Chapter 3

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Sky hurried to her room. She grabbed some thick winter clothing and her power enhancer necklace. She quickly gathered her crystal wand and unleashed her herd of tempest dogs and checked the time: 12:56. Time had passed so quickly. 

She rushed to the Take-off platform, the tempest dogs trailing after her like a flock of sheep. The others were already there, In their winter clothing and their hounds behind them. Nature had a bunch of green wolves, howling in harmony. Psychic had many purple cats, their eyes glowing with power. Dark had black foxes, their fur as dark as night. 

Sky shouted, "Let's goooo!!" she jumped on her favourite dog, and they flew into the sky.  

They flew on and on, the wind whistling in her ears. The air gradually became colder, and the first glaciers started to appear. Snow fell softly onto their clothing, and the air was so cold that it form icicles on her hair and her fingers numb. 

"Where are we now?" Dark asked, clutching her fox's fur. 

"Let me take out the map." still gripping her wolf's scruff, she stuck her hand into her bag and brought out the magic map. "We are going to the middle of the North pole. Oh... and here we are." she cringed. 

Sky looked up, the snow making her squint, and saw a village. It was camouflaged from sight, and strange elves were trading frosty presents, speaking to each other in a weird language Sky didn't understand.

"So, the next prompt is in this village?" Psychic groaned. "Nooo......" 

"Whatever. Let's just land, okay?" Sky yelled, pulling to a stop on the ground. The others also landed beside her.

Immediately, the surrounding elves whirled towards them, suddenly holding wickedly-sharp ice spears. "HALT!" they screamed, advancing on them. "WHY HAVE YOU COME ON THE ANCIENT LANDS OF THE MIGHTY ICICLE TRIBE?"

"No! Listen!" Sky gasped. "We come in peace!" she raised her hands to show that she didn't have any weapon. 

"Whatever! King Ice will question you. Follow us, and make sure to RAISE YOUR HANDS!" the leader barked in heavily accented English. "AND GET OFF YOUR MOUNTS NOW!!"

Sky and the others hurried to get off their mounts. They raised their hands as they were flanked by elves, with spears pointed at their hearts.

They arrived at a massive ice castle. Elves with ice swords guarded the entrance. They saluted at the other elves while eyeing the guardians suspiciously. 

They arrived in the throne room. On the big chair, a big yeti sat, looking bored, while fiddling with his ice jewellery. He looked up with distaste as the elves knelt before him on the red carpet. He spoke with a deep, gravelly voice. 

"Well..... The 4 Guardians finally arrived."

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