Chapter 15~ the sleepover

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  "OH MY GOD!" Said Ron after they finished playing truth or dare.

"WHAT?!?!" Said Harry, Ginny, and hermione together

"I just had the brightest idea!" Said Ron

"WHAT?!?!" Said the three together

"How about...we do a sleepover today!!!" Said Ron

"Brilliant idea Ron!, and we could bring some sweets and we could put some blankets and pillows!, oh and yes!!!, pillows fight!!!" Said ginny

"Awesome!" Said hermione "but we need to ask your mum first Ron, she won't let us all sleep together, you know.....girls and boys!"

"Yeah but we could be away from each other, and me and Harry we would sleep beside each other and hermione and Ginny together...but we will be in the same room but away from each other!" Said Ron

"Yes but first we need to wait till your mum wake up so we could ask-"said hermione

"Good morning!" Said molly coming downstairs

"Morning mum!" Said Ron and Ginny. "Morning mrs Weasley" said hermione and Harry.

"Mum!, we were planning to do a sleep over today at night....but away from each other like Ron and Harry and hermione and me" said Ginny

"Er....all right" said molly

"YAY!" The four of them yield

"Mum is dad and the twins awake?" Said ginny

"Yes they are getting ready for the day, Fred and George are going to go with Angelina and your dad is going to work after breakfast" said molly

"Okay cool!, while they are out we are going outside to get some snacks" said Ron

"As you wish..." said molly

"Thanks mum!" Said ginny and Ron. "Thanks mrs Weasley" said hermione and Harry.

"No problem dear!" Said molly

"Now I will make breakfast and you go wear clothes and prepare yourself to go outside to get sweets" said molly

"All right" said Ginny

Everyone got ready and they came downstairs and they sat at the kitchen's table and they ate breakfast.

"Breakfast is so good thanks mrs Weasley" said hermione

"Yeah thanks a lot!" Said Harry

"Yeah" said Ginny and Ron

"No problem dear!" Said molly giving Harry some bread

They finished breakfast and they went beside the door and Ron yelled "mum!, WE ARE LEAVING, GOODBYE"

"Bye dear!, and take care of ginny!" Said molly

"Don't worry she is in great hands" said Harry whispering and blinking to ginny

Ginny smiled

"We are going to bring some chips and chocolates!, oh and we don't need to forget the candies!" Said Ron walking away from the burrow.

"Yeah but we don't need much Ron!" Said hermione

They reached the grocery shop and they got two bags of sweets and chips and chocolates.

"Wow that's a lot of junk food" said Harry

"I agree" said hermione

" we need to make this the best day" said Ron

They reached the burrow and it was already night.

"Oh...hello sweeties...come on I prepared everything for your sleepover" said molly showing them the blankets and pillows

"Wow, thanks mum" said Ginny

"No problem and if you need anything else: food, blankets, pillows, or anything just tell me okay?" Said molly

"Everything is all right thanks mrs Weasley" said hermione and Harry

"No enjoy...and remember...when you want to sleep girls together and boys together.." said molly

"Alright" said Ginny laughing

"Good" said molly leaving them and going to her room

They put a movie called 'fantastic beasts and where to find them' and they eat some sweets and chips

"Everything all right?" Said molly "I brought some home made cookies for you"

"Yum!!, thanks mum" said Ron

And she went upstairs

"This is so much fun!" Said Harry

"I know right!" Said hermione

"Newt Scamander is so in love with creatures just like Hagrid" said Harry

"Yeah" said Ginny

They finished the movie and they slept. Ron and Harry in a bed and Ginny and hermione in a bed, but in the same room.

"Goodnight everyone" said Harry pushing the blanket to his body

"Night!" They said

That's all
I will update soon ❤️👋🏻

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