Chapter 1: L'ultimatum

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"DOOM CLOCK: 00:50:45"

(Night, Indochina, A Shau Valley, Site B2O3)
   (Y/N) and his comrades arrive in A Shau Valley few ahead to Site B2O3 as they took a look of the Site.

Eavee: that Site B2O3

Su: Is look difference

Ka (mind): Hmmm.....this will be my latest model of new construction project....gonna asked for fund & permission from Prime Minister & Ca.

(Y/N): So Mr. Ca you guys making the site so far so good

Ca: Thank you Mr. President with the support & funding we had improve & change much we're here

   The 3 helichopters land on the heli mark area as everyone get out.

???: Everyone we the Site B2O3 welcome our honorable guest to our site

   Everyone look a pale skin man with black hair wearing sciene suit and a glass on his head

Cheng: It nice to meet all of name is Willson Cheng the vice-director of site B2O3 and partner of our director Mr. Ca and....

Cheng: It was an honor to meet you Mr. President

(Y/N): You too, Mr. Cheng


Ca: Cheng had you ready for our vehicle?

Cheng: Yes Mr. Director they're waiting for you....everyone please get in the vehicle we're gonna go to inside

   A 4 BTR-82 was waiting for them and along side is 4 M151 Site Security Jeep escorted the guest BTR to the site as they get in the vehicle start the engine driving to the destination.

(Y/N): While we head to the site is there any update report?

Eavee: Let't me check....*Check her Tablet* Sir, around couple minute our geographic satellite show us another small earthquake around Pacific area seem is will split Pacific area part....

Ca: Dear god if it split the surface would likely mass change

Cheng: Even worst...the Tsunami

(Y/N): So how much time do we get?

Eavee: Sir, I'm afraid we only 46 mins....the doom clock is ticking

Cheng: Mr. President don't worry we all are ready as well prepare sir

(Y/N): Then we need to get faster...and Ms. Eavee after we get there called everyone in I got a task for them to do

(Meanwhile in Indonesia Embassy, Saigon)
   At Indonesia Embassy, the staff & Embassador are discussing about help their fellow refugee as they don't want to return their ripple civil war Indonesia but....some are return to fight for their country while some others all decided to become a citizen of Indochina.

Staff 1: Mr. Embassy, all who want to fight are safely on the flight sir

Staff 2: We just received back from liberated Airport

Embassy of Indonesia: Good, now I and Captain of Security Team will gonna talk with Governor of Saigon, the rest of you return your lover one or help our fellow refugee

All Staff: Yes sir

Captain of Security Team: Sir

Captain of Security Team: Vehicle is prepare & awaiting your order sir

Embassy of Indonesia: Thank you and Ms. Captain...

Juna: Sir please....just called me Juna

Embassy of Indonesia: Right and Ms. Juna do you gonna bring "these" is this so overprotective?

Juna: Sorry sir but this is for your safety despite is not warzone but we need to carefull...they might send ones to assassinate you sir.

Embassy of Indonesia: (sigh) right but remenber when we arrive at City Hall we must follow their instruction & secure protocol so do not cause any ruckus Ms. Juna

Juna: Yes Sir

   The Embassador and Captain Juna of Embassy Security Team go outside Embassy the street of Indochina still peacefull as many people don't know what upcoming to them, the Embassy Gate open a black Nissan-brand car for just of them and 2 SUV of Indonesia Security go along with 4 Indochina Police Force motorbike Honda escorted the Embassador & Captain, now they heading to City Hall as the light & people everything pass to them the Embassador look outside the car window everything seem peacefull but he worried...will Mr. President or this country allow him and his staff with their family to stayed, to live a normal life.

Juna: Sir are you you need anything?

Embassador: O-oh, I'm fine just thinking some important stuff

Juna: Sir if there anything burden you, just talk to me it might help what was you thinking sir?

Embassador: Well.....I was think if the President (Y/N) would accept us to live & become citizen of his country but...will he accept us?

Juna see Embassador face are worrying & nervous he alway care & tried any best for his staff & their family who reside live peacefully in Indochina, she look at him smile and hold both hand with her postive answer

Juna: Sir I know President (Y/N) and his staff member of Government for long time I'm sure they would likely accept us and they help the world from unforseenable danger after all they're kindest, trustable friendly so why they don't accept us hm?

   The word hit on the Embassador its seem make him less-worried & encourage him

Embassador: (smile) Thank you Ms. Juna for side by side with me....thank you

Juna: That's would be my pleasure Sir

Omad: My name is Omad drop the sir just call me Omad

Juna: (blush) Y-yes if you want to...Mr. Omad

Driver: Don't want to bother your but Sir, Ma'am we here

   The group is arrive as the Guard let the Indonesian in and they stoped at main door of City Hall

   The Security Guards came out their SUV line up and one of them open the car door for Embassador Omar & Captain Juna

Embassador Omad: Right...we're here

Captain Juna: You ready for this Mr. Omar

Embassador Omad: Likewise Ms. Juna

*Timeskip a nervous Omad tried to held handshake with City Hall Reps *

"DOOM CLOCK 00:39:60"

   Return to Site B2O3, the group had make it inside of the site, the vehicle stop and everyone out as they amaze the structure, the tech surround them while the Site Staff busy to make sure the Site condition fine & secure.

Cheng: Aright everyone this way and just follow me! Our security guard will guided you AND REMENBER DON'T. TOUCH. ANYTHING!

   Everyone was instructed and follow Cheng to final destination but they can't kept their wonder eye on those Tech

Kala: Whoa you guys made this?

Ca: Well yeah these are just on begining of test

Cheng: But in future it will enter service as it provided our country needed

Army Gen. Giáp (mind): These techs are promised they will be a next Amoured Warfare new tactic

Airborne Gen. Nam (mind): The heli design look like a bit of Huey & MD500 with 2 wing of V-22 OSPREY...hope it would prove any useful on Airborne Warfare

   Everyone continue their walk after seeing many amazed futuristic tech & other equipement that serve human life, they walk down the hall turn left, goes straight and an metal door was heavily guard the guard open the door after Director Ca show them ID & his fingerprint, they get in infront of them is a working machine running by scientist & technician, a big anti-explosive proof window seem a observation showing a large Dimesional Machine or Portal Machine as it active & creating more sound everyone was amazed & curriously

PM Ajak: Comrades this is PTMS-25 ones of our proudest Portal Machine we ever self-build from the scrath & left of Project Die Maschine built by Site B2O3, Mr. Ca, Mr. Louis and me.

Ca: Yes unfortunately it still on the second phrase of test meaning step 2

Cheng: But with high tech more "counter-measure" we calculate exactly is 63,2% the other is....well you know the rest

*Everyone Gulp*

   Suddenly the entire room shaking a bit then end....everyone realized they didn't have much time the doom clock is closing

"DOOM CLOCK: 00:30:49"

(Y/N): Comrades I guess we don't have much time Ca Cheng activated it

Ca & Cheng: Yes Sir

(Y/N): Missile & Rocket General I order you shoot these specific coordinated value target of Vrill-Illuminatri also used any missile you want

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ: Will do sir

(Y/N): Other Generals any our forces who station oversea order them to evacuvate or volunteer to stay depend on their choices also I want every Indochina forcez must protect & secure our border & maritime, everywhere our country.

9-branch Generals (unison): YES SIR!

(Y/N): Minister of Defence & Minister of National Public Security yours task is remain the order, secure and help citizen can go back home safety remenber I don't want any chaos or disorder scene

Nga & Kala: (Nod)

(Y/N): The rest of everyone return your home your family or stayed helping, is the Site had broadcast station?

Cheng: we have sir

(Y/N): aright I will have a speech to everyone & global what situation we're facing

Eavee: I will arrange the news network, Newsletter crew & other stuff....Mr. President I have some report from Saigon

(Y/N): This time? What kinda report?

Eavee: Well one of our Governor of Saigon City Hall requested your permission of letting Indonesia Embassy to stayed & become legal citizen sir

(Y/N): Let's them stay but they must went through Security Protocol, if any foreginer or foreign diplomat Embassy or Consulate wanted to stayed or leave depend on their choice I grant the permission to everyone let's get to work

   With being said some are helping and some wish to return back home for their love ones while the other are busy dealing nation threat from outside & inside, President (Y/N) was in Broadcast Station holding his paper as he sit down look back Newsletter crew begin their tool and on. The news was on, citizen around Indochina all eye on President as he greet his people and to tell what happen last couple hour and the situation around global then a upcoming calamity, while President (Y/N) giving a speech outside of Boradcast studio a worried Eavee look at (Y/N) as her face reflect on window she have one thought hoping a solution found a way to pass this coming diaster

(Vũ POV)
   After sir President given task, I and my mens dicussed about firing missile to high Vrill-Ilummunatri value-target, in my Base we are currently at Strategic room which is lot of my staff working, we discussed on electron-strategic table showing hologram of World Map & enemy target mark as red circle, our force & other unit as blue any shape icon all thank to satellite of Aerospace Force intel squardorn.

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ: All right comrades, minute ago President (Y/N) give us "green light" to organize this special operation...we are the first force strike them back, chief of Department if our force mobilize?

Chief of Department of Military Strategic Operation (Missile & Rocket Force): Yes sir, all of our forces are now mobilize, I and other commander had already set up a defense protect our missile if the enemy bombard us

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ: Then what about other unit are they armed?

82th Division Commander: Yes Sir My unit and other friendly units are armed & ready

70th Division Commander (Australia): All coordinated target are on our sight ready to engage sir

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ: Good, show me our unit

Staff: (Nod)

   The Staff change the electron-strategic table to satellite realistic image as the staff kept zooming more, showing a Scud B/C/D, 9K720 Iskander-M, Topol-M SS-27, Hwasong-17, RS-28 Sarmat, KN-23 TELs vehicle ready and deploy around the Coast near beach of Central Vietnam then behind them is 340 meter of Jericho II, R-36, Minuteman-II Missile Silo ready to launch.

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ (mind): Good, good this is enough for them to scare the gut out of 'em they won't be expected *smirk*


   The whole base is shakingly as the light & window being break & shatter, paper was flying all over the room and elevator was struck trapping 40 peoples only a 10 minute until it end everything was normal again luckily the power still on the equipments still function bug leave a minimal of damage property

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ: I think we don't have much time...comrades! Order them to prepare the missile we are now in yellow codes all ready on my order!

Everyone (unision): YES SIR!

   Every Commanders of different unit order their soldier prepare the missile the staff are working, focusing & contracting every units as we ready to launch these tactical ballistic missile to Vrill-Iluminatri HQ it will be a fine solution and a message of us to warn their kinds & follower not to wage war with Human or else we will mercilessly genocide them again, they want to "terrorist" us go ahead we fucking sent a Mini Nuke to them as their body rotten, burned to wisp, dust to dust ash to ash thus who stand on our way for peace & united there will be consequences

82th Division Commander: Sir the 82th Division is ready sir!

70th Division Commander (Australian): All done ready to launch lad

106th Division Commander (Russian): My unit is prepared all ready for your order Общий (General)

51th Division Commander (Iranian): Scud & R-36 is prepared waiting for your order sir!

42th Division Commander (Palestine): The Allah Spearhead 42th Division is done! Wait for your permission to fire

180th Division Commander (Nigerian): All armed & well prepare, missile hot!

Chief of Department of Military Strategic Operation: Sir the missiles is ready to launch at these coordinate target, waiting for your firing order sir the red button is now unlockded

   I wasted no time as I pick a radio order the whole forces to strike

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ: All unit on my order...launch it!

   Then I rushly press that red button forcely as I & whole room watching the screen show variant tactical ballistic missiles launching from both vehicle & silo we launch 25 in that night enough to wipe everything to ash.

   These Missile will "travel around the globe" as their final destination is....the Vrill-Illuminatri Base in Siberia, East Kalimantan, Northwest of Canada, North Madagascar, Sahara Desert, East Iraq, Congo/ Central Africa jungle & some pacific island those bastard soon burn in hell as the Indochina People's Missile & Rocket Force is craving their name on graveyard.

Missile & Rocket Gen. Vũ (mind): What a beautiful view, I hope these missile won't mistakely hit any our friend & allied forces....

"DOOM CLOCK: 00:25:12*

(Back to Site B2O3)
   The whole site is now on lockdown many the staff & scientist members are rapidly "lock" the equipment, experiment object & subject speciment in safely containment chammber or cells to make sure it won't break or escape the Site Security will respone with heavily armed & aware while everyone is rustling to safe bunker

   After giving the speech, I and Ms. Eavee with other everyone head to bunker well except me & Ms. Eavee  are on our way to PTMS-25 Operation & Engine Room we take the short cut and take fingerprint, confirm ID the door was open....


(Y/N): Deer Budhha...

   I was unspeech at everything was a mess many staff & engineer are trying to control the systems back to the scientist, Ca & his partner Cheng are tried to operation the PTMS-25 as much as possible to open the portal next world



Cheng: Once of our control device is burst! THE TEMPERATURE ALMOST AS LIMITED!

(Y/N): Ca! Cheng! What's going on

   Ca & Cheng was surprise to see us as they busily open he portal

Ca: Mr. President we are now on another step

Cheng: We trying to open it, is we failed the Aether burst the wave turn us to living death!

Ms. Eavee: If we had any backup plan!?

Ca: Yes but...


Ca: Mr. President & Ms. Eavee come to my side we don't have much time

   We quickly went to his side as we take cover behind the observation anti-explosive proof window I take a small peek seeing PTMS-25 is heavily running the power the inside is unrecognizable shape as it burst an high-energy wave make some control device explode




Ca: DO IT DOWN TO 70%!

   The machine acting weird as the energy wave is less more but it still shaking whole room and make the surveillance camera glitching by the energy wave


Scientist 3: Sir! ou-our dimension navigator found a fine one is RR832! High possible of human resources & oxy requirement is look like to our planet!


Scientist 1: HOLY SHIT WE DID IT!



Ca: Sir it's here

   Mr. Ca show me a button that have a warning said "do not touch or press it you have been warned" is was hard to believe it a start button of transfer to new world

Ca: Sir this is the final step luckily with our control the PTMS-25 is now function normal unfortunately the risk is 32.5% but...we don't have much time the doom clock is at 00:10:55


Eavee: Mr. President we need to do it or rather watch our nation split in half

   To be honest it was hard decision I was gonna press that button but the risk turn into a living death zombie is possibility but rather seen my country ruin what it left like previous doom dynasty, in my mind all I could think is my family my little sister my dear mother father they're hoping, waiting for me I can see my friend...fallen comrades they...was here to help me......without any hesitated for a moment I quckly slam the button so hard the glass-button broken as the machine unleashed a blue-energy wave start to transfer us

Ca: It's working

   The machine is ready for mass transfer our country to new dimension, we now take cover after Cheng take a radio notified everyone in the Site & outside as well

Cheng (Radio): EVERYONE take your cover! FOUND ANY SHELTER QUICK NOW!

   The machine created a large round ball inside of it we see land we see sea then Ms. Eavee pull me down and hold hand eachother is was rare for see how beauty she is my thought show me how hard working she is and she alway be my side when I in unsolve situation I hope....we survive and went through this storm

   Suddenly a light was shining then it went dark I close my eye and embrace it

(Y/N) (mind): Mother, Father, Little sis, everyone and comrades and my country I hope to see the next world



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