8. Prose Poem -- Letter of Complaint

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The 99 Poem Challenge

8. Prose Poem — Letter of Complaint

To those accursed cats:

You cats! Why must you all run amuck all over my peaceful backyard and defecate upon my holy plants? I curse thee all to thy feline faces, you cursed, cursed creatures. Oh odious pests, I am quite surprised you all did not puke or cease away from the sacred house, when my dad shot one of your own with a slingshot! And more, you cats keep coming to the house of sublimity to do your ghastly business upon my sainted—though tainted!—bushes and trees, even when I scattered mothballs all over them and had the dogs guard them with their lives. Why, you cats, oh, why? Why must you all roam about my yard and house, as if you own the very plants I prune and water with mine own wretched hands? Art thou the legion of devils sent from Hell to wreak putrid pain near my place of refuge and rest and relaxation? We—and I mean I—will tell thine owners to quit such freakish folly, or lawsuits will be filed!

Yours truly,

The enemy of cats, (name censored).

(To be continued...)

A/N: A prose poem is poetry written in prose instead of using verse but preserving poetic qualities such as heightened imagery and emotional affect.

Meter: None
Rhyme: None

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