Chapter V: Written in Murder

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3rd Moon

26th Phase


12:01 pm

Having been granted access to investigate, we decided to make our way towards the office, where the crime occurred. The space resembled a classic Victorian style interior, where the wallpaper and baseboard played around the walls. Navy was the color of choice, with hints of brown complementing the overall color scheme the designer had in mind when designing the room. A solitary art piece rested on the southern wall of the room, a self-portrait done by the headmaster himself. As a result, by the struggle, contraptions and knickknacks littered the ground, with only a bellow camera standing tall. The Victorian furniture was disarranged, and it was evident that a struggled had occurred by both parties.
In the middle, a small chandelier loomed over the room, giving it a warm light that exposed the tape that reconstructed how the body was found. The body had been moved to the coroner with the intention of finding the cause of death, the time of death and any other evidence that would give us insight into the crime. The blood was still left faint on the wooden floor, possibly as a result from the slashes on his neck, for no other source was found as reported by the given officers.
"A struggle seemed to have happened," I pointed out. "The furniture shows signs of slight movement while some mark prints can be observed upon close inspection."
"You are correct. If we consider the testimony from the employees to be true, it is obvious to conclude that a heated discussion was indeed taking place prior to the killing, arousing suspicion towards the accused."
"Right.  It would be prudent then to speak with Mr. Hoper once we are done investigating here. After all, if he is to be innocent, then why not be completely honest with the officers?
"Yes, that is the question. However, there are times people would rather keep their mouth shut than speak at all. Which is why it is our job to crack open the answers."
"I guess so. But still, I believe that being honest can save you from even more trouble, no matter how hard or bad it might be for you. Regretfully, this just makes the case against him stronger."
"So, you believe he is innocent as well?"
"I do. Does it not sound nonsensical that after all those years of service, he suddenly became a monster and killed his employer? Usually, when there is more than one act of  aggression done upon a body, it signifies that a grudge had been ensnared upon the perpetrator. And while yes, they appeared to be at odds the last time they spoke, I do not think that one would suddenly betray their trust over a single disagreement. No, I think something else is afoot."
"Hm, is that so?"
Smiling with intrigue, he chuckled softly at my line of thought.
"Professionally cautious or optimistically chanceful? I'll admit, your line of thought isn't all that far-fetch with what we already know. However, until we can find something that disproves his involvement completely, there's not much we can do for now. I will advise you for now, though, to jot down those points you mentioned and return to them once we discuss them with the accused."
"Very well," I responded.
After carefully examining the rest of the room, I decided to inspect the bellow camera in all its detail.
"It would seem Mr. Primo was a collector of sorts."
He picked up his notes and located the tab regarding the information of Primo.
"He was an avid collector of antiquities, and he often made his trips around the world finding pieces of interest. This bellow camera, for example, is a mk.1K variation from the 1800s."
"mk.1k? I do not think that's a version I have not heard before."
"You wouldn't. It's a prototype never taken to the public market. It was deemed too unstable for use. They had them returned and made some variations of the original: mk. 2K, mk.3K and mk.4K. Those are the generic ones you come to be more familiarized with regard to vintage bellow cameras. Now as to how he achieved to obtain this prototype is beyond me."
"Could he possibly have gotten it from someone who worked on it?" I asked curiously.
"Highly doubt it. This isn't something you would be able to obtain by normal means. If I had to guess, it could have been by an underground auction he had won a long time ago. The origin bears no relevance so don't think about it too much. Instead of focusing on how he obtained it, focus on the camera. There's a clue there that even the officers have overlooked."
Taking his suggestion to heart, I decided to inspect the camera and all the nook and crannies it presented itself with. I did not find anything noteworthy.
"I could not find anything. It just seems like a regular camera to me."
"Give it another look. Try to go the extra mile with your observation."
Inspecting it once more, I did not find what my companion was referring to.
"I would appreciate it if you could shine a light for me," I remarked.
Thinking of a way to nudge me in the right direction, he followed with a question.
"Tell me what do you know about dust?"
"Yes, dust."
"Just the basics. It is something that naturally forms in the surrounding atmosphere. It comes from natural items such as rocks and dirt as well as dead skin cells."
"Correct. Now, while the staff does it's best to have the house in its best conditions, you can observe that dust is starting to collect. On the floor, on the furniture, so on and so forth. And yet on this singular camera there is a spot that seems to lack any of it."
"Ah! I see now! Someone must have touched the device!"
"Correct. Although the spot in question is relatively small, I believe that some sort of fingerprint must have been left behind by the culprit."
"Extraordinary!" I exclaimed. "We should notify the officers so they can analyze it as soon as possible!"
"That won't be necessary."
"What? But do we not need their assistance to find out who the prints belong tO?"
"Have you forgotten who you are working for? We have our own equipment that helps us on our investigations, more so than what any of those grounded officers have."
I could not seem to comprehend what he meant with that. Confused, I watched as my companion directed his attention towards the ring he had on his ring finger. With a touch to it, a voice came about.
"Hello! What can I do for you?" said a small voice. 
"Dawn, I need you to analyze these marks left on the camera. See if you can pull any fingerprints."
"Of course! Commencing analysis."
Once his conversation ended, he moved his fist towards the camera .I was confused, for I had not understood who he was talking to nor what he was doing. I assumed it was a sort of communicator, so I paid no mind. But after some time, the voice came back.
"Analysis complete! After an extensive scan on the designated spot, I could not identify any fingerprints left behind."
"Huh! this keeps proving to be interesting, " he said with delight in his voice.
"No fingerprints then? Oh bother, what a waste."
"On the contrary! It only proves something else entirely."
"How so?"
"Think about it. A mark was left on the camera, and yet there were no prints detected."
I grew into thought, but the only thing that came to mind was something painful.
Surely you do not mean to believe that there was a third person. And for that matter, someone had burned them to not be traced?
"But of course! I think it would be logical to conclude to that."
"With all due respects that sounds absurd."
"Does it? Fingerprints are left behind every time we touch something. That is the nature of it. If you, the officers, Gushiken, Hoper or even the victim for that matter, had touched the device, then there would be results. But that is not the case. So, it's sound to conclude that someone was here before or during the killing."
"Besides," he pointed towards the glass window, "if you take a look outside of the window, you'll see signs of an intruder as well."
At his suggestion, I opened the window and looked around. It was then that I noticed that the rose bushes below were disturbed, the roses crushed by what seemed to be a drop of weight."
"By Jove!", I cried.
"Still think there wasn't another person involved? Hoper couldn't have done that that much is certain. And no one spotted this ghost despite evidence suggesting that there was someone here in fact. Hm, if my intuition is correct then this mystery is taking a turn towards a most complicated matter."
With this introspective, this theory proved to be a possibility. 'The lack of evidence proves to be the evidence' was the lesson he was teaching me. Furthermore, the evidence of the bushes proved to support the idea he had suggested. And, while it id sound absurd the moment he shared that, I had to admit that the more I thought about it, the more it started to become was a very convincing line of thought.
"Perhaps you may be right. It would be prudent to keep this in mind then. From the look of it though, I do not think there is anything here left investigating. Might there be another area around the room worth looking over?"
"Not particularly, no. We've already done our work here for today here."
"Then I suggest that we head towards the Detention Center and speak with Mr. Hoper, seeing we have a few things we need to talk about."
"And that is?" he asked testing me.
"First, to hear from him what it was they spoke of. Understanding it could help us find if he really had a motive to do the killing. Secondly, to confirm if there was indeed a third person or not. If there was indeed another party in the room, then that opens the possibility for the events to be interpreted in a different way, a way that not even the officers are even aware of. And then there is the nature of the bellow camera. Perhaps he might offer insight on the device and why it was tampered with."
Mr. Allegro showed signs of being visibly impressed with everything I have showed since we started investigating.
"Well, you're coming along quite nicely. You have already identified the point of interest and you seem to be gaining confidence in the procedure. If you keep this up, then you'll become a professional in no time. Now come, let us be off and take the apple straight from the horse's mouth."
With that, we began making our way towards the local detention center, where Mr. Hoper was being detained until yesterday morning. My companion called the captain to ask permission to speak with the accused. She allowed us to speak with him so long an officer was present during the interview. Making the arrangements she hangs up and we march towards the Detention Center.
Deciding to offer some conversation, I ask him about his connection towards the Captain.
"I observe that some history is shared between Ms. Gushiken and you," I comment curiously.
"Who's to say."
"Well, for starters, it is not normal to call someone by a nickname, especially during work duties."
"On the contrary, I think it is fine to give a sort of nickname to people. It builds trust and comradery between one and another. Besides, I was never one to be fussy regarding what people should address me so in return I do the same. Does this bear any relevance to the case?"
"Not particularly. I was just curious for as to the type of relationship you two had. I noticed that there was some familiarity between the two."
"The only familiarity I have with her is her need to constantly get in my way. Ugh, don't get me wrong, she's as sharp as they make them, and her courage is what officers look up to. But she's just too stubborn. You could create the greatest argument ever and that would never be enough to make her consider it. If there is no physical evidence, she won't pay attention to you. She would rather die on a hill than adapt her reasoning with some creative exercises."
"It would seem you do know a lot about her."
"And it would seem you prefer to ask a lot about unimportant things.'
"R-right. My apologies."
He gave a very audible sigh and collected his composure.
"In any case, you can see why finding evidence is critical important in this line of work. Ah, we're here. Come, let us find the accused."
As we entered we were welcomed by the lovely receptionist, who greeted us with delight.
"Good afternoon! How can I help you?"
"Good day. My name is Lucio Allegro of the CDA and I'm here with my assistant Ms. Hawkins. We have an interview planned with the accused regarding the Primo case. If you could direct us towards the holding cell, we would greatly appreciate."
"Of course! The Captain told us about you two. We have made the arrangements, so when you're ready be sure to go to the officer next to the entrance."
"Right, thanks."
Upon the lobby officer's direction, we made our way towards the cell. Our escort mentioned that we only have thirty minutes to work with and that if it proved to get too out of control he would interfere if necessary. Consenting towards the protocols, he opens the gate for us and we managed to enter the cell. It was a pitiful scene what we saw. What came before us was a man sitting on the corner of the cell hopelessly exhausted of all that has happened to him. If it was not enough for him that he, was he was being treated as the prime suspect, then surely the death of his friend must have had a toll on him for the last days.
He was a man that looked close to his 30s. He dressed in a business casual fashion, a white dress shirt tuckered under his square shaped brown pants and a lone red colored tie giving it a bit of life. He was particularly skinny, and his features were even more accentuated for it looked like he has not eaten anything for the past few days. He presented some facial hair, and his hair was kept, although the sweat of the brow has clearly made it more disarranged. He was shaken.
"Excuse me, might you be esquire Hoper?" my companion asked.
"Who's asking? I already told everything I knew this morning..."
"My friend, we are not police officers. My name is Lucio Allegro. I am a private investigator from the Collective Detective Agency, and this is my assistance, Jennifer Hawkins."
"Good day."
"Oh. so, your people from that Agency then. Well... either way, I already told them what I know. You're just wasting your time. Sorry."
"Well, that is for us to decide. There are a few questions we would like answered regarding some new information we have obtained. We would appreciate it if you cooperated with us."
"And... that is?"
"We would like to know what exactly you discussed with the victim."
Mr. Hoper became visibly distraught at his inquiry.
"What is there to talk about? I am not in a position to disclose any confidentiality with my clients, even if they have passed on. "
"We believe, Mr. Hoper, that the key to this mystery lies in your answers. The simple fact is that the victim died as soon as your confrontation ended and right now, you're the prime suspect. Between the lack of alibi and the murder weapon, everything seems to just point towards you."
He gave a long look and mumbled a few words I managed to pick up:
"So, it really is the end for me."
Truthfully, he was on such a pity state. Even though we did not have the evidence at the moment, you could clearly see in his eyes that he knew nothing to do with the killing. I read on my studies that often people are wrongfully accused. Be it by planted evidence, contradicting accounts or just bad luck, cases like these tend to cause an error in judgement on behalf of the detectives. But seeing that was the case with him, made me feel compassion for the poor fellow.
"The truth is we personally do not believe you did the crime. We believe in your innocence, and it is our job to prove it."
"You do? Why?"
"Because we feel there is more to it than what we know right now. And, if you were the killer, I do not think you would be suffering as you are now. In any case, you would just be asking for a lawyer. However, we need your help if we are to clear your name and find the person who did it. Please, if you could just share us a few minutes of your time, we would greatly appreciate it."
He gave us a despondent look and remained still. I was starting to grow anxious, for time was not on our side and our only lead was turning to be a lost one.
"If you don't want to talk to us, then alright." interjected Mr. Allegro. "But let me ask you one question before we leave: During the time this meeting took place where you both accompanied by a third individual?
He gave a hesitation, and, with a fidget in his eyes, he answered.
No. No, there was not another soul in that room."
My colleague gave a quiet chuckle.
"Truly. It is unfortunate that even when we are giving our services towards your innocence, you have yet to be truthful. Miss Hawkins, if you may."
Following to where he was going for, I took out the pictures taken from my polaroid and exhibited them towards the accused.
"What am I supposed to be looking at exactly? Is that not the camera of Mr. Primo"
"Tell me, my companion asked, did the late headmaster ever use this device?"
"Not that I recall, no. I was told that such a device is treated as a family heirloom and, under no circumstances, is anyone allowed to touch it."
"Right, so if he did not use it, then we can conclude that it's been left off in a state of unused. And yet it would seem not everyone followed this strict rule. See for yourself."
"Hm? Wait, is that?!"
"It would seem you already are aware. Indeed, some marks had been left off."
Mr. Hoper became visibly alarmed at the revelation.
"This is absurd!" he cried. "Who would dare to touch the device that we were specifically told to leave be?"
"Who would indeed? That is the question. Might you have a guess?"
"No!" he exclaimed. "Everyone who works at the house are pure saints. They did their job as they were told. If someone were to leave marks, then they would have most certainly been an outsider!"
With that, my companion gave a glance towards me, confidant that his intuition was right.
"Then it would seem thar I was right. Indeed, it is just like you said. Current evidence suggests that someone had indeed tampered with the device. Naturally, it could not have been the late headmaster. He was a very plump fellow, for he had thick stubby hands, whereas the mark left on the device was that of a skinny individual, more bone than mass. And, while you're indeed a slim gentleman, you would never do such a thing. Knowing the respect you had for him, a thought like that would never cross your mind."
Mr. Hoper's eyes were twinkling at this exposition. He was shocked but in awe, for he had witnessed the genius of Mr. Allegro. Like a conductor and his symphony, he masterfully executed his logical conclusion to the point that not even the older gentleman could counter. And if I am to be honest, I was also visibly impressed. We had just met today, and I have been already enchanted by his performance during our time together.
//Spectacular. So this is the ace of the Agency them.//
"There is no use thinking of excuse. No. I think it is high tide you started being honest."
He began to think it through, for the gentleman knew there really was no other way to be dodgy about it. He pondered and pondered, and after a while, he knew what he had to do. He took some deep breaths and finally decided to talk.
"Very well. I guess it won't make a difference if I start lying. It is as you say, there was someone else in the room."
"Who is it then?"
"His name is Frederick Facsimile. He is an old family acquaintance of the Primos. I have not exactly been told all the details, but he already had a history with Victor. Not even my great friend -may he rest in peace- shared all the intricacies. What I am aware of is that Frederick had been working with my friend for more than fifteen years and that during that period, they had developed a sort of respect for one another. He was Victor's secretary, you see. Diligent and focused on details, he garnered respect from the house and there was no other person who my friend trusted with his own life during that period. But if I should be honest -since that is what that you are asking of me- I never once trusted the bloke. No, behind his fake smile, I always had the feeling that he was only nice to my friend to achieve something greater."
"Despite his treatment towards the headmaster, he never once treated our colleagues with the same respect. He looked down upon everyone and I would care to think he never once liked me. Bitterness and anger were all I ever saw in his eyes. Was it because of my friendship with the headmaster? Or was it because I never once showed him the respect, he demanded from everyone? I am not sure. But I digress. I have told you everything I know. I only wish that I was of service, for you have clearly shown that you are being of service to my time of need."
"Interesting! he exclaimed. "Very, very interesting. I take it then that he was the person who touched the device?"
"Of course not! Mr. Facsimile was a very sour character to be sure, but he always did his job and never considered disobeying any rule. His job would be on the line if he had done so. Besides, he was sitting next to me, so he had no way of reaching the device. How those prints were left is beyond me, but I can assure you none of us were the person responsible for it."
"I see! Just one last thing. Did the victim have any enemies. Any people at all that would have reason to kill him?"
"No. Not that I can think of. The man was a solitary person. Other than his employees, he would prefer to keep himself away from society. He was a kind, generous person who treated those that were in his life with kindness. He placed others ahead of him and would often treat us like we were a part of his family. I can speak for everyone when I say that it has been difficult for all of us. And to think that the last thing I did was fight with him..."
//Mr. Hoper...//
"I understand. I won't press any further. I appreciate the time you have shared with us I'll make sure to let you know how our investigation is going next time we have the chance to speak. Now, if you'll excuse us."
"Are you leaving?"
"Afraid so. We have some business to attend to and our time is up."
"Oh, I see."
"Just hold on for a little while longer until we get to the bottom of this. We are going to get you out of this. It is  only a matter of time. Okay?"
"I understand."
"Good! Then we're off. Hawkins let's go."
"Right. Let us be-"
"Thank you!" interjected Mr. Hoper.
"Knowing that the case is being handled by the right hands puts me at ease. More than my own imprisonment, I just want every one of my colleagues safe and my fallen friend avenged. And more than anything, I appreciate you two believing in me."
"Of course! In the end, we just want to help, so it is the least we can do."
"He-he of course. Farewell then."

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