Percy gets in trouble

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I don't own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does
Thalia POV
The disgusting taste of grape jam still burns holes in my tongue. How did Nico know!  Did Annabeth tell him during Paranoia!  If she did, then I should tell her to....  You know what?  I'm not gonna finish that sentence.  Lou Ellen is still hiding on the shelf, which Nico is too short to reach. 

"Hey, Lou!  What's Will hiding up there!", I ask her.  "You're gonna have to truth me to find out!"  So there IS something up there.  Will is almost as tall as Percy, who is 6 foot 4.  Will, I think is 6 foot 2.  Nico is almost shorter than Hazel.  I'm in the middle, somewhere around 5 foot 8.  The shelf is six feet up.

Well, I'm not wasting a dare on that. I'll get a step stool. "Connor, truth or dare!", Cecil says. "Dare! Your dares kinda suck, by the way, get good!", he replies. "Ok! I dare you to..... leave! I'm pretty sure the cabin is tearing itself apart right now, you've been away too long!  You're being a terrible counselor! Also, you have a duty as counselor to prank the newbie!", Cecil says.  Wow.  That's one way to make Connor be responsible, I guess.  Cecil is only slightly more responsible than him, though.  True to his word, Connor gets up and leaves. 

On his way out, he shouts, "Travis!  Truth or Dare!".  "Dare!"  "I dare you to ask Cecil again, and if he says truth, make him reveal his big secret he told you yesterday!  But for now, go stick your hands in a bucket of ice water for a minute!  Hazel, you can time it!" 

Percy fills a bucket with ice, and pours some water into it.  We let it sit for a minute, then Travis sticks his hands into the water.  "While we're here, I should ask.... "Cecil!  Truth or Dare!"   "Truth!"  Cecil shouts.  "What secret did you tell me yesterday!", Travis asks, hands still in the water.  "That I have a crush on Lou Ellen!", he replies.   "HAH!  Damn right you do!  Ya wouldn't be dating me otherwise!", Lou says, climbing down from her shelf.  She hugs him.  Awww.  Cute. 

After a while of thinking, Cecil says, "Leo!  Truth or Dare!"  "Dare!", he responds, mischievous glint in his eyes.  "I dare you to prank Chiron!  Make it memorable,  and Rachel and Thalia will go with you to watch and help.", Cecil says.  "Times up!", Hazel says.  Travis takes his hands out of the water, and we head out of the cabin.

The rain is letting up slightly, but it would have been hell camping out there with the Hunters, even though our tents are really good about not letting water in.  I feel bad for the rest of them, though.   We grab a few things from Leo's cabin, including a suspicious looking metal device.  I have no clue what it does, but if the stories about Leo are true, we're in for a bad time. 

The window that Travis used to steal the potted plant is still open, but Chiron is nowhere to be seen. It's like an office in here, with a bookshelf, desk, and an office chair. There's also another chair off to the side, and a couple pictures on the wall, of the forest and the lake, respectively. We climb inside.

As Rachel stands guard by the door, Leo walks over to the office chair. "Alright, I'm gonna fasten this to the chair. You and Rachel are gonna go put plastic wrap over the door, and also fill the place with balloons. Got it?", Leo says, holding an air horn. "Alright! Let's do this!", I say, starting to plastic wrap the door.

In about five minutes, Leo's done with the chair and we finish the door. Now, all of us are blowing balloons with the help of the suspicious metal device. Half the room is full. Ten minutes later, Chiron is still not back, and the office is full of balloons. We place a plate of perfectly normal chocolate chip cookies on his desk, and climb back out the window.

We run back to the cabin, and see Chiron looking at Percy's cabin. More specifically, the hole in the roof. "Have you seen Percy?", he asks us. "Yes, he's in the Apollo cabin!", Travis says. "Thank you, Travis.", he replies, galloping to cabin 7.  We follow him.

I hear music blasting inside, and we go in.  Chiron follows us.  "Percy!  Why is everyone here, and why is there a hole in your cabin!", he says in an accusing tone. I sit down next to Reyna.  I can't believe she likes me, and that we're dating!  And that Artemis accepts us.  I think she changed her ways after realizing how happy Emmie and Jo were, and that they'll have to grow old and die. And we take vows against loving men, not women.

"Well, we're playing Truth or Dare, that's why we're all here. Something exploded in my cabin, so we're playing here until someone fixes it.", Percy says.

"Alright, but I don't want any noise complaints or anything from the other cabins. You can play until this rainstorm is over and we can go kill the monsters roaming around. Don't leave this cabin without a weapon, the Ares cabin just spotted a large group of monsters down by the arena, and they didn't see where they went.", Chiron replies.

Well, at least we don't have to stop playing just yet. Chiron leaves to check the damage to Percy's roof, and we continue playing. "Katie! Truth or Dare!", Leo says.  "Dare!  Bring it on!", Katie replies.  "I dare you to kiss Travis!", he says.  "Well that's easy.  Get over here, babe!", she calls.  Travis comes over and kisses her, which would be really sweet, except that Travis reached into her pocket and stole her wallet.  Then, he gave it right back, so it was still sweet.

"Frank! Truth or Dare!", Katie says, reapplying her lipstick, since it seems that Travis has stolen it- right off her lips! "Truth!", Frank replies, sweating nervously. "What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?", Katie asks, putting her lipstick back in her pocket. "Oh, I think it was when I turned into an iguana to escape Chinese handcuffs.", Frank says, much to the amusement of Kayla, Austin, me, and anyone else who wasn't on the Argo II. And several who were ON the Argo II.

The rain is still unrelenting, so we eat dinner here in the cabin.  "Guys, I'm not up for much more stuff today.  You guys can do whatever, just please refrain from destroying my cabin.  Austin, you're in charge while I'm asleep.  Make sure Kayla doesn't do anything stupid.", Will says, before going into what appears to be a separate bedroom.  Nico follows him. 

Since we really don't want to leave Will or Nico out of whatever antics we do here, we go to sleep as well.  Kayla and Austin take their bunks, and there's enough empty beds that everyone can sleep on either a bed or the couch.  "Night, guys!", Percy says.  And with that, I drift off into the peaceful unknown that is sleep. 

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