The rain brings a good idea

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  I don't own any characters or the story in Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does.
Percy POV
The rain was pouring down, like it had been since this morning.  Every so often, we let a rainstorm into camp to water the strawberry fields, so there is nowhere dry in camp right now except the Big House, part of the forges, and the cabins.  Even part of Rachel's cave has flooded. 

Nowhere outside is safe except for the area by the cabins, because the rain has driven tons of monsters out of their hiding places and into the woods.  The rain is expected to stop tomorrow, and everything should be back to normal in a couple of days. 

Hazel, Jason, Frank, Thalia, and Reyna were visiting when the rain struck, and the roads outside camp are so washed out right now that they can't go back in their van, and it would be really cruel to fly a Pegasus back in these conditions.  So, they're staying here for a couple days.  Lavinia Asimov is currently running Camp Jupiter, since she's one of the backup Praetors in case Hazel and Frank weren't there. 

Hazel told me a while ago that Reyna joined the Hunters of Artemis.  The rain has flooded Rachel's cave, she's staying in the Big House for now.  Since the Pavilion is drenched, we decided to grab the magical plates and cups and bring them to the cabins, so nobody had to eat soggy food.  I decided to make my way over to the Athena Cabin.  I had a great plan: Get all my friends to my cabin, and play Truth or Dare until the rain stops. I open the door to the Athena Cabin. 

"Hey, Annabeth, will you get Frank and Rachel from the Big House?  I wanna play Truth or Dare!", I ask. 
"Sure, Seaweed Brain.", Annabeth replies.

I make my way over to the Hades Cabin.  I knock on the door and ask, "Hazel, Nico, you guys wanna play Truth or Dare?"
"Sure, just gotta convince Nico.  Maybe if you asked Will to play, he'd play too?", said Hazel. 

That's a good idea.  I'll go run to the Apollo cabin.  "Hey Will, you wanna play Truth or Dare at the Poseidon Cabin?  Nico doesn't wanna play unless you play too.", I ask the blonde.  I don't talk to Will that much, so now is a good chance to get to know him.

"Sure, can Kayla and Austin come too?  We're kinda bored, there's nobody in the infirmary, and archery is kinda impossible in this rain.  Plus, we're all sick of the constant saxophone from Austin.", Will replies

"Sure", I say.  "Just go on over, Annabeth should be there already, probably. Nico and Hazel as well.  I gotta grab the Graces, Piper, Reyna, and Leo." 

Will, Kayla, and Austin grab umbrellas and head out.  There are two places where Thalia could be hiding.  The Artemis cabin and the Zeus cabin.  I check the Artemis cabin first.  I knock on the door and shout, "Thalia, Reyna, you guys in there? Wanna play Truth or Dare?" 
"Ok!"  Thalia opens the door. Reyna was inside sharpening a silver hunting knife. 

"Sorry, Jason was annoying me, so I came in here.  Only Hunters allowed, or any girls that are invited by a Hunter to come in, so he can't follow me.  Thanks for knocking, though.", Thalia says. 

"You're welcome.  You guys make your way over to the Poseidon cabin, Annabeth will let you in.  I gotta get Jason, Leo, and Piper." Reyna puts down her knife, and they both start to head out of the overly silver cabin. I decide to do the worst first.  I trudge over to the Aphrodite cabin, and I'm immediately assaulted by designer perfume.  Seriously, that stuff smells terrible. 

Drew opens the door.
"Hi, honey! Finally decided that Annabeth is too ugly for you!", Drew says in a sickly sweet voice.  "No, you hag, I was looking for Piper.  Hey, Piper, you wanna play Truth or Dare?", I yell. "Ok sure!"  "Ok .  See you at the Poseidon cabin, Thalia will let you in.", I say. 

I quickly grab Leo and Jason, and we walk to the Poseidon cabin.  Leo is hauling a covered cart behind him.  That cannot have anything good in it.  I open the door, and find everyone sitting on the floor, on the chairs, and on the beds.  Will was sitting on the floor, his arm around Nico.  Frank was hanging from the ceiling as a bat, and everyone was laughing at him.  "Have we started already?", I ask everyone.
Hi guys, I hope you like my fanfic. I update daily, weekly at worst. I'm trying to make my fanfic original, so I'm sorry if it's not as good as other fanfics of it's kind. I am going to do a different POV each time, and once I have gone through each POV two times I am ending the fanfic, unless you guys want to keep it going. I'm taking both requests for truths, dares, or I'll add other (alive by end of Trials of Apollo) characters that are not Calypso (adding her later) at your request, as long as they have a good reason for coming to Camp Half Blood (Like Lester or Georgina). JASON NEVER DIED, and you'll find out how later. I am also taking criticism on how to write better. Please just writing tips, if you want to troll please leave Wattpad, because it isn't nice to be mean for no reason. 😃

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