Chapter 30

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Third POV

[It's the day before we leave for the camping trip. I've begun packing my things. I'm seriously scared about this trip. I hope to make some good memories out of this trip anyway. How am I going to solve my situation? I made a promise to five different girls. I wonder if they've figured it out yet. With my luck, they probably already did. As I'm packing, I get a call from Futaro]

Third: Hello?

[Futaro]: Third? Is that you?

Third: It is. How did you get my number?

[Futaro]: I asked a favor of Itsuki. Listen, my sister is sick and I don't have enough money for medicine. Do you mind getting some for me and bringing it over?

Third: No problem. I'll get some. Just text me your address.

[Futaro]: Thanks.

[I get the medicine. Futaro texts me his address and I head straight over. I knock on the door and Futaro answers]

Third: Hey. Where are your parents?

Futaro: We just live with my dad. He isn't coming home tonight.

Third: Oh. Okay.

[Raiha lies down on a futon. She looks cute normally but this is ridiculous. She moves around after she hears my voice]

Raiha: Is that Third?

Third: Hey, Raiha. I'm here. I got your medicine.

Raiha: Thank you. Means a lot.

Third: Well, I guess I got to get going.

[I get up to leave]

Raiha: Don't go.

Third: But I have to.

Raiha: Please don't.

[Raiha looked at me. Her eyes may have been closed but I could still see those eyes. I couldn't refuse]

Third: Fine. I'll stay for a little while.

[Futaro smiles at me]

Futaro: Thanks for staying.

Third: It's hard to say "no" to her.

Futaro: You look like you got something on your mind. Want to talk about it?

Third: I guess. Apparently I knew the Nakano sisters before all of this.

Futaro: Wow.

Third: Yeah. I made a promise to each of them that I'd marry them.

Futaro: All of them?

Third: I didn't do it on purpose. They all just looked the same way back then.

Futaro: That is a tough situation. So, who do you like best?

Third: I don't have a favorite.

Raiha: I say you should marry Miku!

Futaro: You should be sleeping!

Raiha: I can't when something like this is brought up. Third, you should marry Miku.

Third: Why?

Raiha: You two are mostly the same!

Futaro: But two positives repel each other. Opposites attract.

Third: Do you have to be smart all the time?

Futaro: Well, if opposites attract, then the best person for you would Yotsuba.

Third: I couldn't handle all of that energy.

Futaro: Is there anything that you like about Yotsuba?

Third: Well, when she told me all those secrets, I felt some type of connection.

Futaro: What about Nino?

Third: What about her?

Futaro: You saved her twice right? So that obviously means that you like her the best.

Third: I didn't rescue her on purpose. It was by coincidence.

Futaro: Okay, then what about Ichika? You two seem to have some spark.

Third: Well I did get jealous of First when I was pretending to be him. Ichika is great.

Raiha: What about Itsuki?

Futaro: Go to sleep!

Raiha: You and Itsuki had fun with me that one day at the arcade. We looked just like a family in that photo.

Third: Each girl has their good points. We really got nowhere with this discussion.

[I look at Raiha and see that she's asleep]

Third: I guess I should go now.

[I start to leave but I see Raiha sleeping and Futaro have a worried look on his face]

Third: You should come to the trip.

Futaro: What?

Third: I could tell you where uncertain about this trip. You only get to do it once.

Futaro: I guess.

[I then spent the rest of the night talking to Futaro. Trying to convince him to go. I texted First and let him know that I wouldn't be coming home tonight. Before we knew it, morning came. The father came in and did his best to convince him as well]

Futaro: If Raiha is sick, I can't go.

[As if on cue, Raiha jumped up as if she was never sick]

Third: Feeling better?

Raiha: I feel great! Just really hungry!

Third: That means we can go on the trip now.

Futaro: The bus already left. We won't make it.

Third: You can come with me and my brothers. We wouldn't mind.

Futaro: Really? Thanks!

[Itsuki walks in]

Third: Itsuki, what are you doing here?

Itsuki: I need to borrow Futaro. Also, Third, your brothers are outside.

Third: Thanks.

[Itsuki pulls Futaro away. I start to walk away when Raiha pulls on my sleeve]

Third: What is it?

Raiha: I made my decision on who you should marry.

Third: Who is it?

[Raiha whispers in my ear and I just smile]

Third: That does make sense. We'll just have to see.

Raiha: Go get her!

[I just laugh and head outside to where both the Nakano sisters and my brothers were waiting. I looked at the sisters but I couldn't look any of them in the eye]

Fourth: Okay! Let's get this road trip started!

Nino: Before we go...we made a switch.

Third: What switch?

Nino: Third will be riding with us and Futaro will ride with the boys.

Third: Why?

Nino: I don't feel safe with Futaro in the car.

Futaro: What?

Third: Futaro, you don't have to do this.

[I look at him and hope he would help a bro out...I was wrong. He threw under the bus]

Futaro: I'll gladly ride with the boys. I need a break from you girls anyway.

[I sneered at Futaro. He looked at me with mocking eyes. I knew what he was up to]

Nino: It's settled. Let's go, Third.

[Nino pulls me into the car with the Nakano sisters. Usually I'm semi-talkative. But I was completely silent during most of this trip. How can I talk to the girls I promised to marry?]

Yotsuba: So! Let's play a game!

Third: What did you have in mind?

[That broke me out of my shell. We played game after game. Unfortunately, a snow storm hit and we had to stop at a place to rest for the night]

Third: We're here. I guess I head back to my brothers.

[Nino pulls my arm]

Nino: You are not. You are hanging with us.

Third: Why?

Miku: You're in charge of the dance. You'll be busy most of the time so we want to hang out with you before you get too busy.

Third: That makes sense.

[Little did I know that they actually had other intentions]

Third: Well, I'm sleeping with my brothers.

Ichika: No. You're spending the night.

Third: Okay. That's a "no." There is barely any room to fit five people in here. Let alone six. Also, you're all girls. Does anyone see a problem with this?

[I start to leave the room but someone grabs my arm. I turn and see Miku]

Miku: Please stay.

[I had a flashback of a girl who looked at me just like the way Miku was looking at me now. That girl asked me to stay. I couldn't say "no" to that face]

Third: Fine. I'll stay.

[Later we all ate dinner together. Ichika grabbed me a drink]

Ichika: Want me to test to see if it's poisoned?

Third: Your sisters would hate me if you did that.

Nino: You bet we would!

Ichika: Nothing to be jealous about. I've had the most indirect kisses with him anyway.

Miku: Well, we all kissed him once too.

Yotsuba: Wait! Not me!

Third: That's right.

[Before I knew it, Yotsuba grabbed my face and planted her lips on mine. I was shocked just as much as everyone else was. Yotsuba pulled away and had a big smile on her face]

Yotsuba: There we go! Now we all have!

[I just sat in complete shock. We all went back to eating. It was silent until Yotsuba broke the silence]

Yotsuba: I found out more about that dance you're in charge of, Third.

Third: What about it?

Yotsuba: There's a legend that says whoever you're holding hands with once the dance ends, you're destined to be married!

[I saw the look on the girls' faces after she made that comment. I could swear that I saw sparks flying]

Third: Well, since I'm in charge of it, I won't be dancing.

Nino: You'll be dancing.

Third: How do you know?

Nino: You just will be.

[The girls all decided to go to the bath while I stayed in the room. There was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Futaro]

Third: What's up?

[Futaro showed me a string bracelet]

Futaro: It's a good luck charm.

Third: Aww. Your sister made you that?

Futaro: It wasn't for me. It was for you.

Third: Oh. I think I stole your sister.

Futaro: I think so too.

[Futaro hands me the charm and put it on. He leaves. I just sit in the room by myself. This was going to be one crazy trip]

3rd Person POV

[The Nakano sisters were in the outdoor bath having a very serious discussion]

Nino: Okay. The plan is working just fine.

Ichika: Yes. We got Third to ride in the car with us. Now he is spending the night.

Itsuki: I just had a thought...who is sleeping next to him?

[As soon as those words left Itsuki's mouth the tension grew]

Miku/Ichika/Itsuki/Yotsuba/Nino: I WILL!

Miku: Nino, I'm surprised. You're the last person I thought would want to sleep with him.

Nino: Well, he isn't a pervert. I just like to feel safe when I sleep and I feel safe around him.

Miku: Well, I think you have some hidden intentions so I don't think you're the best choice. I'll sleep next to him.

Itsuki: No way! You might be the closet to him! You should give us other girls a chance! You four all have some special connection with him. I don't really have one so I should sleep next to him!

Yotsuba: No! I should sleep next to him!

Nino: Why?

Yotsuba: Umm...umm...Raiha thinks he and I would be a great couple!

Nino: That's a terrible reason.

Ichika: I think I should sleep next to him. You are all immature. He needs someone older.

Nino: No way! You'll get all seductive! Don't think we don't know what you're up to!

Yotsuba: I have a thought. Why do we like Third so much anyway?

Nino: Easy. He's really good looking.

Miku: I'm not surprised by that answer.

Nino: What? Are you suggesting that I'm shallow? Do you care only about inner beauty?

Miku: And what if I do?

Nino: That probably makes sense why you don't mind being seen in those shabby old clothes of yours.

Miku: And those trashy nails are fashionable?

Nino: He's a boy though. He might be about inner beauty but looks are still a thing. And believe me, I have the best looks out of all of us. When I took him on a date, I tried on some swimsuits. He basically saw me naked. He fainted at the sight of me.

Miku: There really isn't much there to look at.

Nino: Maybe not for you but I have a figure!

Miku: We all look the same, genius!

Itsuki: Hey! This really isn't something we should be arguing about.

Miku: You stay out of it, Itsuki!

Nino: Yeah! This conversation doesn't concern you!

[The girls argued and argued but they made a decision]

Nino: If everyone wants to...

Yotsuba: Then no one can.

Ichika: We'll just keep separate from him.

Itsuki: Besides he won't start anything of we're all there.

Ichika: And if he can't tell who is who...

Miku: Well then all we have to do is wear our hair down.

Nino: It's foolproof!

[All of the girls walk quietly into the room and see that Third is already asleep. The girls place all their futons on one side of the room. The group went to sleep in two groups. When they woke up, that was a different story. Third woke up and tried to sit up but found a lot of weight on him]

Third: Huh? What?

[Third looked to see what was happening and saw all of the Nakano sisters lying on him. Miku was on his right. Nino on his left. Yotsuba slept above him. Itsuki slept near his left leg. Ichika slept near his right leg]

Third: How did this happen?

[He decides to wake them up]

Third: It's time to get up.

Miku/Nino/Itsuki/Yotsuba/Ichika: Five more minutes.

[The girls snapped awake since they heard all of the others speak. The all jump up and are shocked to see where they all ended up]

Yotsuba: Hey! What happened? How did we get here?

Third: It was completely by accident!

Itsuki: That's right. It's just a coincidence.

[The group leaves the room and gets an a bus with the rest of the school who were also staying at the same place. Third rode with the boys and the girls rode with each other. Each girl had one goal on their mind]

Itsuki: So no one has asked him to dance yet.

Yotsuba: Well that is going to change!

Ichika: Because I will ask him...

Nino: Before my sisters do.

Miku: I'm going to win.

Miku/Nino/Ichika/Itsuki/Yotsuba: I WILL BE THE ONE TO DANCE WITH THIRD!

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