President of Socialist Federal Republic of Indochina

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Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Gender: Male (straight)

Age: 30

Birthday: December 28th, 1999

Birthplace: District Bình Thạnh, Hồ Chí Minh City

National: Socialist Republic of Vietnam (past)
Socialist Federal Republic of Indochina (present)

Family: (D/N) (L/N) Deceased
(M/N) (L/N) Alive
(Sis/N) (L/N) Alive

Your Pet/ Partner: Li (female fox)

Favorite: East & West weapons, aircraft carrier ship, napalm, M151 Otter Jeep/ Honda bike (privated own by himself), books, classic- action- horror- hilarious- history film, Vietnamese culture & tradition, food, tea, cigarette, cuba tobacco, Hanoi & Absolut Vodka, local-made wine, his best partner fox.

Favorite type of song: Rock, Heavy Metal, Classic, Blue, Folk Song, National Anthem, Latino, Jazz, Opera

Personality: Caring, optimism, sincerity, calming, trustful, faithful, tolerance, listener, helpful, kindness, adaptability, positivism, empathy, honestly, confidence, leadership, hardworker, patriotic, wiser, smart ass, bit of strictly, understandable (normal)
Seriousness, determination, boldness, patiently, bravely, courage, bit of aggressiveness, focusing, intellectual, strategist, self-control, authoritarianism, risk taking, wrath, cruelty, vengefulness, merciful & sympathy (War)

Like: Walking, reading, viewing, smoking & drinking alcohol (stress), working, petting his fox, watching movies, spending time with friends & family, dancing (classic style), socializing with citizen, caring people quality life, leveling postive foreign diplomatic relationship, military battle exercising, leading nation, discovering & learning different culture, enjoying quiet places.

Dislike: Racist, rapist, ICBM-NUKE, Facist group against foreign-different religion community, extremist, war, mornachy, slavery, dictatorship, PR. China, Communist Party of China, imperialist, supermacy, capitalist (old one), terrorist group, cowardice, spoiled brat, betrayal, backstabber, cheating, corruption, losing control of himself.

Occupation: President
Commander in chief

Allegiance: National Federal Assembly
Indochina People's Armed Force

Communist Party of Vietnam (Politicial Party)

Federation Government

(L/N) Family Household

Alma Matter: Lê Hồng Phong Highschool
WESTPOINT US Military Academy

Ideologies: Communism, Ultranationalism (little bit), Nationalism (Sun Yat-sen), Liberalism, Capitalism (Pacifist), Socialism, Marxism-Lenism, Liberal, Democract – Republic, Ho Chi Minh Thought, Trotskyism, Reformism, Federalism, Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Racism, Anti-Fascism.

Political Party: Communist Party of Vietnam

Awards: Hero of the People's Armed Forces

Gold Star Order

Ho Chi Minh Order

Military Exploit Order

Feat Order

Bravery Order

Medal of Honor (US Joint Force)

Medal of Friendship (Laos)

Cambodia Friendship Order

Order of Friendship (Russia Federation)

Great National Unity Order

Branches: People's Army of Vietnam (Ground Forces)

Service Year: 2022-2024

Battle: World War 3 (Vietnam-East Asia-Sino Campaign):

Battle of Northwest - Northeast Vietnam Border

Invasion of Hainan Island

Operation Lạc Long Vương (Spraty-Paracell Island Campaign)

Operation Tây Sơn (Cambodia-Laos Campaign)

Battle of Northern India

Liberation of North Korea

Operation Lý Thường Kiệt (Southern China Campaign)

Sabotage of Hong Kong

Liberation of Tibetian-Eastern Turkestan (Western China Campaign)

Operation Зимний штормовой медведь (Northern Winter China Campaign)

Fall of Beijing

The Secret War (Aftermath)


Outfit 1: Normal (this is those cloth & uniforms you wear everyday when goes outside at a leader or during a diplomatic trip to foreign country)

Your traditional family Pith Helmet

Your 60s South Vietnamese yellow sun glasses

Trench coat with suit

Your Father PM Makarov Pistol with holster

Outfit 2: Military (this is one of your oldest equipment stuff & your beloved Vietnam standard AR you using during your service in PAVN in beginning to the end of World War 3 despite you the President of nation you still wearing it when is come to war & hunting )

Your old PAVN Standard Infantry Uniform

PMKS Gas Mask

STV-410 Tactical (option 1)

GK-3 (option 2)

SVN-15 Handgun

4x M84 Flashbang:

4x MK2 Grenades:

Your Family Great Sword

Story: Your first name is (Y/N) and last name is (L/N), you're just a average 30 year old Vietnamese adult be precisely you are one of the young-less skilled leader of new world order yes it is. You are President of unity, greatness, most power of new nation in Southeast Asia is named Socialist Federal Republic of Indochina a young unity nation between Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam so how does it started? First let's talk about your originally. You was born on December 28th 1999 in your homeland Sài Gòn aka Hồ Chí Minh City, born into a normal family well except your father is an officer of PAVN your mother a housewife had strong martial arts running in her veins and...oh, look like you got yourself a little sister is born at midnight, after both of you was born you couldn't imagine your parent face right now both of them has mixed emotion happiness-crying-tired you can feel your mom tear drop and running throught you cheek as she happily hearing you and your little sister crying for first time and she touched your baby softest hand she gave your two a warm smile right beside you is your father looking at you two with a proudest face ever seen he gave a warm touched to your belly, your cheeks. His hand is full of war scar but he very soft warming hand both of you hugged his arm your father lost control his emotion and burst a tear river and hugging two of you and hoped one day both of you will be the greatness and society change-maker. Time pass, after you had 'wonderful time' at elementary you get into middle school 6th grade ahhhh yes...Middle School a place where laughter a place you get yourself a fame and friendship a place where student united and all equaly with respect but....reality is reality Middle School and Highschool are same bullying, mocking, separated group, a total divine between rich-poor, popular-unpopular, nerd-bullies, ugly-sexy, student-teacher. That's the problem, during that time as Middle Schoolers you away being mocked as a "freak", "weirdo", "nerd" for smart ass straight A as those bullies and nerds hated you they sometime trolling or...painful pranking even beat the shit out of you, well about Teacher, some are them are friendly on your side, but most of minority they're assholes to be honest lucky for your sister she getting popular at her 5th elementary even the middle schooler have total respect her you feel relief that your sister don't have bully problem now...back to you, you spend and tries to survives 2 year of middle school and that time is painful is just only a void a darkness where the torment the torture of body and mental physical got worsen than ever only your family is the only light in this dark society you soon realized the true face of society as the mask it wear fell out it become so clear an horrified ugly true and yet you accept it with no doubt you hoped you still control yourself you don't want any trouble you still remember you mother and her grandparents teaching martial art and sword art unfortunately you don't use this to fight those bastards whose tormented you, you think is not worth it to fight these showoff fucker. time pass fast as 8th grade the final grade you hope is end soon as your set your new hope destination of highschooler but you breaking limit you loss control. The bullies kept follow you to continues those nightmares tormented as in the alley they beat you mercilessly unstop, it an hell hour took to 2H...your body now numb your mind is broken this it is you died but a a sharp glass bottle of beer you get enough of ths you grab and violently stab their chest as you punch each of them brutally till their heaet stop end up killing them and cleane their evidence the next day, the school high alert when they hear the brutal murderous of 3 students without evident who do it. This is how you enter the path of wrath as you get lucky you even planning list of the student & some teachers who torture & hated you in the end they died in most horrofic way without knowing the possible criminal, untill once man knew your action but he offer you work with him as he want you to joint TC2 (Tổng Tục Tình Báo) a Military Intelligence he knew your skill & ability so he don't to waste it so you accept it....2 year of working as spy & intell provider you picture become clear as you knew the world the society outside it may be bright but inside it dark you work you encounter & meet many interesting allied & comrade, you experience around the world as a spy and the man who let you in is your boss treating you like partner & comrade you think this is turn to be good unfortunately thing turn bad as your boss died blow his cover and died, yet you complete his last mission but arrested, your family now know about this but they don't hate you cause you are revenger a spy you deserve a slap for lied them and a forgiven a family huge in the end you get jailed only for 12H and the world public don't know about your being a revenger, a spy thanked to TC2 & your dad with his connect too you say one last moment goodbye to fallen ones and allies for went through shit hard time with them and one last incense for your boss hoping him will be forgiven and you return to your old school to burn it down eventually, you enroll new highschool till You graduate in good ending you enrolled WESTPOINT US Military Academy to follow your father and his grandparents military footstep, you got some nerve troubling step foot on US soil for first time as an international WESTPOINT student a culture shock and yet fucking annoying racist welcome to US under the year 2018 vision during a change administration well thing couldn't get worse you thought to yourself but THINK AGAIN! Year of 2019 and 2021 is fucken up you cannot go home or outside as the world face serious COVID-19 problem and Biden Dilemma issue but you hated more of Communist China is rising in boiled blood since you got stuck at WESTPOINT and continue studies until you hearing your mom new is your father is gone and died by assassination this make you depressed and you hold it and swear one day to find the killer and kill them like how they killed his father luckily the COVID-19 end in beginning of 2022 you graduation WESTPOINT as experienced officer and booked a flight return Vietnam, you visit your father grave one last moment before joining army. In January 20th, 2022 you joint PAVN as a lieutenant of 25th Mobilize Infantry Battalions /324th Infantry Regiment/ 4th Corp, 2022 still the world is survive from pandemic but China relation rest of world gone much worse as they provoked first then US Biden Administration cut down all diplomatic tie with China and so does US Allies, China with their puppet allies Myammar, Venezuela cut ties to US.

Only Russia, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Taliban-Afghan, Syria remain neutral, UN concern this and tries to calm both two superpower as the heat of war raising while Russia has big issuse with Ukraine in the end Russo-Ukraine breakout but Russia still don't want war with the Western.

March 12th, World War 3 begin, China with their allies Burma-Venezuela, other 9 African dictatorship country declare war as China Forces invasion neighbor country included Mongolia, India, N. Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia, Taiwan is threaten from beach invasion. internation NAVY ship being attack in South China Sea disputed area it took 3D 78H the invasion officially end the rest of world had turn strike back, Joint Multi-national Coalition (JMC) officially became only coalition in Asia-Pacific area against PRC, the EU-NATO-ASEAN-QUADS countrys member joining JMC, meanwhile, the 25th Mobilize Infantry Battalions with 5 different Battalion of 4th Corp send up ,to North Vietnam to reclaim back territory, this first battle is the key and the started of your legend this event took at last PLA occupied territory in Hà Giang Province you the one who end it with flying a Vietnam flag on surrender enemy heavy fortified Airbase and some War Press shot a photo then the News got it they released to whole world this is how your legendary your war achieve throughout battlefield and front line for 2 year, in the Fall of Beijing event you with your own Mechanized Unit (25th Mobilize Infantry Battalion) rush the Presidential Palace and capture President Xi Jinping and waving Vietnam with Taiwan flag on it after the JMC was disactive cause war end, you participate at New York Accord & Treaty of Phoenix for declare of brave new world the process of treaty was successful. The war is over but it another start of your political as a member of Communist Party of Vietnam trying to save the economic & people quality life with reformists plan not to planned to united Laos-Cambodia-Vietnam into Indochina Federation, 2 year (2025-2027) of another success past the 3 agree united under Geneva Accord III by the 3 signed it, in 2027 the first Presidential Election you won against 4 politician opponents you're now President of new nation under your leads soon a new superpower, a state of Phoenix will rise by itself or burn to the ground like previous empire?

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