Chapter 15

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??? POV

[Third just had just introduced me as his date. Hearing him say that made me so happy. As soon as we walked through the doors, I immediately saw many people. I'm not the best in crowds but since I have Third here, I'll be fine. I look and see the dance floor. It was a little intimidating but I knew that I could do it. He was bombarded with people. I stayed close to him though. I didn't want to be left behind. He held me close. Even with all of these people he can keep his cool]

Third POV

[I'm totally freaking out right now. There are way too many people here. I am being asked questions left and right. People wanting be my friend and so forth. I keep my date next to me. Seriously, if she left me than I would have to talk to people. I look at the dance floor. It was my out! I grab her hand and take her to the dance floor]

Third: May I have this dance?

???: Yes.

[I gently take her hand and we start dancing. She's not that bad at this. I'm very surprised. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I could the look in her eyes that all of the people were scaring her. Honestly I'm intimidated too but with her with me I'm okay.]

Third: You really look great. May I ask why you wore a veil?

???: I'm intimidated by crowds. I didn't want anyone to see my face.

Third: Why not?

???: My sisters gave me the idea. Let's say something goes wrong tonight. My face will be everywhere. We all share the same face...

Third: You just don't want your sisters to be embarrassed too since people can't really tell you apart. People can tell by your hair styles you know?

???: Well, tonight, no one can see my hair. This veil wraps around my whole face. You can only see my eyes.

Third: May I ask why?

???: I like to be mysterious.

[That makes total sense. It's something she totally would do]

??? POV

[The dance is so romantic. He spins me a couple of times. It's like the Beauty and the Beast without the Beast. Maybe I should ask him to the dance. But I promised my sisters that I wouldn't. As I'm dancing I suddenly trip and land hard on my knee]

???: Ouch.

Third: Hey! Are you okay?

???: I'm okay. But I think I'll sit down for a while. Okay?

Third: Okay. Why did you fall?

???: I can't remember. I need to sit down.

Third: Okay. Where do you want to sit?

???: It's okay. I'll be fine. Go talk to people. I'll hit the restroom. I'll be right back.

Third POV

[My date walks away. I hope she's okay. That looked like a nasty fall. I walk away to talk to some folks. I seriously hope she doesn't take long. I can't talk to all of these people. She walks back to me but wearing a gold dress.]

??? POV

[I see Third talking to some people. I walk over to him. I see the dance floor. I want to dance with him. I quickly take his hand and pull him onto the dance floor. He was shocked by my action]

Third: Whoa! You really want to dance? I thought you'd only dance once.

???: I like to try new things. No one knows who I am so I can be anyone tonight.

Third: You shouldn't have to do that. You should just be yourself.

???: Thank you.

Third: Why did you change your dress?

???: When I fell it ripped. I didn't want the evening to be ruined so my sisters got me an extra dress in case something happened.

[In the background I could hear people talking about Third. Well, they were talking about Second and mistaking Third for him. This made me angry. I immediately walk over to them]

???: If you have something to say to someone then say it to their face!

Third POV

[I was completely shocked by her reaction! This was definitely a new side that I've never seen before. But then again, she's wearing a veil. She can be anyone she wants to be. The fight escalates though and drinks are spilled. Her gold dress is covered in punch. I was about to start a fight but I knew that I shouldn't. I walk over to her and pull her away before she can start something]

???: Why did you do that? They were talking nasty about you!

Third: Calm down. You don't have to act all tough. It's not in your nature. Anyway, sorry about your dress.

???: I'll just call my sisters. They probably have a spare ready for me. But before I go...I want to finish the dance.

[We dance a little bit more. It was so romantic. I'm so happy to know a guy like him. I pull away and then call my sisters to bring the back up dress]

Third POV

[I was so angry at the guy who started the fight but when I went to look for him he disappeared. A little while later, my date returns. She's wearing a black dress now but kept the veil. I honestly like the veil. She was right about the eyes. She walks right over to me and takes me to the dance floor. I guess she really wanted to dance tonight. I'm very surprised]

Third: You're just full of surprises aren't you?

???: Like I said, I can anyone I want to be tonight.

[She then blew in my ear. That was new but I guess this is just a side of her that no one sees. She's usually all shy. I guess this is just who she really is. Or she's putting up an act. Either way, if she's happy than I'm happy. We keep dancing until her phone rings. She answers it]

???: I'll be right back. It's a family thing.

[Jeez, her sisters are really trying to sabotage her aren't they? About five minutes later she returns but is now wearing a silver dress but still with the veil]

Third: What's with the dress change?

[She looks so shy all of a sudden. I wondered what happened]

???: One of my sisters needed to borrow it for some reason. So we traded.

[I guess that makes sense. They all are the same size. I guess switching dresses isn't that big of a deal. I look at her and she stands completely still. I wonder what's wrong]

Third: Are you okay?

???: Yeah. Just there's a lot of people. I'm not the best with crowds.

Third: You were okay earlier.

???: Well, my tough guy act is kind of gone.

Third: We can sit down if you want.

???: NO!

[I was taken back by the shout]

???: No. Let's just dance.

[I take her to the dance floor and we dance a little. She was shaking a lot. I didn't know why. Does she act all tough all the time but is a real softy on the inside. If that's the case then it's really cute. She was really stiff during this dance. Well, I guess since we've danced a lot she must be a little worn out]

???: Um...I need to go.

Third: Where?

???: The restroom. One of my sisters made something that didn't sit quite right with me. I'll be back.

[I watch her leave. She really is trying too hard to be tough. She's starting to crack and break down. I'm happy though. She's having fun and nothing embarrassing has happened. It's all good. She doesn't return immediately which surprises me. I go and try to make small talk. About ten minutes later I see her eating cake at the dessert table but wearing a bright green dress]

Third: You changed your dress again?

???: I was eating and it got dirty so I had to change.

Third: Wow. You've really had an interesting night didn't you?

???: Yeah. Have you tried the cake here? It's amazing!

[I guess this is just the childish side of her coming out. It's really cute. All in all it's been a great night. I want to dance again but I see Futaro walk over]

Third: Futaro, how did you get in here?

Futaro: I was given permission. Her sisters need her for a family thing.

Third: I can take her home.

Futaro: No. You should stay. What would your parents say?

[He was right. My parents would flip if I left]

Third: You're right. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?

???: Yeah. Have a good day.

Futaro POV

[We walk down to the street where the limo is. The rest of her sisters were already there. Third really didn't know that he just got played]

???: That was so much fun!

???: I can't believe we let you go last, Yotsuba.

Yotusba: What's so bad about that, Nino?

Nino: I'm saying it would have made more sense for you to go somewhere in the middle. I'm glad everything went okay even though it started bad, Itsuki.

Itsuki: I'm accident proned! You started a fight! That made things really awkward for Miku! Talk about a personality change!

Miku: She isn't all to blame. Ichika had a hand in that too.

Ichika: I'm just glad it all went well. Father did say that if we all didn't pass our next exams then none of us could go to the dance. Tonight we all shared one dance with him.

Yotsuba: Hey! I didn't get to dance with him!

Nino: You would've made a fool of yourself and made all of us look bad.

Futaro: Anyway, you all owe me!

Nino: Yes. Yes, Futaro. We'll study none stop. But just know that we're not doing it for you!

Futaro: I don't care! As long as you all pass! You can waste your lives with romance!

Miku POV

[This wasn't originally the plan. I knew that my sisters were really disappointed. I wanted them to have a fun night too. I just didn't know how. So we came up with a plan]


Nino: Why did you say "yes" and yet you're not sure if you'll go?

Miku: I can't help it okay. I'm very nervous with crowds.

Ichika: Well, you made a commitment and you have to go.

Itsuki: It's just not fair!

Yotusba: I have an idea!

[We all look at Yotsuba]

Yotusba: He pulled a switcher on us! Why don't we do one on him?

Itsuki: How would that work?

Yotusba: You still want to go with him, Miku. Right?

Miku: Yeah.

Yotsuba: Well since all of us possibly won't go to the dance if be bomb our next tests, let's find a way for all of us to get one dance with him!

[The plan was simple. Just act all calm and enjoy the night. That way he wouldn't know the difference. I honestly didn't think this would work but I had an idea]

Miku: Since none of us really look the same, let's wear something that makes us all look the same and that he can't tell the difference.

Nino: I suggest a veil that covers our entire face except our eyes.

Itsuki: That's really smart.

Ichika: How will we know if he doesn't fall for that?

Miku: It's a chance we must take!

[So we all decided to let Itsuki go first with him to the dance. She decided to wear white for some odd reason but we went with it. We did her makeup and got her ready for the night. When he came we made sure that she was the first thing that he saw and that none of us were around. We all pretended to be in our room. Nino kept the look out though]

Nino: You better have her back by midnight! No funny business!

[Then she left. We went too but in a separate car. We all got dressed up and got set to put the plan into action. We had Futaro play the distraction all night. He came up with different reasons for all the switches. Itsuki went first, then Nino, then Ichika, then me, and we ended with Yotsuba. We knew she would make a mess of herself while dancing so we couldn't allow her a dance]

[Flashback end]

[I'm just glad everything went okay for the most part. Hopefully we fooled him. I'm just glad that I got my one dance with him. Because if we don't past our next tests, we'll never see him again. We couldn't say goodbye like that. But now that's behind us. Now we must study hard and past the next tests so we can go to the dance]

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