Chapter 2. Acquaintanceship

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A day later.

Ranboo's POV

It was early morning, again 6 am. I get out of bed to put on my travel wear, a V-neck t-shirt, a dark purple blazer and my usual cloak attached around my shoulders. I finally put on gloves and boots and headed out of the house grabbing my side bag. 

I left Tubbo and Tommy together in the house while I went out to get a few more ingredients for my potions and experiments. My side strap bag hanging  on the side of me as my boots hit the dusted ground. Walking under the trees as the green leaves provided shade but some light creaked through the gaps, spotlighting certain parts of the path. A warm breeze made the experience of walking more pleasurable than ever before, the sun warmed my face cooking it at a right temperature, causing a fuzzy feeling to form in my chest.

The light reminded me of the times when Tommy was a bit younger, the sound of his playground voice filling the large forest as he dashed past me chasing the shadows, while accompanying me on the journeys to collect herbs. In rain, clouds, sun or snow, he always wanted to come along and play around the trees, he befriended most of the creatures in the woodlands. This time I couldn't take him along as he was still recovering from his previous sickness and I couldn't risk his blisters getting infected. Walking alone through the woods felt calming but also lonesome, it was always enjoyable to walk with him but at the same time, the silence was also calming, it was peaceful and perhaps in a way recharged and refreshed my mind.

The birds whizzed by in the open dyed blue sky, through the branches and leaves they raced as I walked down the dusted path. Glancing around, I noticed a field of gorgeous purple flower heads in the distance, right near the path that I'm about to walk down on. Strangely, I haven't seen those flowers bloom in ages, last time they bloomed was way before Tommy was probably even born.  Never mind that yet, I started collecting herbs on my way towards the flowers.

A few moments later after gathering some herbs, I realised not all the herbs were available. Gosh, I have to go to the town for the rest.  I thought to myself, preparing myself as I gathered some of the purple flower head flowers , not knowing the name of them I might as well ask the garden sales men about them. Gathering them delicately, I placed them in a separate bag and headed for the town, following the signs as the chocolate trees descended behind me, entering a clearing of a plain field  and the town in the entering the field of vision. 

The dirty road turned to a bumpy cobblestone material as I stepped into a busy town street. Chatters and laughs can be heard from all directions as children ran by playing tag or football down the busy alleyways and streets. Sales men shout " chicken! Come get your fresh chicken!" or " 3 for 1 sale! " while many people gathered around clothed and dressed with bags and wooden baskets, some nearly jumping at others throats. I took a deep breath in and out as I walked through the mammoth crowd squeezing through them in order to get to the herb shop a few blocks down from the entrance. Reaching my destination, I entered the building hearing a  little bell at the top of the door ring, the scent varied from leaves, to mints to roses. Each smell hovered in the air, easily soothing any pain that existed in your body. A few people were in the shop,  collecting herbs mainly for dinners; basils, dried raisons etc. The shop was a dark chocolate coloured bark and planks, shelves filled to the rim with glassed herbs, each labelled and tied by the jar neck with a white rope and a price tag. While other herbs laid in wooden open boxes in the shop, it was like a "gather-how-much-you-need" boxes, with a weight scale right next to it for the cashier to have an easier job.

I was broken out of my trance by a familiar and friendly voice " Oh my, I haven't seen you in a while mate." Their deep voice stated, I turn around to see Ponk in his green herb apron and hat that covered his grey loose shirt and black trousers , his light brown hair covered by the green hat. I hugged him, " Ponk! Hi I haven't seen you in ages I am so sorry" I stated as he patted my back, releasing from the hug he spoke, " Na it's all good, I was also the one off for a few weeks from work! Good to see you back here I've missed seeing your face!" He joked around, punching my right arm, I laughed " Yeah but I was back at home dealing with... some situations" I said having my face drop to the thought of Tommy being in pain again. Ponk sighed nodding is head and signalling for me to come to the back room. I do so, following behind him as I try not to knock anything with my cape. Indicating for me to sit down onto the wooden stool he poured some tea, " So... How has Tommy been recently? Why didn't he come with you this time?" He asked as he placed down the cup of tea onto the patterned drink coaster, I sighed once again, grabbing the cup of tea into my gloved hands, " He's been doing well recently, but due to his sickness he wasn't able to leave the house, I don't want him to get even more sick." I stated sipping the warm tea, glancing around the back room, nothing has changed in it. The wooden stools and wooden table still in the same place in the corner  of the room near the window, giving a view of the large garden that grew all of the possible herbs for the store. " His cold is still going on? Poor kid, he has such a weak immune system." Pitied Ponk.

It wasn't that Tommy had a weak immune system, in fact, it was opposite of that. Without his immune system being so strong he wouldn't be alive today; but more like dead within a few minutes of first retrieving this sickness. Frankly, it was more than a common cold that's for sure.  Looking down at the cup I spoke, " Yeah, I took him to the doctor but gave a medicine that definitely wouldn't work, so I've decided to treat him myself." At the news of this, Ponk smiled placing down his cup,  in the process he leaned his elbows on his knees; putting his hands together as he intensely looked at me. " Ran, you are an amazing person, you know that, right? Always thinking about others despite being so busy yourself with your own life and responsibilities."  I blushed, looking away and glancing at the booked shelves, rubbing the back of my neck. " Ponk really it's not a big deal. I'm just doing what anyone else would do in my situation." I retaliated, trying to humble myself the best as I could. Hearing him chuckle I glanced back at him, his smile faded while looking at me " Sadly... I doubt so, not going to lie to you Ran but most people in this town alone would dump that kid at any chance they get..." As much as it hurt to hear those words it was true, that's how I found Tommy after all... alone in the clearing in the large forest. 

I shook my head to clear any intrusive thoughts that might've popped in my mind, I placed down my finished cup of tea and looked at the time on the light green wall . 7:28 am . It's already has been an hour, to be honest it is quite a long walk. I looked at him and gave a small reassuring smile, " Don't worry Ponk, I'm not going to be one of those people, besides he's the greatest miracle that has ever happened to me." I  chuckled as he pulled an offenced face, " Right after you. Of course." I stated softly as I stood up from the stool he followed, " Well, as much as I'd like to chat to you more Po, I  have some shopping to do before 8." Ponk sighed placing his hand on top of his head as we walked across the room to the door, " Right, a mage always has something to do and too much to do." He pat me on the back a few times before escorting me from behind the counter, " At least I hope you're buying something from this store ay? I'd be offened if you didn't" He sarcastically spoke while putting the back of his hand to his forehead, making a dramatic pose. I chuckled, picking up the handmade wooden basket by the counter " Of course I will Don't worry." I said while picking up jars from the shelves. 

After a few minutes, I returned back to the counter with a basket full of jars and herbs, he started counting with his cashier machine, " Woah, you've gotten a lot today haven't you?" He stated, nodding I went inside of my bag to get another bag, taking out the flowers I've gathered instead. " Oh right I've forgotten to ask you, do you perhaps have these flowers or even their seeds?" I presented them to him as he packed the jars for me into a reusable bag. He froze midway, and gently picked up a flower, inspecting it. " Oh my- I haven't seen these flowers in years... the round purple head flowers. Give me a second let me ask my co worker!" He excitedly ran to his other friend from across the store shouting, " Marcus! MARCUS LOOK! What are these flowers called?!" He screamed, snickering I face palmed as they excitedly looked around the store for the seeds hopefully.

Him and his other worker returned to me with a sheet of paper and the flower back, their faces were filled with disappointment but still excited enough to cover some of it. " Hehe... unfortunately we don't have these flowers nor seeds in the store as.. well... they literally haven't grew in years, but here's another address that you can try, it's quite a journey as it's the opposite side of the town." I grabbed the  small sheet of paper and looked at the address.

Antarctic Empire , St Giles Building 250, AE2 FG3

Folding the sheet and placing it in my bag I grabbed the rest of my shopping from the counter, " well.. thank you anyway, Hope we can see each other soon Po." I smiled, waving goodbye as I exited the store. All of a sudden, I heard shouting from the right of me.

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