Chapter 42

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Hyejin pov

Yes I am ready for this. "AHH!! Hyejin don't tie so tigh-Ouch!!" Hoseok fake cried. 

I rolled my eyes. "I am literally using normal human ties for you all and you are all acting like babies" I poked my tongue. 

"My baby alien can you remove this blindfold please" Taehyung pleaded. 

"N.O." I had tied their legs and hands together and made them sit naked with a blindfold. 

"This looks like a hot live porn show"
"Shut up go and annoy your so called girlfriend. Shoo"
"Btw all the best"
I smiled and removed my dress. 

I went to the bed and opened the side drawer. 

"Oh no don't tell me you are doing something that I am thinking right now" Jimin said. 

"Yes it is" I said before spreading my legs. I know they could smell how much I am wet now.
I pushed the vibrator inside me letting out a moan. 

"Joonie~" I moaned his name. With each push I moaned their names.

Namjoon pov

When Hyejin moaned my name loudly I lost control. I tore the ties and jumped on the bed. 

"You enjoyed your play time baby girl" I smirked slamming my lips on her. She immediately responded back. My brother were already out of the ties and blindfolds. We just let our little soulmate just play for some time. 

"We all are gonna wreck you" I growled and let my hands roam on her naked body. 

My fingers were infront of her wet hole. Before I could do anything more she screamed suddenly. 

"NO!!!! NO no no no please don't" her eyes were closed as tears streamed from her eyes. 

"Hey hey Doll wake up. It just us" Yoongi shook her body. Tears didn't stop streaming and her lips were trembling. Jungkook wrapped her in a thick blanket immediately. 

"Princess what happened tell us" Jin hugged her.

"I-I got the flashbacks when Jaewook forced me to this. My last sex experience was not good before dying you can say. And-" she was calming. "And?" Jimin asked. 

"And when I was dead, I was watching over you all. I was with you all the time. I saw what you all did. You were fucking other people" it felt like every nerve of my body burst. 

"It hurt very much, I cried for nearly 5 years about it-"

"Alien we only love you. You know it right. We are really sorry. Everything was clouded in our head and messed up. We couldn't even remember your face" Taehyung said in guilty. 

"I know...I heard everything. You all would cry alone in your rooms after you send those girls away. Its okay, I understand the normal vampire needs which I have been craving since I came back alive" she groaned. 

"And I am sorry also for stopping so suddenly. It just triggered me" she hugged Jimin from the back. "Lets sleep alright" Hoseok pecked her forehead and laid her on the bed comfortably. 

Even if Hyejin said it was okay, my heart was restless. Did she really forgive us from all this? 

"I forgive you all. Don't overthink. I love you all. You all are mine" she said like she didn't read our minds and slept like anything didn't happen. 

"I love you too. We love you too" me and my brothers said in sync and smiled before cuddling to her fragile small body. 

"I fell in love again" Yoongi said dramatically before drifting to sleep.


Hyejin pov

After few months of rest and arrangements, my soulmates decided do declare their soulmate is back. That is pleasurably me. Many humans and vampires who supported us cried in happiness. But especially the half bloods were very happy seeing me back, they didn't hesitate to meet me when I revealed I am full blood vampire. 

How did I end up in such beautiful place? 

"Because of me"
"Stop reading my mind!!"
"I am not reading. How many times may I have to remind you that I live inside your mind!!" he screamed.

"Ok ok sorry. Now shut up" 

It was very weird at first when people didn't recognise me as the queen because when I cursed the 7 to forget my face its impact got so huge that everyone had forgot my face. But finally everyone recognises me.

Above all of it my main concern is my own nervousness. 

How can I face it? 

"I know it is very but your soulmates need to get their real titles right? You will also receive the Queen title permanently"

"But who the heck will walk me to aisle!? Do you think God himself my father will come?" I groaned. 

"Never underestimate me sweetheart" I turned around to see my father and mother standing right behind me.

"You are late" I hit his arm. 

"Grandpa!! Grandma!!" five familiar people came in. 

SoHyun was behind her soulmates Yeonjun and Taehyun who were overprotect fully holding her as she was a glass doll. 

"You both are worse than my soulmates" I said laughing at my pouting pregnant daughter. 

"Of course says the one whose soulmates carry her on their arms all day because she is pregnant" Minho sided with his sister. 

Betrayer but yes I am again pregnant with twins. Atleast 2 children fortunately.

And I overcame my fear and we all did it, then boom I am pregnant again. Damn those powerful vampire sperms.

Hoseok and Namjoon stick to me like leeches everyday day and as if I am complaining. 

For the last 4 months I can be found in one of my soulmates arms but today they had to leave me cause...I am having my beautiful ROYAL WEDDING. 

The 7 of them grandly proposed me 4 months back in a freaking concert.

YES A CONCERT!! We all went to their cousins EXO's concert but my sweet soulmates ended up proposing me in front of a huge crowd. The cousins helped them in the plan.

I snapped out of daze when I got flicked on my forehead. "We have a wedding to attend my lady" my mother pulled me off the chair. "So lets go" dad said interlocking our fingers.

3rd person pov

The 7 wonders legs got weak seeing their beautiful soulmate walking to the aisle towards them. They tried their best to hide the tears.
Yoongi secretly flicked his fingers behind his back and brought flower petals fall from the top on his soulmate. Hyejin let her tears out walking towards the aisle with her father. 

"I give you my daughter to you all...She belongs to you all. She is yours" God said handing Hyejin's hand to them.

"My Hyejin, you are theirs finally" 

Hyejin smiled at her soulmates while they looked at her with eyes full of love. 

"I, Hyejin vow to love Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook.
I vow to be your Princess, Doll, Sunshine, Babygirl, Cupcake, Alien and Hyena forever. I will protect you all with my life from everything as your protector and soulmate.
My Seven Vampire Wonders
" Hyejin said smiling. 

"We vow to love you and never let anything to take you from us. We belong to each other our dear protector and soulmate" the seven said.

The devil, Hyejin's mother took the 8 crowns from the cushions and placed on their respective heads. 

The coloured crystals on the crowns glowed the same colour as their gem rings, eyes and hair. 

"ALL HAIL THE QUEEN AND THE KINGS!!" Every person in the room bended on their knees in respect to such historic event. 

"You all are finally mine" Hyejin squealed hugging all the seven of them. 

"Yes just yours" Jungkook pecked her lips. 

Jimin had already picked her in bridal style.

 "You walked a lot today. It can be a bad effect on the babies" Yoongi said. 

"Here we go again"


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