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a/n: i am so sorry i havent updated for so damn long, so many things are happening and i just cant find the time anymore.. im so sorry, as am apology- here is a frame for an upcoming Lams animatic for the song 'its over isnt it'


"No." Alexander hissed, crossing his arms "For the last time, it's a no, can't you get that to your head? NO!"

"Aren't you atleast worried about his situation?" George said, glaring at him "The poor boy is getting abused!"

"That is none of my concern," He said sharply "It it were, than this would've been over a long time ago."

"Then make it your concern." George said, looking at him straight in the eye "His parents are abusing him, and any guy who has enough brains know that this kind of act is breaking some sort of law."

"Then let the law handle it."

"How are they gonna handle it if no one will tell then to make it their priority? He's experiencing child abuse!"


"It's nothing like that!" George exclaimed in both anger and embarrassment "Yes it is, it's exactly like that."

"Just because you like someone, doesn't mean you should go all ends for them- You don't even know him, you shouldn't meddle with his personal problems." Alexander said.

"But this situation is different, Hamilton." George whispered "He's most likely to get killed.."

"You're overexaggerating, No parent can ever kill their child." Alexander lied "Maybe his parents have their reasons, some adult stuff you shouldn't get involved with."


"You'll forget bout' this in a couple of days," Alexander said as he started to walk away "Just lay low for now."

George watched as the older man left, his left hand clenching into a fist.

It was always like this.


"You know, George- Maybe Alexander is right." John said as he patted the woeful boy at the back "You shouldn't get involve in this, your still a kid- And his parents probably have problems of their own."

"He is getting fucked up, Laurens." George said in a monotone voice.

John gulped, scratching his nape "W-well, if it were that serious- Why didn't you just contact the police?"

"I did." George replied.

John looked surprised "Oh, that's good then- What did they say?"

"They said I was blubbering a load of garbage and I should just get out of their way." George replied yet again.

John frowned "I... Wow, they were so rude." He said, hoping he would feel better "Don't worry George, it'll all get better in a few days,"

"You're still a kid, you shouldn't stress yourself with adult pro-"

"WHY DO YOU ALL KEEP SAYING THAT!?" George screamed, for the first time ever- Making John shock.

In his point of view, George was such your typical, stoic, intelligent and perfect kid who probably doesn't feel any despair since he is still at a young age, not to mention he had all the money he could as for.

"W-WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TREAT ME L-LIKE SOME USELESS KID!?" He cried, heavy tears falling down his eyes "I'M NOT A FUCKING IDOT LAURENS!"

But then, at that moment he realized- George was misjudged.

"W-w-what!? J-just because you think I'm so young and perfect a-and rich you think I d-don't have any problems in life?!" He breathed in.

He wasn't perfect, he wasn't happy- Just cause' he he had everything doesn't mean he had no rights to feel sad.

"Me being young doesn't give you any damn rights to judge and tell me who and what I should be."

And, from the looks of his unmasked, broken expression- He had kept it inside, and because of John-

"I may be t-thirteen but my m-mind is older.."

He broke.

"If you won't help me, then just say it straight away," He said as he wiped his tears "Don't lie and try to change my thoughts as an excuse to try and help me," 

"If you're just gonna be like everyone else, then just... Just forget this happened."

And with those words, he left.

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