Chapter 26

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Hyejin pov

The day went spending with EXO and they promised to visit again later. I secretly took everyone's autograph and D.O. before leaving gave me a VIP pass to enter their any concert and meet backstage. I laughed saying I could just teleport to them with Jimin's power.


It was midnight now so I went to the kitchen as usual sneaking to eat. I took the pickle jar and was about put it inside my mouth "What are you doing??" a voice broke my midnight fun. 

"Hungryy" I pouted. 

"Aww, give me some then" Taehyung opened his mouth. We both giggled silently and ate. 

We literally slept there eating only on the floor.


Yoongi pov

"I GONNA SMACK YOUR SMALL ASSES TODAY" Jin's scream woke me up.

I lazily went down to see Taehyung and Hyejin begging on their knees to Jin. 

"Oppa!! I am sorry pwease. This is the last time" she gave puppy eyes. 

"Hyung leave the cute baby" I said. "Don't interrupt me Yoongi" he glared at me. I silently gulped. 

"Yoongles please save me!! Please" Hyejin begged in the mind link. I mouthed her a sorry. 

Taehyung was already thinking something and smirked. Suddenly Jin said "I love you guys, you can eat whatever you want. Go and sleep". 

It made me shocked. Hyejin and Taehyung gave each other small glances and sneaked to their room. 

Jin shaked his head "Did he just control my mind?" Jin asked in disbelieve.


My phone rang when I was composing my new song. "Aish why can't they give me a break" I said looking at the caller id and picked it up. 

"Okay I will be coming but only within 3 days. Only 3" I said cutting the call. 

"What is it Hyung?" Hoseok asked who was sitting the couch. 

"I have a concert tomorrow and a fan meeting also in Busan" I shrugged. 

"If you are going talk with Hyejin first she might miss you" he replied and looked back his phone screen. 

I knocked Hyejin's door but heard small sobs. She is crying?? 

I immediately pushed the door and entered inside. "Oh my god, why are you crying baby? Did someone hurt you? Are you okay?" I asked hugging her. 

"No I am very okay but the girl left you alone. She cheated on you and you were heartbroken but Y/N saved you. I am sad because I wish I could in her place comforting her" she cried. 

"What?? I can't understa-" I got cut my many voices. 

"Why is our princess crying!!??" the gasped entering the room. 

Namjoon and Jimin took Hyejin's phone and laughed seeing it. "This is hilarious!!" they laughed. 

I was more confused now. "I can't understand why are you guys laughing?" Taehyung asked. 

"She is reading a fanfiction about Yoongi hyung on Wattpad" Jimin rolled laughing on the ground. 

My fanfiction? I knew my fans wrote ff's about me but I didn't know my soulmate reads those. I once tried to read a ff but it got goosebumps and closed the application immediately. 

"Ahahaha!! Hyung this is nothing. Hyejin used to read 21+ fanfictions and watched porn and hentai alone. She stole all my hentai collections you know" Jungkook laughed. 

"Yaah!!" Hyejin got embarrassed.

A moment before she was crying now angry? Wow she and her mood swings. 

"I see all of you are here. I wanted to tell something. I am going tomorrow" I said little looking down.

"Where hyung?" 

"I have a concert in Busan. I don't to leave anyone of you especially Hyejin, she is sick sometimes" 

"Hey don't worry I have the others. Your work is your passion, you can't neglect it. Go to your concert. I will watch it from home" Hyejin assured me. 

I gave a small sad smile. "I am going to pack things then. Jimin you will teleport me directly to my studio tomorrow morning" I said closing the door.


Hyejin pov

It was already the next day and Yoongi is going. I kind of don't want him to go. It was early 4 am now. 

"I know you will miss him. Go and talk with him now before he is gone" gem suggested. I nodded and went inside Yoongi's room. 

He was peacefully sleeping. I slowly went inside the sheets with him back hugging him. 

"Hmmm" he hummed. "I will miss you" I said snuggling into him more and he turned around to face me.

"I will miss your cuddles for 3 days" I was feeling sad.

"When you are saying like this, I don't want to go now" he replied. 

"No!! you have to go okay. But let's just stay like this for a while" I said. 

He gave me his cute gummy smile and pulled me into his chest. I immediately felt happy and moved to dreamland. 


As soon as I woke up and he is gone. "Hyejin you can't cry like a baby. He is only gone for 3 days. You can control it" I said to myself. 

"Hey don't cry. I am here" gem comforted me. 

I looked at his clock to see it was breakfast time already and went to brush my teeth. I sat in the breakfast table with the others silently ate the food. I only felt like crying. 

"If you want to cry you can cry you know? We are here you know" Jungkook said. "Did I say it loud?" I asked as he nodded. 

Drops of water flushed from my eyes. I don't know why but I never feel like this when Seokjin and Hoseok go to work. I know they will return back immediately after work but Yoongi will be going for 3 days. My lips were already trembling and I felt light headed. 

"Jin!!" I shouted out falling of the chair.

Jin pov

"Jin!!" Hyejin shouted and fell of the chair unconscious and Hoseok immediately caught her who was beside her. 

"Jungkook bring the blood!!" I commanded and pressed my hands on her head to heal her. 

"Hyung what is happening to her" Jimin asked. 

"I also don't know Jimin. She is collapsing like this every time. She has been acting little weirdly and having mood swings also" I said rubbing her hot palms. Jungkook gave the blood bag and I feed Hyejin. 

After sometime her eyes fluttered opened. I looked back to see Jungkook and Taehyung standing stiff.

 "Hyung can you smell or hear anything?" they both asked. 

"What smell? Which what sound?" Namjoon asked. 

"It is coming from Hyejin" they both gasped and disappeared. Hyejin looked at me little weirdly. 

"Why did they suddenly run off?" she asked getting sadder. 

"We don't know" Hoseok said. 

"I am not feeling good. Going to sleep bye. If you make some food keep it in the fridge, I will eat it later for lunch" she said zoomed to her room. 

"Jimin find those brats!!" I shouted. 

"Taehyung and Jungkook come back here" Hoseok called in the mind link.


3rd person pov

Hyejin laid on her bed and slept. She didn't come out for the whole day and slept only. 

Next day morning she woke up first but closed her eyes to meet her gem.

"I don't feel okay. I feel terrible" she said glancing at gem who was holding a book. 

"Stop ignoring me. You are holding the book upside down already!!" she shouted. 

"I am sorry" gem said lowering his book. 

"Hyejin can you keep your hand on your chest?" he said. 

"What!!Why??!! I can't touch myself infront of you"

"Yaah pervert!! I didn't mean like that. Just place your hands on your chest or stomach and try to listen" She did as he said. 

Thump thump thump thump was all she could feel and hear. 

It was not her heart beat. It was beating fast but it was small. 

"Why can I hear more heartbeats?" she asked. 

"Hyejin I don't know if you will like the fact or not but I think you are pre-" he got cut when she suddenly opened her eyes. 

"Hyejin!! You are pregnant" Hoseok shaked her up. 

"Tsk I was going to say the same" she heard in her mind. 

"WHAT!!!" she got surprised. "I am pregnant. Holly molly fuck!!" she screamed. 

"We are pregnant!!" Jungkook and Taehyung hugged her.

"But how did you guys know?" she asked.

~Few minutes earlier~

Jungkook and Taehyung were hiding but were caught finally next morning before sunrise by the boys. 

"Why did you run away!!??" Namjoon glared at them. 

"We wanted some fresh air" 

"Tell the truth" Hoseok said. 

"We couldn't believe what we were hearing and ran away but then heard Hyejin was hurt because we ran. We couldn't face her" Taehyung said. 

"But hyung can't you all hear that sound really? Please try harder" Jungkook pleaded. 

Others sighed and concentrated. 

"I can hear it. I can hear it" Jimin said. 

"Yeah me too" Namjoon said. "We too" Hoseok and Jin said. 

"It's new heartbeats" 

"A child's heartbeat"

"Is she pregnant?" "I also think so. Her symptoms are similar to a pregnant girl only.

"Aish why couldn't I understand earlier?" Jin said. 

"Let's go and tell her" Taehyung said and others went to her room.

~Back to present~

"Hyejin!! You are pregnant" Hoseok shaked her up. 

"WHAT!!!" she got surprised. "I am pregnant. Holly molly fuck!!" she screamed. 

"We are pregnant!!" Jungkook and Taehyung hugged her. 

"But how did you guys know?" she asked. They told they could hear the new heartbeats. 

"I will buy the pregnancy test when the shops will be opened" Jimin said. 

"I wish Yoongi hyung would be here then he would have brought with click of his fingers" Jungkook groaned.

"If it is positive call Yoongi and tell him okay?" Hyejin said. 

"But boys are you ready for this?" she asked. 

"Of course, Hyejin" Jin smiled. 

"We are already 18, 19, 20 and 21 in ages. We can handle it" Namjoon smiled saying.

"Umm boys I feel like throwing up" Hyejin held her mouth.

"Shit" they cursed taking her to the toilet.


Yoongi pov

After yesterday's concert today I had my fan meet. I was seating and giving my fans their service. 

A human girl with purple dyed hair came to me. 

"Oppa your sound makes your fans heart flutter. Please sign in this album" she said. I smiled and signed it. 

Looking her hair made me miss Hyejin more. Suddenly my phone rang but I saw it was Hyejin's id so picked it up. 

Before I could say anything. "Hyung!! Hyejin is pregnant. She did the test it was positive. We are pregnant" the maknae's screamed in the line. 

"We are pregnant!!" I stood and did a small dance happily. 

I realised this is a fan meet. The girl smiled watching me. 

"Congratulations Oppa. Be sure your baby should be healthy. And don't worry no one heard you. My friend used silencing power from there. He is a vampire, he has some powers" she pointed another boy far away and the boy winked back. 


After the meet was over, I ran to the CEO. "I am taking a pregnancy leave and returning tomorrow" I said and walked away. 

He stood dumbstruck.


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