chapter 3 The Bitter Truth

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Today was a very busy day in the Kim Kingdom. Why may you ask? A letter was received from the Ash Kingdom requesting their presence in their kingdom to discuss the future arrangements for the marriage of Princesa Kim Hoyeon and prince Jeon Jeong guk.

Whole kingdom was very happy and started the preparation for the departure 3 days from now.

The king and the queen were in their chambers along with their daughter Hoyeon discussing everything.

While other daughters were instructing their maids what to pack and about ordering new dresses.

But one of the princess or I must say prince was busy in his room reading a romantic novel of the first king who married a man.

( I will refer taehyung as he only)

Taehyung was the most beautiful person anyone has seen. The most beautiful princess was the title given to him by the commoners.

The king had already announced that his son was gone missing, that's why taehyung is only known as princess.

No the king didn't do this because he was supportive No taehyung threatened him and his mother with his life, and his mother pled the king to save her son.

The king his father was stronlgly against what Taehyung is. He was disgusted with his son being loving mens.

Every sister expect his 9th sister, the sister born after him was supportive. His big sisters are disgusted by him while his younger sisters don't talk to him much.

Taehyung was happy for his sister's marriage. Finally their kingdom would be stable and have a great leader to rule.

But he is also very skeptical about what will happen to him after that. Will his sister tell his truth to her husband and make him banish taehyung from the kingdom?

Leaving it on god, he decided not to let that thought distrub his present.

Just as the main lead were about to kiss,

"Taehyung!!!! Did you know-" his younger sister, Kim Hyu-na came running towards him.

Kim hyu-na is 21 year old girl, 2 years younger than him. She was the one close to him and the one he first told about himself too. They were basically so attached to eachother.

" why do you always come in between the climax hyu?" Yelled taehyung, forcefully closing his book shut.

"You and your books. Come out and see where are we going."

"Going? Where do we have to go now? Horse riding? Swimming in Lake? Or want to meet the country guy huh?" Chukled taehyung.

Taehyung and Hyu-na use to always do adventurous things that were not use to consider lady like but they loved it.

They would disguise themselves as commoners and visit the places and eat food from stalls that they were forbidden from.

Taehyung was always the outrageous kid. Wanting to do things as per his will.

Hyu-na was enchanted by a farmer's son who was same age of Taehyung. He was soo handsome that she even stopped and praise the boy.

From then on whenever they use to visit the country side they would always pay a visit there.

"Noo Tae, pack your stuff we are going to Ash Kingdom after 3 days."

" what??" Taehyung was surprised.

He didn't expect the notice to come this fast.

"Yess Hoyeon unnie's marriage is fixed. They have called each and every royal person to be present at kingdom for the marriage discussion."

Taehyung use to travel various Kingdom just to explore it. Mountains, lakes, basically nature use to attract him alot.

Wanting to visit the most famous ice lake and ashword mountain was a goal he wanted to complete.

He was never allowed to visit them, first it was far away from Kim Kingdom and second rumors tell that the kingdom was soo powerful that they would even take him as a spy.

Taehyung immediately stood up, dusting his purple dress and fixing his long luscious hairs.

" what a great news it is. I will be packing right away."

"Wait wait what are you doing? Did you forgot?"

Hyu-na gave a good look at her brother and raised her eyebrows. That's when Taehyung's mind clicked.

"Ohh yess i totally forgot, our dance lessons.

" come lets go. I will keep the window more wide for you today."

Taehyung loved dance. He use to see his 7 older sisters dancing in the dance hall every elegantly.

One day he requested his father to allow him to dance with his sisters to which his father slapped him right across his face and told him many things.

He was not allowed to even enter the hall during his sister's dancing hours.

When he was sad about it the whole time, hyu-na came with a brilliant idea. She would keep the window of the right corner wide open for Taehyung to watch and learn.

The right corner of the hall, was used by the servants so no royal use to use the passage, which was a ideal place for taehyung to hide and learn.

Both siblings made their separate ways to the hall. As said she kept the window wide open.

The dance began and music started. Taehyung was also following the steps according to the dance.

The class use to be of 2 hours every alternate days. Those 2hours taehyung use to forget the world and dance his heart out.

Always use to read in those books about the stories prince and princess, the royal dance would be a key to a handsome price.

But he never expected that, he just loved dance so much.

Just as the dance main choreo was about to start, guem his personal servent came dashing down in search for him.

"Your highness, Your majesty visited your chambers but you weren't present. Your majesty is very much in rage, please visit his chamber. He has been asking about your whereabouts."

Taehyung knew he will again be reminded who he shall be. But still taehyung is a strong person who stands on his wills and wishes.

"Please tell him I am on my way."

With one look at his dancing sisters he made his way towards the raging chambers of his father.

Upon reaching, the guard stationed outside yelled his name making his presence known.

A simple come in made the old but strong and beautiful wodden doors to open with a loud noise.

" All the best luck your highness." His personal servent, soomin said.

Soomin was 2 years older than taehyung. They were basically childhood friends, like soomin was appointed as personal servent from a very young age.

His parents were servents which ultimately made soomin work for taehyung. But for taehyung he was a good friend.

Soomin knew from a very young age of 15 that taehyung was more fitted in ladies dresses than mens. And he supported his highness. He is currently married to misun, who works as a maid in the kitchen department.

He was also one of the early people after his sister Hyu-na to know about taehyung.

"Thankyou" mouthed taehyung.

With a long breath he walked in.

" Can't you even dress up properly to meet your father at least?"

Was the first question his father asked. It's always been about his appearance, his way of talking, his dressing which was questioned.

"You called father?"

In there was his mother and sister Hoyeon sitting as well.

Sensing the building future arguments his mother intervened.

" A letter was delivered early morning from The Ash Kingdom stating the promise of marriage between prince Jeon Jeong guk and princess Kim Hoyeon."

"Congratulations sister." Was what Taehyung replied.

The relationship between him and his sister aside hyu-na was never a good one.

They would never try to engage Taehyung into anything nor Taehyung wanted anything to do with his sisters.

They never respected or even acknowledged his interest, instead named and called derogatory names to him.

With a smirk on her face she stood up and went near him.

"Father tell him."

He was now annoyed. He knew they all are called to the kingdom to discuss the future arrangements but why to personally call him and rub into his face.

He never judged his sisters nor told any hurtful things but when it comes to his turn his sisters never leave a chance to make him realise his reality.

He knows that in this life he will never get the prince he reads in the book. Because no prince or even king will go beyond nature to be with him.

" To discuss the future marriage arrangements the kingdom has requested every royal to be present. And you won't be be going."

Taehyung immediately gave a suprised look towards his mom.

His mom knew what was happening.

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because we don't want to tarnish or image infront of our future king."

"If they know we have a prince who likes to behave like a girl and loves men's will be such a shame on our kingdom. So you won't be going" Says his father.

"In simple words, I don't want you to ruin my marriage with the king you bastard." Said Hoyeon.

This fueled a rage in his body along with some sad emotions.

" Am I not a royal?

"Unfortunately by blood you are but by mind, body you are not." She said.

Ignoring her he asked,

" why am I not allowed to go father?"

"Please let him-" his father stopped his mother to speak further.

"I don't want to do anything with the royal ceremonies, I just want to explore the new Kingdom, it's nature and it's beauty." Taehyung said.

"I don't want to know what your ceremonies are, what you will do with your husband. I just want to leave this place, this palace and roam to my heart."

" don't be jealous Taehyung, that such a handsome prince and future' king like Jeong guk will be my husband. Don't forget you are still a Man and no one will be like you nor love you." Hoyeon smirked.

"What I said -" taehyung was interrupted in between.

"Enough. You won't be going to the Ash Kingdom wheather you like it or not. That's final." Declarihis father.

"What will the royal think of us his majesty? Please think of it and let him come with us, I will be with him all the time." His mother said.

" No one will question. I will just say he, rather she the 8th princess is ill and can not attend any futher events."

"That's good atleast my precious marriage days will not be ruin by this man calming women." Hoyeon said.

This was soo heartbreaking for taehyung but it's was hurtful. He was so in rage that his eyes were about to burst.

But he controlled himself. Never he means never he is gonna let this so called family of his know he is weak.

He just turned and was about to leave when he said,

"I never claimed I want to be women. I just like to dress up like you all, get pretty like you all that's it. It was father who declared to everyone I am a princess rather than a prince."

With that being said he left that room straight to one person who supports him alot.

His sister - Hyu-na


Please answer Lavenders.

Be blindfolded by yoongi or blindfold Jungkook?

After a long time✨

Will taehyung not attend the ceremonies??

Will hyu-na consol taehyung?

If his father is restricting him to go, what will happen?

How do you like Hoyeon? Perfect match for jeongguk?

Any questions?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thankyou Lavenders 💜✨

Yours Author ❤️✨

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