51. Inverted Refrain -- Mother of Compassion

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The 99 Poem Challenge

51. Inverted Refrain — Mother of Compassion

Light of my life, don't leave me now
When bearing thee brings pain to see;
I've eyes to see thy tortures grow,
Growing more grave in spite of me.
      Despite the bloodstains on thy brow,
      Thou art my son, beloved by me.

Love sees with eyes of pain and woe
To see thee humbled on that tree,
Bleeding for sins thou didst not sow,
Bleeding for those who punished thee.
      How canst thou take that fatal vow,
      When but one wish can set thee free?

But still I'm here to see each throe
Wrecking thy body in a sea
Of horrors few can scarcely know,
Bearing them to the last degree.
      Oh how I faint to see blood flow,
      Witnessing thee in misery!

Thou bear'st the cross and nails in woe
For all the sins humanity
Committed for the status quo;
I bear with you as devotee.
      Beloved son, I must avow:
      Be not afraid, for I am with thee.

(To be continued...)

A/N: The Inverted Refrain, created by Jan Turner, consists of four 6-line stanzas, for a total of 24 lines, with the 1st four lines of each stanza rhyming abab, and the last two lines of each stanza forming inverted refrains of AB or BA, which are indented as a couplet. As a variation, the couplets in each stanza can reorganize the information in the previous four lines in a summarized manner, and can add further description.

Meter: Iambic tetrameter
Rhyme: ababAB or ababBA

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