The 8th princess

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What would you have done when you liked mens when you yourself was a man?

A big self confusion right?

Kim Taehyung was in this big dilemma his whole life. Being surrounded by his 11 sisters throughout his life was always a challenge.

Why you would ask? So let me tell you.

Kim Taehyung was the only son to the king of Kim's. Yes he was the only prince and the heir to his father's legacy.

But the real truth only he knows.

For having 5 daughters, the king wanted a heir for his throne. In their kingdom's time period, girls weren't given some higher position than being a Princess and they can't run a Kingdom.

But when the queen got pregnant again and when the king got to know it's finally a son, he was very happy but as taehyung grew up, he never ever behaved like son.

He was physically too was very feminine and fragile, and in his heart he knew he was always more attracted towards men's.

He was 14 when he knew he liked mens how you may ask? For that you have to read his incredible story of life.

As a kid, the smallest objects can make you feel like a different person. Some kids aspired to be a firefighter as they rummaged through their toy chest of outfits desperately trying to find the bright red and happy yellow costume.

Others, like myself, always chose to be a princess. The baby blue Cinderella costume covered in glitter and rhinestones always caught my eye first. All of these different dresses with beautiful patterns, various pretty hairstyles, many cute games to play was soo attracting.

And with having soo many sisters made it all come through naturally.

Very disappointed in me, father announced everyone that his son had died during a war and after one year i was born.

After me, he tried many times to make a son but as everyone knew he was blessed or maybe as he says crused to have girls.

Taehyung currently 22 and a very much all princess physically but genetically he is still a man. Cute and the most beautiful princess among my sisters. Cute, shy as you think but once friends with him, he is the most talkative person. Always stand for himself infront of everyone.

Never left his self respect for anyone and will never obey anyone. Fearless and Wanting to be above the thoughts is the kingdom.

A very loved princess along with his younger sister. The kingdom is soo in love with him that on his birthday, the castle would be filled with every commoner, wanting to have a glimpse of him.

But his father restricted everything. According to him, if anyone among the royal family or kingdom knew of his son's likings, war is what is expected.

Once father's age and my mother's capacity ran out he stopped, soo in order to have a good successor, a good ruler, he decided my 4th elder sister's marriage.

And there I saw a Handsome I mean a very handsome man but unfortunately he is my sister's future husband and our future king.

And definately he wouldn't like mens

Would he??

Do I still have a chance??


Does taehyung have a chance??

What are your thoughts comments down below to let me know.

Any questions??

Thankyou Lavenders 💜✨

Yours author ❤️✨

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