You love him, Don't you?

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a/n: ill finish the animatic for this chapter right after i finish my map parts and my first burn animatic.

please be noted that their marriage is a private one so meaning only the people from the mansion and the other important characters that were introduced in the past few chapters are in the wedding.

next chapter will be super long and will be filled with buttload of art btw so it will take me a long time before i publish it.

this chapter is dedicated to @Ivy-kay

The soft gasps from the crowd had awoken Eliza to reality, her fierce expression slowly started to fade away.

She couldn't seem to move, but this wasn't the time to take back what she said, it was too late for that.

She stared at Alexander, who was apparantly to shocked to comprehend what was happening, And she admits- She was as well.

"W-what are you saying!? Ha-have you g-gone mad?!" Evil's voice resonated around the room, Making the others flinch at her venemous voice.

Eliza gulped "There has to be some kind of mistake.." Evil laughed as she brushed her hair nervously "I-I'm sorry for that --P-priest-- I-I- S-she ha-has a mental i-issue.."

Eliza clenched her fists, Excuse me? She wasn't gonna let that bitch speak for her ever again.

"N-now, C-continue o-on-"

"Shut up."

"I-I beg your pardon?"

"I said shut up, Mom." Eliza hissed, making her stepmom freeze in shock "I'm done with your bullshit."

"Excuse me!?" Evil gasped and glared at her "How dare you!?" She yelled as she walked towards her, but a hand on her arm stopped her from doing so.

"That's enough." Philip Schuyler said, pulling her back "What? Let me go!"

"Enough." Philip said in a more commanding tone, making Evil shut her mouth.

"W-what..?" Alexander snapped out of it, his eyes filled with so much fear and confusion "Elizabeth, What is the meaning of this?"

"Don't bullshit me, Alexander." Eliza said "For the company my ass, You're just using me to get rid of your feelings towards John."

Alexander looked angry "Excuse me? Like I have always said a million times before, I have no special feelings for that boy." He said, hesitation painted on his voice.

Eliza laughed "Yeah right."

"You think you got everybody fooled, don't you?" Eliza said, staring directly towards his wavering soul.

"Well, not me honey." She continued as Alexander broke away from her knowing gaze "I've known you too long."

"And no matter how hard you try and deny it." She laughed as she used her hand to make Alexander face her "I can tell you care as much about him as he cares about you."

Alexander broke away, memories flashing onto his head like the pitter patter of the rain "Do admit you love him."

Alexander felt his heart get heavier and heavier as each word came out of the younger woman's mouth "And I know that you do."

"That little-" He remembered the first time they met "-persistent-" He remembered their pointless fights "-kid has somehow gotten-" Their sweet memories together "-in under the wire."

Alexander tried to avoid the waterworks "And that's what's happened, huh?" Eliza said, staring at him pitifully.

"Admit the truth."

Alexander felt his heart fold, yearning for the touch of a certain boy who he knew stole his heart long ago, but denied it countless times for various of reasons.

He knew it was wrong, but his heart was screaming for him to admit the truth, to scream the fact that he has fallen, and has fallen really hard.

A single tear fell down his eye.

"You love him," She whispers "Don't you?"

Silence filled the room as Alexander dropped onto his knees, tears streaming down his eyes, overwhelming emotions making it hard for him to concentrate.

His heart was getting heavier and heavier as each moment passed, his mind clouded with so many horrible futures, so many awful possibilities, but he knew deep inside his heart that he was infected with a 'disability'

And it was Love.

He didn't want this, but he needed it. It hurts so much, love was burying him alive, and it has done it for the past few days since the marriage was announced.

But if he accepted it, will he finally obtain the peace he was looking for?

"I-" He whispers, his voice breaking "I-I want to forget him.." He whispered yet again "B-but I can't.."

"W-why is it so hard to f-forget him.." He broke "And s-so hard to r-remember responsibility..."

"I-It hurts.." He said as he held Eliza's hand and used the other to clench his chest "I-It hurts he-here..."

Eliza sat down infront of him "Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever," she said "You might want to think about that."

"You forget some things, dont you?" Eliza whispers as Alexander replied with a hushed "Yes."

"You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget." Eliza smiled "And that's why you can't forget him, and it's because you also--"

"Love him." Alexander finished as he looked at Eliza with hopeful eyes "Say it again."

"I-I love him." He said yet again, all the weight in his heart slowly disappearing "I Love John."

And in that moment, it felt as if the world froze for Alexander, all the fear and anxiety leaving his body and was replaced with love.

The voices cheered as they died down, leaving him for now, as he slowly took in the realizations inside his head.

But there was another problem.

"This is absurd!" Evil screamed "Unacceptable!"

"I won't allow this, Philip! Do something!" She yelled at his husband, who had an unreadable expression on his face.

Evil glared at Eliza "You." She hissed as she stomped towards her "This is your doing-"

"I'm afraid I won't allow that, Mrs." Washington stepped in, his eyes focused on the mad woman infront of him "Get out of the way!"

Evil's face was greeted a glare "Don't you dare talk to my husband like that." Martha hissed as she popped a middle finger towards her direction, making the woman gasp.

"M-Mrs. W-washington!" Jefferson exclaimed, shocked.

"That was certainly unexpected." Burr whispered.

"This is absurd!" Evil screamed "D-destroying this marriage for t-this John!?" She bellowed "Think straight you faggot!"

The crowd erupted into a gasp, shocked at her sudden change of language.


Evil was taken aback by the hard slap that was given directly onto her cheek, making her fall down the floor.

"How dare you call him that?" She hissed "You have insulted him and my kind."

"Your kind!?" Evil said in horror "Y-you-- You're queer!?"

Eliza smirked "Here and queer, bitch."

Evil stood up in horror and disgust "This is madness! You're all hellish creatures!"

"Speak to yourself." Eacker commented.

Evil turned to Philip "Fix this right now or else."

"I'm afraid I won't do that." Philip said "I'm done being your slave, You have already ruined my life- I won't let you ruin my children's as well."

Evil screeched "Are you testing me boy!?" She laughed "Did you not forget our agreement!?"

Philip flinched, but regained his composure "I do, and I won't be regretting my decision."

Evil looked threatened "Do you want me to ruin your reputation?" She blackmailed "Tell the whole world that you--"

"Accidentally fucked your husband when we were drunk? Go ahead." He smirked "And then I'll tell the whole world how you sold illegal drugs three years ago before you got picked up by your husband."

Evil went pale "I..." She was completely frozen "How did you g-get that information..?"

"While I was playing husband, I ordered my men to do research on you so I could use it against you when the time comes." He smirked "And seems so, My men found information yesterday, What a coincidence."

"Or a miracle." Francis whispered.

"So, What is your next move- Akuji?" Philip smiled darkly, his arms crossed infront of her.

Evil felt threatened, amd scared "B-behind those doors a-are millions of p-press waiting f-for the big announcement.." She said "W-what will you s-say to them now?" She smirked nervously, feeling as if she'a got the upper hand.

Philip thought for a moment, then smiled "I'll be announcing our divorce."

Evil was as white as sheet "N-no! You can't do this!"

"Technically, I can- Now that were both even." He smiled yet again "Now go before I change my mind."

Evil had angry tears falling down her eyes "I swear to you, Philip Schuyler- You will see me again!" She said as she left, leaving without a trace.

"Aaand we'll never see her again!" Kira popped out from nowhere.

"Jesus Christ, stop doing that you brat." Francis hissed "Tsk, you're such a dad Francis."

"Don't anger me, young woman." Francis said.

"Uh- Yes, Daddy." Kira moaned out in annoyance.

Philip turned around, but instantly regretted it when he felt a heel on his... thing.

"That's for fucking another woman's husband without mom's consent," Angelica hissed and slapped him in the face "And that's for divorcing mom for that Evil bitch,"

"Angelica, sweetie, I promise i'll get back with your mother--"

Angelica hugged him "And that's for... Everything else.

Eliza smiled at the sight, tears falling down her eyes. She finally did it, she was free.

"Woohoo! Yeah! FREEDOM FOR THE GAYS BITCHEEEES!" Peggy screamed as she suddenly pulled Charlotte into a kiss.

"Well, that's canon." Kira grinned.

"Eliza." Eliza turned to the voice, but was instantly met with a hug "Thank you."

Eliza smiled "No, thank you."

"Well," Jefferson started "I don't know about you guys but I'm readying my helicopter." He said "Anybody want to come with?"

"C-can I come?" Charles squeaked out, determination filled his voice "Sure, pipsquek come on."

"We're going to Paris, right?" Lafayette said, a tiny bit of hope in his broken voice "I-I'm coming with."

Burr stared at him pitifully "My Condolences, Laf."

Lafayette didn't respond.

"Well, this is gonna be fun." Kira grinned "Anybody want to go with me in my helicopter and see the show?"

"I'm in." George smirked "Ako rin." Aisis then joined him.

"Me as well." Theodosia smiled, Burr overhearing it "Uh, Me too kid!"

"Wait what?" Francis froze "No, no, no- You don't even have a helicopter!"

"C'mon yall! Let's go to Francis' place and get a helicopter!" Kira screamed and dashed off with the rest, leaving Francis screaming after them.

"Jefferson, room for two more?" Eliza smiled, in which the said man replied with a nod "I'll order my men to fetch it here."

Eliza then looked at Alexander "So, you ready to get your man?"

Alexander looked surprised and scared "What?"

"Well, I mean- Isn't prince Alexander gonna save John from the clutches of college?!" Eliza joked dramatically, in which Alexander replied with an eyebrow raised higher than the other.

Eliza laughed "I mean, Aren't you gonna tell John you love him?"

Alexander scratched the nape of his neck "I-I don't know," He said "So what if I did? He's just supposed to go home with me?"

"He doesn't need to go with you." She said "Unless he chooses that decision, but what's important is you tell him you love him before it's too late."

Eliza looked at the nervous man "Would you rather keep it to yourself until it's too late? It's now or never Alexander."

Alexander sighed "What if he rejects me?"

"So what if he rejects you?" Martha butted in, along with Washington "What's important is that you told him before it was too late."

"They're right, Alex." Eliza said "C'mon! You only live once right?" She beamed, making Alexander chuckle.

"So what do you say?" She said "You love him, don't you?"

"Yes." He said with no hesitation.

"Then tell him!"

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