Chapter 2

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Third POV

[My brothers and stared at the five sisters. Time seemed frozen for like an enternity while we were standing there. The girls looked different enough. Us boys however were a different story. I walk over towards Miku]

Third: Miku, I...

Nino: Can someone please explain why you five look exactly the same?

[I step forward]

Third: To be fair, we didn't know all of you were sisters. We are the Poole brothers. Our father owns a billion dollar company. Us boys are Quintuplets.

Yotsuba: Hey! Just like us!

Nino: You all look the same! How do we tell you apart.

Fifth: Sorry but we don't disclose such information. Only close people can know.

Third: Well of our personalities are different enough. I guess that would be enough to tell who's who. But how tell from a glance we will not tell you.

Itsuki: So which one is JP?

Third: We all are. All of our names start with "J" and our last name starts with "P". We all like to be called that so when we're amongst ourselves, we call each other by number of which were born. I am Third and so on.

Yostuba: Okay! Let's guess who's who!

Fifth: Or we could just towards our respective girl.

Yotsuba: What fun would that be?

Fourth: I know right!

Yotsuba: You must be my boy! Get over here!

Fourth: Hi. I'm Fourth.

Itsuki: It's easy to tell which boy is mine. He has books.

Fifth: Hello. I'm Fifth.

Nino: Which one of you knows what color my nails were earlier today?

[Second answers the question correctly]

Nino: Get over here, handsome! Let's have fun!

Ichika: Someone say the line after this one.

[Ichika says a line and First responds]

Ichika: Hey, let's head to my room to chat. Don't worry about the mess.

[Then that left me with Miku]

Miku: So...

Third: I'm Third.

Miku: So, want to chill in my room and chat?

Third: Sure.

[Miku and head over to her room and talk the night away. We started with lighter subjects but then went deeper]

Miku: That's a lot of pressure. Your parents wanting you to be the heir.

Third: My brothers are so annoying. I wish they were normal.

Miku: There is no such thing as normal.

Third: True.

Miku: Can you tell me how we can tell you guys apart from a glance?

Third: What fun would that be? I'm sure you'll figure it out. You're super smart.

Miku: Challenge accepted. Here's a funny question. Do you guys do switcheroos?

Third: All the time. I'm the one they all turn to. I can impersonate any of them perfectly and no one would know the difference.

Miku: I'll figure it out.

Third: I'm sure you will and it will be up to you if you tell your sisters.

[I notice the time and know that we have to leave]

Third: It's time for us to go. I'll round up the others.

[I'm about to leave when I turn to Miku one more time]

Third: I think you're really cool. Some people might not like your personality but I love it.

[Miku blushes madly. I just laugh and leave her room. I gather up the other four. First and Second tried to stay the night but I wasn't going to let that happen. We all decided on a time when we would meet up again. We arrived home and got ready for bed. I was exhausted]

[The next day during school, Miku never left my side. I didn't mind it but I wanted to know why]

Third: So, why are you so attached to me?

Miku: I'm trying to figure out if you're someone else.

Third: Trust me. First may have the acting skills but only I can impersonate all of us.

Miku: I understand.

[Miku and are walking. My four other brothers find me]

First: Hey, Third, mom and dad want to be on a conference call. We all are requested.

Third: Fine. See you later, Miku.

[I walk away with my brothers. I already knew they lied]

Third: Okay, what is this really about?

First: We need your ability.

Third: No.

Second: Come on, Third. Take one for the team!

Third: No.

Fifth: Then me and Fourth will keep bugging you until you break.

[I sigh. There was no way around it]

Third: Fine. So who am I going as?

Fifth: Tonight, you are heading over as me. Itsuki wants to study once per week but I don't do well with girls.

Third: You did okay last night.

Fifth: Because I forced myself.

[I sigh]

Fourth: Tomorrow you are going as me. Yotsuba is cool and all but she's a little bit much.

Third: Now you know how we feel.

First: The next day you are going as me. The auditions are coming up so you need to learn these lines.

Third: Why do we need me?

First: I'm super scared. I know that I will crash and burn and I don't want to do that to Ichika. She really wants this role. You're the confident one.

Third: If you're going to be an actor, then you need to get over stuff like this.

Second: On Friday you are going as me. I just got asked out by a senior and I couldn't say no! This is a once in a life time which you can't pass up.

Third: What about Nino?

Second: If it doesn't work with the Senior then I will fall back with Nino.

Third: You're such a douche.

Second: Say what you want. Don't do it and we'll tell mom and dad that you agreed to become the heir.

[I sigh. They cornered me. School ends, and I grab all the books from Fifth. Fifth is the smart one so all I have to do is act smart. I have a photographic memory, so this shouldn't be so hard. I reach the place and they buzz me in. I am met by Itsuki]

Itsuki: Hey! Thanks for coming! Listen. Can you do me a huge favor? There is another guy here. He's the tutor hired by our father. His name is Futaro. Can you please tutor us instead of him? My sisters need it too.

Third: Sure.

Itsuki: Girls, JP is here!

[All the girls run towards the entrance]

Nino: Which one is it?

Itsuki: It's Fifth! The smart one.

Nino: Gross. Nerd.

[All the girls go back to the room where they were. Futaro is failing at tutoring. Itsuki looks at me and I sigh]

Third: If you girls don't want him to teach you, then I'll teach you.

Nino: We don't need a tutor, nerd!

Third: If you listen to me, I'll tell you secrets about my brothers.

[All of the girls agreed. The tutoring started. They were given a different test which had ten questions. They were to answer it and if they got a question correct, I would tell them a secret about my brother. None of them knew that I was really Third. The first couple questions were simple but then it got dirty]

Nino: I finished one!

[I look at it]

Third: It's correct. Ask something you want to know about Second.

Nino: Is he a virgin?

Third: I honestly don't know. He's such a trouble maker that it is possible.

Nino: I want to give him my first.

[I hope that doesn't happen on Friday]

Itsuki: I finished one.

[I looked at it]

Third: It's correct. I'm Fifth. What do you want to know?

Itsuki: Plans for the future.

Third: I want to go to Harvard and become a doctor.

Itsuki: Fascinating!

Yotsuba: I finished one!

Third: Let me see. It's correct. Do you have a question about Fourth?

Yotsuba: Favorite ice cream?

[I tell her my brother's favorite ice cream]

Yotsuba: Cool! I'll write that down.

Ichika: I finished one.

Third: It's correct. What do you want to know about First?

Ichika: What are his plans?

Third: He wants to be an actor. Then have a family.

Ichika: I like that in a man.

[Miku was the last one to ask. I could tell by the look on her face that she was trying to figure out if I really was Fifth. Instead of asking a personal question, she asks a question about a game that I play. This was a trick question. Fifth doesn't know what games I play and I had to be careful and answer in the third person]

Third: I honestly don't know the answer to that. He doesn't tell me what he plays. I spend most of my time studying in my room.

[Futaro stands up. We all forgot he was still there]

Futaro: You have to tell me your secret!

Third: Don't worry. Girls, if you work well with Futaro, he can call me if you did well and I'll come over again.

[All of the girls agree. The night ends and I head back home. I tell Fifth all the details]

Third: Don't forget any of that because they'll get suspicious.

Fifth: Thanks, Third. I owe you one.

Third: You all do.

[I head back to my room and go to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to pretend to be Fourth and hang out with Yotsuba. Impersonating his personality is the hardest for me. His personality is the complete opposite of me. Oh well, they won't know the difference. I'm a pro at this. This isn't the first time]

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