Chapter 4.5: Trouble Morning

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(Author pov)
   Dear readers, before you read this chapter please notice these information below to make sure you all know what that mean is

_W-1: Warrant Officer

_112th MC: 112th Mobile Marine Cavalry

_65th "Weasel" TUV Platoon: TUV mean Tactical Utility Vehicles

_908th APC Platoon, 65th Weasel TUV Platoon & Ox-Zulu Tank Platoon: A sub-echelon Amoured Vehicles units part of 112th Mobile Marine Cavalry usually goes with 3 or 6 vehicles in platoon

_L-345th MTU: "L" (Logistic) & "MTU (Marine Transport Unit) a unit specializing in transport resources, food, troops, supplies they're also a sub-echelon unit part of 112th Marine Mobile Cavalry they usually go with 5 or 10 trucks

_IFSF-11: Indochina Federation Space Force-11 a space station part of IASA

_The TLN-22 "Happy Bastard" or Ox-5 (led by Sed & his 3 teammates) is also part of the Marine Amphibious Tank Ox-Zulu Platoon

_715th "Sea Phantom" Squadron: A naval fighter squadron part of the Fourth ACF

_36th Airlift Squadron: A Indochina People's Army Aviation airlift unit part of 102th Corp and led by Second Lieutenant Mark Lutheriky (a former North America Union Air Force) with his partner Sky Jolly C-130H

   Thank you reader I'm hope you enjoy it

(Story start)

While Camp HCM already notified other two camps and all unit except FOB D9 still doesn't receive warning from Camp HCM neither from outside that make entire FOB don't know that a horde or Grimms is moving onto their position...

(Eastern Sanus, Kingdom of Vale, Shinewood Village - FOB D9, 3rd September, 2029/ 7:45 AM Morning)

112th Australian Marine 1: *Yawning*

112th Australian Marine 2: G'mornin mate how are ya doing?

112th Australian Marine 1: a bit of sleepy...did you have coffee?

112th Australian Marine 2: Yeah, here ya go mate *Passing cup of coffee*

112th Australian Marine 1: Thank mate *Chunk down coffee*

*Loud Arabian song at distant*

112th Arabian Sergeant Marine: الرفيق دعنا في الموقف! هدير حصلت على إصلاح الكاميرا حتى الآن؟ (Comrades let's get in position! Hadir did you got camera fix yet?)

112th Arabian Marine: فعلت بالفعل الرفيق سيرجنت (Already done comrade Sergeant)

112th Arabian Sergeant Marine: تعال هدير إلى جانبنا بسرعة قبل التقاط الكاميرا للصورة (Hadir come to our side quickly before camera taken photo)

112th Arabian Marine: 3...2....1 cheer!



*back to those two confused Australian*

112th Australian Marine 1: What da bloody hell they doing?

112th Australian Marine 2: *Take a small sip* the Palestine and Arabian taking photo or some kind of selfie shit hell do I know

112th Australian Marine 1: Do...we need to tell them not to take photo revealed our military secret activity to unknown enemy that lurking around the forest watching us far?

112th Australian Marine 2:.........

112th Australian Marine 1:..........

112th Australian Marine 2: Nah just let 'em be beside this new world ain't know shit nothing about us and our active here

112th Australian Marine 1: If you said so...

*in observation zone*

On the makeshift observation tower, two Indochinese Marine sniper Guard was on their breakfast enjoying coffee & MREs and listening song from radio

112th Marine Cavarly Guard 1: Đồng chí cậu có thể truyền cho tôi muối được không? (Comrade can you pass me a salt?)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: Hmm...được chứ (sure)


112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: *Chomping* Cảm ơn cậu (thank you)


   They'll keep enjoying breakfast before back to work scouting outside FOB just when they finish their dish a radio turn into green light and notifications beep sound


112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: Này radio trên đèn xanh kìa (hey the radio on greenlight)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: Cứ để tôi (just let me)

   He wipe off his mouth full some left food with the tissue and get off mini-table and answer radio


Radio: Đài 7-3, Lều chỉ huy tác chiến gọi đài 7-3 nghe rõ trả lời? (Tower 7-3, Commander Tent called Tower 7-3 acknowledge?)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: Đây là đài quan sát 7-3 nghe rõ (This is Watchtower 7-3 acknowledge over)

Radio: Đào 7-3 báo cáo tình hình đi các đài khác đã báo cáo hết rồi...tình hình ngoài đó ra sao over (Tower 7-3 reporting your status all other watchtower already reported....what's the situation outside over)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: 7-3 báo cáo, tình hình ngoài đó vẫn yên ổn không có dấu hiệu gì hết (7-3 reportedly, the situation is fine no sign of anything over)

Radio: Được cứ tiếp tục quan sát nếu thấy điều gì bất thường nhớ báo cáo lại...(Right just keep watching if see anything abnormal remember to report...)

   They exchange report to radio just as his other friend now finished breakfast meal and chunking his remain coffee then he notice a squirrel on the branch tree looking a peanut

Squirrel (curiously): Squeak

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: *pick a DEEZ- nut* Muốn cái này hả sóc...lấy đi (Want this squirrel...take it)

The squirrel seem understand what he said and run to pick up the nut as he ready hand the nut to squirrel then suddenly something hit the squirrel off the tree fast that caught him bit surprise

112th Marine Cavarly Guard 1: Woah! Vãi cứt! (Holy shit!)

He got off table and take a look down seeing squirrel body been deathly hit by a some kind of shape feather....that cause squirrel horrific death as it twitch, it head & skull cracked with it little brain exploded. The guard himself had a little puke but he hold himself and calmly take binocular trying to look what fucking thing just killed a squirrel moment ago he look at the skies...a big dark crowd flying straight to their base

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: Uhmm....đồng chí ơi? (comrade?)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: Xin lỗi xin hãy giữ máy (Sorry please keep the radio on) *Turn to his friend* tôi đang bận báo cáo mà cậu làm gì vậy với cái ống nhòm đó vậy? (I'm busy reporting what are you doing with that binocular?)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: Tôi nghĩ cậu nên xem cái này (I think you need to see this) *Hand him binocular*

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: *Take a look* Con quạ đen đang làm cái quái gì thế kia? (What the hell does that crow doing?)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: Không biết nữa nhưng nó đang bay thẳng tới chỗ mình đúng không? (Don't know but it's flying straight forward to us right?)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: Đúng vậy...công nhận nó bự thiệt (Indeed...gotta admit it was big)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: Mhmm...nó đang tới gần rồi kìa, chúng ta có nên báo cáo? (It's really got close now, should we need to reporting back?)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: Naaaaahhhh chắc nó chỉ bay tìm kiếm thức ăn một hồi thôi (probably it just flying searching for food awhile)

   He look at him in blank emotions then look at the full speed motherfucking big ass crow that shot it feather to poor squirrel while other feather flying fast to them then he look at him again

112th Marine Cavalry Guard nghĩ chúng ta nên NẰM XUỐNG CON MẸ NÓ MAU! (I think we should FUCKING DUCK NOW!)

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: !?

   He get it friend get down fast as the devilish bird shoot it sharp-feather to the observation tower it sharp feather fire upon to everywhere around the FOB also one of feather hit the map in Combat Strategic Command Tent this notice whole officer included (Y/N) & his fox Li

Li: *Angrily* ARGH! ARGK!

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim (Drinking Noor Chai): *Surprisingly spit out*

112th MC W-1 Jenji: Is that's a bird feather

*Loud noise outside*

   Li walk to (Y/N) and angrily growling in front the tent outside (Y/N) notice this he see Li protect him and react hostile whatever thing outside the tent

(Y/N): What's happen outside right now?

112th MC W-1 Jamie: Let's me go check outside sir

Just then Jamie open the tent to check the situation outside then he was hit by feather on his right shoulder and fall down on ground

112th MC W-1 Jamie: AHHHHHHH Fuck I'm hit!

112th MC W-1 Zolo: He hit!

112th MC W-1 Jenji: I'll go get him!

112th MC Captain: Everyone find cover! Protect the President!



The Captain jump on him to take cover on the ground but he didn't know (Y/N) is in the pain of ass and Li bite the Captain pant try to remove him from her master while everyone take cover & armed their gun


Li (In reality): AGHK! AGHK! *Growl*

(Y/N) (mind): Ooooohhhhh...m-my damn back!

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim: Zolo what's are you doing!

112th MC W-1 Zolo: *Pick up ParaFAL on table* I'm going outside!

*Zolo open the tent and goes outside*

112th MC Captain: WHAT ARE YOUR WAITING FOR!? All Warrant Officer go outside discipline your troop ready for battlestation! Protect the FOB AT ALL COST!

All Warrant Officer: YES SIR! *Go outside*

112th Australian Marine 1: HOLY FUCK HERE IT COME AGAIN GET DOWN!!!


112th Australian Marine 2: OI KID WATCH OUT!

Villager Kid: Huh?

He succeeded got it on time as he save the villager kid both of them quickly get down take cover behind the vehicle

112th Australian Marine 2: Huh...kiddo ya alright

Villager Kid: *Hic* T-thank you Mi-mister *hic*


112th Arabian Marine 2: It's stop shooting! By Allah What are we waiting for guy kill it!

112th Israeli Marine 2: Shoot it shoot it

112th American Marine 1: DON'T LET IT ESCAPE!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



The Giant crowd take single bullets and fallen into ground and the Marines still shooting more round until the giant bird corpses full with lot bullets




*Empty- CLICK*

112th Israel Marine 1: *Stop his comrade* STOP IT MAN! It's already death....

112th MC W-1 Jenji: Is anyone hurt?

112th MC Captain: *Peak up* Is safe now we can get up

(Y/N): Would you mind get off my back now Captain!?

112th MC Captain: *Help (Y/N) stand up* So-sorry sir

   Li give a scoff face to Captain and happily walk up to (Y/N) and hug his leg

(Y/N): *Patting Li* fine...Captain I want you to check our men as well Villagers and immediate report what happen second ago and try contract to Camp HCM & other camp after that, called all WOs for emergency meeting

112th MC Captain: Yes sir

(Y/N) and Li goes outside to check the situation he seen some houses-wall or broken glasses stick by bird shape-feather and a HMWWV being flip out but not severe damage can be fixable all he see is a bit little chaos cause by that bird...Li walk up to that Nevermore raging growl and kick some dirt like mocking the bird he walk to check the bird corpse slowly disintegrated he recognizes the creature

(Y/N): Grimm...a Nevermore something isn't right what the hell it doing here

112th MC W-1 Zolo: Sir *Salute*

(Y/N): At east Comrade, Zolo report your status and how Jamie?

112th MC W-1 Zolo: Sir he's already treated in Medical Tent it just some small wound no life threatening sir and there's no casualties between Marine & villagers some are wounded are now in Medical Tent......sir I think we need to discuss some "problem" at CSCT all high-rank officer is waiting for you...sir

Hearing this, he take out his cigar & lighter he lit up the cigar and put it in his lip slowly inhale and exhale he angrily watching the Nevermore disintegrated last part and Li look to him knowing he begin to serious

(Y/N): *Exhale smoke* Chúng ta có công việc để làm rồi (We got a job to do)

(In Combat Strategic Command Tent- 7:55 AM Morning)

Li: *Take a nap peacefully*

(Y/N): Alright...after what surprisingly happen second ago and due to Comrade Jamie being wounded he have my permission to be treated Medical Care before start of meeting let's me tell you about info of that giant bird name Nevermore or the so called creature name Grimm we just face many time before our arrival...

*CLICK- light shut*

   Then a screen began to shine then showing the seal of Indochina People's Armed Force then later showing information with lot of picture of various of different kind of Grimms creature some are small rabbit that reconnaissance unit encounter early morning today, a sea-leviathan they killed one day ago by just one cannon shot then the bloodthirsty beowolf to giant predator bird Nevermore they've seen before and the rest of Grimm they never encounter was a sketch or draw or picture shot by scroll with info was provided by local Villager that is where the fullest detail and data about them

   Everyone (except Captain) the Warrant Officer look each other in concern or curiosity and they figure why there was so many rumored of these hostile creatures in new world spreading so many unit to all deployed armed force then soon to internet back homeland the Grimm may be a future threat to Indochina

112th Marine Analysts: If you wondering why these information about the life, the origins and it existence of Grimm is still lack & small data that's because our scientist is still busying the work they been given & learned about the new world...the new world enemy Atlast which we "combat" encounter is still interrogation we may have a very fine detailed about Remnant...very soon

(Y/N): Now this is all you the information you know let's begin our emergency meeting

All Warrant Officer: Yes sir/ *nod*

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim: Sir here my first report

   Ibrahim hand (Y/N) a file about a combat incident this is where they believe first contract of land-Grimm creature between. LCpl. Franklin recon team to the Grimm creature when they spotted something unusual and rescue a coma-huntresses a girl in what is look like in German 12th or 15th century with a sword also...there's picture and note whole story of it but in conclusion all team successes extract the girl all return to FOB no WIAs or KIAs and the Grimm...was one to suffering lot of casualties is may be some small clues why they track us due to have animal sensitive? That's a logical theory

(Y/N): Hmmm...impressive one team four soldiers one of your unit can bring down the horde of Grimms so easily but the girl they save we give her medical treatment in the name of humanitarian she the one they want looking for or they just randomly attacking us

112th MC W-1 Zolo: I think is just theory whether is not what happen today or day ago or even that incident can not be related or so coincidence happening in just this day...maybe

112th MC W-1 Jenji: Maybe there's some unknown force want to "learn" us or "they" want to learn us thought force

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim: But with all that theory, we need to discipline our force to protect the base at all cost

(Y/N): Comrade Ibrahim is right whether the cause is they may be show more and want to killed or devour all of us including these people in Remnant as well screw off the theory or founding the cause we need to-

112th MC Captain: SIR THIS IS URGENT!

Li: *Annoying cover both of her ear*

Then the Captain after trying contract to outside the FOB from Radio & AWAC team he rushingly run to our meeting table he stop and breath heavily and showing paper from...Camp HCM?

112th MC Captain: You need to look at it sir

He give me a clean shot-photo of satellite picture with the word IASA (Indochina Aerospace Space Agency) & IFSF-11 part of Indochina People's Aerospace was shot on today hour ago and....holy sweat mother of Siddhārtha Gautama buddha

The motherfucking Grimm are coming for us they gonna attack us the whole hundred or more of hordes is god damn attacking us right the bloody moment now that Nevermore was just a bait for us to kill it they already know we here we being spotted

(Y/N): How much much time do they get there

112th MC Captain: Sir they coming right direct to our base *pant* we-we only has 9 minute 540 second

(Y/N): Dear god...

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim: How the hell all this time that picture was shot hour ago only Camp HCM & other two camps know this then how we don't bloody know anything about this

112th MC Communication crew: Sir is because our station & our equipment is still early on operating half of them is still on construction or being jamming cause

(Y/N): GOD DAMN IT...*calmly sigh* is there any word about this from Camp HCM?

112th MC Radio Crew 2: Sir they said we need to hold the horde wave attack they already set up a proper communication line via satellite is will be more fast in order to receiving signal and they already send back up, supplies as well the ACF 4 is now sending Air support to us sir

112th MC Captain: then we only have two option 1: is to defend the base defeated all hordes or 2: evacuation all personnels and villager back to camp HCM likely we have to abandon the base is all up to you option...Mr. President

*Everyone look at (Y/N)*

112th MC W-1 Jenji: Sir what's our order sir?

112th MC W- 1 Zolo: We're awaiting and ready for any cause sir

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim: Me too sir just give us direct order sir

Then just as President given order suddenly the tent was surprisingly opened is was revealed that Warrant Officer Jamie is back and still in bandages

112th MC Captain: Warrant Officer Jamie you still wounded you don't need to force yourself please return to medical tent

112th MC W-1 Jamie: Captain and President sir please let's me fight with my men my limp is still intact so please give me order sir! *Salute*




(Y/N):.....Fine, Comrade Jamie you're allowed to fight along with your unit...comrades I order you to defend the base fight until last one standing and I'm not gonna leave anyone behind so we will fight too

112th MC W-1 Jenji: Well said sir we willing to following it...all of us

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim: So what's the strategic tactical plan sir

   (Y/N) look to Captain & the analyst they smile and nod the WOs knew what they planning to defend the base

(Y/N): Lady & lad *Pull in his sunglasses* Let's get the job done

   The meeting ended in result everyone favored agree to defend the base at all cost. In FOB many helicopter drop supplies box they take in and take out you can see the Marines & Shinewood Villagers are rushing making a defend wall, makeshift cover from sandbag or dirtbag, Hesco barrier & shape-wire was deployed, building a makeshift sniper watch tower from wood, they planning mines ieds & explosive oil barrel roll in the forest. The Shinewood villagers despite they're only using weapon dust bullet but they can using our weapon with little time training and they understand the basic. After everything settle the defense line have construction done, the defenders got in trench or MG Nest defense line cocking and aiming their weapon to forest while Marine amoured vehicles tanks, M113, HMMWV & Land Rover wolf are on the line ready to fire

112th Marine Big Lamba (APC Commandants): *Comms* This is Big Lamba of 980th APC Platoon we're defense the line how copy

112th Marine Weasel-Alpha Papa: *Comms* Alpha-Papa to all Marine Cavalry unit the 65th TUV Weasel Platoon are armed and steady

112th Marine Ox-Zulu 3 (Tank Commandant): *Comms* Ox-Zulu 3 here, our tanks standby ready for order over

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim: *Comms* Warrant Officer Ibrahim reporting my unit and Jamie, Jenji, Zolo unit are in the line sir ready to fight over

112th MC Captain: Sir our Marines with Locals and our Amoured Vehicles are deployed & ready to attack any time sir while our transportation unit L—345th MTU already safe they're moving back to Camp HCM they will be transport supplies when we needed

(Y/N): Good that's what I like to hear...and so am I *Cocking STV-410*

Chief William: (Y/N) may I asking you something? Before this slaughter

(Y/N): *Turn his face left* Sure Mr. William just asked

Chief William: *Examine M16* Your people weapon are more lighter than our weapon this is my first time firing this spectacular high damage rifle

(Y/N): *Small chuckle* Thank you for your compliment sir but I think I need to tell you a tip about that rifle that please firing in semi if you chose auto I worry your shoulder may be tiring and don't aim to near the bolt rifle you don't want your face scratched by bullet rifle

Chief William: worry too much don't worry for this old man there's no weapon that I can handle it


Li: *Growling* AGHK! AGHK!

(Y/N): Shhhh...Li quiet

112th MC Captain: There's something moving...from that forest...







   The rumble stop then some small bird & animal running alway from something...silent fell again, our defenders began take caution and their finger ready to pull trigger firing whatever that shitty thing is. They thought the silent take a long time but they seen a pair of red eye with a beast growling sound following that more of red eye and growling with sense of hostile showing up more everywhere around forest

Chief William: It's them...the Grimm *Aiming at one of target*

112th MC Captain: Sir our sensor show more than hundred of Grimm around forest....

(Y/N): Then...ready to fire comrades!

([Author]: Before the battle started I want you guy played this song...this one is also one of my favorite)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

TLN-22 Commandant. Sed (Ox-5): THEY'RE COMINNG!




Beuwolf: *GROWLING*

Nevermore: *LOUD SREACH*

   The forest shaking violently as the Grimms run charging toward the defenders base with murderous aura & stomach hungry for human fresh. (Y/N) waiting for them to get closer...

(Y/N): FIRE!


   Then the C4, IEDs along with oil barrel roll exploded beneath the ground tearing all part of Grimms body with huge casualties

112th MC Captain: ALL UNIT ENGAGING!

The Grimm despite surprise first attack but still charging and their face soon met the ringing sound of upcoming landmines and gunfire & cannon


Beuwolf: *Look down on strange object* ?


   The Beuwolf unexpected landed it paw on landmine make it explosive near it fellow kind as it releases a painfully roar it lost it limp and our sniper take a shot on it head

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 2: Bắn hay lắm, một cái trúng đầu! (Nice shot, a one headshot!) *Patting his friend shoulder*

112th Marine Cavalry Guard 1: *Load a bolt* Cái này dành cho con sóc vô tội đấy đồ khốn (This is for the poor squirrel bastard)

112th Marine Machine Gunner: *Cocking M249* Come get sum!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



M113 Main Gunner (Lamba-3): *Firing M2*


M113 Second Gunner (Lamba-3): *Load AT round on SPG-9* This one for you *Pull trigger*



M113 Commandant (Lamba-3): *use binocular & Comms* This is Lamba-3 we seeing a unknown big amor Grimm creature

Local Villager 1: *Firing a* That's a Goliath! *continue firing*

M113 Commandant (Lamba-3): *Comms* Your hear what he saying...requesting a tank unit burst the shit out Goliath over

PT-76M Commandant (Ox-4): *Comms* This is Ox-4 Roger that Lamba-3 we're taking care that shite over and out *To his boy* Use HE round we got bigger thing to do!

PT-76M Crewmen (Ox-4): ROG SIR *Load a High Explosive round* HE ROUND READY!

PT-76M Gunner (Ox-4): FIRE! *Pull trigger*



112th Marine Ox-Zulu 3 (Tank commandant): Nice shot!

The Marine tanks, APCs, TUV with ground marines & local villager holding the line for more minute they're trying their best not to get them pass the line while waiting for more support outside and the Grimm despite they've taken huge casualties their corpse is piling hundred to hundred more but they're persistent charging toward to defenders base but do they know they will ultimately failed and regretting following their "Queen" order either they retreated and been face execution for useless and they kept charging

Grimm: *ROAR*

112th Marine Ahwa (Arabian): *Reloading* اللعنة الجحيم (Fucking hell) they still charging those struggling piece of shit!

112th Marine Dajhu (Israeli): Motherfucker! These devil wanna died or what I've fucking facing devilish bastard Taliban to ISIL then these fucking weakest Grimm what a load of bullshit! *Fire back*


112th Marine Ahwa (Arabian): *Sigh* يا الله هنا نذهب مرة أخرى (oh Allah here we go again)......Don't you dare to start without me! *Firing* أكل الرصاص! (EAT LEAD!)


(Y/N): *Shooting* AHHHHHHH! You want a piece of us! Then get it!

   (Y/N) shot dead a Grimm then next Grimm then the flying Nevermore. With his shape markman skill of veteran PAVN soldier today he have shot 43 Grimms today while his fox Li do a little assist is carried a small ammo pack to different MG nest and Tower by using her leg to moving different are and her strong mouth & shape-teeth can carried a box of 200 ammo


(Y/N): Chết tiệt (Damn)...reloading!

   Just as he pick a fresh mag on his mag carrier on his uniform he realized all of 4 mags full 30 ammo have using all just he switching his PM Makarov then Li showed up with ammo box

Li: *Happily bark*

(Y/N): Thank Li! You just save me!

   He patting Li head and give her a back scratching to belly rub and her tailed wave to back to forth as a thankful, but no time for that he save it for later and begin refill empty mag with fresh ammo

(Y/N): Sorry Li we will do this after this end

Li: *Sad & pout*

(Y/N): *Reloading* Look I promise you I will reward a belly rub, patting and kisses for 40 minute so deal?

Li: *Happily bark*

(Y/N): I see you later and Li stay safe!

   Li look back to (Y/N) and give him cheerful smile she just nod and go assist somewhere to the troop but that just a distraction

(Li pov)

After I help my deer- No my soon to be husband my souls mate refill his ammo. Ohhh (Y/N)~ you don't know that I love you love you love you much much more. Your smile your warm hand every time you patting me or give me a belly rub I cherish all the moment you and I...together as one a true partner to partner

Li: *Dreaming* Hihihihi kukukukuku~

I was dreaming of my man (Y/N) married, I as the bride with beautiful dress his little sister made for me the door open and I happily approached to him and everyone his friend his relatives and family look at us I stand there next to him look arch other with an excited this summer where we taking the oath of wife & husband we cutting cake we throwing champagne and kiss! Ohhhh I love that part this is where everyone cheering and applause to our wedding~

Li: *Dreaming* kukukukuku

???: *Annoying sigh* Daydreaming again? How immature you love-sucker fox is that...


   There she is an really REALLY annoying frienemy spirit that hidden from shadow just like me, that Laotian warrior-bitch I want to kill long time ago but for my love to him I forced myself to stick with her because of her persuasion and useful....Lilan with her mini-sub spirit body

Lilan: You know...we need to stick to our plan instead of that...YOU IDIOT LIKE YOU DAYDREAMING!

Li: Ohhhhhh you spirit bitch ass...are we here for another argument or get the job done

Lilan: What I'm just reminding you to get our plan done you don't want my (Y/N)-

Li: OUR (Y/N)

Lilan: Our (Y/N) don't want to be tire or...being hurtful nor injured right~?

   Hearing that Li begin to serious her eye wife like mad with her teeth want to killed of anyone who dare to hurt her soulmate


Lilan: *Widen smile* With pleasure~my frienemy

   They both run fast to the deep forest without anyone see them and ran toward the enemy the Grimm who focused charging defender base. Some of the Grimm stop and  look to the new target them they unleashed a roar and begin to attack them but before doing that they was blocked by the light coming from the two

   Li and Lilan transform to their true form they look at the confusing Grimm with their hazy murderous face and insanity smile the Grimm despite eat human fear but they feel scare and fearful to murderous aura









   We keep killing them cutting them half, break their limbs how pathetic weak those Grimm are just my bare hand I can easily tore the wretched creature heart even I pulled off it head and stomped it! Ha these are not worth to be live THEY MUST ALL DIED!


   With Li & Lilan enjoying the massacre, (Y/N) doesn't know he got god look for his entire back he with 112th Marines & Villager still fighting off wave of Grimm they see less Grimm still fighting but they need to end it...faster

TLN-22 Commandant. Sed (Ox-5): Kilaq! Don't shoot the HMG for too long! If is overheating again you gonna have to pissed it

TLN-22 Second Gunner Kilaq (Ox-5): Wait what!? Hell no why don't we use Volya cold Soda-


TLN-22 Main Gunner Volya (Ox-5): *Stern glaring* What was that you saying? Can you repeat that

TLN-22 Second Gunner Kilaq (Ox-5): N-no nothing Volya...

112th MC Captain: Sir the Grimm are showing more lesser they're running out their number!

(Y/N): How much we killed it

*Tank fire*


112th MC Captain: WHAT!?


112th MC Captain: A thousands sir! There maybe hundred of them left

(Y/N): That what's I like to hear....Captain!

112th MC Captain: Yeah sir?

(Y/N): Does our communication still contract outside?

112th MC Captain: Yes our communication still in line you have something in mine sir?

(Y/N): I want you to called airstrike is there any air unit still available?

112th MC Captain: Don't know sir...but I will try contract to camp HCM

(Y/N): Alright as long they send support here quickly

112th MC Captain: Yes sir!

The Captain jump off the trench and run back safely to CSCT I turn my face to front and shoot back these Grimm moving targets




I tacticaly pick a fresh mag and remove empty mag stored it in my mag carrier and cock my gun and I aiming my gun holographic sight then...

Chief William: (Y/N) how you doing

(Y/N): Doing good William *Firing burst* how about you?

Chief William: We doing fine lucky that my people still fighting no one wounded

(Y/N): Well that's good


*Dirt falling*

Chief William: Hey! If your men got time can you teach us how to throw that round-shape with pin thing

(Y/N): You mean Grenade?

Chief William: Yeah that's one you holding

(Y/N): How about I teach you right now

I pick out my grenade M67 off the grenade carrier bag and my hand hold it showing in front of Chief William

(Y/N): This round-shape explosive grenade on my hand is the M67 a fragmentation hand grenade

Chief William: So you just throw it and how to do it

(Y/N): Simple hold this safety lever and pulling this pin off and will explode in 5 second so YOU THROIWNG IT


   Chief William looking me throwing grenade to the Grimm he look over the trench and see the grenade explode unleashed fragment over the Grimm it fresh limb was tear apart brutally a slowly death for 'em...seem like I have kill 6 of them, William look at me in amazed and bit of honor in his eye how this small grenade can do a high deathly damage to Grimm

(Y/N): want some of these chief? *Show another M67*

Chief William:....let's me try

   I hand him another last grenade of mine and watching him inspect the grenade then later he hold the safety lever pulled off the pin and throwing it I look the grenade flying and it land right the Goliath


   The grenade exploding again causing Goliath leg been tear apart and fall over the ground it face is a mess full of scraps mental fragment from grenade

(Y/N): Hahahaha *Patting William shoulder* Good job Chief William good job now you're officially soldier of Indochina People's Armed Forces!

Chief William: I don't know what you mean about last part but...thank you now if you excuse I gonna shoot more some Grimm

(Y/N): Sure just go good luck

He left and wildly shooting more round of M16 to Grimm I look over the trench still some Grimm charging but more less, I check my watch is 8:22 AM half of hour and I take out the bag of tobacco Cubano in my pant-pocket I took it into my lip and light it


(Y/N): *INHALE*.....This battle soon end but *Pulp a smoke* will there be more of it?!

I enjoying smoking this taste Tobacco of true Cuban the one I enjoy it for 10 year same just like my old mentor...

(Y/N): *Cough Cough Cough*...Damn I need to stop smoking*Cough* this is the second I smoke today....

   I'm done smoking tobacco and took it off on the ground and stomp on it...I sigh I think I will stop smoking when I start my own family

112th MC Captain: SIR I GOT SOME NEWS!

(Y/N): What was it did we got support outside

112th MC Captain: SIR IT BETTER THAN THIS! Camp HCM & Fourth ACF are sending Airstrike 12 minute sir!

(Y/N): *Chuckle* That's what I likeeeeeee to hear! Captain tell our men throw signal smoke to forest and told them to take cover in the trench not to go outside I don't wanna our men been crisp by our bomb

112th MC Captain: YES SIR!

Then the amphibious tank TLN-22 fire one of beuwolf very close to us luckily we take our head ducked in the trench


*Dirt falling*

TLN-22 Main Gunner. Volya (Ox-5): (Hahahahaha look at their head blowing!)


(Narrator pov)
The defender have fought off many wave of Grimm they have defend the base about half of hour the Grimms died a lot its corpse into a pile and slowly disintegrated created a smell of rotten and files swamp the slowly dying corpse of Grimm but the Grimm ignore the help of it kind and charge toward or try to attack it but no avail....unbeknownst to them they will met a reaper on the sky. Meanwhile  in deep forest left frank of Shinewood Village Li & Lilian done killing the rest of Grimm

Li: *Pull sword off the beast* Whooo such a tire day...*Cold glare* Lilan how much do we killed them?

Lilan: About *SNOMP Grimm meat* 88 *Spit off* ugh their meet disgusting!

Li: You know they're a cursed monster they can shouldn't eat that

Lilan: Yeah yeah whatever...but thank for assist

Li: *Calm sigh* you welcome we doing this for our (Y/N) even we're love rival but we got behind our back

Lilan: Ha! How loud mouth you are *Notice something behind them in distant*

Li: What it is?

Lilan: We should go back now...they called an Airstrike

Li: *Nod* Let's change quick to our daily life form

   They change their body into old form and run back to the trench as three airplanes are now enter combat zone

(On the sky of Eastern Sanus, Kingdom of Vale, 800 meter away FOB D9, 3rd September 2029/ 8:34 AM)

36th 2nd Lt. Mark: *Comms* This is Sky Jolly we are now approaching the destination target how copy over

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: *Comms* Loud and clear Charlie Zulu 2-1 we are flying 710 meter close ahead of us

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 2: *Comms* Hell year about time for getting more kill-number challenging!

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 3: *Comms* Phantom 2 remain your discipline we here for mission not for some challenging over

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 2: *Comms* Oh come on! You're alway killing the mood where the sense of adventure

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 3: *Comms* Shut it remember that time back to training you almost fucking blew us up by droving the train aircraft circling & rammed over a bird!

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 2: Is was just a accident man

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 3: Accident my ass!!! You make the engine aircraft getting burst all over

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 2: Well that because your soda getting mess all over the engine!

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: *Comms* You two quit it! We has arrive the destination after this you two has to wash up and cleaning the damn deck!

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 2 & 3: Yes sir....

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: *Comms* Sorry for ya hearing this Charlie Zulu

36th 2nd Lt. Mark: *Comms* That's quite fine...your team alway like this?

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: *Comms* Yep they're like ying and yang but they're good kid and skill able of this job anyway we're here prepare yourself up Charlie Zulu

36th 2nd Lt. Mark: *Comms* Copy that Sky Jolly out *Inform his crew* All crews we're are now arriving at the destination target...yep signal smoke at target confirmed, preparing for the drop

36th Crew member 1: Alright boy! You hear our boss said prepare for Rapid Dragon

Mark & Co-pilot lowering the C-130H into 5200 feet and opening plane cargo door to get the crews pushed the Rapid Dragon and let it drop out

36th Crew member 2: *Comms* Sir all Rapid Dragon are deploying...return to base sir?

36th 2nd Lt. Mark: *Comms* Not yet that just beginning for the show we will fly back to base with them when thing done

36th Crew member 2: *Comms* Yes sir

36th 2nd Lt. Mark: *Comm* Sea Phantom we are done here the rest is all for you guys

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: *Comms* Copy that we taken over

Three F-4 speed up their jet burner and fly low to target that when they see the FOB Marine & Local are in trouble fighting where the signal smoke marked the Grimm in the forest

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: *Comms* Boys is look like our comrades down there is in trouble all squadron weapon hot and ready

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 3 & 2: *Comms* Roger that/ get kick some ass!

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: *Comms* Let's us dance tango

The three F-4 fly fast and turn left as they maneuvering fly lower and slowly to the target when the target close enough on the crosshair system in their helmet focusing on the Grimm target they begin to deliver a rocket straight to them

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: Engaging engaging!

*Pull trigger*


Three F-4 firing unguided-rocket to the Grimms all of them directly hit as they kill half of Grimm many of them was burned their body was scattered everywhere this was caught surprised by Marine and Local as they look up to the three passing jet

112th Arabian Marine 2 (cheerfully): *Raise his PKP Pecheneg on air* ALLAH ALKAR! ALLAH AKBAR! ALLAH AKBAR!

Villager Man 1: Look how fast these aircraft are!

Villager Man 2: *Being cover in Grimm blood* OH OUM! *vomiting*

112th American Marine 2: HOLY SHIT! They're here


112th American Marine 3: HHEYYY WHERE THE NAPALM

112th Arabian Marine 1: Wait...I see them turning back they ready to drop it

112th MC Captain: THEY BEGIN FUCKIN DROP NAPALM Everyone ducked quickly! All vehicle fall back a little!

Everyone quickly ducked their head into trench line while Marine vehicles are fall back to make sure Napalm won't affect them close. The remaining Grimm seeing the defenders stop shooting they continue the last charging toward the base but all of them stop as they hear some strange notice in the sky just when they look up the sky seeing three F-4 phantom they began to hissed and roar back some are runaway but that's too late for them

715th Sea Phantom Fighter 1: Dropped it


*Napalm dropped*

They dropped Napalm to the targets as the Napalm bomb is free-falling into the ground, as for the Rapid Dragon when it get drop in the destination feet it begin to release the AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile they initiated pull-up and open their wing level and began to flying into the target. When Napalm and AGM-158 JASSM collide each other hitting into the land where the Grimm stand, it.....EXPLODED!!!


*Ground violently shaking a little*

The Napalm & AGM-158 JASSM exploded making everything on surface of forest burning in hot flame all gunshot, shouted, the beast roaring & growl the chaos end in silent.....then someone taken a peek up outside is (Y/N) as he slowly get up from the trench and look surrounding at the frontline all he seen is fox hole, bomb hole, tree falling or in flame, bullet shell and the black mark left by the Grimm as their corpse already disintegrated and completely silent & the wind blowing by the explosion he stand there as he signal his hand to everyone get up he said.................


Marines with the local victory cheering as they huge they cheer they applause the raise their hand or their own weapon on the skies and the crew of Armour Vehicle cheering victory

112th American Marine: HELL YEAH *Middle finger* THAT FOR MESSING WITH THE 112th Mobile Marine Cavalry you fucking dark shit creature

TLN-22 Driver Rico (Ox-5): *Waving SFR. Indochina flag on top of vehicle* Gloria al Bravo Pueblo! ¡Viva mi país Indochina! (Glory to the brave people! Long live my country Indochina!)

112th MC W-1 Ibrahim (praying): اللهم اشكرك على نعمة هديتك ارجو ان تقودنا الى النصر و اخوتنا و اختنا رفاق ذراعنا نحارب مع رفاقنا في كل معركة و ماتنا بكرامة و شرف. (Oh ALLAH thank you for your blessing your guideline please lead us to victory and to our brother and sister, comrades in arm we will fought with our comrades in every battle and died in dignity & honor) ALLAH AKBAR!

Every 112th Arabian Marine (praying): ALLAH AKBAR!



112th Marine Ahwa: *Hug his Israeli comrade* WE WON COMRADE HAHAHAHA I DON'T BELEIVE IT! Am I death or high by shisha!?


The Marines & Villagers cheering victory some many marines celebrating victory in their culture like Zolo and his African marines are dancing and chanting song in their Xhosa or their tribe language while Ibrahim mens praying Islam & the Russian or Eastern European shouting oooraaahhh and the Westerners (North America, West Europa) deep in snobbish drunk with villagers but it doesn't matter how differences culture or religion...they're same

*Jet engine*

Villager Teenager: Look! Is them *Pointing 3 Aircraft flying*

Everyone seeing 3 F-4 Phantom with C-130H "Sky Jolly" flying passed as they cheering and thankful, waving to them. The bomber aircrafts & jets saw the attention down there they respond with waving & salute before return to the base, unbeknownst to (Y/N)...Li & Lilan secretly return to him as Li came and wrapping his leg

(Y/N): *Notice Li* Ahhh Li there you are! I was wonder where were you gone

Li: *Happily bark*

   (Y/N) pick her up and hold her on his warmth hug he tickle her then give her a belly rub...yep he give her a promising rewarded

Li: *Satisfaction*

(Y/N): Like I said I promise

   As Li enjoying her relaxing time she notice Lilan on (Y/N) shoulder look at her intensely she understand the look of her face so she smirk at jealousy Lilan

Lilan (thought): THAT....TRICKY FOX BITCH! *Draw out her sword*

112th MC Captain: Sir I'm sorry for disturb your moment but....we really got a work to do sir

(Y/N): I understand...we will walk and talk Li give me some moment I be right back

   (Y/N) put Li down and he with Captain taking a walk while they talk a serious conversation Li make pouring face and following (Y/N). Back to the Villager, am they are still cheering victory with beer & wine drinking with Marines Chief William while enjoy celebrating he see (Y/N) & Captain with serious face in conversation walk past to them without anyone notice so he decided follow him silently

(Y/N): Captain so you saying those so called Atlast or Atlesian are willing to spit it out what kind information they given to us?

112th MC Captain: Everything sir...*Take out his tablet* you can see these valuable confidential file sir

(Y/N): *look at tablet* Let's see what they finally saying....

   The tablet showing lot of interrogate information file been written between interview & capture 14 POWs (10 Atlas soldiers & 4 pilot ) they has fully cooperated as they given information about kingdom of Atlast politic-geography and social life, General Jame Ironwood the lead figure of strong Military Force of Remnant along side his loyal dogs, the name of every kingdom counselor & principal of Huntsman Academy or even how they was paid by SDC CEO name Jacques Schnee just to harboring Faunus and collecting villager debt as taxes...and lastly a huge jackpot is their technology since 4 Atlast pilots survive the crash they have chance to give fullest demonstration how this world Aircraft & many transportations work. But more importantly is the coordinate location of every Atlast military base & SDC Dust Mine where Faunus peoples been heavenly harbor never come back

(Y/N) (thought): Holy Buddha...these golden information are not so easy to get our hand in touch in among their ranks!

112th MC Captain: Sir after you done reading you got a important discussion meeting back to Đà Nẵng...we already contract Camp Independent & Fourth ACF for transportation and uhhh *Hand (Y/N) a briefcase*

(Y/N): *took it* What it is?

112th MC Captain: a series of report of many information sources of expedition by various Air- Land- Sky- Space units in the briefcase you can see picture-video data about locations, villages, civilization kingdom

(Y/N): Then is just like previous file I read

112th MC Captain: Of course, but what I can tell is these info is more special...6 hour ago the Third ACF have secretly make contract with west part of Remnant an island almost size as New Zealand continent name Menagerie

(Y/N) (thought): Menagerie...William is also mention the home or paradise of Faunus and this is also I can contract directly with the White Fang organization starting my knowledge of understanding Faunus

(Y/N): Menagerie...a undiscovered island half of uninhabited desert & half of forest but it have civilization on our map by our satellite & drone from above

112th MC Captain: Correct sir in the future we will have our first friendship diplomacy to this nation or kingdom on this new world sir

(Y/N): *Smile* We will see about that comrade....*Patting Captain shoulder* soon we will show our true purpose here is to help them from their future threat

*Helicopter sound*

   An CH148 Cyclone heli from Camp Independent landing slowly on empty area and one of the crew slide the heli door

H148 Cyclone Crew: Mr. President sir! We here for your extraction ready for the flight if you want sir

112th MC Captain: Well, is look like we gonna said goodbye thank you for helping us sir it was honor for fighting along side with you sir

(Y/N): Thank you Comrade we will meet again at the frontline I hope your Marines stay safe and keep bravely remember to protect the village and the innocents whether human or not

   The two man handshake as captain give him a last salute so do (Y/N) give him back a salute and he with Li hop on the heli

112th MC Captain: We will sir we promise to help & protect them...goodbye sir

Chief William: *Rushingly* WAIT

   William rushing run fast to where helicopter landing (Y/N) notice he want to said a goodbye too just as the heli pilots start the engine William been stop & tackle by Captain and one of heli crew

112th MC Captain: Sir please don't do this...


   Hearing this the two mens stop tackling, William then get closer to (Y/N) and he.....hand (Y/N) one of his book?

Chief William: I *breath heavily* hearing all your conversation minute ago....(Y/N) you need to take this if may be your answer for...every question of our world

   (Y/N) take a book he examine around the book is old and maybe got 200 pages or 300 when he open the book all information all notes was shocking him

(Y/N): Thank you William I will taking good care of it...thank you

Chief William: No...we the Shinewood Village thank you for helping us for everything

   They smile and handshake & hugging (Y/N) give a nod to the crew and he close the heli door

H148 Cyclone Pilot: *Comms* This is Conta-8 return to Camp Independent over

H148 Cyclone Co-Pilot: We're taking off

   The helicopter take off and fly back to Camp before vanish as Captain and William take a last look before they return back to the base they will see him again and (Y/N)...he petting with his fox Li and look at series of file & report but the book where William gave it to him cause a center of his attention he remember what William said to him "the answer of everything" soon the answer will be open...soon

(Somewhere on forest near FOB D9- 9:00 AM)

   Back to forest where were the Grimm marching to the battle of certain death because of their stubborn & useless when their number raise to thousand been easily slaughtered by Marines & Local a dark crow red-shape eye starring at the victorious defenders base as it been here on tree branch watching observing the whole battle from begin to the end...this is the crow first time experience seeing a strange strong human with villager and their weird weapon & vehicle can shot one bullet killing entire horde of Grimms

Crow: CAW

   The crow fly away and it think it seeing enough on discovering something far beyond that as when the crow fly past the forest it then land near the road and trans-shape to an dark-hair & red bloody eye adult man grim expression on his face with his weapon & red cape behind his back as he holding scroll recording video what he saw and chugged down his remain flask of alcohol

Qrow: I really need to tell Oz about this....

   As the stranger move to nearby village not far from there suddenly 3 Beuwolf jumping out from the bushes


Beuwolf 2: *GROWL*

Beuwolf 3: GRRHHHHH *ROAR*

Qrow: *Chuckle* Just my luck....

   The 3 beasts ran to him as their claw touch him few close then...



   Three Beuwolf limb suddenly falling apart a mess of chunky flesh as their body disintegrated Qrow pulled off his scythes and walk away to his destination Beacon Academy for................................3 hours



Time: September 3rd, Morning, 7:45 AM - 8:50 AM

Location: Eastern of Sanus, Kingdom of Vale, Shinewood Village (FOB D9)

Outcome: 112th Mobile Marine Cavalry & Shinewood Village Militia victory

Defender (Marine & Villager) Object: Defending the FOB from wave of Grimm hordes (Complete)

Defeat: Grimm

Grimm Object: Unknown (suspiciously theory is they attacking or invade human habitant but failed miserably)

Blue (Defender): 112th Mobile Marine Cavalry, Shinewood Village Militia, 715th Sea Phantom Squadron (Fourth ACF), 36th Airlift Squadron (102th Corp)

Soldiers (Blue): 81 Marines & 42 Shinewood Village Militia

Vehicles (Blue): 19

WIAs: 17 (minor injuries- no serious life threaten)

KIAs: 0

Defender morality: Fine- but a bit of exhausted

Vehicles Damage Status: 1 HMMWV being flipped off can be fixable- others are minimal damage

Vehicle Destroyed by Grimm: None

Capture: None

Grimm (Enemy): Beuwolf- Goliath- Nevermore

Numbers: Approximately 3.810 or 4.500 (Claim by IASA/ IFSF-11)

KIAs: All erased

WIAs: 0


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