STOP THE CAR!" Hercules screamed as he slammed the door, as soon as the car stopped- Both John and Hercules quickly ran out of the car, a worried Alexander and Lafayette running after them.

It took them five minutes to get to the hospital.


"Martha Mannings." John quickly said to the nurse, who nervously pointed towards a door on the end of the hallway.

John and Hercules didn't even bother to thank the nurse and quickly ran towards the room, slamming the door open to see Martha lying weakly on the bed, Frances holding her hand besides her- tears falling down her eyes like waterfalls.

"M-martha.." John's voice broke "I-I never knew..."

"Shh.." Martha smiled at them "Y-your both here.." She giggled weakly "T-that's all that matters.."

Hercules hicupped as John started crying besides him. John went besides the bed and fell on his knees, holding Martha's other hand as he stared at her painfully.

Hercules kneeled besides John, tears falling down his eyes. He couldn't believe this was happening, it was all happening so fast.

Martha was a mother-figure to them, they couldn't bear the thought of losing her too, but it was actually happening.

"D-don't cry.." Martha said weakly "W-when I die.. D-don't mourn for me please.." She coughed "I-I want you all to be happy.."

"He-hey, J-John? Herc?" Martha looked at them "P-promise me y-you'll take care of t-the cafe, a-and m-my daughter..."

The two boys nodded, smiling as tears fell down their eyes- Alexander and Lafayette watched by the doorway- Alexander looking at them sadly while Lafayette cried along with them, remembering a memory from not too long ago.

Martha looked at Frances, whose eyes red from crying for so long "My baby.."

Frances hicupped "M-mom, d-don't go.. D-don't leave me too.." She cried "I-I can't d-do this anymore.." She whispered "D-don't do this to me too.."

Martha smiled at her "I-I love you..." She whispered as a single tear fell down her eye "I-I'll see your dad again, hu-huh..?" She said as she drew her last breath, looking at her daughter with the most loving and apologetic expression anyone could muster.

"Mommy's so sorry."

Frances froze, her eyes were so wide, overflowing with tears. She couldn't believe it, it happened again.

Another parent of hers died saying those last words, she had nothing now. She lost her parents by the same sickness, in the same bed, in the same position.

Frances breathed in.


This time, this goodbye was forever.

act one, end.

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