Chapter 3

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I kept thinking and thinking while my dad kept on driving. It took us few minutes to arrive. After that 1 hour and 15 minutes journey, we arrived at the restaurant. Like I said, the restaurant is so fancy but the roads are so scary so it's fancy and scary at the same time. My dad parked his car, we went out of the car and went in the restaurant.

My dad had made a reservation and the waiter lead us to our table. We sat and ordered our food. We waited for our food and I ask my dad.

"What are we doing here though? Are we having dinner alone or with some of your friends?"

"We're having dinner with my friend and his son. They'll be here soon." my dad said calmly.

We waited and waited for my dad's friend to come. I was looking forward to meet my dad's friend and his son. So we wait for them. In the mean time, we had our food on the table. We were about to eat until my dad's friend came.

"Hey~ How are you? You're Mr.Michael's daughter right? Venis right? Nice to meet you." said my dad's friend happily.

"Nice to meet you to sir." I replied smiling.

"Hey, take a seat." my dad said nicely.

"Sure. Blake, take a seat." my dad friend said.

They both sat down and I saw my dad's friend son. I started to blush and kept smiling at him. *I can't believe I'm falling for him. But he's just so handsome and cute!* I said in my thoughts. They ordered their food and my dad's friend started talking.

"So Venis, I don't think you know me and my son cause you never seen us before so I'll introduce to you myself and my son. My name is Jake Bayden but you can call me Mr.Jake and this is my son, Blake Stephen Jake but you can call him Blake. I'm the same age as your dad and Nathan is 1 year older than you.

I was amazed that he was 1 year older than me. I thought he was the same age as me but my guess was wrong. Oh well~

My dad and his friend was busy talking about work and some other stuff that I don't know but there was a silence with me and Blake. We don't know where to start so we kept quiet until I broke the silence.

"So~ Umm... How's school?" I said awkwardly.

"It's cool. Friends are like their normal self, studies literally sucks so bad. Yeah~ School was fine." he said while looking around.

"Lol, so true. Studies actually sucks so bad." I said while smiling at him.

"Yeah~" he said while smiling.

We made eye contact and it was sooo, *WOW!! LIT BRUH. HE JUST MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME!! LOVED IT~~* I said in my thoughts.

So we ate our food and continued knowing each other. We seemed to have liked the same thing. I mean, we both love the colour blue, we love to eat cheesy food and we like the same thing. It's like, destiny had brought us together. *Sooo amazed*

After the dinner, my dad paid for the food and we went out. We went out of the restaurant and talk for a bit more. Until Mr.Jake interrupted us.

"So, I see that you 2 really get along well." he said smiling at both of us.

"Yeah, you both can be friends easily like me and Mr.Jake." my dad said.

"Haha, very funny dad." I said while rolling my eyes.

They laughed for a while, we said our goodbyes and went to our cars. We went home and went in the house.

"Mum~ we're home~" I said.

"Hey Venis, your friend had came here and he's in your room now. He said he needed to talk to you so I let him in. He even said that he's one of your close friends." my mum said.

*Is it Nathan or Ethan? They are my close friends after all* I said in my mind.

So I went upstairs and straight into my room. And it was an unbelievable person that I don't wanna see. It was Blade. *UGH!! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE??!!*

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I said angrily.

"I don't wanna harm you or hurt you okay, so calm down and listen to me pls. I wanna tell you something." said Blade in a calm way.


"Look, this may seem unreal but, the person you're wondering what happened in that house is standing in front of you." he said.


"It's the truth okay. If you wanna know what happened to me and my 5 friends, come with me tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Tell me if you're confirming to go or not tomorrow morning. So I'll let you think now and I'm gonna leave you alone okay." he said.

"GET.THE.HELL.OUT" I said patiently.

After he went out and left the house, I keep thinking. *Maybe he's just kidding. He's a liar and a bully, who would believe him.*

But then I kept thinking again, *But what if he's really the Blade who had mysteriously got killed without clues or hints? What if he's not kidding? He looks serious just now so..... Is he telling me the truth?*

Is Blade telling Venis the truth? Or is he just kidding? Will Venis finally found out what happened to all 6 of them?

Stay tune for updates and go follow me on instagram:   @wattpad_beatrice2806

Hope y'all enjoy~

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