Chapter 13

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Third POV

[I'm at school looking for Miku. This will be very simple. All I have to do is ask a girl to go to a party with me. How hard is that do? It's very simple. I walk into school and immediately see her. I walk straight over]

Third: Hey, Miku.

Miku: Hey.

[I guess I should start with small talk]

Third: Nice day isn't it?

Miku: It's raining.

[I look outside and sure enough it's raining. I've already failed the first impression. How does Second do this all the time? Just act like Second but don't be a douche. This won't be hard]

Third: Listen, there is something I want to ask you...

Miku: Is it about the party for entrepreneurs?

Third: What!

[How did she know about that? I didn't tell her!]

Miku POV

[What am I doing? I was supposed to act surprised! I'm totally blowing this! I mean, we just found out about this. I really want him to ask me but what I just said might have blown my chances. All of us are after this. But what chance do I have? I'm not a party girl like Nino. All I would do is stand awkwardly. Parties have lots of people and I'm not a people person. I will not lose. I can do this for Third. The lines of war were drawn yesterday]


[Our father decided to give us a call. Futaro told him about Third and how we all wanted to go to the dance with him but we had to get our grades up first. Our father mentioned the party and everything exploded into a war]

Nino: If he's going to a party with anyone it's me. I'm the party girl!

Yotsuba: Don't count me out! I'm lots of fun.

Itsuki: You're both immature. He would prefer a proper lady instead.

Ichika: We don't even know what type of party this is. Besides, if anyone is mature it's me.

[Father]: Listen, girls. Going to the party with Third would be a great thing for our family. So I suggest you all decide it will be. It's not hard.

[Flashback end]

[Our father hang up shortly after that. "It's not hard"? It sure is! I guess I could be like Yotsuba and go with the straight forward approach]

Third: Well, it is about the party. I was wondering if...

[Before he could finish his sentence, my biggest rival appeared]

Nino: Oh, Miku! There you are! I've been looking for you.

Miku: I'll be with you in a second. Third was about to ask me something.

Nino POV

[He was just about to ask her to the party wasn't he? Well, I can't allow that. I'm the fun one. I deserve to go. This battle will not only be us fighting each other but also convincing the others. I can easily do this. I know how to get what I want. And I what I want is my hero]

Nino: No, Miku, this is very important. Let's go.

[I grab her by the arm and pull her away before Third can say anything else. A few steps away she turns towards me with anger in her eyes]

Miku: What were you doing? You were being a bad sport! He obviously was going to ask me! You lost! Get over it!

[I'm a little taken back. Miku usually doesn't act this way but that won't stop me]

Nino: Are you sure you want to go to the party? It will have lots of people and we all know how you are with crowds.

[That's right. Play on her weakness]

Miku: If it's for Third, then I will gladly put up with it.

Nino: It's so cute when you act all tough. You wouldn't last a minute.

[I see her starting to crack. I will win]

Miku POV

[She is right. I wouldn't last a minute. What if Third likes parties? That can't be right. He loves video games and being alone. He'll be awkward at this party too. That's something we can bond over. I have to win this]

Miku: Like I said, I'll put up with it if it's for him.

[Before we could continue our argument, we heard a very familiar voice talking to a certain someone]

Itsuki: Hey, Third. How are you today?

[Nino and I looked at each other and agreed to a temporary alliance. Itsuki isn't a party girl either. I may be the quiet one but she's the clumsy one. She'll just embarrass herself and make our family look bad. We can't allow her to ask him]

Itsuki POV

[None of the rest of my sisters are here. This is my chance]

Third: Hey, Itsuki. I wanted to thank you for those donuts the other day.

Itsuki: No problem! Listen. I have something to ask you...

Third: Does your whole family know about the party?

[Drat! This is awkward. Have to say something!]

Itsuki: What party? I was going to ask you about something else!

Third: Oh. Okay. What's up?

[He actually bought it? I guess I could ask him to the dance now]

Itsuki: I wanted to ask you if...

[Before I could finish my sentence, Yotsuba showed up. She's the one with the direct approach. We can't allow her to go to the party. She'll only embarrass our family. I may be clumsy but she's immature. I look to the side and see Nino and Miku. Ichika was also there. We all agreed on a temporary alliance to stop this from happening]

Yotsuba: Hey, Third! I was wondering if...

Ichika POV

[Where does this girl get this confidence from? I'm confident but not that confident. I saw my sisters and we all agreed on the same thing. Yotsuba can't be the one to go. Itsuki is clumsy and Miku is quiet. Nino is the only real threat. I'm not the best with people but I can live with them. I definelty have a place in his heart. He was jealous of First. All us pulled Yotsuba away]

Ichika: Yotsuba, all us need to be somewhere. Let's go.

Yotusba: What? Wait!

[I covered her mouth. There was no way she was going to land another sneak attack. All of us girls have our work cut out for us. We all have our reasons for wanting to go but he can only choose one of us. That person will be me]

Yotsuba POV

[My sisters stopped me again. How are they always there at the right time? Talk about stalker alert! Anyway, I'll be the one going to the party! Parties are fun and who's the most fun out of all of us? You're looking at her!]

Third POV

[The girls walk away while pulling Yotsuba. How did they figure out about the party? I didn't tell them. Not even Miku. Oh well. Should I just wait to see who asks me to the dance? I mean, I know they all like me. I'm not dense. I just don't see what they see in me. I'm not that great of a guy. Before I know it, my brothers show up. Obviously still oblivious that they've been caught]

First: Heard about the party. That's rough, man. Honestly though, you should take Ichika.

Third: Why should I take your girlfriend to the party?

[Yeah. The girlfriend that I got you!]

First: She needs to break out of her shell. Maybe this party can help.

Third: You have an ulterior motive. That's just wrong.

Fifth: Well, who else should you go with? I mean, look at all of them. But my vote is for Itsuki.

Third: Why?

Fifth: The party will obviously be a "black tie" party and she's the proper young lady.

Fourth: Just go with Yotsuba! She's the most fun!

Third: Is anyone going to make an argument for Nino?

First/Fourth/Fifth: NO!

[That answered my question. They kept talking but I didn't listen. I eventually walked away. I had to ask someone. It isn't that hard. But there are a lot of factors in this decision. Seriously, young love is so complicated. This is why I don't do relationships. Just who do I ask?]

3rd Person POV

[Later that day, Third met someone in a closed area with no possible distractions. This was his chance to ask. He thought all day about who he should ask and he finally made up his mind. He walked over to the girl and asked]

Third: So, do you want to go to the party with me?

???: Yes.

Who do you think he asked?

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