Chapter 9~ harry's mad

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Molly did breakfast and Harry and Ginny sat on the table and then the others joined them. Then Arthur said "morning everyone!, how do you feel harry?"

"Morning mr Weasley, Er fine" said Harry looking at ginny, Ginny was the only one who new that Harry was lying. "oh harry are you going to lie again?" Said Ginny "I'm not lying, I'm fine" said Harry a little louder. "Mum, I think we need to take Harry to the hospital!, he's not feeling very good, he have been 2 days tired" said Ginny. "No!, Ginny I'M FINE" said Harry clearly. "Me too, I think we need to take him today" said Ron. "No!, I am not lying" said Harry "I'm fine..., I really am". "Then why did you slept like a dragon yesterday?" Asked ginny. "I was just tired" said Harry. "Yeah, see!, he's tired we need to take him-"said Ginny.
"I'M FINE!!!!" Said Harry shouting and pushing the chair. He went running up stairs to Ron's room.
"What's up with him?" Asked Ron
"Donno" said Ginny looking up stairs at the door shut
"I think your just asking list of questions, he needs to rest WELL" said hermione "Ginny I think your taking it hard on him"
"No I'm not, I am caring" said ginny
"Oh dear" said molly "someone go talk to him"
"I will" said hermione
"No I will" said Ginny
"Shove off you too, I'm his best friend" said Ron "I'm going"
"I'm the one who made him nervous, I should go" said Ginny
"I think ginny should" said Arthur
"Okay fine" said Ron
Hermione nodded
Ginny went up stairs and she knocked the door.....Harry didn't answer, then she went inside and saw Harry in his bed.
"Harry," said Ginny
Harry said nothing
"Look I'm sorry, I really am" said Ginny
"I don't believe you" said Harry
"Why?" Said Ginny
"See!, when I told you that I am OK you didn't believe me" said Harry
"And how could I believe you when you where shouting like crazy" said Ginny "your not feeling well Harry, I feel it"
"I just need some space" said Harry
"You stayed in this room for 2 days!!, enough space!" Said Ginny "everyone wants to talk to you"
"Well I don't want to!" Said Harry
"Well that's a bit stupid of you, you know" said Ginny
"Look.........I'm sorry, I really am" said Harry "maybe Voldemort is possessing me"
"No he is not!" Said Ginny "Voldemort possessed me!, and I can tell you how, he makes you go to places where you don't feel where" said Ginny
"Maybe it's here" said Harry
"Harry!, this is a good place for you!, not like a bathroom we're he took me!" Said ginny
"Your right...." said Harry
"Of course I am, now cmon, food will get cold" said Ginny taking him outside of the room.

Next chapter is published 👉🏻

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