㊉㊄ | Healing Wounds

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WILL NEVER BE ALONE. (way back home, shaun)


There was a clamorous smash, and the entire hall shook along. Thunderstorm fixes his red orbs on the furious apparition before him. He lets the boy do whatever he wished; and he didn't flinch as a fist aggressively collides against his left cheek.

"You guys, stop." Ice tries to separate them from each other, but both figures were to focused on their emotional being. He tries to pry the fingers off Thunder's collar. It latches on like glue though, and he gives up trying. "You better not kill each other." He warns them, "I'm not going to clean another corpse."

"YOU COULD'VE KILLED HIM!" The boy's voice raised into a frustrated scream. Thunder flinches slightly at the sudden tone, "LOOK AT HIM!"

Not caring, the red-eyed supernatural looks away.

"LOOK. AT. ME." Another punch strikes Thunder's other side, then again. He grunts as a reply, a dark, blue bruise forming on his left cheek. He finally caves in and stares into the younger boy's darkened orbs.

"Answer me." He says in a commanding tone, raising his left leg, "Why did you do that? Are you mental, hm? Are you out of your mind?!"

He knees Thunder before the other could give an answer. Ice, who was watching the entire thing, finally decides to interfere when he saw the shine of a blade. "That's enough." He grips the other figure's wrist tightly with a firm voice, "Or he's going to end up the same way."

"No. He hurt Cyclone, and tried to kill Solar."

"Breathe." The blue-eyed supernatural slaps the enraged boy on his cheek. "In the end, you might kill Thunder too, so let me ask you. Aren't you the mental one?"

"Move." He spat, retreating. He pushes Ice away and heads over to the other two boys, fists clenched. Ice shakes his head and offers his hand to Thunder, who was holding onto the wall to support himself.

Thunder gets up, ignoring the latter's extended hand. "I can do it myself," He replies, putting a hand on his aching face, "I don't need your help, polar bear."

"He's going to hate your guts." Ice comments, pulling back. "Note that down." The word slices through Thunder's heart, and he could hear it crack a little. "Nobody," He walks away from him, his words trailing off ghastly.

"Nobody tries to murder their own sibling."

Thunderstorm grits his teeth, seeing how the other five are far away from where he's at. He looks down at his bleeding hands. The hands of a murderer. And the blood wasn't even his. He closes them tight, trying to block off the feeling of regret.

"You think I don't know that?" He murmurs to himself, so nobody else could hear him. "He already does. Everybody hates me." His red eyes flashes with mixed emotions. "Like the way.."

I hate myself too."

And for once in his life, he felt guilty.

Ice bits his inner cheek, trying not to get emotional as he injects the syringe into Cyclone's arm. The boy didn't even have the energy to react. He laid there, in his friends' arms.

As if he was already dead.

"H-Hey, Cyclone.. I-It's okay, I'm here. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, I-I should've came sooner, I didn't k-know that it was going to be l-like this.." Sobs and sadness were all that filled the atmosphere. The weak Cyclone lolls his head to the right, and with all his remaining strength, puts his scarred hand on the person's check.

So warm, the supernatural melts into it, So.. alive.

"T-Thorn..?" He manages to choke out the words with a cough, barely breathing. Thorn was crying, his tears dripping down to the floor in a heap as his shaking, shivering fingers wrap themselves around Cyclone's fragile hand. "Y-You're-"

"Shh," The apparition smiles, brokenly, "Yes, I-I'm here.."

Cyclone grins painfully as he lays on Blaze's lap. Blaze, who just awoke from the sudden event was now sulking too, dry of any tears. He was the one who tended to Cyclone's serious wounds, alongside Ice. But the blue-eyed boy left them with devastating news.

Weakly, Cyclone gently caresses the side of the younger boy's face, "I-It's great to see you.." He coughs, chest heaving and struggling to take another breath. "I'm the one who should be sorry.."

"N-No," Thorn's green eyes grew dim, and his shoulders slumped. He leans against Cyclone's warm hands, much in contrast to his cold, dead ones. "P-Please, don't die.."

Blaze nods solemnly, "What he said. If you die, I'll kill you twice."

As much as the cheery boy wanted to laugh, the only sound that came up was a mere grimace. Four of his ribs were broken, and he was still in his own pool of blood, filtered through the hole in his back. Thunder had savagely punctured him with his sharp blade, drilling it deep into his back and dissembling his spine on accident.

"I'll still be with you," Cyclone's voice grew small, "I-I'll just be dead.."

Thorn shakes his head, "No. No. P-Please, just stay, okay?" His tone grew desperate, and he inches closer to the wounded figure, "Cyclone. L-Listen to me. H-Hey," He touches Cyclone's cheek, lukewarm. His vision is blurry, caused by his own tears, "Cycy." He chokes on his tears at the nickname they used to give to him.

His human nickname. It's been so long ago.

Cyclone visibly reacts to that, his face contorting into a giant, painstaking smile. "S-So you do remember.." He trails off, his eyes no longer glimmering blue. His focus was now at the high, concealed ceilings. "T-That's nice.. to be remembered.."

"What are you saying?!" Blaze wipes his tears with the sleeve of his jacket, "O-Of course you are, you idiot! You're just going to die, that's it!"

Thorn's expression was different. He holds tight to Cyclone's weakening hand, looking over at the dying boy with an unreadable expression, "Just.. Just.." He stutters, his mind going to places. One thought was here, the other there, he just couldn't focus.

He felt as if he was going through a maze. Lost. Confused.

Most importantly, hopeless.

"T..Thunderstorm," Cyclone starts to slur, his mind going dizzy. He shuts his eyes, not wanting to watch the world fall for him. Thorn and Blaze each hold his hand, silent and listening to each word he would later say. "F-Forgive him.." He rasps, blood dribbling down the side of his lips.

"Why should we?!" Blaze yells, clearly broken-hearted.

"B-Because.." Thunder's face shows up in Cyclone's mind, as well as his voice. He could hear it almost vividly; too vividly. Come with me, the red-eyed apparition says by his ear, We'll be together, forever. "H-He's just like you all.. s-so forgive him, will you..?"

"N-NO!" The fiery boy quickly rejects this, "I DON'T WANT TO!"

"D-Don't be stubborn, Blaze." Cyclone smiles, eyes fluttering close. He turns his eyes to Thorn, who's the only person close enough that he can see. His breaths were progressively becoming slow, as his lower body felt numb, "T-Thorn.." He calls.

"Y-Yeah?" Thorn stutters, swallowing his fear for the worst.

"I-I need you to grant my final wish.."

His green eyes brightens, and a ray of hope dawns of him, "T-That's a great idea!" He nods multiple times, "A-Anything for you! Say it, please.." The sound of a grand clock chimes in the background, "Before your time runs out in this world.."

"I.. want you to..," He whispers the final part, and Thorn's eyes widened. Cyclone's hand finally lost its power, and fell from Thorn's grip. Blaze was shaking him now, and he couldn't feel a single thing. His hearing was the last to go.

Before everything became light, he could hear a voice.

"Y-Your wish.. is m-my command.."

yOUr wiSH iS mY coMmanD hIIYaAa-
oop 👀 what did cyclone wish for? lmao
thank you for the 900+ reads!! ♥️
hope you survived this angst chapter :))

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