Chapter 17

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Third POV

[Right now I'm running lines with Ichika. The rest of her sisters are off doing something. First volunteered to help with her lines but there is no way I'm letting him near her. I honestly don't know why I'm so protective of her. It's not like we're dating. I must have been staring into space since she started calling my name]

Ichika: Hey, Third?

Third: Huh?

Ichika: You okay? You've been staring out into space for a little while.

Third: I'm okay. Lot on my mind.

Ichika: Understandable. Thank you for helping me run lines. I feel that I do better when I'm with you.

Third: Here's a funny a thing to say. Don't judge me okay?

Ichika: Okay.

Third: I don't get relationships.

Ichika: Huh?

Third: When I went on that date with you when I was pretending to be first, on my way home I cried. I guess I was jealous. I don't understand I would be though.

Ichika: You're a lot like Miku in this type of way. She doesn't get relationships either.


Ichika: Tell you what. Let's take a break from running lines and go get something to eat. You must be hungry.

[Ichika and I went out to a fish place. Kind of shocked for an actress to do that. Isn't she supposed to be in good shape? Wait. Why do I care?]

Ichika: Nothing like a fish. It hits the spot.

[Ichika opens her sandwich]

Ichika: Gross. I said I didn't want mushrooms.

Third: Who put mushrooms on fish?

Ichika: I know right?

[Ichika tries to get a replacement but doesn't get it. I had already taken a bite out of mine]

Ichika: Well that's some money down the drain. I guess I'm not eating anything.

[I couldn't let that happen]

Third: Here. Have mine instead.

[Ichika looks at me with a weird face. I wonder what's going on inside her head?]

Ichika POV

[He offered me his sandwich. That's so nice of him. The only thing though is that he's already taken a bite out of it. It technically be an indirect kiss]

Third: Are you okay? I just don't want you to go hungry.

[He really doesn't get relationships does he? He isn't like Futaro but comes pretty close. I decide to take the sandwich]

Ichika: Thank you.

[I take a bite out of it. For some reason it tastes better than it should. He goes to buy another sandwich when I'm surrounded by a couple of boys]

Boy #1: Hey, cutie. Why don't you come with us? We can show you a good time.

Ichika: I'm sorry but I'm already here with somebody else.

Boy #2: Well he must not care since he left you alone.

Ichika: No he cares about me.

Boy #1: Come on! Let's get out of here.

Ichika: Please leave me alone!

[The boy is about to grab me when he pushed in the back. I look and see Third standing up for me]

Third: Back off.

Third POV

[I go to get another sandwich. When I turn around I see Ichika being bothered by two boys. As if by instinct I pushed one of the boys in the back]

Third: Back off.

[He turns to me with an evil look in his eyes. I knew that I screwed up]

Boy #1: Oh. So you're the boy she's hanging with. You don't look like much.

Third: Back away or else.

[Damn! I'm making it worse!]

Boy #1: Or else what?

[I don't answer. He can see the look of fear in my eyes. He swings at me. Something inside me clicks. It's like a video game moment. I'm the hero standing up for the girl! I catch his fist in mid swing]

Third: That thing you just did you shouldn't do probably!

Ichika: You really need to work on that catchphrase.

[Yeah I blew that moment. He swings at me again but I dodge and hit him with a combo that always works in my video games. Some how I nail it and he's lying on the ground. The two eventually run away. Ichika walks over to me with a smile]

Ichika: Wow. That was amazing. You looked so cool!

Third: Yeah but I'll be icing my hand for days! Oh god! That hurts.

[Well there goes my opportunity to say something heroic. All I can do is focus on the pain]

Ichika: I know a way to make it better!

[Ichika slips in her hand into mine. This shocks me completely. She though has a big smile on her face]

Ichika: Feel better?

[I'm speechless. I don't know what to say]

Ichika: I'll take your silence as a "yes."

[We head back to her place and I drop her off]

Ichika: Well, you sure do know how to show a girl a good time.

Third: Yeah. I may have acted cool but it was worth it.

Ichika: Well, I'll see you later.

Third: Yeah.

Ichika POV

[I turn to leave when I realize that this is an opportunity that I can't pass up. He's already walking away when I turn around. I grab his sleeve to make him turn around]

Ichika: Hey.

Third: Yeah?

[I feel my heart thumping. I can hear it in my ears. I the quickly give him a quick kiss on his cheek. I smiled. This is like a movie scene from a romance movie]

Ichika: Consider that thanks for saving me today.

[He places his hand on his cheek. He's probably wondering what happened. He's such a dolt]

Third: problem.

[This was an opportunity. I wasn't going to waste it]

Ichika: Listen. There is a school dance coming up and it's "girl-ask-guy". So I was wondering...

Third: If I could help you with First. Sure thing.

Ichika: No, I wanted to ask...

Third: Futaro? I don't see why but sure.

Ichika: No. I...

Third: What about that guy in...

[I just laugh. He is such a dolt. I take his hands which makes him stop talking. His reactions are so cute]

Ichika: I wanted to ask you to the dance!

[He just stares at me blankly. He's probably trying to comprehend what just happened]

Third: Are you sure you're talking about me? I mean, I know I look like first but...

Ichika: I'm asking you, Third. And don't think I can't tell you guys apart. Miku told me to look for a black handkerchief. So, what do you say?

[I know I'm not going to get an answer now. He's in complete shock. Have to give him some time]

Ichika: Tell you what. I'll give you some time to think about it. Okay?

[He just stares at me blankly. I just laugh. He' such a dolt. I wave goodbye and walk to my apartment. I did it. I asked him to the dance. Now it's up to him]

Third POV


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