Chapter 14

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I step out into darkness. It's so quiet out here at midnight. Nothing like Rainbow Hills. Even though it (was?) a tiny town, it never slept. Just like me. I would read until 3 AM sometimes, and then lie there for a long time before I could finally slip away into a world that I could make my own. I always can control exactly what happens in my dreams, and sometimes I don't even know I'm dreaming. It led me to hope I was a demigod and would be taken to Camp Half Blood before I turned 12 (I'm pretty sure Lance Everlark was the school satyr), but alas, I didn't. Rainbow Hills is still an amazing place to live, and I'll miss it a lot.

I look over at Rafael, who is currently having a mini freak out in his head. No one would know that but me, of course, but it's not my fault they have no clue how to read people. I put my arm around his back and try to comfort him. "It's nothing, Rafael. It's probably just because it's midnight." I reach into my bag and grab two flashlights that are from my collection that I carry around everywhere with me. I might have, say, 11 or 12? What? I like to know that I'll never be caught in the dark. There were a lot of blackouts at my house back on the other earth. I like to know that I can never be caught in the dark. Once I press a flashlight into Rafael's hand and he clicks it on, his entire body immediately relaxes. Who knew that Rafael Kino could be afraid of the dark? Not me!

I take Rafael by the hand and lead him silently into a gathering of rocks that reminds me so eerily of Rainbow Hills that I'm almost positive that this is Rainbow Hills. But it can't be! As my head is swirling with the craziness, Rafael looks at me with concern. "Are you okay, Dawn?" I laugh softly. I probably look insane right now! "No, but seriously, Dawn. Are you okay?" He reaches a hand up to feel my forehead, and we both laugh with the recognition from what seems like months ago but was really only days. I scowl and bat Rafael's hand away, which only makes us laugh harder. I've been told that my mad face is really funny, which I kind of believe but don't completely trust, as Rafael told me this. I may love him, but Rafael is not always the most trustworthy person. We're still laughing hysterically when I try to stop and lift a finger to Rafael's mouth to try and shush him. This brings back memories of so many times when he would hold my hand to try to make me move it away, which always made my breath go away and my heart melt. So yes, it was a successful method, although I'm not proud of how easily it worked on me. After a while, we finally calm down and the lights in the town are beginning to turn on one by one. I just hope no one finds us! Well, there's nothing we can do about it now, and I'm so tired. I yawn and look at Rafael, who looks just as tired as me. "We should sleep," I say quietly, hardly able to talk, that's how tired I am. "Yeah," he sighs, laying down on the ground. I curl up next to him, and drift off into a sleep so deep, I don't even dream.

"How much longer do you think they're going to sleep?" "I don't know, when did they fall asleep?" "How would I know? They escaped from the rest of us a long time ago." "But we can't wake them now! Look at them!" "I know, they're just so cute!" Okay, I can't let them go on like this. I yawn and stretch, and 9 faces come into view. Rodney has a mocking, teasing look on his face and Tasha is mimicking that same look next to him. I can tell they were probably the last 2 voices that I heard before I officially woke up. I can't completely be sure, though, because pretty much everyone else has the same kind of look on their face, except for Sadie, who just looks dreamy and is probably wishing that she could have this someday. She always thinks that no one could ever like her, and that she'll never have what people like Rodney and Tasha have, and what still shocks me but still makes me really happy, is that it's also what Rafael and I have now. The truth about Sadie is that even though she may think that no one likes her, there have always been a lot of guys who were crushing on her, even though most of the time she was already together with Adam. She always refused to believe me, unfortunately. Eh, oh well. She'll eventually believe me. I look over next to me and see that Rafael's still sleeping. I look over at Rodney and see that we're thinking the same thing. I smile mischievously and sneak away with Rodney to find what we need. Rodney helps me lug the bucket back over to the rocks where Rafael is still asleep. Rodney and I sneak over to Rafael, and I mouth "1... 2... 3!" At three, we dump the bucket of ice cold water on Rafael's head and back away oh so innocently. Rafael wakes up almost instantly, soaking wet and not very happy with us. I can't help but laugh. Five seconds later, everyone else starts cracking up with me. Rafael is not as amused, though, soaking wet and scowling. You have to admit, though, it is pretty funny. No, it's not funny. It's HILARIOUS! "Very funny, guys," Rafael growls, trying to wring out his hair. I giggle, and offer him a towel that I found in one of the emergency backpacks. He towels off his hair and glares at me. I smile, satisfied with my evil doing.

"Um, guys, this is all funny and sweet and everything, but we have to get a move on!" Jojo's tapping her foot and pointing at her watch. Oh, Jojo. I grin and take Rafael by the hand so that we can prepare for the day's adventure.

~meliketosmile4 😆

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