Chapter 1, Tom De Louis Soot

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( TommyInnit's POV) Minor Gore warning

I woken up to a cold sweat and painful blisters all over my left arm. The bed that I resided in didn't bring me  anymore comfort, it was hard and made me want to itch even more, my chest felt like it was being crushed by a humongous rock, each breath was painful and instead of normal breaths, little kettle noises and wheezes escaped my mouth. Each swallow has a burning sensations that oozed from my throat to the top of my mouth, along with a viscous lump that camped at the entrance of my throat as if it was guarding it. I haven't had such intense symptoms in three years, and by the second it was getting worse. The flush of heat, waved harshly across my body causing me to feel dizzy with my eyesight deteriorating. Suddenly, an urge to vomit caused me to jolt up and ruin whatever was on the  floor that resided next to me, my bandages on my blistered arm came undone as I fell back onto the bed, unfortunately apart from hitting a decent pillow, I managed to hit the back of my head with a wall. Causing a vase to fall, roll and shatter onto the floor, the vomit that I left managed to look even more disgusting with the shattered pieces on the ground. Feeling like a nuisance, I scrambled out of bed to clean up whatever mess I made before he got back. 

  Unfortunately, it was a tad bit too late for that, I heard the front wooden bamboo door close carefully, panic struck me as with trembly hands I scooped up the stomach-churning mess that I left, and desperately started to scan the room for the nearest bin. However, a figure emerged into my room, lifting the vein like door with their arm and ducking over it, " Hey Tom, are you alright? just wanted to check up on---"  the tall ender like man stopped half way in the tracks as he managed to enter; scanning me and the mess that I've caused, he set aside items to what seemed like they were for brewing onto the nearest cupboard. Approaching me carefully like an animal, I started to weep ( however it sounded more of like an asthmatic horse) still holding the gloop of my stomach, the man's hands caressing the right side of my face, calming me down. " Hey, it's okay don't worry, come on let's get you cleaned up." I reluctantly nodded, letting go of the gore that I caused and walked to the bathroom God damn it... I thought to myself, not wanting to talk was one thing, but not  being able to talk was another.

I got undressed and got in the shower, the cold water droplets hitting the surface of my skin cooled me down in an instant. However, my blisters had something else on their mind, they stung with each drop of water that landed, causing unbearable pain to travel up my arm.

After getting cleaned up, I put on a lose white shirt that was horrifically big on me, and shorts that managed to get up to my knees. My damp golden blonde hair, dripped water across the floor each time, I grabbed my towel that I left in the bathroom and dried up my hair, despite having a nice cold shower, it didn't help the sticky lump in my throat, made it out of the question to think about eating anything. I glanced down at my left arm, bits of skin hanged down with blood dripping and skin flaking off, I gagged at the sight of it, hurrying over to the man. Looking around the building, I found him in the kitchen cooking, the bamboo theme in the house was calming but wasn't enough to forget about the pain. I tugged the edge of his cloak, instantly grabbing his attention. " You're done already?" He questioned, I nodded as I indicated my left shredded arm, he looked confused but his face lighten up with the realization on what has to be done. Thankfully he caught on, despite living with him for almost three years now, he seems to forget a lot of things. 

He put out the fire gently, leaving the cauldron bubbling as he walked over to the medical cubby. Taking out a lot of creams, oils, herbs , fruits and a book. Stipulating for me to sit down onto the stool, being ten you would think you would be able to get up on a large chair yourself, for me it was quite difficult due to my arm. He lifted me onto the chair, as he gently started to apply the creams, I chewed on the herbs provided, chewing on berries and what looked like dried up leaves, it numbed the pain temporarily but I could still feel some parts of my skin being peeled off, I look away in disgust, holding in whatever is left in my stomach. The cool creams applied immediately got sucked into my skin, then I felt the oil being applied ( or at least I thought it was oil) it made my skin feel smooth, but that was only because my arm got numbed. I glanced back my skin was gone, it was all muscle and oiled blood, he started to bandage my arm up again with a new set. Finishing up he tied the ends into a bow, I was about to jump off the chair but he stopped me, " One more thing Tom before  you go, I can try one more thing for your arm again." He stated as he picked up  a thick book, flicking through the pages and murmuring a spell, blue sparkles weaved around my arm, the forming a shape like shield around my bandaged arm floating into my arm. I have no clue what the spell does, but I don't know if this makes my condition any better.

 Promptly, he twitched clenching his torso, with my small hands I placed them onto his knee, snapping him out of what would've been a trance. His eyes pierced into my soul, one purple the other one green, almost sending me into a trance , but then he released tension and spoke " I-I'm alright, I'll go and clean up your room, we don't want you sleeping in your own vomit now do we?" He chuckled ruffling my hair as we both walked into my room to clean up the mess.

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