58. Dizain -- My Judy Windermere

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The 99 Poem Challenge

58. Dizain — My Judy Windermere

My feisty poetess, my Windermere,
   Why stir the angry passions of your pride?
I've seen upon those lips a subtle sneer,
   Lacing your words with gall as if to hide
   A hidden trace of sadness deep inside;
I've loved you since I drew your lovely face
With all the care that time cannot erase:
   So why persist in your indignant smirk?
Why churn the selfish waters of disgrace?
   Why falsify the beauty of my work?

(To be continued...)

A/N: The Dizain is a French 10-line form, originally made up of eight syllable lines, but later ten syllable lines were also used.

Meter: Iambic pentameter or iambic tetrameter
Ryme: ababbccdcd

Note: Judy Windermere is an original character from my story-in-progress, The Late Bird's Tale. I drew the accompanying picture. My drawing skills are...okay, I think. ( <_< )

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