㊉㊇ | Puzzle Pieces [2]

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TOO HARD TO FORGET. (lie to me, 5sos)

"So, what are we going to do about Cyclone?" Blaze asks, resting his chin on his open palm as the two spirits in front of him engaged in a conversation about a topic he doesn't care enough to know about. "You said that we can somehow transfer his soul to another body?"

"Yes, it's possible." Earthquake smooths her puffed skirt, "I still possess the ability to bring the dead to life, with the condition of an untainted soul. And of course, a body to insert it into."

"Are we supposed to go graveyard digging?!"

"Don't get your hopes up, Blazie!" Thorn chirps, holding both of Earth's hands in his, "I have the perfect medium for you." To which the woman beams from ear-to-ear, "Would you like to see him?"

More questions filled Blaze's head. There's so many things hidden about the green-eyed apparition. But first and foremost, he had to get this out of his head; "How in the hell did you manage to get one? D-Did you kill someone?" Horror etches all over his face.

"No, you salamander." Thorn grins, "I just happen to have one at my disposal~!" He stands up, rocking on the balls of his feet and shouts, "Boboiboy! Come out here."

 At the sound of the apparition's voice, a silhouette appears at the doorway, and in steps what he names as Boboiboy. The boy looked exactly like Thorn, as well as Solar. Blaze shudders at the eerie similarity; just why did the supernatural have something like this?

"Oh," Earth exclaims the obvious, "He looks just like you!"

"Yup~!" Thorn says in a sing-sang voice, popping off and appearing behind the doll-like figure, "This is a product of my secret, experimental project." He puts his hand on both of Boboiboy's shoulders with a hidden grin. "Do you like him?"

Secret, experiment project? Sounds suspish.

"Hell nah!" Blaze stood up, pointing at Boboiboy's lifeless-like body. "He looks just like you, and I don't like you! I'm going to end up seeing Cycy in a differently, you idiot." 

"Y-You don't like me? WAHHHH!" Thorn burst into tears.

"Stop acting so dramatic, will you?!" 

"Now, now, boys.." Earthquake breaks into cold sweat. It's been a long time since she's witnessed a family feud after half a century, "Let's not overreact, shall we? And yes," She nods at Thorn, who had been faking his cry. "He's an acceptable build."

"Great!" Thorn jumps around like a kid, "Off to work~!"

Blaze could only sit there and watch as the former Life Guardian and Thorn fuss over Cyclone's body. "Can I help with something?" He offers, pushed by the idea that the passed Wonder was his friend too. Correction; is his friend. And that'll never change. "I know I'm bad at this.. but.."

The woman beckons for him to come over, and the three of them towers over the corpse. "I suppose that Thorn will start the extraction method now." She looks into Blaze's determined orbs, "I want you to take something important from your partner to help."

"Ice?" He tilts his head, "What about him?"

A slip of paper was summoned in her hand, and she places it carefully into his. "Give this to him. He knows what to do." She smiles at Blaze, sweetly, "Don't break whatever he's going to hand over to you." The firmness in her tone made the boy flinch, "Got it?"

"Y-Yes, Earthquake!" Blaze salutes, and bolts out the room.

Thorn snorts at the disappearing Wonder then refocuses back onto his main target. "Right," He swallows his insecurities and calls for his floating helpers. "I might need you to step, away, First Wonder." He licks his lips, eyes glowing. "I'm sure you don't want to experience death the second time."

The woman backs off as he says, preferring to stay behind the couch and watch in case anything happens. Although Thorn may hold the power of death, it wasn't as developed or controlled; if he was, then he would be a great threat to mankind. As of right now, he isn't.

Or at least, hasn't. "I'll start now." He says.

He shuts his eyes, directing all focus into the tips of his fingers. He had only done this once- but with the help of his trusty kouku-joudais next to him, he's confident that he could do it. The method was simple and efficient. It barely requires a weapon.

Unlike the grim reaper portrayed by humans, reaping souls isn't about splitting the spirit body into two. Thorn starts chanting in a foreign language, his fingertips glowing green. Earthquake gulps worriedly, recognizing the pattern of the words. It's been ages since she's heard it.

Black magic. She hesitates on whether to stop him.

"Spirit Malediction: Soul Separation." He stops his chorus, and a burst of darkness forms around him. Feeling threatened, the other apparition hurries outside, in case she was going to fall victim to it too. She observes how the two balls of spirit starts to waver in the air.

"I command you, Cyclone of the Fifth Wonder.." There was hidden malice behind his deep voice, "To disconnect from your body and detach yourself from the living world."

Something, or rather someone, screams, the ear-splitting sound resonating in the entire hall. Earthquake closes her ears with her hands, concerned. Cyclone's body was seizing on the wooden board, as if electrified. The process looked too painful. She squeezes her eyes shut.

There was a ball of darkness covering the spirit and the carcass in the room, as it swivels around him. Part of Cyclone's flesh started to dissipate into the air, into the magic that looms around them.

Thorn still has his fingers outstretched, waiting for the perfect opportunity to capture the spirit that would eventually disparate from the body through force. And there, a sliver of white being floats in the air, it's mouth and sockets the color of ink black.

"Got you." He snickers, and snaps his finger. In an instant, both kouku-joudais latched themselves onto the spirit, who was waving to the left and right in hopes of being spared alive. The dome of dark magic that surrounds them starts to crack, then disappears.

The green-eyed apparition turns to Earthquake outside, "I got it!" He cheers, pumping his fist into the air. Earthquake was gawking. "You see what I did? It feels so cool~!"

"Y-Yes! Awesome- good job, darling."

Truthfully? She was scared to the core. The soul extraction didn't seem as horrific; but she knew that it must've hurt for poor Cyclone- the boy was literally ripped away from his worldly body, only to be inserted into another one for a living.

"I suppose it's my turn, yes?" She asks, stepping gracefully into the room once more. The plants that have been affected by Thorn's deadly occult started to rise back up to life. The sun was starting to set once more, over the horizon, streaming golden light through the stained glass.

"Go ahead, mama!" Thorn grins, whisking himself away to the higher level where Blaze's bed resides. He makes himself comfortable on it, "I can't wait to see yours!"

Boboiboy walks over to the high planks and lays on it, just like how Cyclone's was just before his body was destroyed. Earthquake towers over him, placing both hands on the boy's cheeks, momentarily feeling the sensation of a soulless life.

She turns to Thorn, "Is he not real, child?"

"Nope. His soul's dead like any other."

She nods in understanding and whispers an invocation; asking the Gods to aid her in the process. "Sorry, my dear," She kisses Boboiboy's forehead, and the spark in his eyes faded. 

Next, she requests for the spirit helpers to hand over the soul to her, and holds it in her hand. "I call this, the Kiss of Life." A mark appears on Boboiboy's forehead, where her lips left it. Her entire body starts to flare with white light, and she directs the bodyless spirit on top of the mark.

"I, the First Wonder and former Grandmaster of the Seven Wonders," Earthquake says, her voice as clear as water, "Grant Cyclone, the Fifth Wonder, to have a second chance in living, and obtain this body as a medium for his reincarnation as a habitual spirit."

Thorn puts his arms, shading him from the burst of light.

And before they knew it, Cyclone came back alive.

pictures will be added soon! i'll be editing the
entire book, so make sure u read till the end :)

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