Kansis and Toto's loss

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Chapter 1

Brook kissed Toto's forehead.

"Toto what have you done? Mrs. Dolley won't be happy to know that you trampled her garden when she gets back. She has threatened to take you one to many times. And she way just take you this time. But don't worry, Aunt Nellie won't let them take you, or uncle fiske or Ian, Hamilton, and Dan."

Brook hurried to find Aunt Nellie, who was counting chicks in her apron.

"Aunt Nellie! You won't believe what happened! I accidentally let Toto off his leash and he got into Mrs. Dolley's garden and-"

Aunt Nellie waved a hand. "Not now Brook. Can't you see we're busy? The chicks escaped from the henhouse! 70 71 72..."

Brook rolled her eyes, and stomped over to Uncle Fiske who was scooping chicks into his hat.

"Uncle Fiske you won't believe what happened! I-"

"Not now Brook. I'm trying to catch the chicks. Go talk to someone else and if I need to hear it wait until later."

A chick scrambled out of his hat. Uncle Fiske cursed.

Brook saw Ian, Hamilton, and Dan pulling along the cart. Maybe they would listen.

She ran up to them.

"Guys! You won't believe what happened! You see, I let Toto off his leash and he got into Mrs. Dolley's yard. But I'm scared that she might take him since she threatened to so many times."

Hamilton and Ian dropped the cart.

"Well, the thing is Brook, is that you can't let that mean old lady scare you. you gotta stand up to her." Hamilton said. He didn't notice Ian grabbing a scarecrow and Dan grabbing a pale with a hole in the bottom.

"You gotta stand up to her and tell her that you can't take your dog. You have to be fearless like me for instance."

"Boo!" Dan yelled into the cup as Ian shot the scarecrow at Hamilton. He screamed. Brook laughed.

"You were saying?" she asked. Hamilton rolled his eyes.


They all turned to see Mrs. Dolley on her bike. She stopped and kicked her bike to the ground. She carried a basket.

Uncle Fiske and Aunt Nellie ran over.

"What is it Mrs. Dolley? Did Brook do something?" They asked in us ion.

"Brook let her dog loose and he teared up my lawn. He also bit me a week ago and chewed up my hose a month ago! I've had it! I have just spoken with the mayor and we both think its better if that termite comes with me and goes to the pound! I'm here to pick him up."

Ian, Hamilton, Dan, Aunt Nellie, and Uncle Fiske looked at each-other hoping that one of them had an idea. All eyes landed on Brook, Holding Toto.

"Give me that dog girl." Mrs. Dolley grumbled. Brook shook her head. She felt tears sting her eyes.

"No! I won't let you take him! Uncle Fiske stop her!"

But Fiske just shook his head sadly. Brook backed up into Hamilton.

"Stop her." Uncle Fiske sighed. "Grab the dog dear." Aunt Nellie sighed. Every move Uncle Fiske made forward Brook made her back up into Hamilton more and more. "Hold her." Uncle Fiske said. Hamilton obeyed, and held her as Uncle Fiske tore Toto away from her. Brook scratched and pulled and tried to get out of Hamilton's grip. But the only time he let her go was when Mrs. Dolley was gone with Toto.

Brook held onto the fence post to keep from falling. Tears poured from her eyes. She finally looked up at the others.

"You let her take Toto. You tried to prevent me from saving him. I hate you!" she cried.

"Brook, Don't say that. Your making my heart break." Dan whined.

"I never want to see any of you again!" Brook got up and ran and ran to the edge of the ranch where she could be alone.

She rested her head on a tree and watched the sky.


Brook turned to look at the noise. It was Toto. She picked him up and hugged him. "You got away from the witch! good boy." she stroked his fur.

"Boy, no one tried to save you from the witch. I tried to but they held me back. And I'm sorry, but I don't feel welcome here anymore. We'll leave as soon as I pack a bag. Come on Toto, we have to make it by sundown."







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