Chapter XIII: Sins of the Past

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3rd Moon

27th Phase


2:55 pm

"Well, this sure looks homey," said sarcastically my blue friend.

"By the look of it, it seems this place has been left abandoned."

"Sure, looks like it. So, this is the place, then?"

"From the look of it, yes. The track stops on the curbside, so my guess is that they must be inside somewhere."

"That makes sense. Shouldn't we wait for Luci to join us, though? We're going to be dealing with some bad people, so it wouldn't hurt to wait for backup."

"No," I adamantly answered. "if we wait any longer, there is a chance that Mr. Facsimile and his cohorts escape before we can detain them. It would be prudent to avoid anymore damaged caused by the party. Besides, Mr. Allegro is right now finding the last pieces of evidence. If we can find him before he comes back, it will only make everything go smoothly for everyone involved in this case. So long as Mr. Allegro finds the clue needed to connect him, then it is checkmate for him."

My companion sighed.

"Guess I can't stop you when your mind is made up then, huh? I just hope we don't get into trouble by going on our own though. Raoul, make sure you have the car ready in case we have to make a run for it."

"Of course. I will be waiting here in case you need me. I pray for both your safety. Good luck."

We approached the entrance gate in a cautious manner. Upon inspection, it became evident that the lock had been tampered with, confirming that both the escapee and rescuer had gotten inside with great haste. If we were to enter, then this would be a point of no return. Not because we were breaking and entering. But because we were going to be experiencing a dangerous encounter with two cunning criminals, that clearly will do anything to escape the law. But my conviction was stronger than my fears, and so I pressed onward. Five steps ahead, however, I realized that my friend was still at the entrance, looking deadpan at me.

"Er, Okeanos? Are you alright?" I asked.

"No, nothing, just here admiring the scenery of this abandoned, decrepit house where there's a chance that the criminals might be lurking in the shadows, ready to kill! Jenny, did you think of going inside without anything to protect yourself!?"

"What do you mean? I am aware that my Guardian possesses the weapon feature. I should be fine in due time."

"In due time? Oh my, well, do you know how to activate it?"

"Voice command?"

My friend groaned as she buried her face between her hands.

"And here I thought you were going to be the cautious one, but you're just as reckless as Luci!" she cried.

"Alright, listen up! For you to use your weapon, you need to establish contact it. Simply touching your accessory is fine. After that, you have to concentrate and visualize the weapon you'll be using. For first timers, the first weapon that comes into mind will be yours when you're ready to summon it. After that, you're stuck with that, so even if you try to picture in your mind a different type of weapon it won't spawn because your Guardian can only retain one. Having a weapon as is puts maximum strain on the body, so imagine having different kinds. You'll just explode, kablooey!"

"Kablooey. I understand what you said, but you sure have a way of explaining things. Well, here goes nothing."

Closing my eyes, I concentrated on manifesting my chosen weapon. After a few seconds, I saw it: a lone semi-automatic revolver in the middle of the room. It bears a striking modern design that had hints of customized parts that seem reminiscence of things you would witness on TV space operas. It was an interesting design to say the least, however, and after some delay, I picked it up with my right hand. Suddenly I returned to where I stood, and a few flashing lights emanated from the watch that Okeanos had built for me, transforming into the same revolver that I had created in my mind.

"What the? "How in the devil?!" I exclaim in astonishment.

"Wow! With decal and everything is nice! Normally, I would spare some of your time on explaining the science behind it, but right now we don't have time. Do you have your weapon cocked and set to non-Lethal? There should be a switch somewhere. Try checking on the grip on the side."

After some delay, I found the switch she had described. With a twist on the switch, the gun buzzed and changed forms.

"Good, everything is set. This will be your first time, so try to wing it until you get training regarding using your guardian weapon."

"Wing it?"

"You know. Improvise."

"Improvise? At a time like this?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you decided to go gung-ho without considering you would be chasing criminals unarmed, hello?" she declared with contempt in her voice.

//I hate it when she is right.//

"Touché. Then what about yours, Okeanos? Where is your weapon?"

Without a second to spare, her necklace started to glow, and out of it, came what looked to be a type of staff, roughly a bit smaller than her size."

"I don't have that much stamina compared to the trained investigators, but I can still give some backup. My guardian weapon is equipped with some advanced elemental particles, such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. With it, I can create some awesome weather effects to help out."

"Fascinating! So, like a wizard of sorts?

"If you mean a wiz on science, then hell yeah," she responded with a confident smile.

"Sure, heh. Well, here goes nothing."

"Right behind you!"

Equipped with our weapons, we made our way towards the lone courtyard. A washed-up garden was in the middle, collecting dust and moss on the marble statue, as the water was contaminated profusely. Even though my friend was wary of our eerie surroundings, I was left excited exploring this abandoned building. The gloomy atmosphere, the thrill of the hunt and the weapon at hand proved to be enough to make my eyes shine in enjoyment. It felt invigorating to experience this, making me think of Father and all the adventures he would tell me after bed.

We entered the main building and were met with some abandoned photographs around the lobby entrance. Scattered on the ground, the broken photographs were possibly left by the original owner of the house. Trying to avoid making unnecessary sound, we traversed through the lobby and before us came some scattered debris, with a set of stairs to the side of it. A few steps missing, and a few steps broken. Carefully ascending them, we made some notes on where to place our steps, dancing so that we may not suffer a fall. Finally, I carefully extended my hand, so that Okeanos had no problems climbing with ease. Once we had completed the exercise, we continued our trail. A creeped and decayed corridor was left unattended, connecting us to the main hall with only a few walks away.

Proceeding inside a faint voice that could be heard from where we were. From the distance, it became clear that it was coming from the end of this stretched corridor. It was the voice of a man, undoubtedly the voice of Mr. Facsimile. Hunched down, staying close to the nearby walls, we tried to make our presence as unknown as possible. Okeanos caught the wind as well and positioned herself next to me, against the wall. Retracting something from her pocket, she picked up an earpiece she had with herself and, -with a push on the button- an antenna had come out from it. Commanding her Guardian, she directed its attention towards the noise. Cautiously, we slowly got closer until Ms. Okeanos took a hold of me and signaled that we were fine with the distance. Then, picking up the sound from the antenna, she shared with me another earphone she had linked her Guardian with me, so that I was not to miss any of the dialogue that was taking place.

"I must thank you, friend," said the criminal in a delighted tone.

"I was not expecting for this to go as smoothly as it went. Pinning the crime on that fool was cunning on my part, and with no evidence to connect me to it, I dare say this was a perfect crime."

He laughed, enjoying the moment at the outcome.

"I appreciate your assistance, though, really. I know how he has a no innocent involved policy, but really, who here is innocent? The blood he carried was a sin in itself. And Hoper proved to be a fool when he crossed me, blindly following his master's bidding. He had it coming. I must say, however, that you really have not lost a second of training. How you managed to dodge the officers and tamper without traces at the scene of the crime is impressive. I remembered you used to be a cold-blooded killer, but it would seem you have grown significantly in all areas of the field. In due part, thanks to him, I am sure. This calls for a drink then."

With that, he retrieved a small flask he had hidden from his back pocket and poured some alcohol on two glasses he had placed on the table beside him.

"To a successful business, cheers."

"That's him right, Jenny? The guy you were chasing yesterday?"

"Yes, it is him. It looks like he is with his rescuer. They seem to be hiding in the shadows, however, for I cannot catch a glimpse of them."

"You're right. I can't see who they're talking to."

"Do you believe we should grow closer to get a better look?"

"We could. But any closer we get to them will make us become more visible, making it possible for us to be spotted."

//Confound it all.//

"Nothing like a good old glass of Mouvedre. Hm? What, you don't drink? Come drink up. What reason would I have to poison you? What poison I had made was dealt to Primo."

The woman stepped out of the shadow and picked up her drink. Her face became visible as some of the light penetrating the skylight slightly illuminated her. Her figure was average and lean, and her crimson-colored eyes were the only feature of her that even in darkness could be seen as clear as day. She was covered with a face mask that hid her face, covered in a silky, battered hood. She was dressed urban like, with an overbearing jacket and skinny jeans. Her hair was tied in a traditional tosonian fashion, her bangs only escaping from her beautiful ebony hair, as her mystery only grew more.

"Good right? Only with you I would be sharing the finest wine in the country. After all, with what history we share, it is the least I could do."

"You did tell him about this operation, right?" she spoke in a low tone.

"Don't worry about the small details. Besides, we'd be doing him a favor, considering Primo was also a scum of society."

"You better. Or else you're gonna get it."

"Heh, threats mean nothing to me. It would seem that you still haven't changed your dog like mentality," said Mr. Facsimile in a dry ridiculing tone.

"And it would seem you still haven't earned enough IQ points ever since you left us."

"Tch. Still running your mouth, aren't you? Well, no matter, once I escape, I'll have nothing to do with any of you and this God forsaken country."

Finishing his glass, he places it on a nearby wooden crate.

"Tch, let's get a move on. Better to move now than later."

"Of course. Before we leave, however..."

She gazed towards Facsimile as he made his way towards a bundle of gas cans that was safely tucked in in the corner of the room.

"What are you plotting now?"

"'Vengeance is a dish best served cold'. Heh, a very intriguing saying, don't think? It states that with time, one can easily execute their most malevolent plans, for success favors the cautious ones. As their victim has lowered their guard and has reached a perfected state of execution, I believe that when planned, anything can be done. And after all these years, working for that dastard has finally paid off."

With a match in his hand, he strikes it against his cuff. A burning light manifested itself as the dancing flame stole Facsimile's attention.

"Death is rewarding, but not satisfying. Like a bandage, it only covers the wound. So, if a bandage does not do the job, then simply add salt. I am the salt, and like a wound, the sins of the Primos will be purged. Having plagued hundreds of victims throughout the last century, everyone was bound to their chains. And after experiencing this firsthand, I then knew this was my calling. Nothing like a fitting way to repay that accursed 100-Year-Old Debt."

With a flick, he threw the match on where the gas stood and cast a fire.

"This guy's insane! He's planning to burn this frigging place down!" whispered my companion.

"To what end? What does he get from burning such a place down?

The assassin stood quietly, staring down at her companion.

"Let us be off. The deed is done, and I don't plan for us to get burned. This abandoned place will be nothing more but a burnt memory, along with the rest of the Cugini name."

Everything felt like something out of play. The falling debris, the growing ember, and the villains escaping as they had finished their objective, satisfied with the outcome. My teeth clenched in excitement, knowing full that it was now or ever. Driven by my impulses, I uttered some words that resonated through the walls of the room.

"Not If I have anything to say about that! Hold it!"

"Jenny, what are you doing?!"

Gripping my weapon tightly, I came out of the shadows, aiming high towards our culprit.

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