Aargh, Me Matey

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Kitty clung to the railing of the boat, her teeth gritted in rigged defiance of the wind howling and tugging at her hair and clothes.

"Isn't there like an inside to this thing?" she yelled.

A wave broke over the side, plastering her hair against her face. She narrowed her eyes, trying to make out anything through the black, toiling mass of clouds around them.

"I only had enough planks for a row boat," Lucy shouted back.

The tiny boat bobbed and weaved through the sea's house-sized swells like a leaf on a churning river. Pure luck, or bad programming, meant they hadn't capsized yet, but it was probably only a matter of time. Or experience, perhaps.

The thought prompted a question. "You need experience to row this thing?"

"No," Lucy shouted. "Which means you can start helping out any time now, mate."

Kitty compressed her lips, clinging to the side of the boat for a few more seconds before forcing her fingers to disengage. She began rowing, her avatar jerking into position without any instruction from her mind. The Game planted her squarely opposite Lucy, binding her hands to the oar. It began moving of its own, and she glanced around, trying not to fix for too long on the sea as it humped up around them.

"Is this really the only way?" Kitty asked.

"That I know of." Lucy's armour had been replaced by civilian clothes as soon as they'd boarded the boat — perhaps The Game didn't think drowning in armour was a good way to go. His dark tan pants and grubby white shirt clung to him.

Kitty shook her head, but Lucy either didn't see the motion or refused to acknowledge it. Her own attempt at armour had been transformed into exactly the same clothing as Lucy's — except for some or other reason the drawstring at her collar was undone and her shirt was tightly cinched at the waist with a plaited leather belt.

"I don't get it," Kitty said. "Why didn't you just teleport away from the kraken before it bit you?"

Lucy glanced at her, mouth tightening before he replied.

"The spell was in the barrel. The one in the cave. I only found it after I'd crawled in there. There was also an apple, a bottle of water, and a scrap of a letter that begins a quest I'll never get around to completing."

Kitty opened her mouth, but Lucy's monologue was as relentless as the rain sluicing down over them.

"Would you like to know what it says? It's actually quite cute. The quest starts off in the northern hills of Chimera—"

"No, I—" Kitty began, but Lucy cut in.

"You don't? Would you like me to recite the exact order in which I used all my regeneration spells, healing potions, and various edible delights that I had horded away in my inventory, hoping that someone would find me before I died?" Lucy shouted over the storm.

Kitty remained silent.

"Not?" Lucy cocked his head at her. "Then whatever will we talk about on this long and arduous journey into the heart of Chimera?"

"Your love of sarcasm!" Kitty yelled.

Lucy didn't reply to this. He looked away, his eyes roving the space behind her until the skin between her shoulder blades began crawling. A few minutes later, the storm abated. The only sound was the splash of their oars as they moved through the now still waters.

"How long have you been connected to The Game?" Lucy asked in a disinterested monotone.

Who was this man, back on Earth?

"Seven hours or so."

"About five hours before the first glitch," Lucy commented. "No one at home to disconnect the two of you, I guess."

Kitty kept silent; she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of confirming the statement.

"And since no cops have arrived to unhook you either..." Lucy's eyes returned to her. "I'm going to wager you're running on pirated mindware."

"Aargh, me matey," Kitty replied with a sneer. "That a problem for you? You going to throw me overboard? Stab me to death with your pointy sword? Report me to the moderators and get me kicked?"

She released the oars, leaning back on the row boat's bench and crossing her arms.

"Oh please, Lucy," Kitty simpered. "Please report me." Her voice became rough. "At least then I'll get to back to my body before I starve to death."

Lucy remained silent for a moment as if considering his options.

Finally, with a slow blink, he said, "Suit up, Kitty. We're here."

. . .

Sound Effects: 4 Creators

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