Chapter 1

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Every new year, we make promises we most likely aren't going to keep. "Oh, I'll go on a diet;" "I'm definitely going to stop eating so many desserts;" "I'm finally going to tell my crush how I feel." I make those promises too, I know. I always say I will, but I don't. The only reason I don't is not because I can't, I'm scared, not enough willpower. It's because of those 10 minutes of freedom, no consequences, no results. My friend Sadie gets a boyfriend out of it. I'm not so lucky. I always get a bad result.

I have a pretty good group of friends. We may be small, but my group of 5 friends is pretty much invincible. I have Sadie, and even though she may have a boyfriend and may be a bit distracted from the group, I can still tell her anything and talk about anything with her. Then there's Tracy. She's always there for me, always will give me her undivided attention, always will walk with me to classes. And believe me, in my HUGE school, I definitely need a friend to walk with me. Moving on to Rodney. We have an interesting friendship, mostly having to do with secrets and blackmail, but at least I know I can goof around with him and never really have to talk about serious stuff if I don't want to. He also has a very interesting relationship with Tasha. They have been friends since kindergarten, but not exactly. More on that later. The last person that I left out was Rafael, but I left him out for a reason. He's... special. I've kinda sorta had this huge crush on him ever since I got to know him a year ago, but ANYWAYS, moving on...

New year, new times, new choices, new chances. It's almost 2018 (Crazy, right?!), and you know what happens when the numbers can make a math equation... Bad, bad things. JUST KIDDING! I made that one up with Juan, my friend since forever. In Rainbow hills, you basically make your friends for life somewhere around kindergarten to third grade. That's kind of the spot when you figure out which boys don't have cooties, who else read all of the Harry Potter books in a month, and who else signed up for the junior math team voluntarily. It's where you meet your people.

Each year, my whole school hosts a party that is mandatory to all students. Seriously, they deduct 50 percent from your grade if you don't come! Luckily, my school has a pretty small population. There's literally about 500 kids total. In a K-12 building. Pretty crazy, right? Well that's Rainbow Hills for ya!

This year, I'm not going to mess up. I can't. This year will be great, because look out world, here comes Dawn!


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